Devil's Word Magic In Fairy Tail
Chapter 9 - Cana decides to learn magic and Arthur's first big job!
It's been about a month since Gildarts learned about Cana being his daughter and he's actually still in town.
It's quite rare for him to stay so long without going on another job!
But then again he did say he'd be on vacation in order to get to know his daughter.
I walked into the guild to pick a new job for the day, as I was looking for something that's worth my time…
"Yo, Arthur!" Gildarts showed up together with Cana
"Hi Arthur nii-chan!" Yes, Cana started calling me nii-chan apparently… I guess I've got a little sister now technically? Sweet!
"Hey there! What are you two up to?" I asked
"We were about to go have lunch at a restaurant so I thought I'd ask you to come if you'd like."
"Lunch huh? Well I haven't eaten anything today yet anyway, so why not?"
The three of us went to a good restaurant in the town square and sat down on a table to look at the menu.
"You two can buy whatever you want. I've got quite a bit of money saved up so I'll buy anything you want!" Gildarts is feeling generous today apparently.
"You sure?" I asked him
"Okay then if you say so…"
We all ordered some of the more expensive food and I got a lot of food for myself. I have to say I enjoyed it!
There was Chicken, Pig steaks, some high quality rice, an expensive salad and even a huge pizza! It was all delicious.
"So, Gildarts *nom*… Are you going to teach Cana *nom* 'Crash' magic? *nom*" I am eating a slice of the pizza right now.
"Teach her crash magic huh? Hmm… Well I mean if that's what she want's I wouldn't mind but... What do you think sweetheart?"
"I would love to learn your magic dad! But, can I even use something like magic to begin with…?"
"Of course you can! Anyone can learn to use magic if they train diligently and have the right mindset! I said
"Then… Even I can learn to use magic??"
"You're the daughter of one of the strongest mages in Fiore. I'm pretty sure you can! Heck it's in your blood!"
"Aww you're making me blush!" Gildarts got embarrassed when I praised him.
"I'm just stating the facts." I say while drinking some juice.
"Well then Cana, what do you say? Wanna come with daddy on a little journey and learn to use magic?" Gildarts asked her.
"Yes! I want to be a wizard like dad and big brother Arthur!"
"Alright then it's settled! We'll set out tomorrow. So if there's anything you'd like to get done before then do it now."
After a while we finished eating our food and left the restaurant.
I waved goodbye to Gildarts and Cana and then they went to their home to pack their things for tomorrow.
I one the other hand went back to Fairy Tail and took a look at the jobs I could take…
"Arthur my boy, if you want to take on harder jobs I'll allow you to." Makarov walked to me and said.
"Are you sure? I thought you said I should grow up and gain more experience as a mage first?"
"Yes, but as it stands you're already a splendid mage! Most of your current jobs end in seconds…"
"Oh… Well, I guess they do..."
"Go on and have a look. Pick something you think you can handle."
"Right, thanks master! I'll do ya proud! Hehe."
"Just don't get yourself hurt… And don't destroy anything!"
"I won't! Don't worry haha!"
Great! Makarov gave me the okay sign to take on harder missions! Now it's time to REALLY save up on money! Hehehe…
Protect the Bridge!
Job Location: Oshibana Town
Job Description: A few bandit gangs have been raiding Oshibana Town lately. Their main target is the construction site of Hayato Bridge, an important bridge that will connect the cities of Oshibana and Clover.
Three gangs have been identified so far: Kin Gang, Koji Gang and Kataro Gang. But the authorities suspect that they are working under the orders of another gang still unknown.
The construction of the bridge is delayed due to the attacks. Some workers were kidnapped by the gangs so many have given up the job.
Please, defeat the bandits, save the kidnapped workers and protect the construction of the bridge!
Taken/Untaken: UNTAKEN
Sweet! This sounds easy and I can double my savings!
"Yo master! I'm taking this one!"
"Are you sure? You think you can handle 3 or 4 gangs? They might not use magic but there will be a lot of them. And there is a chance of magic users appearing."
