Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 49 - Arthur Wulf VS Uchiha Madara (part 2)
The sky had parted, clouds spiraling all around on the outer edges of what would now become the arena for my fight with Madara.
Below was only hell, what was once a land of ice and snow had turned into a blazing inferno, the meteor fragments were still burning inside the craters that they created upon their own landings.
Even a mountain had been completely removed from this once beautiful scenery.
"Where is Uzumaki Naruto? When and how did you two meet and why did he teach you his techniques? Spit it out!" Madara barked out orders, however I stood silent.
Mostly because I had muted myself and did not want to unmute once more, yeah that's pretty much it.
I would imagine his confusion is quite high, what with me seemingly being part of a group aiming to kill the gods themselves yet also having been taught techniques by a goodie two shoes like Naruto who would never even think of participating in such an insane plan.
Yeah, I'd be confused too.
"Tsk, still not talking ey? Fine! I'll make you tell me." Madara said, irritation obvious on his face.
Upon uttering those words, Madara raised a single hand while forming a hand seal with his two fingers. After doing so, smoke covered the entire vicinity around him before quickly dissipating from the strong winds of the high altitude.
In front of Madara stood five clones of himself, each floating in midair just like himself.
"This is your last chance boy, where is the fox brat?" Madara asked, unleashing a vast killing intent towards me as each of the clones entered a stance to breathe out barrages of fire.
The problem here was, Naruto was most certainly not anywhere here… Though honestly that'd be kinda nice, I really do need some back up here…
"So, you have chosen poorly. Alright then, you will regret not speaking when you had the chance, Spriggan." Madara said, as his five clones wound up back, ready to breathe a massive barrage of fire at my direction!
"{Katon: ShinHidora No Jutsu}!" The five clones said as one, releasing what could only be described as a Hydra from each of their mouths as a breath attack!
Each hydra had three heads, each head was comparable to Madara's previously used flame dragon like technique, the Karyuu Endan Jutsu!
Not to mention that five clones had used it, making it a total of fifteen dragon heads!
In order to block them, I had to use an Infernal Rasenshuriken on each so I recalled my spells back to my side and began shooting them towards the flaming Hydra heads!
Nearly all the Hydra heads collided with an Infernal Rasenshuriken, at each spot of collision there would be created a spiraling dome of hellfire akin to purgatory itself as the two attacks devoured each other into nothingness!
The problem was I was five shurikens short of stopping Madara's ȧssault, thus the five remaining heads breached through and aimed to incinerate me!
With no better option remaining as the five attacks enclosed, I unleashed five of my True Suns and detonated them upon contact to stop the advancing heads!
The magnitude of the explosions had been huge, encasing the sky itself in fire! Burning it to a bright red and yellow color until it became a spectacle to all those who could see it from the grand distances that divided us and the populated areas.
Madara appeared above me, extending his hands towards me while creating a grand blaze of fire that quickly made its way towards me!
I of course teleported away from the attack, dodging it at a good hundred meter distance, however what I did not expect was to be met by yet another Madara.
"That teleportation of yours is surprisingly easy to follow, once you see it once or twice." Madara muttered, looking to me from above once more with contempt.
Instantaneously, another even more powerful blaze engulfed my vision!
This I had no time to dodge…
"{Katon: Kaen Haretsu-Ryu}!" Madara roared, as the mouth of a dragon made of pure fire descended from Madara's breath!
The dragon was huge, perhaps big enough to devour even Deliora in a few bites, it raced to me before my brain could even register its appearance!
The attack slammed right into me, pushing me towards the ground below from an altitude of at least five kilometer up in the sky, the blazing dragon roared despite being a mere technique, as it attempted to dig into my skin and bones with its flaming jaws!
A second later, the Dragon along with myself crashed into the charred wasteland in a grand explosion of flame and destruction!
I would have said the whole ordeal was painful, were it not for the fact I cut off my feeling of pain prior to this all happening. The fact remained that even though I had a barrier layer around me, mana skin as well as my clothing armor.
The sheer heat of the attack had melted quite a bit of my skin, although that was kinda everything to it.
The clothing I wore was probably just as good an armor if not more so than Madara's Susanoo, so it was quite natural that the damage I faced would be low in comparison to the immense power that had struck me.
A simple "{Heal}." patched up the burns as if they were never there to begin with.
As I stood up among all the fire around me, inside the crater that had formed upon the impact, I looked up to the tops of the crater.
What surrounded me were nearly thirty of Madara's wood clones, divided around to form a circle around me.
One of the many Madara's was floating above me, presumably the original.
"Thirty vs One, perhaps it's not all that fair so I'll have to ask. Do you want these wood clones to use Susanoo or not?" Madara asked, looking towards me with his arrogant gaze.
