Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 890: Leslie

There was a figure in front of the sky, and I covered my shoulders. This is a young woman, blue-haired, blue-faced, looks and tall, but with Athena, Kia, there is still a certain distance, only that The eyes are especially moving, and the flashing scene is full of enthusiasm.

"This sword has actually damaged my soul! Is that a sword?" The woman has not finished, she has been surrounded by the soul.

The target of the wandering soul is all life except himself. Previously, this woman's special hidden talent hides her body shape and has not been discovered by the wandering soul. Now that the hidden talent is broken, it will naturally be attacked by the wandering soul.

Chen Rui sneered without a word, and the sword of the angel in his hand broke out in full force, and the soul of a country’s peak was broken into two paragraphs. It is not the first time that he has hunted the soul of the sorcerer. It was wrong to be discovered by the soul of the previous accident. The strongest of these souls is only the peak of the country. Under that distance, even if he does not display "sneak", he will reveal his hiding place.

Later, when I was wandering with the wandering spirit, the eyes of the analysis unexpectedly showed a certain material other than the wandering soul, so that he finally understood it. It turned out that someone deliberately brought the wandering soul to him and wanted to borrow it. The hand of the soul of the soul killed him, even when the two birds lost, the oriole came behind.

This woman is a Leviathan king. The strength is not a semi-god, but the peak of the country, but it certainly has some kind of remote voyeurism. It has always been hidden by the hidden talent. After discovering Chen Rui’s location, he will succeed. The soul of the tour was brought over. However, she did not expect that Chen Rui could peek at his place, deliberately and retreat to the vicinity of her, unexpectedly a sword attack.

This blow condenses the powerful power of the "Yanlong possession". This is aimed at the eyebrows of the brain will kill, but unfortunately this woman is also very alert. Actually dodging in the midst of a thousand, just hit her shoulder. However, this woman’s disappearance is temporarily unavailable. It has also become the target of the soul.

Fighting with the soul of the soul does not have to worry that they will run away, because this loss of autonomy, only the aggression of the soul body, once fighting, there are only four words: not dead end.

The national level of the soul that was smashed into two paragraphs was extremely fierce. Although it had been hit hard by several times, the two bodies still rushed toward Chen Rui.

Under the state of Yanlong's possession, Chen Rui's lethality is greatly enhanced. The sword of the angels shines brightly, and countless vast swords come out. The two parts of the soul suddenly become dozens of segments, and then become hundreds. Paragraph... in the layered turbulent sword. Finally completely cut off the vitality.

Shall, a piece of law debris floats into the air.

"The law is fragmented!" The woman blurted out and was besieged by the four-level national spirit, and there was still room for observation.

Chen Rui is going to collect, and the soul of another country’s peak has already flown over and launched a crazy attack. Daddy, he clearly felt a soft water force in his sword-like spirit, and silently rolled the piece of law.

Chen Rui’s eyes passed by, and the sword changed. The smashing swords of the angel's sword turned into ripples of ripples, like an invisible big hand, and all the nearby souls were smashed out, the next second. The "big hand" entangled the soft water system, and only one twist, the water system suddenly collapsed.

Jianqi traction room. The law fragments were brought to the face of Chen Rui, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

This scene made the woman's eyes pass the boundless hate. A pair of blue eyes suddenly turned dark black, including white eyes and pupils. In general, the Leviathan family has only the right eye is the nightmare, and this woman's eyes are, this is an extremely rare talent, just like Bailuo. Only the strength of Bailuo, in front of this woman, even the fire of the fire is not counted.

The history of the devil world does not know how many years, except for factors such as slaughter and depravity, calculated by the life of the super-order powers, retired from the "secular" outside the strong and genius, if not for the super-order The ranks, will not really touch this level, will only look at the level of the ordinary strong Emperor of the original Emperor.

Super-order is a new starting point, and the road ahead is still very long. Chen Rui has long been aware of this.

After the woman showed the nightmare, there was no change on the surface. Instead, she was hit by the wandering soul on the side of distraction, and suddenly showed a painful expression. Then, countless souls sneaked into her body, and the hot body began to expand rapidly, and the "squeaky" burst and burst.

Chen Rui can see clearly that the bursting and smashing is just a mirror image of the water system. It seems that the woman once again showed her hidden talent and wanted to use the soul to consume his power.

Sure enough, the souls who killed the "dead" target immediately turned the attack to Chen Rui.

Chen Rui snorted and his body shape moved continuously. The ripples on the sword suddenly burst into a chill. The sky in front also showed a figure that was gradually solidified. It was the woman. Originally, the Leviathan royal family had a mastery of the water system, and the ordinary water system freezing did not work at all. However, this chill is completely different from the water system strength, and it is different from the chill of the secluded land, and the other contains the ultimate cold of the destructive power. It was impossible to resist.

Even the invisible soul of the soul, the action gradually slowed down, and the poor strength turned into an ice sculpture, which floated into the air.

