Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 892: Old hatred

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The Satan team led by Correza searched for the "key" and searched for the soul to kill the law. Although it was damaged in the first stage of the country in a bad battle, the cooperation became more and more skilled and smoothly acquired. A lot of law fragments.

Corresa was divided into eight pieces, Pato got three pieces, Queiro, and Malton, and Allier and Sesfer were empty. This distribution plan is obviously that Correza has taken an absolute big picture, but the rest are dare to speak out.

On the one hand, the strength of Corresha is too strong, and everyone can not even join forces. On the other hand, the characteristics of the wandering soul are very difficult. Corresha's talent has considerable restraint ability for the wandering soul. If you leave the team to act alone, even the Pato of the peak country wants to hunt the country-level wandering soul group. It seems quite difficult. What's more, not every national level soul will condense the law fragments, in case there is a mistake, Sara is a forerunner.

As for Anriel and Searfield, there is no objection, but Corresha promises that as long as the two can find out the whereabouts of the valuable wandering souls or "keys", they can be assigned to the next rule. Quota.

In fact, Anriel and Sesfil are equally indigent, and they are not guilty of their crimes. With their strength, even if they get the rules, they can't keep it, and they can only hold the thigh of Corresa further.

If there is not a little use value, if this is not a secluded place but the outside world, their lives have long been annihilated by these super-order powers.

However, the absorption or comprehension of the rules of the law requires a lot of time, so even Corresha does not dare to absorb it immediately. After all, these "teammates" are all ghosts. And it is imperative that the task be completed as soon as possible, and the ghost place will be separated from here. Even if there is no reward for Sali, then these pieces of law can be considered a great harvest.

"Ole Koresha! I found a group of souls!" Anlier, who explored the road, came to Corresha in a panting breath. "Quantity... There are about five hundred to six hundred visual inspections, but there should be super-level souls. I feel the pressure and I don't dare to be too close. If it is not the scales of adults, I may already have I was noticed."

"Very good!" Corresa stood up, the number of five or six hundred for the team, it is completely easy to eat, "I said it. This time if you get the law fragment, you have a place."

"Adult, I only hope to be able to leave here safely." Anil said with a smile: "I hope that adults can shelter me, this place will be my offering to adults."

Corresha saw that Anriel was so interested and showed satisfaction: "Well, I will give you blessing within the limits of my ability."

Although the credibility of this sentence is not very high, but Anri knows that in the other's eyes, he is only an ant, not afraid to question, and quickly thanked.

Corresha issued the order: "Go. everyone, go hunting and killing together!"

At the same time, in the other direction, Chen Rui and Leslie are flying slowly.

"Lesley. The scout map you provide is the main gathering place where we can find the soul more easily, and your hidden talent plus the water system is the best way to lure the soul. You will travel those The soul is completely zero, I can easily break through each other. In just seven days. Our hand has already harvested twenty pieces of the ruled pieces!" Chen Rui showed the color of approval.

Leslie looked humble: "Thank you for your compliment. The map shows only the location of the tour group that I detected on the previous date. It is just because of my own strength and I dare not provoke it. The main talent is the real power. The strong. Can actually kill the demigod."

In the past few days, Chen Rui and Leslie teamed up to hunt a large number of souls, especially yesterday, and found a group of wandering souls with a semi-god-level wandering soul. Chen Rui exhibited "Red. Polar Star" Killed the half-god-level wandering soul and got a more cherished semi-god-level rule crystal ball.

Unlike the national-level fragments, the semi-god is a complete crystal ball, and the laws contained in it are more powerful and complete, and the value is far more than the national-level fragments. The demigod is a pseudo-god. At that time, it cannot be called the fragment of the law, but the power of the essence evolved by a law, closer to the "divineness", called the pseudo-magic. However, until now, Chen Rui has not seen the spirit of the pseudo-god level, I do not know whether it is subject to some special rules.

"What is this mysterious place? There are so many powerful souls that are almost endless! Even if it is only the spirit of the emperor, the number is beyond imagination, let alone so many super The soul of the order, to be placed outside, can completely destroy the existence of the whole world. I don’t know if it’s formed by the alien force here, or the soul after the annihilation of the real person.” This is Chen Rui’s entry into the UFO. The biggest doubt since the land.

"From the point of view of the law debris... This kind of soul body is likely to be formed after the real strongman is annihilated, and these powerful people are quite powerful in their lifetime, otherwise they will not form a soul body after death, so the most The difference is the spirit of the emperor level."

Chen Rui took a breath: "So, the number of people actually dying at a certain time is still far above the number of these souls? What happened?"

Leslie shook her head, and Chen Rui suddenly felt a move: "Have you ever heard of the 'dusk of the gods'?"

"The dusk of the gods?" Leslie sighed. "I have seen incomplete records in some ancient books. The legend is a great disaster in all the worlds. Even the gods are in a long sleep. Whether it is a legend or a fact, no one can be sure. The gods have indeed not shown miracles for many years, and perhaps this is the origin of these legends."