"Don't worry, if they aren't magic users they won't even be able to hurt me even if I let them! Adding some that can use magic won't change the outcome."
"Just don't get overconfident okay?"
"It's not confidence. It's a fact!"
"Well good luck then."
"Yes. Thank you master! I'll be off now."
After I left the guildhall I went and took a train straight to Oshibana town.
A little while later the train stopped at Oshibana's train station and I set foot in town.
Now I can at least teleport between Magnolia and here if need to.
Since my teleportation spells only work if I've been at the location or if I can see it, I couldn't just teleport myself here with my gate spell.
Anyway I should go and find the client now.
I found Hayato Bridge and met the workers there.
Afterwards I showed them my guild mark declaring I would help them solve the bandit problem.
They were quite surprised to see a kid like me take on their job request to say the very least…
"The guild sent a little brat here? We're up against a bunch of bandit gangs, what the hell can you do?! Huh kid?!" A muscular bearded old man appeared wearing worker clothes
"The job…?"
"Smart one are ya? Can't say I don't respect that, but you won't be able to do much against this many bandits by youself."
"Just tell me where to find them, I'll do the rest."
"like I was sayin-" I cut him off there
"*sigh* {Spiral flame}!" A spiraling ball of fire appeared in my hand and shot out a wave of red flames towards the sky.
"You still think I can't do the job?"
"O-okay… I guess I underestimated you a little bit there kid! You can find the bandit's hideout somewhere in the forest over there. We don't know the exact location though… No one has been able to find it yet."
"That so? No matter, I'll find them myself. Prepare my reward and wait for me here with it in about thirty minutes."
"THIRTY MINUTES?!" He exclaimed
"What? Too long of a wait for you? Make it twenty minutes then. That will be more than enough time." He seemed quite shocked but I just let him be.
Afterwards I teleported into the forest and cast {Clairvoyance}! With that it was very easy to find the bandit's hide out.
It was a fort located near the middle of the forest surrounded by a wooden wall and had a big building in its center.
It also had an illusion barrier around it hiding it from view but it's nothing my clairvoyance can't bypass completely.
It's a very weak barrier after all!
I used both {Steel Skin} and {Barrier Layer} for protection just in case before teleporting again, this time in front of their base.
There was a big wooden gate in front of me and the watchman spotted me from atop the wall when I appeared there.
There were also some people outside of the fort minding their own business and playing cards apparently…
"Hey look! A kid appeared out of nowhere?"
"The hell, how did he get past the barrier? No matter, go grab him! We can use him as a hostage or something…" Said one of the bandits that were sitting on a table playing cards with three others.
One of them walked towards me and tried to grab me but I simply touched his hand and said {Electrocute} with a smile.
Electricity surged from my hand to his and he was down for the count.
"You've been causing trouble to the townsfolk of Oshibana and the Hayato bridge workers! Fairy Tail has come to take care of ya!" I said showing the Fairy Tail guild mark on my shoulder.
"Wha?! Watch out he's one of Fairy Tail's wizards!" the same guy yelled at his buddies
Suddenly about 30 armored bandits surrounded me from all sides and drew their weapons.
"If you surrender now I won't have to hurt you, you know?" I said knowing they definitely wouldn't listen to my threat.
But I still wanted to say something like that at least once you know!?
"Like hell we'll surrender! You think we're scared of some magic kid? Boys go get him!"
"Fine by me… By the way, you do know armor and weapons are highly conductive of electricity right? {Thunder Strike}!"
As I said the words, a big thunderbolt fell from the sky and electrocuted everyone, as it wasn't highly charged with electricity it only knocked them out…
"Well then, time to go see what's inside." So far it's only been about a minute…
"Did thunder just strike?" the people from inside the fort heard my attack apparently, it was quite loud after all…
"S-send help to the main gate! They've sent a powerful mage from Fairy Tail to catch us! Stop him before he enters the fort!" The watchman yelled to the people inside
"It's no use, I'm already in… {Open}!" The gate opened and I walked inside.
