Devolved: Path of the beast
14 Sacrifice
"gET bAcK HeRe!!!"
Mars threw himself forwards like a wild bolt of lightning shooting through the heavens.
[Abilites Activated!]
[Sprint LvL:8]
[Berzerk LvL:4]
(physical power is quadrupled)
(Energy consumed per second is quadrupled)
[Killer instinct LvL:5]
(Erroding specified target's will to live)
(This only works on creatures weaker than the user)
[Muscle empowerment LvL:1]
(Increase's muscle efficiency by 100%)
(Will not stack with other abilities)
Marss's body began to change color. The silver feathers were now covered by a Glowing orange color. It looked like an unfinished steel blade being heated up inside the blood of a Volcano.
Feeling the sudden rise in temprature, Jenkins began to wildly spawn a combined force made up of humanoid undead and some previously seen red horned monsters. Hoping to slow down the unbreakable fortress which flew in his direction.
Not even daring to look back or try to cast some debuff magic, as he knew it would not do anything towards the vengeful beast, he kept running towards the exiting tunnel.
Although he did not watch what was unfolding, he could somehow figure out the result, as the booming sounds generated by the crushed flesh never ceased to resonate in the long sharp ears.
'How the hell did I end up here again?! Curse that damn snake. I should've know offering such a reward for some puny mortals was too good to be true! Gutting that reptile will be the first thing I do after getting out of here, Dammit!'
'Dark magic:hastened end!' Jenkings increased his speed with the use of an incantation, making his speeding afterimage darker.
The sudden increase made his golden hair sway against the wind like a kite.
As he kept running, the light at the end grew more and more radiant. It almost seemed like he would make it out.
Almost, that is.
He was stopped by a burning pain emanating from the follicles on top of his head. The flowing locks were now tightly held by a mighty bird of prey which stood behind him.
As Marss tightened his grip, the bulging arm once more increased in size. Pushing the muscles to their limit. And with that, he threw Jenkins.
When one advances in both rank and level, the body will naturally grow stronger. However, as Jenkins mainly specialized in dark magic and puppeteering, he was left helpless when the air pressure pinned his body in place. Nothing stopping him as he traveled back through the tunnel.
Unable to even processes the color of the passing walls, he continued on his way like a broken rag doll. And the last thing he was able to see was the black wall mashing his body into mush. The whole room shook as his figure now was engraved into the dented alloy.
The destructive impact not only marked the specially made material, but also shattered all the bones in his elegant body. Every blood wessel and organ were evenly smeard across the surrounding area. Forming a red sun.
As he watched the woman who took his mother away be turned into liquid, a sense of satisfaction and exhaustion was washed over his mind.
[Host has depleted internal energy reserves!]
[body shutting down]
This was all that he heard as his once giant frame shrank until leaving a naked, brown haired human boy near the exit.
After an unknown amount of time, Marss woke up from his slumber.
His body was still sore as he laied naked in the ground. Only able to move his eyes properly.
As he laid there beetween the shadowy pathay and sunshined filled exit, he started to cry.
"'m sorry. I'm sorry I could not even make you the slightest bit proud." His exhausted facial expresion contorted itself into a despairing grimace. More tears flowing down his cheeks as the pain inside his heart strengthened.
"*sniff* This is all your fault! trying to claim my body as your own *Sniff* You even killed Fenrik. And now mom is also gone! Does human life mean nothing to you?!" Marss furthered his despair as he yelled to an imaginary existence.
"Did you also not kill someone just now?" Within his head, Michael's voice echoed like a drill. Shaking his brain back and forth even when gently speaking.
"Not only are you inexperienced, Marss. you are also an idiot. Unable to solve your own problems efficiently. To think a coward like you survived this long."
The whispers of Michael resonated inside Marss's head. The man could feel the angered emotions building up within. Bringing him a good chuckle.
The tears falling from Marss's eyes were replaced by snot which flowed out of both nostrils. "You are no better than me! *sniff*. What do you know..dummy! I bet you lived a comfortable life before ending up inside my head! You will never know how I feel!" Marss began to bark the air in front of him. Directing everything towards the ghost which haunted him.
Michael didn't feel like bothering this guy anylonger and just played of the life he had from earth.
As Marss kept crying, a sudden jolt traveled throughout his brain. Creating a bunch of unkown memories.