I simply stared back, looking to him from behind my pure white mask as I uttered a few words of power, re-equipping a full set of ten True Sun rings.
"I shall take that as a yes." Madara smirked as his voice dropped, the thirty or so wood clones each summoned a Susanoo that was easily over fifteen meters tall, having an entire humanoid body as well as four arms with a sword equipped in each.
"Well shit." I simply commented, realizing I'm quite fuċkėd at the moment.
Every single wood clone jumped towards my direction with their Susanoos, swinging their swords all the while.
Easily over a hundred giant swords flew towards me at sound breaking speeds, leaving me with no opening to escape.
I raised both my hands, unleashing the ten True Suns in my rings all at once as I also summoned ten Infernal Rasenshuriken just in the nick of time to counter the strikes with my own spells, blocking them.
The problem was the sheer amount of blades attacking just one of my spells, easily beginning to push through them as I poured magic power into my next words!
I could probably escape to a few kilometers away with a teleport, however I at least wanted to leave some presents behind first!
"{Ether Zone: Rasenshuriken}!" I yelled, creating another thirty normal rasenshurikens to combat the Susanoo sword barrage!
At my current level, I could control ten of the unstable True Suns, ten of the insanely power packed infernal rasenshurikens and thirty normal rasenshurikens all at once!
I had to repeatedly use {Equilibrium} in order to keep the True Suns all together, but it worked for long enough that I could take out another ten rings from my storage!
As I stood my ground, surrounded by my unstable spells and the more than a hundred blades of Uchiha Madara's Susanoos, I could only smile as I threw out another ten True Suns in all directions around me!
I had no control over these True Suns, thus they detonated upon impact together with each of my other spells.
Upon unleashing these extra spells I finally teleported a few kilometers away, where Madara could not trace me like he did before.
The scene I watched was an immense explosion that blocked out the sky behind it!
An entire mushroom cloud akin to those of the atomic weapons back on Earth stood up proudly, blocking out everything around it in smoke, radiation and destruction!
From within it, I could spot at least ten giants marching towards my direction with swords in hand, they had all clumped up in one formation as they ran, getting closer and closer to where I stood.
I flew up, taking out ten True Suns once, controlling them with some difficulty but still capable of doing so.
I took out ten more, shooting all twenty towards the ten or so Susanoo soldiers while casting {Merge}!
The giant true sun of nearly a hundred meters in diameter slammed into the area where the Susanoos were, exploding in a hell blaze flare that shook the earth and reached the heavens with yet another mushroom cloud!
The Susanoo's were gone, but I could not see where Madara was.
"{Clairvoyance}, {Search}!" I uttered, finding out the location of my opponent!
Madara stood above in the sky, a safe distance from both blast radiuses, his eyes were once more glowing with a bright white light and Rinnegan outlines!
"What is that? Is that his ability?" I murmured in thought, as I looked on to the man in question.
He raised both of his hands above head, before moving them in a slow motion, pushing down towards the earth, it was then that I realized what he was doing!
From the skies fell at least ten meteors, they were just as big as the first one! Some were even larger, while others had been a little smaller in size.
The meteors fell from the skies, engulfing themselves in flames from the friction as they raced towards Madara himself!
Upon reaching him, the ten meteors stopped mid-air, simply floating around him as they burned with intense heat! That heat increased by a manner of magnitude, as the burning meteors were completely engulfed with fire!
It was so much that one might even take them as ginormous fire balls.
"I hope playing with my clones was enjoyable, now I want to see you deal with these." Madara said, as the insanely huge meteor balls of fire began to move towards my location, accelerating ever so quickly.
I teleported to the other side of the battle field, kilometers away from my original location yet they followed me.
I repeated this process a few times, but Madara simply moved them accordingly, predicting my teleport location by seemingly following the disruption in the Ethernano filling the air!
On my fifth teleport, I found myself between two meteors about to smash into one another!
Without a second thought, I unleashed the True suns inside my rings to both my sides, five for each meteor!
The ensuing explosions were enough to put in quite the dent on the flaming balls of space rock, but not nearly enough to destroy them! They merely slowed them down enough to allow my escape.
Knowing such an action was not enough, and not wanting to waste my remaining rings I knew I had to use more pinpoint accurate means of attack!
Having equipped a new set of rings, I unleashed the true suns and merged five into one of my hands and five in the other!
Five was the current limit my hands could handle, a sixth would instantly melt my hands…
Now, having formed a searing hot spear with the abyssal black mass around my skin, I accelerated myself towards the fast moving Meteors!
Upon contact, despite the heat intensely burning both my hands and my skin I managed to obliterate the meteor!
With my second hand I did the same to another, before healing my charred up arms and repeating the process again!
