Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 755: Who dances?

Chen Rui’s eyes became red, and the body frantically spurred the star force, which shocked the real shackles. However, the force of the law still stubbornly impeded the power of the polar star, although it was two years due to many external factors. The unlock time is shortened, but it is not now.

It was at this time that Tevez in the rear seemed to find something, and the smile suddenly solidified.

Lei Zen disappeared and disappeared. A huge thing appeared in his original position. The ground shook and was stepped out of a screaming pit.

This is a foot, a dark gold metal big foot, this foot reveals a strange pattern, each line contains infinite mystery.

Without waiting for everyone to see the master of this foot, the giant foot has disappeared, but it is only vaguely seen that the figure of Lei Zen is constantly flashing, and the intensive high-speed hitting sound can be heard in the ear.

"Hey!" Between the purple mansions of the fist, the lightning-like figure flew out and landed on the ground.

This is a dark gold metal figure, covered with concave fist marks, and a green light flashed through the eyes. These fist marks began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, they have recovered as if they were not at all. What damage.

"I don't die!" Lei Zen's pupils contracted, and suddenly looked up and looked at the sky.

In the sky, a bang sounded, and it instantly burned, and the vibrant black flames gathered into a huge phoenix figure.

Strong atmosphere penetrates into every corner of the battlefield, even if the power of Leizen's blood red country can not be completely suppressed.

The phoenix pattern of the sky quickly decomposes and ejects countless flames. Toward the Warlock Fortress, the flame was wrapped in a statue of a metal, accurately falling in front of the wall of the Warlock Fortress, neatly lined up in a row, facing the **** army.

These metals are silver, gold, and of different sizes. The flames quickly condense into a silhouette of men and women, standing beside the metal figure. The male looks are handsome and the woman's face is either with a veil or a mask. These men and women are more than twenty, and they all exude a strong atmosphere without any exception, which has created a strong pressure on the **** army.

The huge phoenix of the sky disappeared, and the dark golden plaque opposite Lei Zen did not know when a woman had been added.

A black robe with a veil on his face and a pale gray cloak reveals an ethereal and noble temperament, even if she can't see her face. I can also feel the brilliance of that generation.

War, cloak. Veil, a woman who is graceful.

These words are not alone, but when combined, only one person in the entire devil is in conformity.


"Catherine!" Lei Zen felt the power of the woman's body, and the eyes passed by: "You actually..."

This "actual" contains several layers of meaning, actually not dead! The strength actually has a qualitative breakthrough! Actually appeared at this time!

Catherine's appearance also surprised Chen Rui, but more fortunately, he has come to Xia and took her hand. Xia shivered slightly, and wanted to say something. He did not say it at all. He only held his hand tighter. The fairy dragon lady on the side walked forward without hesitation and took Chen Rui’s other Only hands.

"The timing of my appearance seems to be a little earlier..." The light and elegant voice sounded and spread throughout the battlefield. Gives a feeling of peace of mind, "Maybe because I am not only an emperor, but also a woman... What do you think? Lei Zen."

This sentence is obviously aimed at the sentence that Lei Zen said to Xia before, and it is no different from the face of Lei Zen. It was just that Chen Rui felt that the eyes behind the hidden veil seemed to be watching him, watching the two hands he was holding tightly.

"You want to remind me that you are not only an emperor, but also a woman who vengeance?" Lei Zen has calmed down and said coldly: "You are still alive and I am a little surprised, but you have made a Stupid decision! Do you think that with your current strength, plus the secret treasure that you have not fully mastered, you can report the hatred of the day? You are here to save trouble, as long as you solve it, the shadow empire will naturally collapse without fighting!"

At the rear, Tevez gave Gustav a look. Gustav nodded, and the **** army began to appear in the army and beat the shield. This voice is getting more and more neat, getting bigger and bigger. Become a powerful momentum.

The low morale of the **** began to climb, and the momentum of Leizen also rose with the sky, and the whole sky seemed to be covered with a blood cloud.

The breath of arrogance is at the touch of a hair.

Catherine remained calm and looked at Lei Zen. She answered the question: "You are too anxious."

This irrelevant words made Lei Zen's gaze: "What do you mean?"

"The whole war is pushing too fast... Why are you so anxious to start a war? Even if you don't hesitate to give up your pride and personally give it to Xia?" After the veil of Catherine, the eyes seemed to be the thought of the hole, "I am thinking about one thing, Your body..."

Lei Zen’s face changed, and the purple color was soaring. The color of the sky suddenly turned into blood red. A **** wave of swells came to Catherine. Even the defender of the city wall felt the stock. The murderousness of the sky.

