Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 50 - Magic Council meeting and aftermath of the battle.
After the fight with Madara, life had mostly returned back to normal for Arthur.
He went to the guild, talked with friends, trained together with Erza whilst the others did the same with Gildarts and Ur, and he also went on jobs.
That one month of stress and uncertainty had finally ended, thus Arthur could try and relax for a while…
Not to say he was completely calm, oh no! He now knew how easy it was for Zeref to force him into something, it was not the most desirable position but there was little he could do at this current stage of things.
He would have to bide his time until he found a chance, a chance to get away from Zeref's grasp, or better yet remove him from the picture entirely.
Although, as things currently stand. That would be wishful thinking at best.
February 10th, Year X778, Inside of the Magic Council's headquarters, ERA…
There, inside of a dark room lit up by merely a few magical circles stood nine shadows over said circles, they were known as the Nine seats of the magic council.
The First seat known as Crawford Seam, who was also the current chairman of the council, spoke as he ċȧrėssed his long white beard.
"So… What do you all make out of this… Incident…?" Crawford asked.
The Third seat known as Michello, who had the appearance of a short old man with a cat like tail and hair styled in the appearance of cat ears, spoke in answer.
"You call that an 'Incident'?! Those damn Apex Generation brats are a complete nuisance! How much more damage will they do until you idiots decide to exterminate them?! Or will you wait until they grow up to ȧduŀthood and take over the damn magic world!" Michello yelled, outraged at the more recent choices of the council.
It was the other participants, born in the year X765 that were dubbed the Apex Generation by the Council, for so many young geniuses had risen from that one year that it was complete and utter insanity.
Many of them did deeds of good, as well as evil, so the council had a somewhat mixed opinion about them as a whole.
It was then that the Sixth seat, Yajima, spoke up. "Michello, how do you even know this was caused by the Apex Generation? It could have easily been a number of other things! Besides, mindlessly murdering a bunch of children is if anything, completely inhumane! How could you even suggest such an atrocity in the first place?" Yajima said, glaring at the cat like old man.
"Ugh! Shut your mouth Yajima! Do you not know what some of them have done in their short bȧrėly THIRTEEN years of life!? The number of cruelties and horrors is enough to write a book franchise about! If left unattended they will cause too much damage to repair!" Michello replied.
"And some of them have done more good to this world than you have in the over fifty years of your useless life!" Yajima retorted, shacking Michello up quite a bit.
"Enough!" The gruff voice of Org, the Second seat, echoed through the room. "Whether we do or don't do something shall be decided like it always has, with a vote between the Nine seats. Your proposition was already declined years ago Michello, don't bring it back up." Org told the cat like person, making said person shiver over Org's stare.
Org was an elderly, tall, grey haired man with a considerably long beard, as well as a moustache. He usually kept only one of his eyes open, as he had such a habit.
"Tsk, fine! Have it your way, that doesn't change the fact of the matter that it was THEM that caused this so called 'White Harbinger of End Times'!" Michello retorted, forcing Org to twitch his brows.
"We have no evidence to indicate that claim as correct, although I do personally back up Michello's claim in that it was probably them." Said a short bald old man with many moles over his face, he was the Seventh seat known as Yuri.
"Well, it IS the most plausible explanation, I agree with Michello and Yuri on that if anything." Leiji, the eight and currently youngest seat of the council said.
He wore a pair of sunglasses and had a white hood over his shoulder length black hair.
"More than likely, it was that Uchiha Madara fellow." A female voice rang, "Out of all the Apex Generation within Iceberg he was the only one remaining, having killed all of the rest of course." Belno, the Fifth seat said.
She was an elderly, witch like person with a long nose and long sandy blond hair tied in a pony tail that expanded into a few spiky tear-dropped shaped tufts of hair.
"Yes, I agree with Belno. That Madara has shown capabilities comparable to the higher tiered Wizard Saints and even more. Considering the location, it could only be him!" The Ninth seat, Hogg exclaimed.
There was nothing in the Wiki about him other than a name, so that's all you're getting. Okay fine, he's also old and wrinkly, I guess?
