Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 813: Raphael

The badge is broken, and a little light emerges in the whole space. It is like a seed, revealing a sacred and solemn atmosphere. Even the power of the Blue Star Kingdom cannot hide this breath.

Ze Hongen’s spirit was greatly enhanced, and he rushed to the “seed” to rush to the ground, giving birth to a huge sense of crisis, and the body has been wrapped in countless sharpness.

"Raphael, save..."

Ze Hongen’s cry for help stopped shortly, his eyes were broken, his body was torn apart, and he was completely wiped out by the power of the kingdom.

Chen Rui wanted to leave Ze Hongen to ask the secrets of the wind and shadow boots. I didn't expect the other party to have this hand. In fact, the badge was successfully opened in the case of a broken wrist, and the name of "Raphael" fell in the ear. Shocking inexplicable.

Of course, he will not give Zehong a chance to live.

Chen Rui knew that time was extremely urgent. After killing Ze Hongen with all his strength, he waved his hand without thinking, and opened a light blue light door. At this point, the "seed" has begun to rapidly expand into light and shadow, and an amazing breath of airborne, like a spider web, extends in all directions.

Chen Rui seems to hesitate for a moment, at this moment, the body has been stuck by the "cobweb", and suddenly unable to move, the light of the door of the starry sky quickly disappeared.

In front of the magic mirror outside the space of the Star Tower, Carlisle and the top of the college were also shocked by the scene of Ze Hongen being annihilated.

"Old Dean..." Regiana said awkwardly.

Carlisle knew what Regiana wanted to say and shook his head: "Don't worry, you can kill Zehon's strong, and if you want to enter the Star Tower silently, it is not something we can detect or stop, and there are The demigod is in the light, the church..."

The words have not been finished yet, and the space in the mirror suddenly trembles fiercely. "咔", there is a crack on the mirror, two, three...

"Hey!" The whole piece of magic mirror shattered, let Carlisle and others change their faces. What is this power! Light is the aftermath of the spatial shock, and the magic mirror that combines the power of the stars is shattered!

In the space of the Star Tower, the violent shocks of the horrible shocks, the towers of the stars protected by the space collapsed, and all the trials fainted without exception.

at last. The shock of terror is over, and in the dazzling light and shadow, a human figure is gradually clear.

This is a man with long black hair, temperament, as if it is beyond the world. For some special power. The five senses are a bit vague, just giving people a handsome and beautiful feeling. It seems that they can still feel a habitual smile.

The man kept a faint smile and placed his quiet eyes on Chen Rui, who was struggling.

Chen Rui instinctively felt the seemingly soft gaze, looming the terrible power of the soul tremble, as if a single eye can crush his soul, this "rolling" and the "penetration" of the saliy evil It is different. It is also an extremely dangerous feeling.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and the body swallowed the power, quickly offset the black man's pressure, and took advantage of the momentum: "Raphael adults?"

"I can feel the national atmosphere of the broken water in this space. Ze Hongen... has been annihilated." The man said, his eyes flashed, and the "cobweb" all over the space turned into a strange space force field. Wrap it around. The power of the magical power and the power of engulfing that Chen Rui covered was suddenly disintegrated, and the space before and after the up, down, left and right was all sealed.

Don't say it is human. Even sound or light can't be seen.

"The good illusion and the power of engulfing seem to blend the talent of some dark creatures," Raphael's indifferent voice swayed in Chen Rui's soul, breaking the defensive spirit of the spirit: "It's just not nationalized." Strength, not enough to compete with Ze Hongen, it is even more impossible to kill him, especially after using the dominating badge for such a short period of time. Compared with this process, I am more curious about your courage... Your calm seems to be Since the heart, don't you know who I am?"

"Of course I know, it's just curiosity," Chen Rui said with a smile: "I have been known to Rafael for a long time. It is a great honor to see the truth today."

"I am not interested in accepting the worship of ants," Raphael said faintly. "If you need honor, then let it be the last emotional experience in your life."