I flew across the skies, dancing with giant flaming balls of rock and fire that aimed to crush and burn me to death, the colossal scale of the fight was insane!
Destroying meteor after meteor, flying through air leaving mirages of my presence that the flaming rocks engulfed with their ever accelerating massive bodies!
It took me many true sun rings but I eventually managed to dispose of the Meteors entirely.
The process was tiring, leaving me haggard and panting for air in the skies.
"You've certainly impressed me spriggan, no one else whom I had fought in this life had forced me to use such techniques till now." Madara said, floating at a distance of twenty meters away from me.
I, having heard that decided to remove my silencing spell.
"Does that mean… We can… End this fight?" I asked through heavy breathing.
"Oh, why of course. But just one last move, how about it Spriggan? Surely you haven't wasted everything now have you?" Madara asked.
I had in fact, nearly run out of True Sun rings…
The fact stood I could have made more, but I was preoccupied with doing something else at the time…
Didn't expect I'd need more than what I had really, I could go on for a while more with my current stock…
but this is fine.
I still have that trump card after all…
"Fine, you wanted to be impressed and I'm here to do just that aren't I? Let's finish this." I said through my mask, looking to Madara who simply smirked.
"Allow me to show you, the complete Susanoo!" Madara's voice rang as he descended towards the ground.
Once he reached certain elevation, his Susanoo armor began to form, creating a behemoth of a creature similar to a Tengu from the old Japanese myths!
It had four arms and wielded a Katana, its face was also seemingly masked.
Madara looked to me from bellow, readying his Katana to slash at me.
"So Spriggan, what do you employ against my perfect Susanoo?" Madara asked, grinning all the while as he awaited for my next move.
His confidence was evident, as he expected not that I could ever harm his new state.
He was wrong.
"Madara, was it?" I spoke.
"Hmm?" He looked to me in curiosity.
"Before we end this confrontation, I want to ask you… How many of my sun like spell that I've been using, do you think I can fit inside my real Storage spell?" I asked, looking to the perfect Susanoo from above.
"Your real storage spell?" Madara asked.
"Yes, the one I can open at will and that is far larger than a mere enchanted ring which can hold only but one spell. Do you know how many of this one spell I can store within that real storage of mine?" I spoke, awaiting the answer as I raised my hand up above.
"Hoooh? Interesting… How many would that be? Perhaps a hundred or so?" Madara said with a smile, preparing to strike with his blade.
"You're close, it's Five hundred. {Storage}!" I replied, unleashing the entirety of my storage from up above in the sky!
Madara's Rinnegan eyes went wide open, as he looked up above the sky.
"{Merge}." My words fell down, combining the extremely unstable army of Suns I had unleashed into a Star!
I continuously had to use Equilibrium to keep it all together, yet even then the time limit was a mere few seconds before it exploded, incapable of sustaining itself for any longer.
The star I had created, was more than two kilometers in diameter, it shone with a bright white light across the lands of Iceberg.
To the people of Iceberg, it was perhaps as if a White Harbinger of the End Times had descended from the heavens themselves!
As I did my best to sustain the star, it began its short but quick and heavy fall.
"Hey… That might be a little too much…" Madara muttered, as he looked to the ever accelerating star drawing closer and closer towards him.
With no option left but to go on the defense, Madara's eye shone with a bright white light once more. He grasped his hands as the Susanoo ducked for cover, encasing itself in its own armor before Madara uttered the words.
"{CHIBAKU TENSEI!}" Upon their sounding, all the debris of be it meteors, mountains or land, converged into one spot!
That being Madara's Susanoo body, encasing it in never ending stones that sought to protect it.
Madara did not stop there however, he knew that such an extraordinary amount of magic power was nothing to scoff at.
Heck it took me more than a week to create it after all, it was definitely worthy of some respect.
So he went the extra mile and used the Wood Release to encase even the Chibaku Tensei in a forest, shielding himself even further.
This all happened within one moment, Madara works fast but would that be enough?
I would have to find out now.
This Peninsula, once a land of ice and snow had been scarred perhaps forever. It had become an inferno on earth and it would now disappear for good.
The White Harbinger of End Times, as my spell would soon be called throughout Ishgar reached its destination.
I uttered the words.
"{Super Nova}."
Then, there was nothing.
Only a bright light that shone throughout the entirety of Iceberg, brighter than the sun itself and almost as devastating!
The sounds of destruction soon stopped, as the light dissipated and all that remained below was an enormous crater that soon began to fill with sea water.
Yes, I had in fact destroyed chunk of the peninsula.
It wasn't per say gone, mostly the outer edges, but that was still overwhelmingly devastating!
Yet, despite all that…
I could clearly see the hovering silhouette of a dark blue, broken up armor.