"Mmm… But even so, whom would he have fought to warrant such an overly exaggerated aftermath?" Crawford asked.
"The only lead we have is a white figure, presumably the one who created the White Harbinger that decimated the landscape, its power is somewhat comparable to even Etherion which I honestly find to be terrifying!" Gran Doma, the fourth seat replied.
He was an old, fit man with a long gray beard and hair. He also wore a wizard hat and an ornate cape draped over his shoulders.
"So then, our prime suspects are Uchiha Madara, The SS ranked dark mage and a white figure? Do we not have anything else at all? At least some kind of evidence to point towards them…?" Crawford asked once more, looking side to side between all his colleagues who stood silent.
"Haaaaa…" Crawford sighed, "I guess more investigation shall be needed before we go public with this. Until then, focus some of our resources into making sure the general populace around Ishgar is unaware! The news should be easily isolated within Iceberg for at least two weeks if not more." Crawford ordered.
"Dismissed." The chairman finished with that.
Within the next weeks, the council did it's best to find evidence to back their claims and theories, however they found no such thing.
It wasn't until about three weeks later, on march 4th, that the news of a colossal battle occurring on Iceberg's outer edges was spread throughout Fiore's and most of the rest of Ishgar's general populace.
According to the council, one of the Four Kings of Ishgar, God Serena, the strongest mage on the continent and Rank 1 Wizard Saint fought back an immensely powerful demon from the books of Zeref which had made the peninsula its base of operations, the resulting battle is what created the insurmountable damage to the land.
Fairy Tail guildhall, inside the Master's office…
Makarov Dreyar looked to a few reports about the Iceberg issue with a frown.
'Such destruction… I'm glad the brats out here in Fairy Tail ain't capable of that much damage! Would be such a headache…' Makarov thought as he scratched his head, unbeknown to the fact that the destruction he spoke of had actually been caused by a member of his guild.
Outside of the office, you could hear a youth sneeze while sitting at his table of friends.
"A-Acho!" Arthur sneezed.
"You catch a cold?" Gray asked, unaware of his current lack of clothes.
"I don't think so?" Arthur replied, wiping his nose with a napkin he had conjured.
"Maybe someone was talking bout'chu?" Cana suggested.
"Of course someone's talking about him, he and Erza are like the youngest S ranked mages in all of Fiore! Not to mention his fight with the, oh so famous Gildarts Clive! Basically my point is, Arthur's been a hot topic in the last couple months." Ultear explained.
"Isn't the so called 'White Harbinger of End Times' the current hot topic though?" Lyon asked.
"Yeah! There's that Harbinger thingy too!" Cana exclaimed.
"Well, I guess there is also that." Ultear replied, thinking it through.
'I mean… That also involves me and is kinda me soo…' Arthur couldn't help but think, as he smiled wryly to his companions.
"That Harbinger thing sounded awesome when I heard about it! A giant white ball appearing in the sky, before dropping down and blowing up a whole peninsula!" Natsu said, starry eyed.
"Not a whole peninsula you dumbass, it was just a chunk of it!" Gray said, glaring towards Natsu.
"Who are you calling a dumbass! Huuhh?!" Natsu exclaimed, ready to take on Gray in a fight.
"Boys." Erza suddenly exclaimed, after which they both stiffened up and turned their heads towards her.
"Y-Yes, miss E-Erza?" They both asked in unison.
"No. Fighting. Understood?" Erza asked with her glaring eyes, almost exuding killing intent towards the both of them.
"Yes!" The good little soldiers saluted.
"Hahaha!" Cana laughed, "But still… A whole chuck of a peninsula is insane! It's almost like that Etherion thing the council has just went off there or something…" Cana commented, widening Arthur's wry smile ever so slightly.
"What's Etherion?" Natsu suddenly asked, to which Arthur was more than ready to reply to.
"It's basically a giant formation of magic circles far up in the sky that can potentially destroy countries with its blasts of pure magic power. It's kinda one of the council's most feared and well known weapons." Arthur explained, attempting to take his mind off of the fact everyone was talking about him.
Without knowing they're actually talking about him.