As he was forced to watch, Marss didn't bother to resist, as the crying and choking had drained most of the recovered energy.
The memory started with a small male child. the boy was no different than any other of his age, but was always treated as less because of his looks.
As time slowly passed and he grew up, sequences played itself. Light bullying turned into brutal beatings. Harassment turning into numerous assults. The growing boy slowly fell behind in everything he did, never once able to catch up. Never listening to his parents as they tried to help and encourage him. Wasting all the given resources.
Marss was shocked by this scene. His tears stopped in place as he fully focused on the memories.
Time continued to pass, and the older the boy god, the more longer he fell behind.
As he one day came home with multiple bruises, he found his mother holding two blurry images. It felt like they were always there, but he only just noticed them. Mabye because they were the first people other than his parents who sincerely smiled at him. Not carring if he was any different or weaker than others. They loved him because it was what they choose to do!
Although these two smiles could not be considered much for a normal ignited a long extinguish fire inside his body. It allowed him to belive in himself once more. Giving himself a reason to fight!
As the boy continued to age, he slowly started to surpass those who once spat at his existence. Noticing the kid they trampled on as young grow so much, they hoped to hold him in their grasp. Using him as a tool. However, he did not allow such a thing to happen. Always remembering the smiling faces of those two.
Time continued to move, and the boy began to grow more successful. Forgiving the scum who looked down on him, but never forgetting what they had done. Using the disgrace and hatred as an iron hammer to eternaly forge his mind and body.
He kept moving alongside the two smiling blurres, loving them both equally. Wishing to be able to one day grant them the same kind of joy he now felt.
However, his life was cut short, as he was betrayed by the only companion he chose to keep.
Marss engraved all of this inside his heart. Now mocking his previously spoiled attitude.
Pulling himself togheter, he tried to call out to the voice once more.
"W..Who are you?"
Whike waiting patiently, he finally got a reply.
"Just some guy with.....unfinished business..."
"Please!" Marss's determination began to ignite. Remembering how the boy in the memories climbed up from that deep ravine using only his bare hands.
He always knew deep down that his mother and father were the only one's who carred for his well being. But was never able to thank them for never giving up on the failure he viewed himself as.
"Please...Please help me become strong!" He now wished to gain power. Enough make his parents proud. Even if only once.
But despite his calling, the voice did not respond to him, no matter how long he waited.
"No, please!! Please come back!!" Pleading towards the brick roof he starred into, the system activated itself
[Host is suffering from conflicting souls]
[Do you wish to merge them together?]
Seeing this as a chance, Marss hurriedly willed it to begin. Hoping to be able to hear the dissipated voice again.
[Proceeding with fusion...]
[Process will take 120 Seconds]
[Host will be severely weakened while unconscious]
[Please wait]
Back inside the bloody black room filled with minced monster corpses, a plump body was rising up from one of the corners.
"wh..what? what happened? I only closed my eyes for a second... Hey, are you still there, elde...r? HAAAAA!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?!"
The rising body did not belong to anyone else other than the sturdy, red bearded villager named Gen. Father of the previously murdered Fenrik.
He was unable to understand what was going on in this place. Only remembering a sweet voice sending him to sleep while he and the others traversed those haunted hall's.
As he regained more clarity, he remember a order he gave himself before passing out.
"Yes! I need to strangle that damn Marss in front of his parents! Either that, or hack them all togheter! I swear to do it! Now, where is that damn Johnson?"
Gen looked around the smelly room, but could not find anything other than those remains. Also, that red circle covering the one wall threw him a little off. Beginning to wander towards the light emitting tunnel. Looking like the path out of here.
"Whatever! I will get those filthy rats before asking about what happened in here. If I don't kill at least one, I will never be able to sleep again."
Dragging his big body whil wearing the blood soaked leather clothes, Gen continued to head towards the end of the long tunnel.
"But a bath would be nice..."
As he neared the end of the light, he suddenly stopped. Catching a glimpse of the familiar body which laid next to the exit.
"I...Is this...." Gen started to slowly smile as he recognized the naked boy. His expression turning more crazed each time a new facial mucle moved.
"Are the godesses of luck smiling at me...?"
"This is too good to be true!"
To think that he would find one of those bastards this soon.. The gods really smiled at him, weren't they?
