Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 812: emblem

Ze Hongen didn't think about Chen Rui's time. The white light wing behind him and the giant sword in his hand were glowing with brilliance. All the water patterns in the "sighing barrier" were coated with a layer of white light, rippling in a strange way. Get up, the light is boiling in the body of Ze Hongen, as if it is a flame.

"Although I am the best at defense, but what I have, it is not only the defense." Ze Hongen’s sword of "burning" in the hands of Chen Rui refers to Chen Rui, and the momentum of the whole body has skyrocketed. The water pattern in the country is a huge whirlpool. Chen Rui is surrounded.

"Criminal sanctions!"

The sword of sanctions turned into a huge beam of light and came to Chen Rui. There are countless secret words in the light column that contain spiritual thoughts. They are different from the strong and heavy ones in the previous defense. These secret words contain strong killing and destruction. Wherever they are, the stars in the blue star country are empty. The shadows have turned into light smoke dissipated.

Chen Rui's eyes have a strange light, gazing at this powerful attack, it seems that there is no time to dodge, the blink of an eye has been wrapped in the light column, the spectators only feel the glare of the glare, can not look directly, have closed their eyes.

Only the old dean Carlisle looked at the score, and the secret language of the light column was like a horrible sword, which was repeatedly transmitted through the light column. Carlisle secretly stunned and changed to be himself. He was afraid that he had been destroyed by this trick, and he did not know how "the man" would cope.

The light column of the "criminal sanction" trembled as if it had been swallowed up, and quickly dimmed it down. Together with the secret language, it was extinguished in the palm of both hands, Chen Rui's palm.

The sword of sanctions reappeared in the hands of the Four Winged Angels. The rift was a bit deeper, and Ze Hongen could hardly believe his eyes at the moment - just this "severing sanctions" was his biggest attack. Containing extremely pure light power, even the opponents of the national peak can not easily pick up. And this enemy, even without any defensive skills, was hand-picked!

Is it the reason for the belief armor? Ze Hongen’s eyes fell on the armor that covered the entire body of the opponent. The hyperthyroidism had a magnificent starlight, and there was no trace of a crack. However, even if this armor has an incredible defensive power, it is impossible to fully attack the 100% power. In particular, the figure of the other party only moved back less than ten meters. From the state of the suffocating state of the god, the blow was indeed hardened and did not cause any harm.

Wait a minute! The feeling that the light system is swallowed up... Zehong’s mind subconsciously emerges an idea. But it was quickly vetoed by himself - no sinister body has such a strong effect, unless it is above the light body...

That is even more impossible! Except for Pope Vatican, even the two great bishops do not have the kind of physique, so that the physique of the empire, whether in the empire or the church, will be cultivated as the top priority in the first time. Appeared in the opposite of the church.

Ze Hongen couldn't think of it. In fact, this "impossible" idea is precisely the correct answer.

The wonders of the glory of the body have been truly tested under the powerful attack of the light system of this country level, and Ze Hongen’s full-strike power has been reduced by more than half. And a portion of the remaining half is automatically absorbed.

As for the attack that really works, it can only be considered as a drizzle in front of the "blue. Polar Star" armor that incorporates the semi-artifact.

"The so-called sanctions. But this is the case." Chen Rui's pupil in the pupil of a strange light is flashing, the original shadow of the stars disappeared because of the sin of sanctions, the entire Blue Star Kingdom began to rotate at high speed.

Ze Hongen only felt dazzled. The policeman’s greatness quickly converges on the power of the country that sighs the barrier. A circle of ripples spread out and prepare for full protection.

Depression. Ze Hongen felt that there was a chilly breath in the country. This breath began to spread rapidly, as if the crack on a gem was rapidly expanding, and even the whole gem was disintegrated into countless pieces of fragmentation. Not only that, but the breaks. The watery ripples quickly solidify uncontrollably.

Ze Hongen’s face changed: “What have you done?”

"You should sigh at your own 'sighing barrier.'" Chen Rui answered a question, his arms stretched out, and the wings of the blue giant wings were brushed open, infinitely extended, and the Blue Star Kingdom. Melt into one.

Chen Rui just used the winter domain, but the key role is evil. Today's evil spirits have become the real power of Chen Rui. Combined with in-depth analysis, it can play a wonderful role. Just as a sophisticated computer analyzer, the evil spirits began to scan and analyze the details of various force fields in the country at high speed. Instantly judging some weak links, it is like a kind of perspective, can see through the flaws.

This kind of skill is quite depleted of mental strength, but it can play an unexpected role in the battle. Chen Rui is using this "snooping" technique to gain insight into the structural characteristics of the "sigh barrier".

As far as defense is concerned, the structure of the "sighing barrier" is indeed close to perfection. At one time, the shortcut of destruction cannot be found, but the attack and defense cannot coexist. When Zehongen launched the sword of sanctions, the defense finally revealed. A trace of flaws. Chen Ruiyi’s opportunity to launch the power of the winter domain silently, as if the computer virus infiltrated into the “sighing barrier” and destroyed several important balance points of the cyclical force field.

