Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 891: Cockroaches and traps

"I also know that you are a Sullivan person. We have different positions. I am forced to help you. You have to kill me. I have nothing to say." Leslie’s expression looked pitiful, especially the pair. The eyes of sadness make people involuntarily give birth to compassion.

This woman really is the strongman of this time Satan sent to the mysterious land, the purpose is definitely to **** Tiffany to somewhere "gate", of course, there is also the team that defeated the competitor Sally.

Chen Rui’s heart is bright, this is a special competition. Both the Satan team and the Shaliye team are manipulated pieces, killing each other in this chessboard. The players behind the game are Satan and Shali. Leaf these two pseudo-fiction chapters.

Augulas once said that there is a place where Yuanjing is, even a strong **** can be completely annihilated at any time, and only the special constitution of light and darkness can survive. Whether it is the members of the Salisbury team or the Satan team, the physique is very special, with all kinds of abilities, although they have encountered a lot of risks, they still survive. However, none of them are light and dark.

Perhaps the lost land and this secluded land have corresponding special rules that limit the power of the pseudo-god, but not the place that Augustus said, but the chaos behind the "gate", that is The most dangerous place. Even the strongest of God, such as Satan and Sally, did not dare to get involved, so they manipulated the pieces.

Chen Rui does not know whether there are other tacit agreements or rules between the two pseudo-god. He only knows that in this game, any piece can be discarded at any time. Even if it is the last lucky piece, it may not have Good end.

Take Chen Rui’s current strength. It is impossible to compete with the false gods like Satan and Sali, and the best way is to escape from the game. He tried it. This secluded land can open the door to the stars, and it is not a problem to escape directly. But the consequences will be more serious.

The name of "Agulie" has already been numbered in Sullivan, and Shariye seems to pay special attention to his possession of "destructive body". Even if the evil badge does not rule out other tricks, it must be prevented. . What's more, this time Chen Rui came to the mystery, there is also an important task, that is to bring back "fiancée" Tiffany, this is the most important condition for the demon world.

At the time of his thoughts, Chen Rui’s eyes looked at Leslie, who was full of resentment. The murderousness gradually became richer: "Although it is only a different position, since you are here, you should have the consciousness of death..."

"Wait a minute!" Leslie’s body trembled and her eyes shed tears: "Your strength is above me. It’s not difficult to kill me. I just wanted to use that powerful means of imprisonment. I definitely want to I get more information in my mouth. I can tell you all, even your servant who is absolutely obedient... just ask you not to kill me."

"Leave you not to die?" Chen Rui sneered: "You have seen so many secrets of me, actually want to live?"

"Master!" Leslie has not considered much. Even the title has been changed. "The master can simultaneously possess and display the sword of the angel, the wrath of the wrath, and the magic shield. It is the unsuccessful genius of the whole devil world. It will definitely become an unprecedented powerful existence in the future. I willingly follow the master! I You can also tell the owner of the whereabouts of the Shield! Help the masters gather the seven artifacts!"

Leslie really saw the origin of the seven artifacts on Chen Rui's body. The last two words made Chen Rui's eyes flash, and it seemed to be moving: "Would you like to surrender to me?"

"Of course!" Leslie ignited the light of hope in the eyes: "I am the bereaved family of Leviathan. When my father took control of the royal treasure house, he transferred a group of amazing wealth in time before he died. I still have it. I am in control. I have the talent of binocular nightmare, although I can't compare with the master's power. But I also practiced the peak of the country, I believe that I can become the master's right-hand man. After the master is promoted to the gods, I can still Be the strongest believer of the master. As long as the master speaks, my ability, my wealth, including my body, can be dedicated to the master! Yes, I have the talent and special physique, which can be brought in the bed. The greatest pleasure for men, if the owner does not believe it, I will know when I try..."

Leslie’s breathing was a little quick, and her face was unrecognizable. The original armor was automatically peeled off, revealing a rich and seductive body. A unique body fragrance emerged, and the bare white skin seemed to Taking out the water, especially the ambiguity contained in the eyes of the two souls, makes the man give birth to an impulse to smash it.

"What I want to say is..." Chen Rui seems to want to resist this temptation, but he can't move his eyes to Leslie's eyes. He can already imagine this seductive female body in various poses. Due to the situation of playing, the eyes are straight and straight.

At this time, Leslie's eyes were shining, and the power of the nightmare suddenly rose to the extreme. A terrible spiritual force went straight through Chen Rui's eyes and seemed to completely cover his soul.

After this shot, Leslie's face became pale, without a trace of blood, the whole body's breath suddenly dimmed, apparently with the secret of the mysterious overdraft force and the impotence of the real shackles.

Despite the huge price, the woman did not hesitate to do so, and she was so decisive that she had a slap in the face. Sure enough, no one who can practice to the super-order is a leisurely generation.