But something didn't look right... Did this kid's hair always give of that glowing white luster?Even his eyes were now a little similar to two lanters. Did he swallow some sort of bulb mabye?
'No! that is not important now! I needed to this! Haha, this damn rat will finally be killed.'
He could now finish what that whispering voice in his mind kept telling him to. The one who started speaking while looked into those weird torches when traveling alongside the other's.
As Gen approached the sleeping child, He shortly ended up right in front of it. The whispers telling him to stomp on it's throat were getting stronger, almost as if they transformed into a raging echo, completely shutting down every other part of his brain.
It did not take long for him to slowly raise his robust leg. Even though he was from a poor village, Gen had a higher standing hanks to his son, or that is, he once had.
Remembering the sight of his foolish son made the voice shake his mind more. Driving him further into insanity.
He kept his big leg hovering over Marss's throat. Savoring the sight which was about to come. Some off the monster blood he was covered in dripped off on the fragile throat. His eyes almost rolled back due to the ecstatic and triumphant feeling traveling through his body as he watched this.
But, Gen was never one to savor his victories. All the available mucle fibers he could connect with activated. Causing his leg to quickly descend down towards Marss's Adam's apple.
Just as he was about to flatten this cursed beeing, he noticed that the falling leg was.....thrown off course? It implanted itself into the brick floor making up the tunnel. Some lingering dust particle flew to the each side as his foot landed right beside the boy's shoulder blade.
What is this? Had he grown senile?
'Why did I miss?'
Not able to understand why his leg left betrayed him like this, he was planning on giving it a chance to redeem itself. I mean... his leg would never betray him for this dirt poor child? Right?
'Never! you would never go behind my back! Lets give it a new try. Or what do you say, old friend?' His thoughts, which were more jumbled than ever, were now harmoniously flying alongside that whisper.
As he prepared to once more lift his leg, something even more strange happened.
It...It didn't move? what the hell?! Had his leg really betrayed him!?
'Just you wait! I will cut you off sooner or later. Hmpf, I have no need for a untrustworthy pile of bones like yourself!'
As he kept on cursing at the leg which refused to answer his thoughts, he starter to lift the other one. The left leg still seemed to support him in this matter!
He once more positioned it alongside his body. Right on top of the little boy who still kept giving off a faint white glow from both the hair and eyelids.
'I will just trample on your head until this built up tension disappears then!
He imagined how all the bones in this tender face would break benath his soaking red shoes.
Yet, as he planned on dropping his leg like a guillotine on this brat, his plan's were once more foiled. For the leg did not even budging an inch as it stood above the child's head.
His two blue irises each took on a darker color as red bloody streaks swelled inside the whites of the eyes. Stimulated from his raging state of mind, unable to understand what was going on.
As the redness in his eyes grew stronger, however, some type of light was registered coming from underneath his head.
It did not originate from Marss, as his was not that strong. But instead from a small purple orb embedded inside his chest.
"Wait... Were did this thing come fro.." Before Gen could mutter another word, he felt all his senses shut down. The whispers in his head disappeared, replaced by deep feminine tone.
"Hey, baldy. You better listen when this great lord is speaking!" It's tender voice hammered itself into his brain. The eardrums popped even though it came from his mind.
"Did you know that gingers are pretty rare on this side of Farleng?"
As the boy slowly woke up, the screams of a suffering man could be heard. Followed by some weird cracking noises.
Opening his now light brown eyes, he was greeted by the sight of a somewhat familiar red bearded man having his skin and mucle stretch in every possible direction. Almost as if he was made up of several balls of fluffed yarn.
'Did I regain control? No, wait, I can steel feel the other guy.. It's as if I only have control for the moment...'
'I promise. I will purge that rotten piece of trash out of this body!'
Seeing this guy being pushed towards the edges of hell, he could do nothing but wait until his body regained it's ability to move.
Sometimes looking away, sometimes looking back out of curiosity. He got impatient and afraid as the waiting continued. Not taking notice of his now dark golden hair. The cold brick floor, combined with the nearby sunshine from the exit seemed to speed up the recovery.
The signals from his brain started to successfully travel down the spine, allowing him to rise up, preparing to jump away from the shrinking, fleshy figure behind him.
Beginning to struggle towards the wall made of light, he suddenly felt all hell break lose inside his head as the contorted screaming stopped togheter with the loud cracking.