These changes were only completed between the lightning and the fire. The price was that Chen Rui had taken the "sword of sanctions". Of course, the winter domain that smashed into the sky could not really let Ze Hongen's country collapse, but it greatly weakened the defense of the "sighing barrier". If Zehong was given a certain time, it would be able to remove these "viruses".

It is a pity that Chen Rui will not give him time.

Ze Hongen also understands this. In a hurry, he has to exert his defensive secrets of the sword of sanctions. The giant sword quickly turns into a mental character and infiltrates into the "sighing barrier."

Here, the planet in the Blue Star Kingdom is running faster and faster, and the image is quickly blurred. Only the layers of high-speed blue stardust can be seen, and the smashing stardust draws numerous irregular arcs in the void. . The moment has condensed into a terrible storm.

"Star Storm!"

In the blink of an eye, everyone’s eyes are filled with this storm of invisible stars. I can't see the situation at all, I just feel dizzy. Even the mirror is shaking slightly.

The storm finally subsided, and the starry sky restored its original smash, but the layer of water that had been shrouded in the original has disappeared. The wing behind Chen Rui has been withdrawn, quietly watching the opposite Zehon.

"you lose."

Ze Hongen seems to want to say something, the corner of his mouth is slightly trembled, and the sword of sanctions in his hand sends a "squeaky" sound, and the whole sword body is like a glass product falling from the high ground in the concrete floor.

The sword of sanctions is broken at the same time. The four white light wings behind Ze Hongen suddenly faded, and the blood in the mouth and nose simultaneously overflowed, and the face suddenly became pale.

The other party was right, he lost and was defeated.

A super-powerful who is about to reach the peak of the country has lost to a "sacred" strength who has only reached the national strength by relying on the armor of the faith. It is incredible, perhaps the real strength of the other party is not holy, but these are It doesn't matter. Because he has already lost.

The damage on the surface is over, and the smashing of the sighs has caused the mental and spiritual powers to be extremely damaged. Now the strength of the powerful country around them has locked him firmly. He is like a frog stared at by a snake, and it can be completely annihilated at any time.

"Ze Hongen, I think you have already recognized the fact of failure. Then, we should talk about it. If I can get a satisfactory answer, maybe you can leave alive...not like Ijroru. ”

Ze Hongen slowly raised his head. I greeted Chen Rui’s gaze and felt that the other’s eyes had a terrible penetrating power. It seemed to be able to penetrate the soul and the heart trembled. Finally, he asked: “What do you want to know?”

"What is in the temple of the sacred mountain?"

Zehong En’s eyes are swept away: “The things there are not what you can do, even if you beat me today.”

"Now it is not enough. It is ok to go to the false gods." Chen Rui said very calmly, this is the advice given to him by the light element king, deliberately saying this, so that Ze Hongen has a sense of indifference.

"How much do you know?" Ze Hongen frowned.

"Not too small, not too much." Chen Rui tried to add a sentence: "For example, one of the seven components of the supreme artifact is the wind chapter..."

"The Chapter of the Wind" and "The Supreme Artifact" are the insiders of the "leak" from the mouth of the fire element. This is not the secret that most people can learn. Ze Hongen really shocked and lost his voice: "Where did you hear from? That woman..."

woman? Chen Rui’s ears are suddenly erected. What does this mean?

Chen Ruizheng quickly thought, Ze Hongen had stopped in time to say something, but looked at the sky, Chen Rui looked up at his gaze, nothing.

He subconsciously immediately regained his gaze and found that Ze Hongen’s hand was silently adding a badge.

This badge can't see the specific pattern, but Chen Rui thought of a thing, summoning the badge!

It’s like the snake badge and the evil eye badge in his hand!

So what is summoned in this summoning badge is...

Chen Rui's hair was erected violently broke out of the power of the country, a sharp wind smashed out.

Being locked in by the power of the country, Ze Hongen was inevitable. He only felt that the right hand holding the badge was cold, and the blood was splashing. He had already broken his wrist and broke his wrist. After losing the protective force, even the national strength of the body can not withstand the terrible sharpness of the broken knife in the state of extreme star.

Not only the wrist, but the rest of the broken Yuandao also hit Ze Hongen's ribs, leaving a bone of blood, immediately screaming.

Chen Rui shouted: "If you want to live..."

Ze Hongen’s five senses have been twisted because of the pain, but the corner of his mouth has a glimmer of smile. He saw that the blood of the falling wrist has become a string of words. One second, the broken palm crushed the badge. To be continued.

Ps: This chapter thank you for the subscription, reward, vote, evaluation, vote, recommendation, monthly vote, all the brothers and sisters who support the "Devil's Daughter"!

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