"Oooh! Sounds cool!" Natsu said.
"Considering someone used a spell comparable to a weapon like that in just one single fight… I'd say terrifying is a little more accurate than cool." Erza said, making Arthur smile even more wryly as he scratched his cheek with a finger.
They, most of the guild, the town and even the whole of Ishgar were talking about the event of last month!
Such was the magnitude of the fight.
'I should probably… Tone down the amount of True Suns used in the Supernova spell if I wanna use it in a normal fight out here in Fiore…' Arthur thought, heaving a sigh all the while.
'Truth be told were I to use it in Fiore, with the same magnitude of power, I'd most likely get myself under the watchful eyes of the council! Heck they may even warrant for my capture! A single person, let alone a child, having that much power within them alone would probably seem ludicrous to them!' Arthur continued thinking, although little did he know they already knew of other such individuals.
The reason that led him think to that was because the only people with comparable feats of power that he knew of as public faces were the Four Kings of Ishgar themselves after all! The council even used one of them for the cover up story, so that it would hold up to the high level of the battle that had taken place.
Not to say that Arthur was as strong as the four kings of Ishgar, more so that he now had a method of creating the fire power needed to back up such a claim.
In terms of actual Magic power, he was still quite lacking when compared to such figures.
If you were to remove his method of storing spells, the boy would only be left with Mountain and City level potency of attack while someone like God Serena is quite capable of destroying entire islands with utter ease!
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he'd be able to achieve the same feat of power as Arthur's Super Nova spell, he is called the strongest wizard in Ishgar for a reason after all, and it's more than likely that he can decimate the whole peninsula if he wanted to, not just a small chunk.
The talk about the fight between people continued for a long while, rumors spread quickly that God Serena had nearly died in a long grueling battle as he faced off with the demon threat!
Others claimed he was the one to use the White Harbinger, defeating the demon in one fell swoop like it had been nothing.
There were even people who thought, that perhaps the White Demon mentioned in the council's supposed 'truth' about the event was still alive, bidding it's time and getting stronger and stronger until one day…
It could rise up again to the surface, and face off against all who oppose it once more.
They were technically, at least half right.
He went to the guild, talked with friends, trained together with Erza whilst the others did the same with Gildarts and Ur, and he also went on jobs.
That one month of stress and uncertainty had finally ended, thus Arthur could try and relax for a while…
Not to say he was completely calm, oh no! He now knew how easy it was for Zeref to force him into something, it was not the most desirable position but there was little he could do at this current stage of things.
He would have to bide his time until he found a chance, a chance to get away from Zeref's grasp, or better yet remove him from the picture entirely.
Although, as things currently stand. That would be wishful thinking at best.
February 10th, Year X778, Inside of the Magic Council's headquarters, ERA…
There, inside of a dark room lit up by merely a few magical circles stood nine shadows over said circles, they were known as the Nine seats of the magic council.
The First seat known as Crawford Seam, who was also the current chairman of the council, spoke as he ċȧrėssed his long white beard.
"So… What do you all make out of this… Incident…?" Crawford asked.
The Third seat known as Michello, who had the appearance of a short old man with a cat like tail and hair styled in the appearance of cat ears, spoke in answer.
"You call that an 'Incident'?! Those damn Apex Generation brats are a complete nuisance! How much more damage will they do until you idiots decide to exterminate them?! Or will you wait until they grow up to ȧduŀthood and take over the damn magic world!" Michello yelled, outraged at the more recent choices of the council.
It was the other participants, born in the year X765 that were dubbed the Apex Generation by the Council, for so many young geniuses had risen from that one year that it was complete and utter insanity.
Many of them did deeds of good, as well as evil, so the council had a somewhat mixed opinion about them as a whole.
It was then that the Sixth seat, Yajima, spoke up. "Michello, how do you even know this was caused by the Apex Generation? It could have easily been a number of other things! Besides, mindlessly murdering a bunch of children is if anything, completely inhumane! How could you even suggest such an atrocity in the first place?" Yajima said, glaring at the cat like old man.