Just as he was about to touch the yellow/white surface, he felt something grip tighlty onto one of his elbow.
Being suddenly grabbed like this just fueled the ringing danger senses.
As the grip around his elbow tighten, he was then flung back. No different than a leaf being dragged away by a tornado. His body rolled through the air, crashing and sliding on the brick floor below.
The impact ripped some of the skin on his back as his level was reset to 1 and he had no mutations.
If he remembered correctly, the level of a human would never reset. After all, they lacked the ability to evolve. But, being granted the abilites he had, the power to fuse and empower the bloodline and genetic code of all beasts absorbed, made him a exception to this iron rule.
The itching pain disappeared as his body pumped itself full of adrenaline. Heightening the exhausted senses. Aiming his tired light brown eyes towards the approaching enemy.
Expecting to see the bald red beard man from before, or atleast something similar, he steeled his heart, but could not be more shocked as he turned towards it.
It was...very familiar infact. Too familiar. Almost identical to the blond haired elf he just squashed. The slim and well shaped body still resembled that of a woman's. Even the ears had even grown to similarly seen before length. Sticking out like sharp white thorns.
The only difference between this guy and the now melted red sun starring back at him from the alloyed room, was the long red locks and the blue pricks inside his well rounded eyes.
Of course, there was also the bloodied leather clothes, but they were not worth looking at, as the enimety filled gaze was unbreakable.
As the alluring figure came closer, its sweet mellow voice echoed throughout the barely lit tunnel.
"Never have I seen such a strong biomantic- fusion. Its too powerful in fact. Could you be a beastmaster? No... you still retained a normal human form, so mabye a living secret skill?"
Marss took in what he said, but barely process it as the system ran while the man spoke.
[Hostile target detected]
[Chances of winning:???]
[Chances of dying:???]
[Chances of fleeing:???]
'Really? At this time?'
'open display!'
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Name:Ma???l ???? ????
Race:Variant humanAge:15
Mental status:Tired
Body status:Exhausted (damaged)
Energy:1 000/14 000
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage:Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll.
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8) (Punch LvL 9) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL 2(+1) (Bone shatterer LvL1) (perceptionLvL8) (Berserk LvL 5(+1) (revenge LvL6) (killer instinct LvL5(new)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL7) (fatigue immunity LvL4) (Pain immunity LvL 9) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL1) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL:1) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL1) (air manipulation LvL5(+1) (Kinetic dispersion LvL8(new) (damage convertion LvL4)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[GEMINI:A Title granted to those who have fused two compatible souls togheter]
(Decreases energy needed to cast magic and use abilities)
[KINDLED: A Title granted to those who refuse to accept a failed fate]
(Mind control immunity)
'Can I take him on with only 1000 energy available?'
Marss didn't look at any of the other notifications exept the energy value. For he could not gauge out how much his evolved skills would use.
Then suddenly, he question.
'Can I mutate my body?'
[Specify mutation?]
His light brown eyes lit up as he screamed outloude.
[This procces will take 9 seconds as host's body is used to mutation]
Looking at fear hopping inside that deflated chicken's eyes, Jenkins was able to gain some closure. But still dissatisfied.
'Forcing me to take over this smelly, bald human was already where the limit went. BUT CRUSHING MY BODY?? AND THINKING YOU COULD LEAVE??'
The hate brewing inside his heart was boiling over. He began to imagine how opening this bird in human skin would look. Slowly figuring out what type of path it walked to gain this never before seen power.
'Could be a blessing... But cutting him would ease my anger, so lets go with that.'
He was slowly getting closer. Watching every movement the boy made while preparing his dark magic.
'This body is not compatible with my soul. Not only that, my casting speed is much slower.'
His desire to torture this wretched child grew more as he looked into its eyes.
However, Jenkins suddenly stopped as the boy began to unexpectedly scream.
Looking at the panicking child, he smirked a little while thinking of why it would suddenly cause so much noise.
'Did the kid go mad? Well, there are other things I can break. So this lord shall forgive you.'
But this thought disappeared as the boy's body began to expand once more.
Mars threw himself forwards like a wild bolt of lightning shooting through the heavens.
[Abilites Activated!]
