Devolved: Path of the beast
15 Finale
Marss's body once more summoned forth the power of the prehistoric war machine.
The feather and talons emerged once more and took the shape of the claws of a raptor and a peacock. The face changed into the previous mask while a growing silver moon began to cover his back. The primal and destructive grace would make every creature beneath the king layer fervently worship him.
'S***!! Again?! What the hell is this kid?'
Was the world really going against him? Who cares, it probably was. He chanted out loud while stretching his delicate hand.
"Dark Magic:Arrow Of The End!"
A dark, jagged arrow was shot out from his palm. But as it traveled past his fingers, the hand began to corrode itself under some black rash. the surrounding tissue turned to crumbs and disappeared.
'F***! This body is worse than i thought. Sadly, undead have socks for brains and I am all out of lesser balrogs.'
As Jenkins tried to find a solution, he ran towards the flashy wall on the end of the tunnel.
'Whatever, I'll find a new body and be back.'
But as he was only some steps from exiting, he stopped. Hearing an unfamiliar scream of pain make the dark, brick walls tremble
"I...I aM MicHAeL DaMmiT!! GeT OUt!!!!"
He looked back, instantly greeted by the sight of the silver beast now having a largebleeding hole through the left side of its chest. The surrounding feathers were darkening, eroded by the same rashes Jenkins's hand suffered from.
'A..Are you serious? He is that weak to magic!?"
'Why didn't I use offensive spells?! Agh, with this body I can only cast it a few more times!'
He didn't care about this new information, choosing to escape. Coming for revenge later on was doable, now that the creature's weakness was discovered.
As he was prepared to escape through the portal, a suction force caught his body. It was like an underwater current forcefully dragged his body along with it.
Behind him, Marss, or mabye Michael extended one of the giant talons towards the escaping Jenkins. Covering his wounded chest with the other.
[Passive Ability activated]
[air manipulation LvL 5(+1)]
(Can manipulate a limited amount of air surrounding the user. This does not consume energy as it's a passive skill)
The feathers turned dark blue, beginning to absorb in all the surrounding air like a vaccum.
'What a persistant guy. however...'
Jenkins aimed his now rotting hand towards the location where the beast stood.
"Dark Magic:Arrow Of The End!'
Another bolt of darkness was shot out from the crumbling palm. Turning all surrounding flesh and bone into dust, only slowing down as it neared the end of his thin forearm.
The dark bolt furthered accelerated when it rode on the suction force. Not giving Marss any chance to dodge.
Trying to instinctively lean to the side, the arrow, which was aimed at the center of his large chest, hit the shoulder joint.
As the darkness connected with his body. It only gave a soft 'boom' as It drilled deeper into it. Completely ignoring the once indestructible scales.
The feathers once more melted away under the rash.
Jenkins landed on the floor as he fell from down due to the disappearance of the current. Now starting to run towards the exit.
However, he was yet again found dragged backwards. Locking eyes with the beast who now had a pained expression plastered onto the voodoo masked face.
Marss was using his undamaged hand to create the vaccum. The first one he used was now barely attached. An ever growing hole was forming around the place where itconnected to his upper body.
'This kid is really persistent. However!"
Jenkings once more aimed his forearm stump towards Marss while chanting the same line.
"Dark Magic: Arrow Of The End!"
The black bolt fired away. This time, completely destroying his right arm.
The arrow flew faster on the air current, but Marss was expecting the same trick twice. Slicing the air vertically downwards with his dark blue talon. Sending one large razor of wind towards it.
The two projectiles did not crash into each other, but the vertical blade sendt the arrow off course. it plummeted into the ground.
As Jenkins watched one of his most powerful attacks swallow up a piece of brick floor, he widened the gorgeous blue eyes.
'What? Is his mind still intact? WAIT! I can use 'That' since he now has some common sense! HAHA, at least that murky fog gave me some sort of advanced payment.' Jenkings once more made a foolproof plan in his mind, not taking more than 0,34 seconds.
"Hey, freak!" He shouted at the fully focused bird.
As the shout echoed throughout the tunel, he summoned the familiar purple orb out once more. Preparing something.
"Try avoiding this!" As Jenkins then aimed it towards Marss's body.
A small silver needle was materialized and fired out. Flying towards his head blindingly fast.
Thanks to it's small size and speed, Marss was unable to properly react as it ignored the air shield he had formed while Jenkins screamed.
It jammed itself into his forehead, Removing all color from his predatory orange eyes. Turning them pure white.
When Jenkings saw his attack hit, he madly laughed at the now unconscious monster.
"HAHAHAHA SO LONG SUCKER! I bet you don't know what that is? Well, let this handsome and merciful lord explain! Since you will never see the outside again!"
The ecstatic smile which covered his face then moved again. Not hiding any arrogance.
"That's called a 'Soul Spike'. And as long as that thing is connected to your body, you can forget about ever using your brain again! Your body is not only an empty shell, but it is also MY new toy! HAHA! No, wait, not toy, that sounds weird... Ah! My new trophy! YES HAHA!"