When the words just fell, Chen Rui felt that the space of the spider silk had become a cage full of numerous cold and cold killings. Raphael only needed one thought, and he could completely wipe out the smoke. In this absolute power gap, any subtle skill is futile, and there is no room for resistance.

The horrible chill stopped, because Chen Ruikou said two words: "Abyss."

Rafael's brow picked and picked, and it seemed to be a bit more different: "What do you want to say? Last words?"

Although she had just left the door from Ghost Gate, Chen Rui still looked very determined and shook his head: "The adult was summoned by Ze Hongen. If it was just to destroy such a holy ant, I was too big to use. Isn't the adult? Want to get something more valuable? In fact, the last words are good, death is good, for the avatar, it makes no sense, adults should be clearer than me."


"I haven't been arrogant enough to dare to use the power of the real person to face the adults, even if there is only one trace of power," Chen Rui smiled slightly: "The situation and the strength of Ze Hongen is almost close to the peak of the country, how can it be degraded in a country There are no holy powers in the hands?"

This sentence is not adulterated, Rafael is likely to sleep in the huge statue of the holy mountain, and like Sally, Satan, this badge should be called the avatar. However, even if it is a avatar, he is not able to cope with it now. Chen Rui can feel that Rafael’s avatar, at least there is also the level of the old man, Dragon Emperor, Augustus, the actual combat power is definitely still in Ogula. Above.

So staying here is the body of the incarnation of Shura.

In fact, Chen Rui has two cards in his hand that should be able to counter Rafael's avatar, Sally's evil badge and Satan's snake badge, but now it is in the ground world, whether it is a question to cross the space, Moreover, the two guys are not good friends, even if they summon success, they will reveal a lot of things. It will also bring trouble.

"I don't have time to listen to you nonsense," Rafael looked at the crowd below. "Your real body may be hiding somewhere. If you destroy this space, no matter which one you are, it will disappear completely."

"It seems that adults still don't believe that my true body has left," Chen Rui shrugged. "The reason why I stayed here is not only to witness the heroic attitude of Raphael, but also to make a deal with adults." - related to the abyss."

"Say it."

The word "abyss" makes Rafael's eyes flash, and the life and death of this person has been completely pinched in his hands, to eliminate the effortless effort, but as the other party said, wasted a valuable summoning badge. Just to kill some ants, it is really overkill. Ze Hongen is already dead. The dead are worthless. It is better to listen to this transaction and see if you can get something of value.

"I can provide the most important information about the abyss, but I want to know the answers to a few questions."

"How do I know that the information you provide is valuable?" Rafael's eyes were a bit disdainful. "Maybe, you only heard about this word occasionally."

"Is it?" Chen Rui smiled: "There is a little illusion technique, please allow me to ugly in front of adults."

Said, Chen Rui has a faint red light. The magical power disintegrated by Raphael reunited, and the space here was locked by the power of Raphael. No matter whether the image or the sound would be transmitted, Chen Rui did not have to be scrupulous.

The scene of the scene is like a movie in the void.

Endless blood red. A suffocating blazing, enchanting and beautiful abyss flower. Countless abyss creatures, endless death and destruction...

Raphael's gaze fell on a figure in the distance of the abyss army. It was a woman, but she couldn't see the face, but she could feel a feeling of extreme hatred. In fact, this illusion is created by Chen Rui in combination with the memories and materials in the ancient sky of the alchemy and civilized city. However, no matter whether it is the memory crystal or the information of the multi-road, only the outline description of Queriana is not specific. The appearance, so Chen Rui used a relatively vague "expression technique."

"The hate dominates..." Raphael trembled slightly and converges.

"Yes, Queriana." Chen Rui received a sentence in time. "The Black Deaths are trying to get her to come."

The last sentence is obviously a flicker.

Raphael finally moved and converged the pressure, but still kept the blockade of space: "Speak all that you know, I can not kill you, only this time."

Chen Rui shook his head: "What I want is just the answer. After getting the answer, adults can freely destroy this space or my avatar."

