Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 8 - Gildarts and Cana
It's been five months since I joined Fairy Tail and I am now seven years old.
Time sure does fly!
I came to this world in January 19 X765 and it's already the 23rd of May X772!
I've been doing a lot of jobs until now and I managed to accumulate a decent amount of money if you ask me!
Over 400,000 Jewels to be exact! Hehe, I started going on 5,000 to 10,000 jewel reward jobs about a month and a half after joining the guild!
I even did a few easier higher paid jobs!
You might want to ask… How did a seven year old make so much money doing random low paying jobs?
Well, when you're like me and only spend about only 500-1,000 jewels for food each day and 30,000 to 31,000 as rent money in a shitty one room apartment each month.
That and doing 1500-3000 jewel reward jobs for about 2 months each day and then going for the 5000-10000 reward ones for over 3 months every day…
You'd understand that making money isn't a problem for a guy who can literally say a few words and fix most problems that normal people have.
What's this? Your fence is broken and you need a brand new one made? I'll use {Wood Creation}! And shape it as a fence for ya!
You lost an item of sentimental value? My {Search} spell will let me find it instantly if I know what it is!
Need help with fixing a damaged house? My {Restore} Or {Repair} spells can do the job ASAP!
A thief is robbing people? I only need to use {Clairvoyance} and I can even find him red handed doing the deed! Then use {Teleport} and knock him out, afterwards I only need to send him to the authorities and collect my reward!
You just want a fishing buddy perhaps?
Well I just need to fish so no word magic needed here… It ruins the thrill and fun of it after all.
As you can see, doing jobs and earning lots of money is easy! If you're okay with living in a shitty apartment that is…
Had I taken a more expensive one I'd probably bȧrėly scrape by with doing only the higher paying jobs of 10,000 to 15,000!
I could do higher paying ones than those but Master said I should get a little older and gain more experience first before attempting harder jobs.
So he won't let me do them until he thinks I'm ready basically… Even though i am!
Anyway I thought I'd take a break for now, since I've been going at it nonstop with the jobs until now.
Oh! And of course I've continued my training and made some improvements too!
I'm proud to say that I've completed my Barrier skin training!
I can now cover myself in a thin layer with my barrier and use it as defense together with the steel skin spell!
Now I just need a name for it… Well, that can wait I guess…
Now isn't really the time as I just saw something rather sad…
She was probably, or more likely than not definitely looking for her father.
Gildarts that is…
She was just at the front door as Gildarts walked out on another big job.
The conversation went as follows:
"Hey little girl, what are you doing standing there?" Said Gildarts
"F-"Cana couldn't finish the word she was about to say. That word being 'Father'
"Hurry back home now, stand there too long and your clothes will start smelling like booze." Gildarts walked away and she simply raised her little hand towards him…
Now she's just standing at the front door looking inside of the guildhall… This is kind of sad really.
I guess I'll invite her in then…
I walked to the entrance and stopped in front of Cana.
"Hey there! Is there something you need help with?" I put on my best looking nice guy face on and smiled at her.
"Um, when will Gildarts be coming back?"
"What? Are you one of his fans or something?" I joked a bit
"No, I'm…" She paused, looked at the ground and didn't continue her sentence. Damn I couldn't get it out of her!
"Well considering the job he went on just now… It could take him two, three days, a month maybe? Who knows, really?" She looked pretty sad after I said that.
"Well, don't worry. He'll be back before long!" I tried encouraging her even though I know it will take him two months to return…
"Come on inside, I'll buy you a juice."
"My name's Arthur by the way! And you are?"
"… Cana, my name is Cana."
"Well it's nice to meet'cha Cana"
"Um… Likewise."
I went to the counter and bought Cana an orange juice.
Considering how she is as a grown up this feels kind of weird but hey, I can't be serving alcohol to a 6 year old girl that is a future alcoholic now can I?
She sat down at the table and didn't really drink her juice.
She just stood there lying on the table...