"Ugh! Shut your mouth Yajima! Do you not know what some of them have done in their short bȧrėly THIRTEEN years of life!? The number of cruelties and horrors is enough to write a book franchise about! If left unattended they will cause too much damage to repair!" Michello replied.
"And some of them have done more good to this world than you have in the over fifty years of your useless life!" Yajima retorted, shacking Michello up quite a bit.
"Enough!" The gruff voice of Org, the Second seat, echoed through the room. "Whether we do or don't do something shall be decided like it always has, with a vote between the Nine seats. Your proposition was already declined years ago Michello, don't bring it back up." Org told the cat like person, making said person shiver over Org's stare.
Org was an elderly, tall, grey haired man with a considerably long beard, as well as a moustache. He usually kept only one of his eyes open, as he had such a habit.
"Tsk, fine! Have it your way, that doesn't change the fact of the matter that it was THEM that caused this so called 'White Harbinger of End Times'!" Michello retorted, forcing Org to twitch his brows.
"We have no evidence to indicate that claim as correct, although I do personally back up Michello's claim in that it was probably them." Said a short bald old man with many moles over his face, he was the Seventh seat known as Yuri.
"Well, it IS the most plausible explanation, I agree with Michello and Yuri on that if anything." Leiji, the eight and currently youngest seat of the council said.
He wore a pair of sunglasses and had a white hood over his shoulder length black hair.
"More than likely, it was that Uchiha Madara fellow." A female voice rang, "Out of all the Apex Generation within Iceberg he was the only one remaining, having killed all of the rest of course." Belno, the Fifth seat said.
She was an elderly, witch like person with a long nose and long sandy blond hair tied in a pony tail that expanded into a few spiky tear-dropped shaped tufts of hair.
"Yes, I agree with Belno. That Madara has shown capabilities comparable to the higher tiered Wizard Saints and even more. Considering the location, it could only be him!" The Ninth seat, Hogg exclaimed.
There was nothing in the Wiki about him other than a name, so that's all you're getting. Okay fine, he's also old and wrinkly, I guess?
"Mmm… But even so, whom would he have fought to warrant such an overly exaggerated aftermath?" Crawford asked.
"The only lead we have is a white figure, presumably the one who created the White Harbinger that decimated the landscape, its power is somewhat comparable to even Etherion which I honestly find to be terrifying!" Gran Doma, the fourth seat replied.
He was an old, fit man with a long gray beard and hair. He also wore a wizard hat and an ornate cape draped over his shoulders.
"So then, our prime suspects are Uchiha Madara, The SS ranked dark mage and a white figure? Do we not have anything else at all? At least some kind of evidence to point towards them…?" Crawford asked once more, looking side to side between all his colleagues who stood silent.
"Haaaaa…" Crawford sighed, "I guess more investigation shall be needed before we go public with this. Until then, focus some of our resources into making sure the general populace around Ishgar is unaware! The news should be easily isolated within Iceberg for at least two weeks if not more." Crawford ordered.
"Dismissed." The chairman finished with that.
Within the next weeks, the council did it's best to find evidence to back their claims and theories, however they found no such thing.
It wasn't until about three weeks later, on march 4th, that the news of a colossal battle occurring on Iceberg's outer edges was spread throughout Fiore's and most of the rest of Ishgar's general populace.
According to the council, one of the Four Kings of Ishgar, God Serena, the strongest mage on the continent and Rank 1 Wizard Saint fought back an immensely powerful demon from the books of Zeref which had made the peninsula its base of operations, the resulting battle is what created the insurmountable damage to the land.
Fairy Tail guildhall, inside the Master's office…
Makarov Dreyar looked to a few reports about the Iceberg issue with a frown.
'Such destruction… I'm glad the brats out here in Fairy Tail ain't capable of that much damage! Would be such a headache…' Makarov thought as he scratched his head, unbeknown to the fact that the destruction he spoke of had actually been caused by a member of his guild.
Outside of the office, you could hear a youth sneeze while sitting at his table of friends.
"A-Acho!" Arthur sneezed.
"You catch a cold?" Gray asked, unaware of his current lack of clothes.
"I don't think so?" Arthur replied, wiping his nose with a napkin he had conjured.