Madara was, unsurprisingly, alive.
"Huff… Huff… Huff… Now that was something." Madara said, smiling all the while for whatever reason.
The Susanoo disappeared, as the haggard Madara flew towards the haggard me.
We were both tired after everything, it was understandable.
The fact he had managed to protect himself to such a degree is quite shocking, I had expected to be able to wound him even through that entire defense he had put up…
I guess that's just as you'd expect of Madara, huh?
Soon enough we both met, floating above the now sea.
"So, I take it the fight is over?" I asked.
"Yes. I do have to say, you're a strong mage." Madara replied.
"So, you'll join Zeref?" I asked, heaving a sigh all the while.
Glad that's over…
"Of course, I'll go meet with him now in fact." Madara replied, looking to the side where the man from earlier stood, floating in the air.
"Splendid battle, that ending was quite devastating if I can add. Where is the corpse of Zeref's demon?" The man asked.
"Here it is… {Storage}." I replied, handing the demon to the man in question.
"Ah, Thank you Arthur. You can go now, I'll take it from here. Madara needs to meet with Zeref after all." He replied with a smile, gesturing me to leave.
"Okay then… I guess that's it…?" I said, uncertain if I should really just go or not.
"Yes, your job is done. Go home and take a rest." He replied before opening a shadow like portal, gesturing to Madara to follow him. "Come then, Madara."
"Fine, let's hope this isn't actually a waste of time." Madara scoffed, still leaving with the man in question.
Once Madara passed through the gate, the man turned to me once more.
"Thank you for a job well done Arthur, we shall be seeing one another again later on." He said with a seemingly kind smile, before turning the Demon in his hand into mincemeat, allowing it to fall to the sea below.
He then walked through his own portal, leaving me to my lonesome.
This had been the most dangerous fight I had participated in my entire life…
Madara is no joke, he was toying with me for most of the time in our fight… That much was obvious…
The only reason I could even keep up was because I kept spamming a spell I should only be able to use once at a time, even using a giant variant of it by the end…
Honestly, if we kept going I'd have lost there… Madara seemed tired after blocking it, but not exhausted…
"Haaaaa…" I sighed, "I need to go home…"
With having said that, I returned to my normal appearance, healed myself and teleported to my bed back in Magnolia. Hitting the sack early was an understatement, it wasn't even noon yet.
But I really… Need some sleep right now…
(3rd POV)
Madara and the man with platinum blond hair appeared back at the Alvarez Empire, before Zeref himself whom was standing at his round table together with August the Wizard King, who was his own son and Irene Belserion the mother of Erza scarlet herself, they were some of his oldest acquaintances.
The arriving party walked up to the Zeref, before the man himself asked.
"So, how did it go? Was he any good, Madara?" Zeref asked.
"He was better than you said he was, I never planned to use the perfect Susanoo nor my Six Paths Chakra." Madara admitted.
In fact, in order to defend himself from the Supernova Arthur had conjured, Madara was forced to enter his six paths mode.
One such mode that he had been banned from using during the fight by Zeref.
"Really now? I guess he's growing faster than expected, huh?" Zeref commented with a smile.
"Zeref." Madara spoke, "I still don't see why you need some kid like that. Sure he's strong and has potential, but he's nowhere near any of our levels, he only has high fire power that he can't even control and some parlor tricks. Had I not held back he wouldn't have survived the first exchange of blows." Madara stated.
It was true, had Madara used his Six Paths mode in the beginning, he would have dominated the fight.
"Patience, I ȧssure you that he's more than just important to our plans. I would even go as far as to say he's the final piece of the puzzle." Zeref spoke with a smile, leisurely looking towards Madara.
"Tsk, and why exactly do you need him? You suddenly told me to go out and fight some random participant while making sure not to kill him, telling me he's an important factor. Spill it out already!" Madara said in anger.
"I will reveal it all in due time, for now you should go and rest." Zeref said, still calm.
"Zeref!" Madara yelled, slamming the table in anger because he was being left in the dark.
"…" Zeref stood silently, simply staring back to Madara. "I thought I made myself clear. Have some patience, Madara."
"Fine! Keep me in the dark all you want! I have other more important matters right now anyway. So let me ask you, and you have to at tell me, do you know if anyone else came from my world? Another participant from it?" Madara inquired.
"Another? No. Otherworlders sent here are only one per world. That much is certain. Why do you ask?" Zeref asked.
"The kid used a few techniques that originated from my world, and even knew the name of their creator. Madara replied.
"Hooh… That is rather interesting…" Zeref said, entering a thinking position as he looked on to towards the ceiling.
"So, he knows of the worlds of other participants as well… That Arthur…" Zeref spoke with a soft smile, seemingly satisfied with something.