I decided I'd ask her some questions and get the answer I wanted out of her.
"So why'd you come to Fairy Tail in the first place Cana? Was it really just to meet Gildarts?"
"Oh, and why? Are you really that big of a fan of his?" I grinned at her knowing the actual reason.
"Well… I came here because my mother passed away from an illness recently. In her will she told that my father was still alive and that he was a member of the Fairy Tail mage's guild…"
"Oh your dad's a member? Who is it? You're not trying to say its Gildarts are you? Haha. " I laughed a bit
"yes…" she replied.
"Seriously?! Now that's a surprise! Gildarts has a kid? And he doesn't even know?!" I faked my surprise perfectly! Or maybe not…
Still it's enough to fool a six year old! Probably.
"No… He doesn't, but I'm going to try and tell him when I see him next time…"
"Well in that case I'll help you out if you'd like. I can understand if you're feeling nervous about revealing to someone you're their child."
"Thank you Arthur!" She smiled at me. Aww that's so cute!
After that day she started coming every here every day to look for Gildarts. But he was never here, so I basically kept her company at the guildhall.
In the end, about two weeks later she ended up joining Fairy Tail as an official member.
Most people in the guild though of her as one of Gildarts' fans and a new friend I'd made that was my age. No one but me knew she was actually the ace of Fairy Tail's only daughter!
I also took her on jobs to ease her boredom. And I think she had fun!
Needless to say she was amazed at how fast I complete most job requests with a few words.
She would always ask me about what her father is like. I did my best to not ruin the image of Fairy Tail's Ace member.
After all he's prone to destroying stuff accidentally and most of all… He's a womanizer!
Two months passed since Cana first came to Fairy Tail to look for Gildarts and now the Gildarts Shift announcement is ringing across Magnolia!
The whole city moved and changed shape until the straight path to the guildhall was once again made for Gildarts' personal use.
"The city split!" Cana exclaimed
"Cana, it's the one you've been waiting for, Gildarts!" Macao said to her
"You had to wait for two months, didn't you?" Wakaba also said
"Come on Cana, its time you meet Gildarts for real! Make sure you tell him okay." I tried to encourage her.
"Yes!" She looks like she has some determination at least!
After that we all entered the guildhall together with Gildarts and he went to see master Makarov.
"Yo! Good work out there!" Makarov said to Gildarts
"I'm home, Master." He replied
"It seems like it went well. I got a carrier pigeon with a note from the client expressing their thanks."
"Oh, about that…" Gildarts was then cut off by Wakaba and Macao
"Great going, Gildarts."
"We've got someone we want to introduce to you."
"Oh, that's right! It's our new recruit, Cana. Treat her nice now, you hear?" Makarov told Gildarts
"U-um…" Cana started to stutter… I guess she's nervous after all.
"Cana…? Oh, I remember now!" Gildarts said with a smile
"Sorry, sorry I didn't realize it was you." When he said this Cana beamed a smile!
"You're the little girl I met at the entrance last time, right?" And now that smile is gone… Damn it Gildarts! You had to ruin it.
"I see! So, you joined the guild? Well, nice having you." She is now looking at the ground and looks sad. Poor Cana…
"U-um, you see…" She tried to talk again but was cut off by Makarov.
"Oh, sorry about this when you just got back and all…"
"But, could you come upstairs for a bit?"
"Seriously? What kind of request is it?" Okay she's not gonna be able to tell him at this rate. Time to intervene!
"Master please wait! Cana has something very important to tell Gildarts!
"Not now Arthur, Gildarts has an important request he'll need to-" Nah fam I'M cutting you off now
"Master… I. Said. She. Has. Something. Important. To. Say. To. Gildarts!"
Remember that one Mirajane smile she shows to people when she's mad? Yeah, that one. That's my face right now.
Let the girl speak damn it!
"O-okay if it's that important…? I've never seen you get that mad before Arthur… Okay Cana you can speak your mind." Seems like he gave up. Sweet!