[Sprint LvL:8]
[Berzerk LvL:4]
(physical power is quadrupled)
(Energy consumed per second is quadrupled)
[Killer instinct LvL:5]
(Erroding specified target's will to live)
(This only works on creatures weaker than the user)
[Muscle empowerment LvL:1]
(Increase's muscle efficiency by 100%)
(Will not stack with other abilities)
Marss's body began to change color. The silver feathers were now covered by a Glowing orange color. It looked like an unfinished steel blade being heated up inside the blood of a Volcano.
Feeling the sudden rise in temprature, Jenkins began to wildly spawn a combined force made up of humanoid undead and some previously seen red horned monsters. Hoping to slow down the unbreakable fortress which flew in his direction.
Not even daring to look back or try to cast some debuff magic, as he knew it would not do anything towards the vengeful beast, he kept running towards the exiting tunnel.
Although he did not watch what was unfolding, he could somehow figure out the result, as the booming sounds generated by the crushed flesh never ceased to resonate in the long sharp ears.
'How the hell did I end up here again?! Curse that damn snake. I should've know offering such a reward for some puny mortals was too good to be true! Gutting that reptile will be the first thing I do after getting out of here, Dammit!'
'Dark magic:hastened end!' Jenkings increased his speed with the use of an incantation, making his speeding afterimage darker.
The sudden increase made his golden hair sway against the wind like a kite.
As he kept running, the light at the end grew more and more radiant. It almost seemed like he would make it out.
Almost, that is.
He was stopped by a burning pain emanating from the follicles on top of his head. The flowing locks were now tightly held by a mighty bird of prey which stood behind him.
As Marss tightened his grip, the bulging arm once more increased in size. Pushing the muscles to their limit. And with that, he threw Jenkins.
When one advances in both rank and level, the body will naturally grow stronger. However, as Jenkins mainly specialized in dark magic and puppeteering, he was left helpless when the air pressure pinned his body in place. Nothing stopping him as he traveled back through the tunnel.
Unable to even processes the color of the passing walls, he continued on his way like a broken rag doll. And the last thing he was able to see was the black wall mashing his body into mush. The whole room shook as his figure now was engraved into the dented alloy.
The destructive impact not only marked the specially made material, but also shattered all the bones in his elegant body. Every blood wessel and organ were evenly smeard across the surrounding area. Forming a red sun.
As he watched the woman who took his mother away be turned into liquid, a sense of satisfaction and exhaustion was washed over his mind.
[Host has depleted internal energy reserves!]
[body shutting down]
This was all that he heard as his once giant frame shrank until leaving a naked, brown haired human boy near the exit.
After an unknown amount of time, Marss woke up from his slumber.
His body was still sore as he laied naked in the ground. Only able to move his eyes properly.
As he laid there beetween the shadowy pathay and sunshined filled exit, he started to cry.
"'m sorry. I'm sorry I could not even make you the slightest bit proud." His exhausted facial expresion contorted itself into a despairing grimace. More tears flowing down his cheeks as the pain inside his heart strengthened.
"*sniff* This is all your fault! trying to claim my body as your own *Sniff* You even killed Fenrik. And now mom is also gone! Does human life mean nothing to you?!" Marss furthered his despair as he yelled to an imaginary existence.
"Did you also not kill someone just now?" Within his head, Michael's voice echoed like a drill. Shaking his brain back and forth even when gently speaking.
"Not only are you inexperienced, Marss. you are also an idiot. Unable to solve your own problems efficiently. To think a coward like you survived this long."
The whispers of Michael resonated inside Marss's head. The man could feel the angered emotions building up within. Bringing him a good chuckle.
The tears falling from Marss's eyes were replaced by snot which flowed out of both nostrils. "You are no better than me! *sniff*. What do you know..dummy! I bet you lived a comfortable life before ending up inside my head! You will never know how I feel!" Marss began to bark the air in front of him. Directing everything towards the ghost which haunted him.
Michael didn't feel like bothering this guy anylonger and just played of the life he had from earth.
As Marss kept crying, a sudden jolt traveled throughout his brain. Creating a bunch of unkown memories.
As he was forced to watch, Marss didn't bother to resist, as the crying and choking had drained most of the recovered energy.
The memory started with a small male child. the boy was no different than any other of his age, but was always treated as less because of his looks.
As time slowly passed and he grew up, sequences played itself. Light bullying turned into brutal beatings. Harassment turning into numerous assults. The growing boy slowly fell behind in everything he did, never once able to catch up. Never listening to his parents as they tried to help and encourage him. Wasting all the given resources.