Chen Rui frowned, and Leslie said that he was similar to what he knew from Catherine's mouth. Although the gods did not show miracles for a long time, the legendary concept of the time of the gods is completely different from the ordinary world. Just yawning, the world may have passed thousands of years. Take the galaxies in the super system as an example. The birth and evolution of true galaxies takes hundreds of millions of years or more, but it is counted in the time of Chen Rui. It’s only been a few years have passed.

Therefore, no one can be sure whether the legendary gods are fighting or sleeping.

"Right. Master, the term law fragment I have seen in a broken old hand." Leslie seems to think of something: "The note also has some fragmented descriptions. For example, life essence , the rule of debris, the secret of creation and destruction."

Life Jingyuan... Yuanjing? The secret of creation and destruction... Silver scorpion? What kind of key things Chen Ruizhen touched, asked: "Who wrote that note?"

"The handwriting is incomplete, and it mentions that a '贲薨' seems to be a person's name, but I don't know if it is an author."

Hey? Chen Rui has never heard of this name. Although he now has the power to compete with the demigod, the knowledge in this world may not be comparable to a demon. If there is a chance, it may be from the law of the king or The seniors like Augustus found the answer.

"It’s not long before you gather together." The most important thing at the moment is Tiffany and the silver scorpion. Chen Rui has not wasted his energy to think about these things. "I will pay you seven pieces of debris. Let's go together." I will use the sneak technique to follow you far away. When I find Tiffany, I will see you again."

"Yes, master."

Chen Rui and Leslie are not shocked at all, but at this time, Corresha has encountered great danger.

Under the guidance of Allier. The Satan team found the group of five or six hundred wandering souls. However, at the beginning of the battle, the number of wandering souls suddenly increased tenfold. It is still increasing, and several people are besieged. What is even more frightening is that the super-order powers such as Anil and Pato have already felt the atmosphere of the semi-god spirit. And there is more than one!

The Satan team was shocked and quickly joined together. Defense against the formation.

Corresha felt that the soul of the soul seemed to be deliberately attracted by something. And this focus turned out to be "the pathfinder" of Anil, angry and said: "This is a trap! Allier!"

Anil's smile is very strange: "Colesha, you guys who are self-righteous, are you today? Did you find out that it is a trap now?"

"You are not Anil! Who are you? No, I have secretly cast on the brand of Anriel, this is..." Correza reacted slyly, "傀儡!! Besib king!"

"Remember the battle of the sea of ​​death in the past? I can't think of meeting you here, and it is still the enemy's identity! The woman who sent the road to explore the road was made by me in the early morning, and let my teammates show their talents. Blocking the breath that may leak, just step by step into the trap to enjoy the last life, this time, you can finally report the hatred of the year!"

"Vicerna!" Correza gnashed his teeth and said the name of an enemy.

"Haha..." Allier's laughter came to an abrupt end, and the whole person had already vanished under the wrath of Corresha.

Visilna is not alarmist, more and more souls, the initial estimate has exceeded 10,000, the semi-god level of the soul, actually appeared six.

Everyone has a big change, and now it is not an attack or defense choice, even if it is an escape.

Correza bit his teeth, grabbed Sesfer, and the power was running. The body of Thorsfield suddenly glowed with blazing heat. This kind of blaze has risen to a terrible degree in an instant, close to the emperor level soul. It was actually evaporated out of thin air.

"Colesha adults..." Sesfer only felt his body ballooning up, and he might be smashed at any time. He couldn’t help but fly away. He hadn’t finished talking, and he was already in that horrible expansion. Lost the ability of language.

Pato, Queiro and Malton, several national powerhouses, can see qīhu, and Correza uses a secret technique to evoke Sesfil’s fine shén flame talent, which makes Sesfer become a “ "Human bombs", it seems that Corresa has been using his hands and feet in the dark, so he deliberately sacrificed his life.

However, the semi-god-level existence in the soul has been surrounded by by the fine shén force of Sesfil, it is difficult to get out.

Corresha also understands this. It is a matter of life and death. She also refuses to take care of it. In the hands of a few pieces of law, she uses petrochemical talent to block the attack of the soul, and consumes a lot of vitality and faith to quickly integrate. In the body of Seversfeld, the energy in the body of Sesfer was instantly violent ten times, twenty times, thirty times...

Soon, Seversfeld has become a ball that emits violent heat, at the touch of a button.

Pato and others felt the amazing atmosphere, and they all retreated.


The red light is flourishing, and a hot wave of the sky is breaking open. This kind of fire that combines the law of the debris explosion is extremely horrible, especially for the soul of the soul, which is extremely harmful. The spirit of the game is turned into a light smoke to dissipate. The half-god souls closest to the center of the explosion were also torn apart, and it was difficult to recover.

The body shape of Correza disappeared in the distance by the impulse and the lightning. The Pato trio was almost stunned by the aftermath, and the body flew away, and was quickly overwhelmed by the re-aggregated spirit. To be continued...

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