At this time, she saw a mask, a mask that looked ordinary, and then she attacked with the secret technique as if the mud cow went into the sea, and there was no more sound.

"What I want to say is," Chen Rui looked at Leslie with regret. "The toxins in your aroma have no effect on me, and the seven artifacts I have are not only the three in front, but also the gods mask. ""

One of the characteristics of the **** mask is to immune all soul control.

Leslie’s face was a bit whiter, and the five senses spilled blood at the same time. The strength has been reduced to the lowest point. After Chen Rui’s mask, the eyes are faintly yellow. Leslie feels the heart shaking and the soul becomes blurred. I thought of the most famous function of the **** mask, and I couldn’t help but scatter my soul: "No! I really want to surrender, I..."

Her voice is getting smaller. The eyes also became sluggish, although there were occasional struggles during the period. But finally it was calm.

When Leslie regained her spirit, watching Chen Rui’s eyes became extremely pious: "Master."

The original **** mask can only turn people who have lower levels of strength into their own. Chen Rui and Leslie are the peak countries, but after Chen Rui exhibited the body of Yanlong, the strength is infinitely close to the semi-god, which is equal to the difference between S+ and S++. The most important thing is that Leslie finally made a surprise attack. After the failure, the vitality was greatly damaged. After several efforts, Chen Rui finally succeeded in turning her into a jealousy.

Chen Rui nodded to Leslie with satisfaction. Dissipated the power of the body of the dragon, the face is exhausted. This battle with the soul of the soul was originally consumed a lot, plus to maintain the Yanlong possession to convert Leslie, it took a lot of effort because of this, so he deliberately pretended to be confused, led Leslie shot In order to control its success in one fell swoop, it will only be able to use the more powerful "Red Star" to do it.

"Lesley, now. Tell me everything you know."

"Yes, Master." Now Leslie has become a shackle of the gods, not to mention these, even if she wants to dedicate herself or commit suicide. Will not hesitate.

From the mouth of Leslie, Satan's hands control a lot of super-strong powers, this time sent more people than Sali. In addition to Tiffany, there are eighteen people. There are two people at the semi-god level and seven people at the national level. The emperor is nine.

The Satan team passed the speed of the lost land quickly, but paid the price of a national level strongman and two demons. When they first arrived in the UFO area, they met the wandering soul group and damaged the four emperors. And a national level, there are now half gods, five national level, three demons.

The first task of the Satan team is not to find the so-called "gate" or kill the Sally Leaf team, but to get the element fragments, because the element fragments are the necessary materials to open the door, Leslie and others are sent out to get the element fragments. . Before she met Chen Rui, she had already got three. At this point, there will be ten days from the agreed collection time, which will return to the meeting place.

Tiffany is not awake, but sleeps in a special crystal coffin, as if to prevent the release of certain forces. As long as the elemental shards are in the required number, Tiffany can be released, looking for and opening the door.

Leslie also revealed a message that the Satan team's demigod Enkite had set a trap to kill the Saliye team. The Salisbury team seems to have been hooked.

If it is a teammate like Lomon and Delia, Chen Rui will go to the rescue without hesitation, even if it is a life. But those people in Corresha are purely intrigues and mutual interests. Correza even launched a mark to kill Chen Rui. This kind of "teammate" can only say that death is not enough.

Chen Rui cares about Tiffany's news. She heard that she was locked in a crystal cymbal, her brow wrinkled, thought about it, and made a decision.

"We will join forces to kill the soul to get the pieces of the elements. I will quietly follow you to the meeting place."

"Yes, master."

At this time is in another place.

The Saliye team is fighting in a group of souls, and Corresha’s eyes are shining, and several nearby national spirits have solidified into solid bodies. This is the variation talent of the semi-god Medusa strong, even the soul body. It is also impossible to immunize this super petrochemical Ma Dawei.

"Booming and banging..." Corresha's hair glimpsed, and the physical sorcerer's spirits turned into powders and dissipated. Medusa's face was slightly white, and the side effects of the spirit of the spirits had been resolved.

"Colesha adults, help!" In the distance, Thorsfield could not withstand the onslaught of the wandering spirit, and the protective magic cover collapsed.

Corresha did not pay attention to the cry for help from Sesfil. His eyes fell on a piece of wafer left after the annihilation of the national level. He took the wafer into his hands and felt the pure force of the law. He could not help but reveal the joy: Sure enough, it is an elemental fragment! Allier, your intelligence is very useful, this time made a great contribution!"

At this time, Sesfil’s body had been passed by several demons, and his flesh and blood were vague and screaming. Corresa’s face passed a cruel smile, and he was about to walk away, suddenly thinking of something. A wave of hands in the air, destroying those souls, and then flying straight to the soul of those countries. (To be continued...)

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