Marss was shocked by this scene. His tears stopped in place as he fully focused on the memories.
Time continued to pass, and the older the boy god, the more longer he fell behind.
As he one day came home with multiple bruises, he found his mother holding two blurry images. It felt like they were always there, but he only just noticed them. Mabye because they were the first people other than his parents who sincerely smiled at him. Not carring if he was any different or weaker than others. They loved him because it was what they choose to do!
Although these two smiles could not be considered much for a normal ignited a long extinguish fire inside his body. It allowed him to belive in himself once more. Giving himself a reason to fight!
As the boy continued to age, he slowly started to surpass those who once spat at his existence. Noticing the kid they trampled on as young grow so much, they hoped to hold him in their grasp. Using him as a tool. However, he did not allow such a thing to happen. Always remembering the smiling faces of those two.
Time continued to move, and the boy began to grow more successful. Forgiving the scum who looked down on him, but never forgetting what they had done. Using the disgrace and hatred as an iron hammer to eternaly forge his mind and body.
He kept moving alongside the two smiling blurres, loving them both equally. Wishing to be able to one day grant them the same kind of joy he now felt.
However, his life was cut short, as he was betrayed by the only companion he chose to keep.
Marss engraved all of this inside his heart. Now mocking his previously spoiled attitude.
Pulling himself togheter, he tried to call out to the voice once more.
"W..Who are you?"
Whike waiting patiently, he finally got a reply.
"Just some guy with.....unfinished business..."
"Please!" Marss's determination began to ignite. Remembering how the boy in the memories climbed up from that deep ravine using only his bare hands.
He always knew deep down that his mother and father were the only one's who carred for his well being. But was never able to thank them for never giving up on the failure he viewed himself as.
"Please...Please help me become strong!" He now wished to gain power. Enough make his parents proud. Even if only once.
But despite his calling, the voice did not respond to him, no matter how long he waited.
"No, please!! Please come back!!" Pleading towards the brick roof he starred into, the system activated itself
[Host is suffering from conflicting souls]
[Do you wish to merge them together?]
Seeing this as a chance, Marss hurriedly willed it to begin. Hoping to be able to hear the dissipated voice again.
[Proceeding with fusion...]
[Process will take 120 Seconds]
[Host will be severely weakened while unconscious]
[Please wait]
Back inside the bloody black room filled with minced monster corpses, a plump body was rising up from one of the corners.
"wh..what? what happened? I only closed my eyes for a second... Hey, are you still there, elde...r? HAAAAA!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN HERE?!"
The rising body did not belong to anyone else other than the sturdy, red bearded villager named Gen. Father of the previously murdered Fenrik.
He was unable to understand what was going on in this place. Only remembering a sweet voice sending him to sleep while he and the others traversed those haunted hall's.
As he regained more clarity, he remember a order he gave himself before passing out.
"Yes! I need to strangle that damn Marss in front of his parents! Either that, or hack them all togheter! I swear to do it! Now, where is that damn Johnson?"
Gen looked around the smelly room, but could not find anything other than those remains. Also, that red circle covering the one wall threw him a little off. Beginning to wander towards the light emitting tunnel. Looking like the path out of here.
"Whatever! I will get those filthy rats before asking about what happened in here. If I don't kill at least one, I will never be able to sleep again."
Dragging his big body whil wearing the blood soaked leather clothes, Gen continued to head towards the end of the long tunnel.
"But a bath would be nice..."
As he neared the end of the light, he suddenly stopped. Catching a glimpse of the familiar body which laid next to the exit.
"I...Is this...." Gen started to slowly smile as he recognized the naked boy. His expression turning more crazed each time a new facial mucle moved.
"Are the godesses of luck smiling at me...?"
"This is too good to be true!"
To think that he would find one of those bastards this soon.. The gods really smiled at him, weren't they?
But something didn't look right... Did this kid's hair always give of that glowing white luster?Even his eyes were now a little similar to two lanters. Did he swallow some sort of bulb mabye?
'No! that is not important now! I needed to this! Haha, this damn rat will finally be killed.'
He could now finish what that whispering voice in his mind kept telling him to. The one who started speaking while looked into those weird torches when traveling alongside the other's.