There were about a hundred or so people here. Probably all the people from the first three gangs…
"It's just a kid?!"
"What's all the fuss about?"
"Let's butcher him!"
"No you don't understand! He just took out over thirt-"
"{Rose Garden Binding}!" After I said this, the entire fort was covered in roses that captured all of its inhabitants.
"Where did all these roses come from?! Ouch!"
So was that it? Now I just need to go find the kidnapped workers I guess…
"Well, well look what we have here!"
About 20 people appeared from inside the fort's main building. They all wore black robes and hoods covering their faces, they also had staffs.
Honestly they were creepy as hell
They must be the fourth gang and the ones who made the barrier around the fort…
"Kid, you're pretty good! This is an amazing spell you've cast here…"
"Thanks for the praise you creep. Now why don't you come quietly so I don't have to knock you out like the others? I'm kinda bored now so I'd like to go home."
"Hmpf. Don't get ċȯċky just because you defeated a bunch of weaklings. Now we'll show you what real magic is!"
"Oh, I'm soooo scared…"
All 20 of them cast a spell simultaneously and created a giant ball of fire that they shot towards me.
"Be burned to ashes you foolish child!"
"*sigh* {Barrier}" I created a barrier in the form of a wall in front of me so that I can protect all of the goons behind me. Are you trying to burn your friends too?
Needless to say it managed to stop that weak fire magic attack and it dispersed in all directions.
"W-what!? Impossible!"
"Yeah, yeah I'm taking you in now… {Tornado}!" I created a tornado at their location and flung them all into the air.
After they fell on my {Cushion} spell I binded them and went inside of the building they were just in.
There I found five workers that were kidnapped and freed them.
I opened a {Gate} straight to Hayato Bridge which brought them back to their co-workers.
Then I opened another gate leading in front of Oshibana's prison and threw all of the bandits through it.
The Rune Knights were quite confused to see over a 150 bandits show up through a gate and bound by roses but they soon calmed down after I explained the situation and took all of the bandits to prison.
This all happened in about 10 minutes… Damn I was off! I thought they'd last longer than that…
Anyway I should go collect my reward…
"Y-you took them all out and send them to prison in just ten minutes?!"
"Yup, now where is my reward?"
"Here you go… 450,000 jewels in all. Thank you for your help sir mage! We'll be counting on Fairy Tail's help again in the future as well."
"No problem. You can always count on Fairy Tail to do the job! Only problem is the aftermath… Haha…"
"Indeed! Hahaha! But at least you didn't destroy anything like most of their other mages!"
"… Yeah! Okay! See Ya! Bye! {Teleport}!"
Damn I completely forgot about the fireball's flames spreading in all directions! The forest might catch on fire from it!
Thankfully only the fort was burning so far…
Still I should probably extinguish this fire before the forest itself starts burning down!
{Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}!
Okay… The forest is all good! Damn I can't believe I almost burned down a forest on my first job outside of Magnolia…
Then again, it was those mage's fireball that started the fire…
Anyway I should probably head back home now! {Gate}!
After opening a gate I walked through it and ended up back in Magnolia. Sweet! I didn't have to take the train again at least!
I walked back to the guild and went to report my successful completion of my job.
"You're back already? How did it go? You didn't destroy anything I hope…" Makarov said while waiting for my answer.
I scratched the back of my head and said:
"Hahaha… Well you could say that there was no damage done after I left… Yeah… Other than that, all of the bandits were rounded up and sent to prison by yours truly!"
"Good job! But what do you mean by after you left?"
"Nothing, nothing… Ah! I should probably get myself a better apartment building now that I can do higher paying jobs! So see ya later master! I'm gonna go pick myself a new house!"
"Okay then…" He seems skeptical… But I should be fine! No damage was done in the end right?
After I left the guild I went and rented myself a nice two story house that was for about 90,000 jewels a month.
It's a pretty sweet house! Now I don't need to live in what is basically a hotel room…
I moved all my things inside my new home and after doing some training outside I went to sleep in my new fluffy bed! It's so much more comfortable than my old one!