"So then, what is so important that you have to tell me, Cana?" Gildarts asked her with a smile.
"U-um… You see…"
She's still nervous. So I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Go on, you can say it."
"Um, you see… The reason I came here to the guild was… because my mother had passed away from an illness and… And she told me in her will that my father was still alive and that he's a member of Fairy Tail…"
I nod my head.
[Mhm, mhm! You tell him Cana! You can do it!] Is what i thought.
"Eh?" Everyone was confused for a second.
"His name is Gildarts…" Good job Cana! You told him twelve years early! I think I deserve a drink after that! Wait I'm still a minor…
"W-w-w-WHAT?!" Gildarts and the entire guildhall exploded in confusion.
"GILDARTS HAS A KID?! CANA IS HIS KID?! WHAT?!" Various yelling could be heard from inside the guild.
"W-wait a second! You're…!" Gildarts started speaking.
"Yes…" Cana probably though he meant 'my kid?' but no…
"Whose kid are you?! Sara? Naomi? Claire? Feena? Mary? Eliza?... No, no… The hair color's off… Emma, Lyra, Jean, Sydney, Kate, Yuko, Francoise…"
"HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE YOU BEEN WITH?!" Everyone yelled in unison, like they had prepared beforehand…
"I-I know! You're the spitting image of Sylvia! Like the same gender…"
"Gildarts… That's… Kind of low..." Damn even I can't defend you here buddy…
"Even Arthur!?"
"Um, well… My mother name is…" She was cut off by Gildarts hugging her.
"You're Cornelia's child… I'm sure of it." Oh hey, he got it right!
"Y-yes…" She replied
"Cornelia was the only woman I ever loved. She's the only one I married, but she left me after getting frustrated of me always being away on jobs, 6 years ago…
I heard that she passed away. But to think she left a child…"
Okay now people are sniffling and starting to cry a little…
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you when I first saw you..."
"It's okay dad, I'm the one who couldn't tell you…" Aww she called him dad!
"To think I have a daughter…" He hugged her even tighter and started tearing up
"You must have been lonely all this time waiting for me…"
"No, I wasn't! Everyone here is really nice and Arthur kept me company too!"
"Arthur did? Well I guess I should be thanking you then, huh Arthur? If you didn't stop us from going upstairs for the job request I probably wouldn't have found out about Cana now…"
"Don't worry about it Gildarts! There's no need to thank me. I just did what I thought was right."
"Still, you have my utmost gratitude, and Master. I don't know what your request is but I'm taking a vacation! I need to get to know my daughter after all!" he beamed a huge smile.
Damn! I haven't seen him that happy before!
"Hahaha! Of course, of course! You can take all the time you need Gildarts!" Makarov said.
After that Gildarts and Cana walked out the guildhall.
I decided I'd leave them alone for now and so did everyone else.
That however didn't stop a huge conversation about this topic though…
"To think Gildarts has a kid! And it's a cute girl no less? I actually find it hard to believe she's his! Haha!" Macao said.
"Yeah! And now you can give me that drink you owe me too!" Wakaba said
"Buzz off! You already drank a free one the last time when it was a mistake!"
"Aww come on don't be stingy!"
"I'm not giving you squat!"
Various different and similar conversations were going on all around the guildhall
After a while Laxus came to me and asked
"Hey Arthur, how long have you known about her and Gildarts?"
"Oui, now that you mention it, it did seem like you knew beforehand!" Reedus said
"Ah, well. I found one when she first came to the guild."
"That long? Why didn't you say anything to anyone?" Laxus asked
"I thought I'd surprise everyone together with Gildarts! Pretty sure it worked out just fine. Hehe!"
"You little schemer…" Macao and Wakaba said together.
"Hahaha!" I laughed it off.
"Well anyway, I'm gonna get going now. See ya all later!" I waved goodbye and left the guildhall.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out!
Maybe now Cana won't end up as an alcoholic?