As Gen approached the sleeping child, He shortly ended up right in front of it. The whispers telling him to stomp on it's throat were getting stronger, almost as if they transformed into a raging echo, completely shutting down every other part of his brain.
It did not take long for him to slowly raise his robust leg. Even though he was from a poor village, Gen had a higher standing hanks to his son, or that is, he once had.
Remembering the sight of his foolish son made the voice shake his mind more. Driving him further into insanity.
He kept his big leg hovering over Marss's throat. Savoring the sight which was about to come. Some off the monster blood he was covered in dripped off on the fragile throat. His eyes almost rolled back due to the ecstatic and triumphant feeling traveling through his body as he watched this.
But, Gen was never one to savor his victories. All the available mucle fibers he could connect with activated. Causing his leg to quickly descend down towards Marss's Adam's apple.
Just as he was about to flatten this cursed beeing, he noticed that the falling leg was.....thrown off course? It implanted itself into the brick floor making up the tunnel. Some lingering dust particle flew to the each side as his foot landed right beside the boy's shoulder blade.
What is this? Had he grown senile?
'Why did I miss?'
Not able to understand why his leg left betrayed him like this, he was planning on giving it a chance to redeem itself. I mean... his leg would never betray him for this dirt poor child? Right?
'Never! you would never go behind my back! Lets give it a new try. Or what do you say, old friend?' His thoughts, which were more jumbled than ever, were now harmoniously flying alongside that whisper.
As he prepared to once more lift his leg, something even more strange happened.
It...It didn't move? what the hell?! Had his leg really betrayed him!?
'Just you wait! I will cut you off sooner or later. Hmpf, I have no need for a untrustworthy pile of bones like yourself!'
As he kept on cursing at the leg which refused to answer his thoughts, he starter to lift the other one. The left leg still seemed to support him in this matter!
He once more positioned it alongside his body. Right on top of the little boy who still kept giving off a faint white glow from both the hair and eyelids.
'I will just trample on your head until this built up tension disappears then!
He imagined how all the bones in this tender face would break benath his soaking red shoes.
Yet, as he planned on dropping his leg like a guillotine on this brat, his plan's were once more foiled. For the leg did not even budging an inch as it stood above the child's head.
His two blue irises each took on a darker color as red bloody streaks swelled inside the whites of the eyes. Stimulated from his raging state of mind, unable to understand what was going on.
As the redness in his eyes grew stronger, however, some type of light was registered coming from underneath his head.
It did not originate from Marss, as his was not that strong. But instead from a small purple orb embedded inside his chest.
"Wait... Were did this thing come fro.." Before Gen could mutter another word, he felt all his senses shut down. The whispers in his head disappeared, replaced by deep feminine tone.
"Hey, baldy. You better listen when this great lord is speaking!" It's tender voice hammered itself into his brain. The eardrums popped even though it came from his mind.
"Did you know that gingers are pretty rare on this side of Farleng?"
As the boy slowly woke up, the screams of a suffering man could be heard. Followed by some weird cracking noises.
Opening his now light brown eyes, he was greeted by the sight of a somewhat familiar red bearded man having his skin and mucle stretch in every possible direction. Almost as if he was made up of several balls of fluffed yarn.
'Did I regain control? No, wait, I can steel feel the other guy.. It's as if I only have control for the moment...'
'I promise. I will purge that rotten piece of trash out of this body!'
Seeing this guy being pushed towards the edges of hell, he could do nothing but wait until his body regained it's ability to move.
Sometimes looking away, sometimes looking back out of curiosity. He got impatient and afraid as the waiting continued. Not taking notice of his now dark golden hair. The cold brick floor, combined with the nearby sunshine from the exit seemed to speed up the recovery.
The signals from his brain started to successfully travel down the spine, allowing him to rise up, preparing to jump away from the shrinking, fleshy figure behind him.
Beginning to struggle towards the wall made of light, he suddenly felt all hell break lose inside his head as the contorted screaming stopped togheter with the loud cracking.
Just as he was about to touch the yellow/white surface, he felt something grip tighlty onto one of his elbow.
Being suddenly grabbed like this just fueled the ringing danger senses.
As the grip around his elbow tighten, he was then flung back. No different than a leaf being dragged away by a tornado. His body rolled through the air, crashing and sliding on the brick floor below.
The impact ripped some of the skin on his back as his level was reset to 1 and he had no mutations.