Behind Catherine slowly appeared two shadows of the wings, a pair of black, a pair of red, exudes a strong vitality and blazing heat, undead eyes turned into a huge figure of more than ten meters high, exudes a touch of light Dark golden light, **** waves seem to encounter an invisible barrier, has been unable to advance half-point.

Tevez, behind the **** army, looked a little more dignified and stared firmly at the wings behind Catherine.

Lei Zen's manual, one shot is to kill the "Lei Yin", the wings behind Catherine burned up, the palm of the hand greeted the light smoke.

In an instant, the space between the two people was strongly distorted, the images became blurred, and only the terrible collision of the two energies of red and purple could be felt. The scattered aftershocks made the ground in the country an amazing trace.

When two pairs of wings appeared behind Catherine, Chen Rui, who had just taken Xia to the back, suddenly gave birth to a strange feeling. A force on the body seems to echo the red wings, and the speed of recovery and strength recovery has suddenly accelerated.

Catherine also felt this strange echo, the red energy that was originally in the downwind suddenly increased, and the purple energy could not hold off. The two mixed energies gradually contracted, and eventually disappeared, but it was completely offset by the split.

Lei Zen’s brows rose, and I couldn’t think of Catherine’s failure to display the undead. Is this the power of the newly promoted country? So short time!

"The fifth Nirvana?" Lei Zen suddenly thought of an incredible thing, and the quiet face was shocked.

Catherine knows well. Just being able to retreat to Lei Diyin, the sudden and inspiring power behind it is very important, but she will not say it, just nodded in a faint spot.

"You actually finished the fifth nirvana? You can only use the genius of the sky to describe it!" Lei Zen reveals the color of the movement, but the war is getting stronger and stronger: "I have always valued you, I still think about it. You are a really strong opponent."

The shadows of the imperial emperors under the wall are also the first to learn that the emperor has succeeded in completing the fifth nirvana. The fifth nirvana of the Asmode kings is a well-known life and death, and countless geniuses have fallen here. Catherine the Great has succeeded!

"The focus is not here." Catherine moved away from the topic quietly, her eyes sweeping through the blood of Lei Zi's mouth. "The power of Nirvana has a very wonderful sense of vitality, and it grows with the advancement. Your blood breath and your reaction just tell me that your life force seems... I want to ask, even if you are desperately launching Attack, in this situation, can **** be defeated by the Shadow Empire and the Angel Empire?"

This sentence shows the position, so that the soldiers on the side of the angels are uplifted, and the **** army is somewhat instigated. At present, Catherine has clearly possessed the strength to counter the thunder. The main force of the high-end combat power of both **** and embarrassing angels has been basically exhausted, at least not in the short term, even if Lei Zen brings some demons, it may not be the opponent of Chen Rui and others, and the shadow empire is currently playing. There are more than twenty demons, not to mention the army that has not yet appeared.

Light is the contrast of existing power, and the **** empire has lost hope of winning. The shadow empire of this war has become the most critical existence of the war situation.

Lei Chan sneered: "You don't think it's a little earlier? You should wait for me to kill Xia. When the Angel Empire is desperate, it will appear again and gain more benefits."

"As an emperor, not only must consider the benefits, but also consider the price paid. If the interests of a war or a glimpse are in exchange for the situation of out of control and the war of the next day, then it can only be described as 'not worth the loss'. You should understand what I mean and understand what an empire really needs in this situation."

Lei Chan said coldly: "I still don't need you to remind me! It is not necessarily successful to see too far. The plan will never catch up with the change. Do you think that if you unite the Angel Empire, you will be able to defeat me?"

"If you change big, you can't leave the big frame of the plan..." Catherine said without hesitation: "In addition, I am not in a hurry and can afford it."

The last sentence made the nearby blood gas suddenly become Lei Zen’s eyes were murderous, and he said in a word: "Are you threatening me?"

"I just want to tell you that the plan can change." Catherine revealed a smile after the veil: "There is no absolute thing in the world, whether it is war, or you, you don't have to be 'urgent.'"

Lei Chan understood Catherine's meaning, murderous and stagnation, staring at Catherine: "Are you sure?"

"The power of Nirvana is not omnipotent," Catherine looked back: "However, things that I can't do, some people may not be able to do."

Lei Chan’s eyes fell on the person Catherine looked at. He had personally experienced the special abilities of this person. Catherine’s words were not proverbs.

The man’s hands were held and he could only shrug his shoulders: “With the current situation, it’s no longer meaningful to fight again. For whatever reason, I think, we... three empires, three kings You can sit down and talk."

Lei Zen was silent for a long time, and the blood of his body finally gradually converged, and the eyes of the rear Teres had become cold and cold.


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