"Three questions," Rafael said slightly. "I can choose not to answer."

"Good." Chen Rui knows that his chips are actually limited. "But adults should answer a question first."


"What is it in the Temple of Light?" Chen Rui spread his hand: "Although I am not worthy of knowing the answer with my strength, I can't really press my curiosity."

Raphael's gaze passed a strange look: "Creating and changing everything, even a god..."

Rafael’s words did not go on, but he looked at Chen Rui faintly, saying that he had no following.

Chen Rui secretly slammed an incomplete **** and added a map to his hand, drifting to Raphael: "There is a distribution and overview of some important positions of the Black Death."

This picture is ready to be handed over to the Church of Light, but I did not expect that the man of the hand is one of the Big Three.

It is quite difficult to deal with the mysterious church by Chen Rui’s personal strength. It is necessary to borrow the knife of the bright church, and several important strongholds in it are the jurisdiction of Shura’s “head boss” Angeli, exposed to the other side. Can make his undercover plan more smoothly.

After the map disappeared into the hands of Raphael, Chen Rui asked the second question: "In fact, I also asked Ze Hongen the first question. He mentioned that there is a supreme artifact part called "The Chapter of the Wind" in the temple. I want to know more about the 'Chapter of the Wind'."

"Hey! It seems that Ze Hongen is really damn." Rafael frowned. "For the gods, this is a taboo thing. As a spokesperson of the Light God, I will not answer your question."

The spokesperson of the God of Light? Chen Rui’s heart sneer, but the wind and shadow boots are what the ‘the taboos of the gods’ mean. What are the allusions of the seven artifacts in the hard devil world?

"The Black Deaths pretend to be a wizard in the nightmare to confuse the orcs, deceive the orcs' beliefs, worship the evil spirits, hold blood sacrifices, and want to use the faith to let Queriana come..." Chen Rui said the secrets of the original dreams. These things are 90% solid, the virtual nature is the arrival of Queriana, Rafael really no doubt, his face becomes dignified.

"If what you say is true, then this is really something that must be taken care of... What interests me is, why do you know so many secrets?" Raphael nodded. "It seems that it is alive." You are more valuable than death, so I don't want to spend this effort."

"What does this mean for adults?" Chen Rui said, "I still have a third question."

"I don't want to answer anymore. You are not qualified to trade again." Raphael returned to a calm smile and his fingers moved. Chen Rui felt that the fluctuations in power around him became extremely weird. The cobwebs that were originally wrapped around them. The space suddenly turned into a criss-crossing light that penetrated Chen Rui’s body and interwoven him.

Chen Rui was penetrated by light, but he did not feel pain. It was as if there were countless silk wires that transcended the different dimensions and penetrated the soul. This kind of penetration was not only a avatar, but the soul of the body was also faintly moved and suddenly ate. shock.

"Second Soul Raphael's voice is still very calm, as if it was just a trivial little thing, "The ability to block the soul is very rare, especially beyond the space, but for an all-powerful It is not strange for an angel. I am not only a wise angel, but also a master angel and an angel. It is the closest to the existence of the gods. It has far more power than you can imagine. The basic strength of the avatar is the power of the soul, and your soul has been blocked, even if it is only a avatar, it can not return to the body. From your mouth, I believe that I will get more valuable things. ”

"It is one of the three highest angels. I don't know how Michael and Gabriel compare with your strength?" Chen Rui sighed.

“This is the third question?” Raphael said indifferently: “It’s a pity that you have lost the qualification to trade.”

"This is not the third question... Well, Raphael, one of the three highest angels, the angel of wisdom, the angel of the Lord, the angel of the angel, the closest to the existence of the gods, exerted a second imprisonment on me, and as a result, I was unable to do this. Return to the ontology..." Chen Rui’s face suddenly showed a strange smile: "In front of the result, add another sentence, if this is just a normal avatar."

When Raphael raised his eyebrows, he saw that the "divided body" that was blocked by the second-order soul squad suddenly disappeared. It was in the cage of the second-generation shack. (To be continued)

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