The sky had parted, clouds spiraling all around on the outer edges of what would now become the arena for my fight with Madara.
Below was only hell, what was once a land of ice and snow had turned into a blazing inferno, the meteor fragments were still burning inside the craters that they created upon their own landings.
Even a mountain had been completely removed from this once beautiful scenery.
"Where is Uzumaki Naruto? When and how did you two meet and why did he teach you his techniques? Spit it out!" Madara barked out orders, however I stood silent.
Mostly because I had muted myself and did not want to unmute once more, yeah that's pretty much it.
I would imagine his confusion is quite high, what with me seemingly being part of a group aiming to kill the gods themselves yet also having been taught techniques by a goodie two shoes like Naruto who would never even think of participating in such an insane plan.
Yeah, I'd be confused too.
"Tsk, still not talking ey? Fine! I'll make you tell me." Madara said, irritation obvious on his face.
Upon uttering those words, Madara raised a single hand while forming a hand seal with his two fingers. After doing so, smoke covered the entire vicinity around him before quickly dissipating from the strong winds of the high altitude.
In front of Madara stood five clones of himself, each floating in midair just like himself.
"This is your last chance boy, where is the fox brat?" Madara asked, unleashing a vast killing intent towards me as each of the clones entered a stance to breathe out barrages of fire.
The problem here was, Naruto was most certainly not anywhere here… Though honestly that'd be kinda nice, I really do need some back up here…
"So, you have chosen poorly. Alright then, you will regret not speaking when you had the chance, Spriggan." Madara said, as his five clones wound up back, ready to breathe a massive barrage of fire at my direction!
"{Katon: ShinHidora No Jutsu}!" The five clones said as one, releasing what could only be described as a Hydra from each of their mouths as a breath attack!
Each hydra had three heads, each head was comparable to Madara's previously used flame dragon like technique, the Karyuu Endan Jutsu!
Not to mention that five clones had used it, making it a total of fifteen dragon heads!
In order to block them, I had to use an Infernal Rasenshuriken on each so I recalled my spells back to my side and began shooting them towards the flaming Hydra heads!
Nearly all the Hydra heads collided with an Infernal Rasenshuriken, at each spot of collision there would be created a spiraling dome of hellfire akin to purgatory itself as the two attacks devoured each other into nothingness!
The problem was I was five shurikens short of stopping Madara's ȧssault, thus the five remaining heads breached through and aimed to incinerate me!
With no better option remaining as the five attacks enclosed, I unleashed five of my True Suns and detonated them upon contact to stop the advancing heads!
The magnitude of the explosions had been huge, encasing the sky itself in fire! Burning it to a bright red and yellow color until it became a spectacle to all those who could see it from the grand distances that divided us and the populated areas.
Madara appeared above me, extending his hands towards me while creating a grand blaze of fire that quickly made its way towards me!
I of course teleported away from the attack, dodging it at a good hundred meter distance, however what I did not expect was to be met by yet another Madara.
"That teleportation of yours is surprisingly easy to follow, once you see it once or twice." Madara muttered, looking to me from above once more with contempt.
Instantaneously, another even more powerful blaze engulfed my vision!
This I had no time to dodge…
"{Katon: Kaen Haretsu-Ryu}!" Madara roared, as the mouth of a dragon made of pure fire descended from Madara's breath!
The dragon was huge, perhaps big enough to devour even Deliora in a few bites, it raced to me before my brain could even register its appearance!
The attack slammed right into me, pushing me towards the ground below from an altitude of at least five kilometer up in the sky, the blazing dragon roared despite being a mere technique, as it attempted to dig into my skin and bones with its flaming jaws!
A second later, the Dragon along with myself crashed into the charred wasteland in a grand explosion of flame and destruction!
I would have said the whole ordeal was painful, were it not for the fact I cut off my feeling of pain prior to this all happening. The fact remained that even though I had a barrier layer around me, mana skin as well as my clothing armor.
The sheer heat of the attack had melted quite a bit of my skin, although that was kinda everything to it.
The clothing I wore was probably just as good an armor if not more so than Madara's Susanoo, so it was quite natural that the damage I faced would be low in comparison to the immense power that had struck me.
A simple "{Heal}." patched up the burns as if they were never there to begin with.
As I stood up among all the fire around me, inside the crater that had formed upon the impact, I looked up to the tops of the crater.
What surrounded me were nearly thirty of Madara's wood clones, divided around to form a circle around me.
One of the many Madara's was floating above me, presumably the original.
"Thirty vs One, perhaps it's not all that fair so I'll have to ask. Do you want these wood clones to use Susanoo or not?" Madara asked, looking towards me with his arrogant gaze.