Tomorrow Gildarts is taking Cana on a training journey! I wonder how it'll turn out in the end…
It's quite rare for him to stay so long without going on another job!
But then again he did say he'd be on vacation in order to get to know his daughter.
I walked into the guild to pick a new job for the day, as I was looking for something that's worth my time…
"Yo, Arthur!" Gildarts showed up together with Cana
"Hi Arthur nii-chan!" Yes, Cana started calling me nii-chan apparently… I guess I've got a little sister now technically? Sweet!
"Hey there! What are you two up to?" I asked
"We were about to go have lunch at a restaurant so I thought I'd ask you to come if you'd like."
"Lunch huh? Well I haven't eaten anything today yet anyway, so why not?"
The three of us went to a good restaurant in the town square and sat down on a table to look at the menu.
"You two can buy whatever you want. I've got quite a bit of money saved up so I'll buy anything you want!" Gildarts is feeling generous today apparently.
"You sure?" I asked him
"Okay then if you say so…"
We all ordered some of the more expensive food and I got a lot of food for myself. I have to say I enjoyed it!
There was Chicken, Pig steaks, some high quality rice, an expensive salad and even a huge pizza! It was all delicious.
"So, Gildarts *nom*… Are you going to teach Cana *nom* 'Crash' magic? *nom*" I am eating a slice of the pizza right now.
"Teach her crash magic huh? Hmm… Well I mean if that's what she want's I wouldn't mind but... What do you think sweetheart?"
"I would love to learn your magic dad! But, can I even use something like magic to begin with…?"
"Of course you can! Anyone can learn to use magic if they train diligently and have the right mindset! I said
"Then… Even I can learn to use magic??"
"You're the daughter of one of the strongest mages in Fiore. I'm pretty sure you can! Heck it's in your blood!"
"Aww you're making me blush!" Gildarts got embarrassed when I praised him.
"I'm just stating the facts." I say while drinking some juice.
"Well then Cana, what do you say? Wanna come with daddy on a little journey and learn to use magic?" Gildarts asked her.
"Yes! I want to be a wizard like dad and big brother Arthur!"
"Alright then it's settled! We'll set out tomorrow. So if there's anything you'd like to get done before then do it now."
After a while we finished eating our food and left the restaurant.
I waved goodbye to Gildarts and Cana and then they went to their home to pack their things for tomorrow.
I one the other hand went back to Fairy Tail and took a look at the jobs I could take…
"Arthur my boy, if you want to take on harder jobs I'll allow you to." Makarov walked to me and said.
"Are you sure? I thought you said I should grow up and gain more experience as a mage first?"
"Yes, but as it stands you're already a splendid mage! Most of your current jobs end in seconds…"
"Oh… Well, I guess they do..."
"Go on and have a look. Pick something you think you can handle."
"Right, thanks master! I'll do ya proud! Hehe."
"Just don't get yourself hurt… And don't destroy anything!"
"I won't! Don't worry haha!"
Great! Makarov gave me the okay sign to take on harder missions! Now it's time to REALLY save up on money! Hehehe…
Protect the Bridge!
Job Location: Oshibana Town
Job Description: A few bandit gangs have been raiding Oshibana Town lately. Their main target is the construction site of Hayato Bridge, an important bridge that will connect the cities of Oshibana and Clover.
Three gangs have been identified so far: Kin Gang, Koji Gang and Kataro Gang. But the authorities suspect that they are working under the orders of another gang still unknown.
The construction of the bridge is delayed due to the attacks. Some workers were kidnapped by the gangs so many have given up the job.
Please, defeat the bandits, save the kidnapped workers and protect the construction of the bridge!
Taken/Untaken: UNTAKEN
Sweet! This sounds easy and I can double my savings!
"Yo master! I'm taking this one!"
"Are you sure? You think you can handle 3 or 4 gangs? They might not use magic but there will be a lot of them. And there is a chance of magic users appearing."
"Don't worry, if they aren't magic users they won't even be able to hurt me even if I let them! Adding some that can use magic won't change the outcome."