Nah who am I kidding? She probably still will…
Anyway! It's about time to do my daily training!
Time sure does fly!
I came to this world in January 19 X765 and it's already the 23rd of May X772!
I've been doing a lot of jobs until now and I managed to accumulate a decent amount of money if you ask me!
Over 400,000 Jewels to be exact! Hehe, I started going on 5,000 to 10,000 jewel reward jobs about a month and a half after joining the guild!
I even did a few easier higher paid jobs!
You might want to ask… How did a seven year old make so much money doing random low paying jobs?
Well, when you're like me and only spend about only 500-1,000 jewels for food each day and 30,000 to 31,000 as rent money in a shitty one room apartment each month.
That and doing 1500-3000 jewel reward jobs for about 2 months each day and then going for the 5000-10000 reward ones for over 3 months every day…
You'd understand that making money isn't a problem for a guy who can literally say a few words and fix most problems that normal people have.
What's this? Your fence is broken and you need a brand new one made? I'll use {Wood Creation}! And shape it as a fence for ya!
You lost an item of sentimental value? My {Search} spell will let me find it instantly if I know what it is!
Need help with fixing a damaged house? My {Restore} Or {Repair} spells can do the job ASAP!
A thief is robbing people? I only need to use {Clairvoyance} and I can even find him red handed doing the deed! Then use {Teleport} and knock him out, afterwards I only need to send him to the authorities and collect my reward!
You just want a fishing buddy perhaps?
Well I just need to fish so no word magic needed here… It ruins the thrill and fun of it after all.
As you can see, doing jobs and earning lots of money is easy! If you're okay with living in a shitty apartment that is…
Had I taken a more expensive one I'd probably bȧrėly scrape by with doing only the higher paying jobs of 10,000 to 15,000!
I could do higher paying ones than those but Master said I should get a little older and gain more experience first before attempting harder jobs.
So he won't let me do them until he thinks I'm ready basically… Even though i am!
Anyway I thought I'd take a break for now, since I've been going at it nonstop with the jobs until now.
Oh! And of course I've continued my training and made some improvements too!
I'm proud to say that I've completed my Barrier skin training!
I can now cover myself in a thin layer with my barrier and use it as defense together with the steel skin spell!
Now I just need a name for it… Well, that can wait I guess…
Now isn't really the time as I just saw something rather sad…
She was probably, or more likely than not definitely looking for her father.
Gildarts that is…
She was just at the front door as Gildarts walked out on another big job.
The conversation went as follows:
"Hey little girl, what are you doing standing there?" Said Gildarts
"F-"Cana couldn't finish the word she was about to say. That word being 'Father'
"Hurry back home now, stand there too long and your clothes will start smelling like booze." Gildarts walked away and she simply raised her little hand towards him…
Now she's just standing at the front door looking inside of the guildhall… This is kind of sad really.
I guess I'll invite her in then…
I walked to the entrance and stopped in front of Cana.
"Hey there! Is there something you need help with?" I put on my best looking nice guy face on and smiled at her.
"Um, when will Gildarts be coming back?"
"What? Are you one of his fans or something?" I joked a bit
"No, I'm…" She paused, looked at the ground and didn't continue her sentence. Damn I couldn't get it out of her!
"Well considering the job he went on just now… It could take him two, three days, a month maybe? Who knows, really?" She looked pretty sad after I said that.
"Well, don't worry. He'll be back before long!" I tried encouraging her even though I know it will take him two months to return…
"Come on inside, I'll buy you a juice."
"My name's Arthur by the way! And you are?"
"… Cana, my name is Cana."
"Well it's nice to meet'cha Cana"
"Um… Likewise."
I went to the counter and bought Cana an orange juice.
Considering how she is as a grown up this feels kind of weird but hey, I can't be serving alcohol to a 6 year old girl that is a future alcoholic now can I?
She sat down at the table and didn't really drink her juice.
She just stood there lying on the table...
I decided I'd ask her some questions and get the answer I wanted out of her.