I simply stared back, looking to him from behind my pure white mask as I uttered a few words of power, re-equipping a full set of ten True Sun rings.
"I shall take that as a yes." Madara smirked as his voice dropped, the thirty or so wood clones each summoned a Susanoo that was easily over fifteen meters tall, having an entire humanoid body as well as four arms with a sword equipped in each.
"Well shit." I simply commented, realizing I'm quite fuċkėd at the moment.
Every single wood clone jumped towards my direction with their Susanoos, swinging their swords all the while.
Easily over a hundred giant swords flew towards me at sound breaking speeds, leaving me with no opening to escape.
I raised both my hands, unleashing the ten True Suns in my rings all at once as I also summoned ten Infernal Rasenshuriken just in the nick of time to counter the strikes with my own spells, blocking them.
The problem was the sheer amount of blades attacking just one of my spells, easily beginning to push through them as I poured magic power into my next words!
I could probably escape to a few kilometers away with a teleport, however I at least wanted to leave some presents behind first!
"{Ether Zone: Rasenshuriken}!" I yelled, creating another thirty normal rasenshurikens to combat the Susanoo sword barrage!
At my current level, I could control ten of the unstable True Suns, ten of the insanely power packed infernal rasenshurikens and thirty normal rasenshurikens all at once!
I had to repeatedly use {Equilibrium} in order to keep the True Suns all together, but it worked for long enough that I could take out another ten rings from my storage!
As I stood my ground, surrounded by my unstable spells and the more than a hundred blades of Uchiha Madara's Susanoos, I could only smile as I threw out another ten True Suns in all directions around me!
I had no control over these True Suns, thus they detonated upon impact together with each of my other spells.
Upon unleashing these extra spells I finally teleported a few kilometers away, where Madara could not trace me like he did before.
The scene I watched was an immense explosion that blocked out the sky behind it!
An entire mushroom cloud akin to those of the atomic weapons back on Earth stood up proudly, blocking out everything around it in smoke, radiation and destruction!
From within it, I could spot at least ten giants marching towards my direction with swords in hand, they had all clumped up in one formation as they ran, getting closer and closer to where I stood.
I flew up, taking out ten True Suns once, controlling them with some difficulty but still capable of doing so.
I took out ten more, shooting all twenty towards the ten or so Susanoo soldiers while casting {Merge}!
The giant true sun of nearly a hundred meters in diameter slammed into the area where the Susanoos were, exploding in a hell blaze flare that shook the earth and reached the heavens with yet another mushroom cloud!
The Susanoo's were gone, but I could not see where Madara was.
"{Clairvoyance}, {Search}!" I uttered, finding out the location of my opponent!
Madara stood above in the sky, a safe distance from both blast radiuses, his eyes were once more glowing with a bright white light and Rinnegan outlines!
"What is that? Is that his ability?" I murmured in thought, as I looked on to the man in question.
He raised both of his hands above head, before moving them in a slow motion, pushing down towards the earth, it was then that I realized what he was doing!
From the skies fell at least ten meteors, they were just as big as the first one! Some were even larger, while others had been a little smaller in size.
The meteors fell from the skies, engulfing themselves in flames from the friction as they raced towards Madara himself!
Upon reaching him, the ten meteors stopped mid-air, simply floating around him as they burned with intense heat! That heat increased by a manner of magnitude, as the burning meteors were completely engulfed with fire!
It was so much that one might even take them as ginormous fire balls.
"I hope playing with my clones was enjoyable, now I want to see you deal with these." Madara said, as the insanely huge meteor balls of fire began to move towards my location, accelerating ever so quickly.
I teleported to the other side of the battle field, kilometers away from my original location yet they followed me.
I repeated this process a few times, but Madara simply moved them accordingly, predicting my teleport location by seemingly following the disruption in the Ethernano filling the air!
On my fifth teleport, I found myself between two meteors about to smash into one another!
Without a second thought, I unleashed the True suns inside my rings to both my sides, five for each meteor!
The ensuing explosions were enough to put in quite the dent on the flaming balls of space rock, but not nearly enough to destroy them! They merely slowed them down enough to allow my escape.
Knowing such an action was not enough, and not wanting to waste my remaining rings I knew I had to use more pinpoint accurate means of attack!
Having equipped a new set of rings, I unleashed the true suns and merged five into one of my hands and five in the other!
Five was the current limit my hands could handle, a sixth would instantly melt my hands…
Now, having formed a searing hot spear with the abyssal black mass around my skin, I accelerated myself towards the fast moving Meteors!
Upon contact, despite the heat intensely burning both my hands and my skin I managed to obliterate the meteor!
With my second hand I did the same to another, before healing my charred up arms and repeating the process again!