If he remembered correctly, the level of a human would never reset. After all, they lacked the ability to evolve. But, being granted the abilites he had, the power to fuse and empower the bloodline and genetic code of all beasts absorbed, made him a exception to this iron rule.
The itching pain disappeared as his body pumped itself full of adrenaline. Heightening the exhausted senses. Aiming his tired light brown eyes towards the approaching enemy.
Expecting to see the bald red beard man from before, or atleast something similar, he steeled his heart, but could not be more shocked as he turned towards it.
It was...very familiar infact. Too familiar. Almost identical to the blond haired elf he just squashed. The slim and well shaped body still resembled that of a woman's. Even the ears had even grown to similarly seen before length. Sticking out like sharp white thorns.
The only difference between this guy and the now melted red sun starring back at him from the alloyed room, was the long red locks and the blue pricks inside his well rounded eyes.
Of course, there was also the bloodied leather clothes, but they were not worth looking at, as the enimety filled gaze was unbreakable.
As the alluring figure came closer, its sweet mellow voice echoed throughout the barely lit tunnel.
"Never have I seen such a strong biomantic- fusion. Its too powerful in fact. Could you be a beastmaster? No... you still retained a normal human form, so mabye a living secret skill?"
Marss took in what he said, but barely process it as the system ran while the man spoke.
[Hostile target detected]
[Chances of winning:???]
[Chances of dying:???]
[Chances of fleeing:???]
'Really? At this time?'
'open display!'
[Display engaged]
Layer:General (middle)
Name:Ma???l ???? ????
Race:Variant humanAge:15
Mental status:Tired
Body status:Exhausted (damaged)
Energy:1 000/14 000
Bloodline(Integrated):Teratorn Peacock.
Bloodline storage:Night Dove, Leaf Dragon, Ghoul, Troll.
[ABILITIES] (active) (-)
(Sprint LvL 8) (Punch LvL 9) (Trick LvL3) (Muscle empowerment LvL 2(+1) (Bone shatterer LvL1) (perceptionLvL8) (Berserk LvL 5(+1) (revenge LvL6) (killer instinct LvL5(new)
(Deconstruction) (Storage)(Integration) (Assimilation)
[ABILITIES] (passive) (-)
(Super regeneration LvL7) (fatigue immunity LvL4) (Pain immunity LvL 9) (quick learner LvL4) (Primal instinct LvL1) (Charisma LvL1) (Beast aura LvL:1) (Mindful LvL1) (Precise striker LvL7) (Engraved path)(Thermal vision LvL1) (air manipulation LvL5(+1) (Kinetic dispersion LvL8(new) (damage convertion LvL4)
(Filter) (Convertion) (Assort) (Hybrid)
[GEMINI:A Title granted to those who have fused two compatible souls togheter]
(Decreases energy needed to cast magic and use abilities)
[KINDLED: A Title granted to those who refuse to accept a failed fate]
(Mind control immunity)
'Can I take him on with only 1000 energy available?'
Marss didn't look at any of the other notifications exept the energy value. For he could not gauge out how much his evolved skills would use.
Then suddenly, he question.
'Can I mutate my body?'
[Specify mutation?]
His light brown eyes lit up as he screamed outloude.
[This procces will take 9 seconds as host's body is used to mutation]
Looking at fear hopping inside that deflated chicken's eyes, Jenkins was able to gain some closure. But still dissatisfied.
'Forcing me to take over this smelly, bald human was already where the limit went. BUT CRUSHING MY BODY?? AND THINKING YOU COULD LEAVE??'
The hate brewing inside his heart was boiling over. He began to imagine how opening this bird in human skin would look. Slowly figuring out what type of path it walked to gain this never before seen power.
'Could be a blessing... But cutting him would ease my anger, so lets go with that.'
He was slowly getting closer. Watching every movement the boy made while preparing his dark magic.
'This body is not compatible with my soul. Not only that, my casting speed is much slower.'
His desire to torture this wretched child grew more as he looked into its eyes.
However, Jenkins suddenly stopped as the boy began to unexpectedly scream.
Looking at the panicking child, he smirked a little while thinking of why it would suddenly cause so much noise.
'Did the kid go mad? Well, there are other things I can break. So this lord shall forgive you.'
But this thought disappeared as the boy's body began to expand once more.
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