"So why'd you come to Fairy Tail in the first place Cana? Was it really just to meet Gildarts?"
"Oh, and why? Are you really that big of a fan of his?" I grinned at her knowing the actual reason.
"Well… I came here because my mother passed away from an illness recently. In her will she told that my father was still alive and that he was a member of the Fairy Tail mage's guild…"
"Oh your dad's a member? Who is it? You're not trying to say its Gildarts are you? Haha. " I laughed a bit
"yes…" she replied.
"Seriously?! Now that's a surprise! Gildarts has a kid? And he doesn't even know?!" I faked my surprise perfectly! Or maybe not…
Still it's enough to fool a six year old! Probably.
"No… He doesn't, but I'm going to try and tell him when I see him next time…"
"Well in that case I'll help you out if you'd like. I can understand if you're feeling nervous about revealing to someone you're their child."
"Thank you Arthur!" She smiled at me. Aww that's so cute!
After that day she started coming every here every day to look for Gildarts. But he was never here, so I basically kept her company at the guildhall.
In the end, about two weeks later she ended up joining Fairy Tail as an official member.
Most people in the guild though of her as one of Gildarts' fans and a new friend I'd made that was my age. No one but me knew she was actually the ace of Fairy Tail's only daughter!
I also took her on jobs to ease her boredom. And I think she had fun!
Needless to say she was amazed at how fast I complete most job requests with a few words.
She would always ask me about what her father is like. I did my best to not ruin the image of Fairy Tail's Ace member.
After all he's prone to destroying stuff accidentally and most of all… He's a womanizer!
Two months passed since Cana first came to Fairy Tail to look for Gildarts and now the Gildarts Shift announcement is ringing across Magnolia!
The whole city moved and changed shape until the straight path to the guildhall was once again made for Gildarts' personal use.
"The city split!" Cana exclaimed
"Cana, it's the one you've been waiting for, Gildarts!" Macao said to her
"You had to wait for two months, didn't you?" Wakaba also said
"Come on Cana, its time you meet Gildarts for real! Make sure you tell him okay." I tried to encourage her.
"Yes!" She looks like she has some determination at least!
After that we all entered the guildhall together with Gildarts and he went to see master Makarov.
"Yo! Good work out there!" Makarov said to Gildarts
"I'm home, Master." He replied
"It seems like it went well. I got a carrier pigeon with a note from the client expressing their thanks."
"Oh, about that…" Gildarts was then cut off by Wakaba and Macao
"Great going, Gildarts."
"We've got someone we want to introduce to you."
"Oh, that's right! It's our new recruit, Cana. Treat her nice now, you hear?" Makarov told Gildarts
"U-um…" Cana started to stutter… I guess she's nervous after all.
"Cana…? Oh, I remember now!" Gildarts said with a smile
"Sorry, sorry I didn't realize it was you." When he said this Cana beamed a smile!
"You're the little girl I met at the entrance last time, right?" And now that smile is gone… Damn it Gildarts! You had to ruin it.
"I see! So, you joined the guild? Well, nice having you." She is now looking at the ground and looks sad. Poor Cana…
"U-um, you see…" She tried to talk again but was cut off by Makarov.
"Oh, sorry about this when you just got back and all…"
"But, could you come upstairs for a bit?"
"Seriously? What kind of request is it?" Okay she's not gonna be able to tell him at this rate. Time to intervene!
"Master please wait! Cana has something very important to tell Gildarts!
"Not now Arthur, Gildarts has an important request he'll need to-" Nah fam I'M cutting you off now
"Master… I. Said. She. Has. Something. Important. To. Say. To. Gildarts!"
Remember that one Mirajane smile she shows to people when she's mad? Yeah, that one. That's my face right now.
Let the girl speak damn it!
"O-okay if it's that important…? I've never seen you get that mad before Arthur… Okay Cana you can speak your mind." Seems like he gave up. Sweet!
"So then, what is so important that you have to tell me, Cana?" Gildarts asked her with a smile.