I flew across the skies, dancing with giant flaming balls of rock and fire that aimed to crush and burn me to death, the colossal scale of the fight was insane!
Destroying meteor after meteor, flying through air leaving mirages of my presence that the flaming rocks engulfed with their ever accelerating massive bodies!
It took me many true sun rings but I eventually managed to dispose of the Meteors entirely.
The process was tiring, leaving me haggard and panting for air in the skies.
"You've certainly impressed me spriggan, no one else whom I had fought in this life had forced me to use such techniques till now." Madara said, floating at a distance of twenty meters away from me.
I, having heard that decided to remove my silencing spell.
"Does that mean… We can… End this fight?" I asked through heavy breathing.
"Oh, why of course. But just one last move, how about it Spriggan? Surely you haven't wasted everything now have you?" Madara asked.
I had in fact, nearly run out of True Sun rings…
The fact stood I could have made more, but I was preoccupied with doing something else at the time…
Didn't expect I'd need more than what I had really, I could go on for a while more with my current stock…
but this is fine.
I still have that trump card after all…
"Fine, you wanted to be impressed and I'm here to do just that aren't I? Let's finish this." I said through my mask, looking to Madara who simply smirked.
"Allow me to show you, the complete Susanoo!" Madara's voice rang as he descended towards the ground.
Once he reached certain elevation, his Susanoo armor began to form, creating a behemoth of a creature similar to a Tengu from the old Japanese myths!
It had four arms and wielded a Katana, its face was also seemingly masked.
Madara looked to me from bellow, readying his Katana to slash at me.
"So Spriggan, what do you employ against my perfect Susanoo?" Madara asked, grinning all the while as he awaited for my next move.
His confidence was evident, as he expected not that I could ever harm his new state.
He was wrong.
"Madara, was it?" I spoke.
"Hmm?" He looked to me in curiosity.
"Before we end this confrontation, I want to ask you… How many of my sun like spell that I've been using, do you think I can fit inside my real Storage spell?" I asked, looking to the perfect Susanoo from above.
"Your real storage spell?" Madara asked.
"Yes, the one I can open at will and that is far larger than a mere enchanted ring which can hold only but one spell. Do you know how many of this one spell I can store within that real storage of mine?" I spoke, awaiting the answer as I raised my hand up above.
"Hoooh? Interesting… How many would that be? Perhaps a hundred or so?" Madara said with a smile, preparing to strike with his blade.
"You're close, it's Five hundred. {Storage}!" I replied, unleashing the entirety of my storage from up above in the sky!
Madara's Rinnegan eyes went wide open, as he looked up above the sky.
"{Merge}." My words fell down, combining the extremely unstable army of Suns I had unleashed into a Star!
I continuously had to use Equilibrium to keep it all together, yet even then the time limit was a mere few seconds before it exploded, incapable of sustaining itself for any longer.
The star I had created, was more than two kilometers in diameter, it shone with a bright white light across the lands of Iceberg.
To the people of Iceberg, it was perhaps as if a White Harbinger of the End Times had descended from the heavens themselves!
As I did my best to sustain the star, it began its short but quick and heavy fall.
"Hey… That might be a little too much…" Madara muttered, as he looked to the ever accelerating star drawing closer and closer towards him.
With no option left but to go on the defense, Madara's eye shone with a bright white light once more. He grasped his hands as the Susanoo ducked for cover, encasing itself in its own armor before Madara uttered the words.
"{CHIBAKU TENSEI!}" Upon their sounding, all the debris of be it meteors, mountains or land, converged into one spot!
That being Madara's Susanoo body, encasing it in never ending stones that sought to protect it.
Madara did not stop there however, he knew that such an extraordinary amount of magic power was nothing to scoff at.
Heck it took me more than a week to create it after all, it was definitely worthy of some respect.
So he went the extra mile and used the Wood Release to encase even the Chibaku Tensei in a forest, shielding himself even further.
This all happened within one moment, Madara works fast but would that be enough?
I would have to find out now.
This Peninsula, once a land of ice and snow had been scarred perhaps forever. It had become an inferno on earth and it would now disappear for good.
The White Harbinger of End Times, as my spell would soon be called throughout Ishgar reached its destination.
I uttered the words.
"{Super Nova}."
Then, there was nothing.
Only a bright light that shone throughout the entirety of Iceberg, brighter than the sun itself and almost as devastating!
The sounds of destruction soon stopped, as the light dissipated and all that remained below was an enormous crater that soon began to fill with sea water.
Yes, I had in fact destroyed chunk of the peninsula.
It wasn't per say gone, mostly the outer edges, but that was still overwhelmingly devastating!
Yet, despite all that…
I could clearly see the hovering silhouette of a dark blue, broken up armor.