"Just don't get overconfident okay?"
"It's not confidence. It's a fact!"
"Well good luck then."
"Yes. Thank you master! I'll be off now."
After I left the guildhall I went and took a train straight to Oshibana town.
A little while later the train stopped at Oshibana's train station and I set foot in town.
Now I can at least teleport between Magnolia and here if need to.
Since my teleportation spells only work if I've been at the location or if I can see it, I couldn't just teleport myself here with my gate spell.
Anyway I should go and find the client now.
I found Hayato Bridge and met the workers there.
Afterwards I showed them my guild mark declaring I would help them solve the bandit problem.
They were quite surprised to see a kid like me take on their job request to say the very least…
"The guild sent a little brat here? We're up against a bunch of bandit gangs, what the hell can you do?! Huh kid?!" A muscular bearded old man appeared wearing worker clothes
"The job…?"
"Smart one are ya? Can't say I don't respect that, but you won't be able to do much against this many bandits by youself."
"Just tell me where to find them, I'll do the rest."
"like I was sayin-" I cut him off there
"*sigh* {Spiral flame}!" A spiraling ball of fire appeared in my hand and shot out a wave of red flames towards the sky.
"You still think I can't do the job?"
"O-okay… I guess I underestimated you a little bit there kid! You can find the bandit's hideout somewhere in the forest over there. We don't know the exact location though… No one has been able to find it yet."
"That so? No matter, I'll find them myself. Prepare my reward and wait for me here with it in about thirty minutes."
"THIRTY MINUTES?!" He exclaimed
"What? Too long of a wait for you? Make it twenty minutes then. That will be more than enough time." He seemed quite shocked but I just let him be.
Afterwards I teleported into the forest and cast {Clairvoyance}! With that it was very easy to find the bandit's hide out.
It was a fort located near the middle of the forest surrounded by a wooden wall and had a big building in its center.
It also had an illusion barrier around it hiding it from view but it's nothing my clairvoyance can't bypass completely.
It's a very weak barrier after all!
I used both {Steel Skin} and {Barrier Layer} for protection just in case before teleporting again, this time in front of their base.
There was a big wooden gate in front of me and the watchman spotted me from atop the wall when I appeared there.
There were also some people outside of the fort minding their own business and playing cards apparently…
"Hey look! A kid appeared out of nowhere?"
"The hell, how did he get past the barrier? No matter, go grab him! We can use him as a hostage or something…" Said one of the bandits that were sitting on a table playing cards with three others.
One of them walked towards me and tried to grab me but I simply touched his hand and said {Electrocute} with a smile.
Electricity surged from my hand to his and he was down for the count.
"You've been causing trouble to the townsfolk of Oshibana and the Hayato bridge workers! Fairy Tail has come to take care of ya!" I said showing the Fairy Tail guild mark on my shoulder.
"Wha?! Watch out he's one of Fairy Tail's wizards!" the same guy yelled at his buddies
Suddenly about 30 armored bandits surrounded me from all sides and drew their weapons.
"If you surrender now I won't have to hurt you, you know?" I said knowing they definitely wouldn't listen to my threat.
But I still wanted to say something like that at least once you know!?
"Like hell we'll surrender! You think we're scared of some magic kid? Boys go get him!"
"Fine by me… By the way, you do know armor and weapons are highly conductive of electricity right? {Thunder Strike}!"
As I said the words, a big thunderbolt fell from the sky and electrocuted everyone, as it wasn't highly charged with electricity it only knocked them out…
"Well then, time to go see what's inside." So far it's only been about a minute…
"Did thunder just strike?" the people from inside the fort heard my attack apparently, it was quite loud after all…
"S-send help to the main gate! They've sent a powerful mage from Fairy Tail to catch us! Stop him before he enters the fort!" The watchman yelled to the people inside
"It's no use, I'm already in… {Open}!" The gate opened and I walked inside.
There were about a hundred or so people here. Probably all the people from the first three gangs…
"It's just a kid?!"
"What's all the fuss about?"
"Let's butcher him!"