"U-um… You see…"
She's still nervous. So I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Go on, you can say it."
"Um, you see… The reason I came here to the guild was… because my mother had passed away from an illness and… And she told me in her will that my father was still alive and that he's a member of Fairy Tail…"
I nod my head.
[Mhm, mhm! You tell him Cana! You can do it!] Is what i thought.
"Eh?" Everyone was confused for a second.
"His name is Gildarts…" Good job Cana! You told him twelve years early! I think I deserve a drink after that! Wait I'm still a minor…
"W-w-w-WHAT?!" Gildarts and the entire guildhall exploded in confusion.
"GILDARTS HAS A KID?! CANA IS HIS KID?! WHAT?!" Various yelling could be heard from inside the guild.
"W-wait a second! You're…!" Gildarts started speaking.
"Yes…" Cana probably though he meant 'my kid?' but no…
"Whose kid are you?! Sara? Naomi? Claire? Feena? Mary? Eliza?... No, no… The hair color's off… Emma, Lyra, Jean, Sydney, Kate, Yuko, Francoise…"
"HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE YOU BEEN WITH?!" Everyone yelled in unison, like they had prepared beforehand…
"I-I know! You're the spitting image of Sylvia! Like the same gender…"
"Gildarts… That's… Kind of low..." Damn even I can't defend you here buddy…
"Even Arthur!?"
"Um, well… My mother name is…" She was cut off by Gildarts hugging her.
"You're Cornelia's child… I'm sure of it." Oh hey, he got it right!
"Y-yes…" She replied
"Cornelia was the only woman I ever loved. She's the only one I married, but she left me after getting frustrated of me always being away on jobs, 6 years ago…
I heard that she passed away. But to think she left a child…"
Okay now people are sniffling and starting to cry a little…
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you when I first saw you..."
"It's okay dad, I'm the one who couldn't tell you…" Aww she called him dad!
"To think I have a daughter…" He hugged her even tighter and started tearing up
"You must have been lonely all this time waiting for me…"
"No, I wasn't! Everyone here is really nice and Arthur kept me company too!"
"Arthur did? Well I guess I should be thanking you then, huh Arthur? If you didn't stop us from going upstairs for the job request I probably wouldn't have found out about Cana now…"
"Don't worry about it Gildarts! There's no need to thank me. I just did what I thought was right."
"Still, you have my utmost gratitude, and Master. I don't know what your request is but I'm taking a vacation! I need to get to know my daughter after all!" he beamed a huge smile.
Damn! I haven't seen him that happy before!
"Hahaha! Of course, of course! You can take all the time you need Gildarts!" Makarov said.
After that Gildarts and Cana walked out the guildhall.
I decided I'd leave them alone for now and so did everyone else.
That however didn't stop a huge conversation about this topic though…
"To think Gildarts has a kid! And it's a cute girl no less? I actually find it hard to believe she's his! Haha!" Macao said.
"Yeah! And now you can give me that drink you owe me too!" Wakaba said
"Buzz off! You already drank a free one the last time when it was a mistake!"
"Aww come on don't be stingy!"
"I'm not giving you squat!"
Various different and similar conversations were going on all around the guildhall
After a while Laxus came to me and asked
"Hey Arthur, how long have you known about her and Gildarts?"
"Oui, now that you mention it, it did seem like you knew beforehand!" Reedus said
"Ah, well. I found one when she first came to the guild."
"That long? Why didn't you say anything to anyone?" Laxus asked
"I thought I'd surprise everyone together with Gildarts! Pretty sure it worked out just fine. Hehe!"
"You little schemer…" Macao and Wakaba said together.
"Hahaha!" I laughed it off.
"Well anyway, I'm gonna get going now. See ya all later!" I waved goodbye and left the guildhall.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out!
Maybe now Cana won't end up as an alcoholic?
Nah who am I kidding? She probably still will…
Anyway! It's about time to do my daily training!
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