Madara was, unsurprisingly, alive.
"Huff… Huff… Huff… Now that was something." Madara said, smiling all the while for whatever reason.
The Susanoo disappeared, as the haggard Madara flew towards the haggard me.
We were both tired after everything, it was understandable.
The fact he had managed to protect himself to such a degree is quite shocking, I had expected to be able to wound him even through that entire defense he had put up…
I guess that's just as you'd expect of Madara, huh?
Soon enough we both met, floating above the now sea.
"So, I take it the fight is over?" I asked.
"Yes. I do have to say, you're a strong mage." Madara replied.
"So, you'll join Zeref?" I asked, heaving a sigh all the while.
Glad that's over…
"Of course, I'll go meet with him now in fact." Madara replied, looking to the side where the man from earlier stood, floating in the air.
"Splendid battle, that ending was quite devastating if I can add. Where is the corpse of Zeref's demon?" The man asked.
"Here it is… {Storage}." I replied, handing the demon to the man in question.
"Ah, Thank you Arthur. You can go now, I'll take it from here. Madara needs to meet with Zeref after all." He replied with a smile, gesturing me to leave.
"Okay then… I guess that's it…?" I said, uncertain if I should really just go or not.
"Yes, your job is done. Go home and take a rest." He replied before opening a shadow like portal, gesturing to Madara to follow him. "Come then, Madara."
"Fine, let's hope this isn't actually a waste of time." Madara scoffed, still leaving with the man in question.
Once Madara passed through the gate, the man turned to me once more.
"Thank you for a job well done Arthur, we shall be seeing one another again later on." He said with a seemingly kind smile, before turning the Demon in his hand into mincemeat, allowing it to fall to the sea below.
He then walked through his own portal, leaving me to my lonesome.
This had been the most dangerous fight I had participated in my entire life…
Madara is no joke, he was toying with me for most of the time in our fight… That much was obvious…
The only reason I could even keep up was because I kept spamming a spell I should only be able to use once at a time, even using a giant variant of it by the end…
Honestly, if we kept going I'd have lost there… Madara seemed tired after blocking it, but not exhausted…
"Haaaaa…" I sighed, "I need to go home…"
With having said that, I returned to my normal appearance, healed myself and teleported to my bed back in Magnolia. Hitting the sack early was an understatement, it wasn't even noon yet.
But I really… Need some sleep right now…
(3rd POV)
Madara and the man with platinum blond hair appeared back at the Alvarez Empire, before Zeref himself whom was standing at his round table together with August the Wizard King, who was his own son and Irene Belserion the mother of Erza scarlet herself, they were some of his oldest acquaintances.
The arriving party walked up to the Zeref, before the man himself asked.
"So, how did it go? Was he any good, Madara?" Zeref asked.
"He was better than you said he was, I never planned to use the perfect Susanoo nor my Six Paths Chakra." Madara admitted.
In fact, in order to defend himself from the Supernova Arthur had conjured, Madara was forced to enter his six paths mode.
One such mode that he had been banned from using during the fight by Zeref.
"Really now? I guess he's growing faster than expected, huh?" Zeref commented with a smile.
"Zeref." Madara spoke, "I still don't see why you need some kid like that. Sure he's strong and has potential, but he's nowhere near any of our levels, he only has high fire power that he can't even control and some parlor tricks. Had I not held back he wouldn't have survived the first exchange of blows." Madara stated.
It was true, had Madara used his Six Paths mode in the beginning, he would have dominated the fight.
"Patience, I ȧssure you that he's more than just important to our plans. I would even go as far as to say he's the final piece of the puzzle." Zeref spoke with a smile, leisurely looking towards Madara.
"Tsk, and why exactly do you need him? You suddenly told me to go out and fight some random participant while making sure not to kill him, telling me he's an important factor. Spill it out already!" Madara said in anger.
"I will reveal it all in due time, for now you should go and rest." Zeref said, still calm.
"Zeref!" Madara yelled, slamming the table in anger because he was being left in the dark.
"…" Zeref stood silently, simply staring back to Madara. "I thought I made myself clear. Have some patience, Madara."
"Fine! Keep me in the dark all you want! I have other more important matters right now anyway. So let me ask you, and you have to at tell me, do you know if anyone else came from my world? Another participant from it?" Madara inquired.
"Another? No. Otherworlders sent here are only one per world. That much is certain. Why do you ask?" Zeref asked.
"The kid used a few techniques that originated from my world, and even knew the name of their creator. Madara replied.
"Hooh… That is rather interesting…" Zeref said, entering a thinking position as he looked on to towards the ceiling.
"So, he knows of the worlds of other participants as well… That Arthur…" Zeref spoke with a soft smile, seemingly satisfied with something.
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