This woman reacted very quickly. She saw that her hidden talent was sneaked, she was not in love, and she was not greedy for the law. It was just a wise move to get rid of this dangerous man by the power of the soul. It can be seen that it is a type that is deep and cautious. It is a pity that Chen Rui saw her intentions at a glance and showed her means to crack her disappearance again.

The terrible destruction of the atmosphere is very difficult, not only quickly destroying her resistance, but even the soul is gradually invaded, and the woman’s nightmare is full of black and white, and there is a wave of volatility on the body. The spiritual blockade of the soul shackles talents, gathered into a strange country, but still can not break away from the winter domain that combines the most powerful laws of destruction, should already be called "the country of winter."

Not only that, but under the disturbance of the winter country, she can no longer re-hidden. I had to deal with the attacking soul while defending against the freezing, because there was a wound in the body. At the moment, I was left and right, and I was tired.

Chen Ruijian was shocked. Numerous swords that contain "splitting souls" radiate, and ice sculptures are turned into powders, and the frozen souls are also annihilated. Under the power of the sword of the angels, the siege of the spirits is smashed again. Harvested a piece of law.

The woman saw that the soul around Chen Rui gradually disappeared, secretly chilling, originally wanted to use this man to drag the soul to take advantage of it, I can't think of harm. Instead, I wandered around and became the tool for the other party to delay the ghost.

Chen Rui moved to the front of the woman, and the soul of the deceived was torn into countless pieces by the terrible sword light. The woman only felt that the destruction of the gas suddenly increased several times, and even the feet began to freeze, and could not help but be shocked. Cried: "I am willing to surrender!"

The power of destruction immediately took a meal. Without waiting for Chen Rui to speak, the woman’s hand showed a small shackle. This little cockroach is black and black, emitting strong fluctuations, not waiting for Chen Rui to get rid of it, "嗖嗖嗖". Three sharp winds have been accurately nailed into the chest.

This nine-game killing is one of the women's big killers, the quality has reached the quasi-artifact, sharp and sharp. Contains highly toxic, and can instill the power of the law. Great power.

"Hey! Just like this kind of thing, I want to let my Leslie surrender?"

The sneer of the woman quickly solidified on her face. I saw that the other side of the breastplate was only recessed into three shallow holes, which were not penetrated at all, and the small hole quickly returned to its original state, as if it had not suffered any damage.

"What!" Leslie was the first time she encountered this kind of situation. She was shocked. Not to mention that it was a scorpion. Even if it was a shield, the lore can easily penetrate. What is this armor?

Although Leslie was surprised, there was no pause in her hand. Xiaoyan fired again and fired all the remaining six arrows, aiming at the face that can not be covered by the armor.

A large round shield with a quaint pattern appears in front of you, replacing the target of the arrow.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

This time, even the small holes were not left, and the silk was not damaged.

Leslie saw this big shield, and suddenly his face changed dramatically: "Magic Shield!"

Leslie is the royal side of the Magical Empire, and it is no stranger to this shield, or that any Leviathan king knows what this shield means.

The highest artifact of the Leviathan royal family, one of the devil's seven artifacts, the magic shield in the magical shield!

Chen Rui and so on is the moment when Leslie’s heart is lost. The red light is in the hands, and the two chains fly out, emitting a strange flame atmosphere, showing a cross shape to tie Leslie.

He had long suspected that Leslie had a sneak attack. The reason why so many actions, mainly want to leave a living.

This chain seems to be a phantom, and soon fell into Leslie's body. Chen Rui hit one hand and did not look at Leslie again. In the winter country, he cooperated with the sword of the angel, and slaughtered all the remaining souls, and harvested three pieces of the law.

This time, a total of five pieces of elemental debris were harvested. Together with the killings obtained in the previous few days, there were a total of nine pieces, and the harvest was not small.

Chen Rui put away the elemental fragments, and this only fell on Leslie's body.

Leslie was suspended in the air at this time, and the country around her body had already disappeared. The position of the slaughter was almost completely imprisoned by the two invisible chains. In fact, she struggled desperately, but as soon as she struggled, the chain had a terrible suction, and she began to swallow the flesh and blood, scaring her almost soaring, but as long as she did not move, the power of engulfing would disappear automatically.

Really shackles.

This is the artifact that the four-winged angel Isaior Ruhr of the ground world has shown to Chen Rui. It was given by Raphael, one of the three highest angels. If it wasn’t for the sake of saving, the real shackles almost killed Chen Rui. .

Later, he spent two years, completely absorbed the law of real shackles and turned into his own strength.

The real shackles exhibited by Chen Ruishi are not as tyrannical as they are, but they are more powerful.

"Lesley?" Chen Rui looked at the woman's silent voice, and smiled coldly: "You are Satan's men." (To be continued...)

Ps: This chapter thanked the book friend for riding an ant to press the elephant to reward. It was originally written at 2:30 in the morning. After writing it, it was found that the network was broken (Hunan Telecom), suddenly dumbfounded, and later at 3:30 in the evening, the result was still not The network can only be sent in the morning and apologize to the waiting friends.

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