"Maybe someone was talking bout'chu?" Cana suggested.
"Of course someone's talking about him, he and Erza are like the youngest S ranked mages in all of Fiore! Not to mention his fight with the, oh so famous Gildarts Clive! Basically my point is, Arthur's been a hot topic in the last couple months." Ultear explained.
"Isn't the so called 'White Harbinger of End Times' the current hot topic though?" Lyon asked.
"Yeah! There's that Harbinger thingy too!" Cana exclaimed.
"Well, I guess there is also that." Ultear replied, thinking it through.
'I mean… That also involves me and is kinda me soo…' Arthur couldn't help but think, as he smiled wryly to his companions.
"That Harbinger thing sounded awesome when I heard about it! A giant white ball appearing in the sky, before dropping down and blowing up a whole peninsula!" Natsu said, starry eyed.
"Not a whole peninsula you dumbass, it was just a chunk of it!" Gray said, glaring towards Natsu.
"Who are you calling a dumbass! Huuhh?!" Natsu exclaimed, ready to take on Gray in a fight.
"Boys." Erza suddenly exclaimed, after which they both stiffened up and turned their heads towards her.
"Y-Yes, miss E-Erza?" They both asked in unison.
"No. Fighting. Understood?" Erza asked with her glaring eyes, almost exuding killing intent towards the both of them.
"Yes!" The good little soldiers saluted.
"Hahaha!" Cana laughed, "But still… A whole chuck of a peninsula is insane! It's almost like that Etherion thing the council has just went off there or something…" Cana commented, widening Arthur's wry smile ever so slightly.
"What's Etherion?" Natsu suddenly asked, to which Arthur was more than ready to reply to.
"It's basically a giant formation of magic circles far up in the sky that can potentially destroy countries with its blasts of pure magic power. It's kinda one of the council's most feared and well known weapons." Arthur explained, attempting to take his mind off of the fact everyone was talking about him.
Without knowing they're actually talking about him.
"Oooh! Sounds cool!" Natsu said.
"Considering someone used a spell comparable to a weapon like that in just one single fight… I'd say terrifying is a little more accurate than cool." Erza said, making Arthur smile even more wryly as he scratched his cheek with a finger.
They, most of the guild, the town and even the whole of Ishgar were talking about the event of last month!
Such was the magnitude of the fight.
'I should probably… Tone down the amount of True Suns used in the Supernova spell if I wanna use it in a normal fight out here in Fiore…' Arthur thought, heaving a sigh all the while.
'Truth be told were I to use it in Fiore, with the same magnitude of power, I'd most likely get myself under the watchful eyes of the council! Heck they may even warrant for my capture! A single person, let alone a child, having that much power within them alone would probably seem ludicrous to them!' Arthur continued thinking, although little did he know they already knew of other such individuals.
The reason that led him think to that was because the only people with comparable feats of power that he knew of as public faces were the Four Kings of Ishgar themselves after all! The council even used one of them for the cover up story, so that it would hold up to the high level of the battle that had taken place.
Not to say that Arthur was as strong as the four kings of Ishgar, more so that he now had a method of creating the fire power needed to back up such a claim.
In terms of actual Magic power, he was still quite lacking when compared to such figures.
If you were to remove his method of storing spells, the boy would only be left with Mountain and City level potency of attack while someone like God Serena is quite capable of destroying entire islands with utter ease!
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he'd be able to achieve the same feat of power as Arthur's Super Nova spell, he is called the strongest wizard in Ishgar for a reason after all, and it's more than likely that he can decimate the whole peninsula if he wanted to, not just a small chunk.
The talk about the fight between people continued for a long while, rumors spread quickly that God Serena had nearly died in a long grueling battle as he faced off with the demon threat!
Others claimed he was the one to use the White Harbinger, defeating the demon in one fell swoop like it had been nothing.
There were even people who thought, that perhaps the White Demon mentioned in the council's supposed 'truth' about the event was still alive, bidding it's time and getting stronger and stronger until one day…
It could rise up again to the surface, and face off against all who oppose it once more.
They were technically, at least half right.
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