"No you don't understand! He just took out over thirt-"
"{Rose Garden Binding}!" After I said this, the entire fort was covered in roses that captured all of its inhabitants.
"Where did all these roses come from?! Ouch!"
So was that it? Now I just need to go find the kidnapped workers I guess…
"Well, well look what we have here!"
About 20 people appeared from inside the fort's main building. They all wore black robes and hoods covering their faces, they also had staffs.
Honestly they were creepy as hell
They must be the fourth gang and the ones who made the barrier around the fort…
"Kid, you're pretty good! This is an amazing spell you've cast here…"
"Thanks for the praise you creep. Now why don't you come quietly so I don't have to knock you out like the others? I'm kinda bored now so I'd like to go home."
"Hmpf. Don't get ċȯċky just because you defeated a bunch of weaklings. Now we'll show you what real magic is!"
"Oh, I'm soooo scared…"
All 20 of them cast a spell simultaneously and created a giant ball of fire that they shot towards me.
"Be burned to ashes you foolish child!"
"*sigh* {Barrier}" I created a barrier in the form of a wall in front of me so that I can protect all of the goons behind me. Are you trying to burn your friends too?
Needless to say it managed to stop that weak fire magic attack and it dispersed in all directions.
"W-what!? Impossible!"
"Yeah, yeah I'm taking you in now… {Tornado}!" I created a tornado at their location and flung them all into the air.
After they fell on my {Cushion} spell I binded them and went inside of the building they were just in.
There I found five workers that were kidnapped and freed them.
I opened a {Gate} straight to Hayato Bridge which brought them back to their co-workers.
Then I opened another gate leading in front of Oshibana's prison and threw all of the bandits through it.
The Rune Knights were quite confused to see over a 150 bandits show up through a gate and bound by roses but they soon calmed down after I explained the situation and took all of the bandits to prison.
This all happened in about 10 minutes… Damn I was off! I thought they'd last longer than that…
Anyway I should go collect my reward…
"Y-you took them all out and send them to prison in just ten minutes?!"
"Yup, now where is my reward?"
"Here you go… 450,000 jewels in all. Thank you for your help sir mage! We'll be counting on Fairy Tail's help again in the future as well."
"No problem. You can always count on Fairy Tail to do the job! Only problem is the aftermath… Haha…"
"Indeed! Hahaha! But at least you didn't destroy anything like most of their other mages!"
"… Yeah! Okay! See Ya! Bye! {Teleport}!"
Damn I completely forgot about the fireball's flames spreading in all directions! The forest might catch on fire from it!
Thankfully only the fort was burning so far…
Still I should probably extinguish this fire before the forest itself starts burning down!
{Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}! {Extinguish}!
Okay… The forest is all good! Damn I can't believe I almost burned down a forest on my first job outside of Magnolia…
Then again, it was those mage's fireball that started the fire…
Anyway I should probably head back home now! {Gate}!
After opening a gate I walked through it and ended up back in Magnolia. Sweet! I didn't have to take the train again at least!
I walked back to the guild and went to report my successful completion of my job.
"You're back already? How did it go? You didn't destroy anything I hope…" Makarov said while waiting for my answer.
I scratched the back of my head and said:
"Hahaha… Well you could say that there was no damage done after I left… Yeah… Other than that, all of the bandits were rounded up and sent to prison by yours truly!"
"Good job! But what do you mean by after you left?"
"Nothing, nothing… Ah! I should probably get myself a better apartment building now that I can do higher paying jobs! So see ya later master! I'm gonna go pick myself a new house!"
"Okay then…" He seems skeptical… But I should be fine! No damage was done in the end right?
After I left the guild I went and rented myself a nice two story house that was for about 90,000 jewels a month.
It's a pretty sweet house! Now I don't need to live in what is basically a hotel room…
I moved all my things inside my new home and after doing some training outside I went to sleep in my new fluffy bed! It's so much more comfortable than my old one!
Tomorrow Gildarts is taking Cana on a training journey! I wonder how it'll turn out in the end…
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