He laughed so hard that the shoulder lenght red hair flew from side to side. Raising the remaining, delicate arm to the side. If looking closer, you could also see the sharp also madly twitch.
He walked towards the unmoving brute, ending up with only one breath away from it.
"Wow, you really are ugly. Tsk. Tsk. Despite of your appearence, I need to find out how you are able to transform like that."
As he happily starred at the brute, his eyes shifted to the needle.
"What? is it shaking? That's never happened before.." Taking a closer look at it, he found a golden crack.
Was this a joke played on him? A weapon that not even an emperor layer could scratch was cracked?
"If you dare tell me that this won't work I will personally go and apologize to that b***."
As marss felt the needle ignore the air barrier he created, it stuck into his forehead with a pluck.
Nothing seemed to physicaly change, until the surrounding hall turned into a white void. It was smiliar to the feeling felt when closing the eyes.
'What happened? I can't move?!'
[Host's mind is sealed for ??? amount of time]
He was terrified once the system tried to explain what happened, but then...
[Title activated!]
[KINDLED:Immunity to mind control]
[Host's body is reawakening]
He didn't even have time to read all the warnings as the white background dissipated.
Marss was now starring down the red haired Jenkins who stood in front of him.
They both looked at each other, not moving.
Marss, however, raised his still functioning arm up in the air, curling it into a fist. He was planning to flatten the gorgeous man once and for all.
Jenkings watched as Marss raised his continuously bulging silver arm. Multiple small tornados could be seen forming around it. Like a bunch of rotating saws spinning at full speed.
His blue eyes sharpened. He had already run through over fifty new plans which would help solve this problem. But as he reviewed them each at the time, Jenkings finally decided what the best course of action was.
Every cell and fiber in his body focused themselves into the baleful eyes of the monster. Fully preparing himself for the next move.
His expression was dead serious, not even a hint of fear was visible.
Then, his soft and elegant mouth started to move. Making sure to speak loud enough for the monstrosity to hear, but silent enough to not make his voice echo.
"Do you want to see your mother once more?"
And just as Jenkins expected, the tornados around the clenched talon dispersed.
The two looked at each other silently.
"You understand what I'm saying, right kid?"
Marss looked at the unreadable redhead. Thinking over what was said.
"yOu bEtTEr sTaRT SPeAKiNg" The deep and broken voice was heard by Jenkins. It made him smile on the inside.
"How about we make a deal....Marss, right?" The invisible smile could be felt but not seen. Even Marss felt the confidence laying in each word leaking out. A confidence built on top of the newly earned victory.
He had lost. However, even a loss could become a victory if used correctly.
Jenkins let out a small chuckle. The red hair shook a little as he looked up at the big kitty.
"Easy, you see this purple ball? Well, it's called a dungeon core. As it contains QUITE the large amount of magic essence, and I being a great magician, creating a contract seal should't be too hard soo..." He stratched his sharp chin with the remaining hand. Pretending to be in deep thought.
"GhET tO THe poInt!" Marss impatiently barked lightly, yet still causing the hallway to shake a little. All while his body retracted some of it's feathers.
"Ok Ok! No need to get grumpy. Yes, A contract! Let's set some fair condition. Just a second..."
Jenkins placed his remaining arm on the orb. It switched color from purple to white. Shooting out a flaming white piece if paper.
"First, we will from now on, help each other out. Having a similar relationship as two good buddies. No unnecessary battles where both of us lose out."
"Second, we will share every 'Necessary secret' we are In store of. Like system status and such. No need to hide anything between good brothers, am I right?" The mellow voice passed through every rectracring piece of armor. Not totally agreeing, but not refusing anything yet.
"Lastly, we will help each other achieve both our goals. I will always help you when you are in trouble and vise versa!" Placing his hand on his hip, as if standing on the tip of a mountain as he looked down at the clouds.
"Yes, also, all actions have to be discussed properly. If one party is not swayed by the presented arguments, the plans in making may be seen as invalid. So we won't start anything difficult. You can refuse almost all requests I make! Sweet, right?
Jenkins smuggly smiled at the silent Marss. His alluring feminine features could entrance any easily fooled man. But for Marss, he seemed no different than an evil demoness as the man ended with his last sentence.
"How does this sound, kiddo?"
'If he refuses or tries to negotiate I'll just kill him.... But I can sense that mabye the other guy inside that bird might figure me out...'
Marss heard and registered everything. Feeling like this was some really good swindle.
His body grew smaller. Most of it restored itself back to something more humanoid, looking like half-man/half-harpy.
"first, you HavE to tEll mE yOuR goal."
"Ah, yes....that...Well, you see... Due to some certain circumstances, I plan on turning like let's say...ten precent of this universe into something resembling a burnt chicken nugget. Now, Now, I know this may sound bad, but it's for a good cause."
As he spoke, another, identical voice was playing in his mind.
'Being able to break the 'Soul Spike' told me everything. You possess an immunity towards brainwashing, right? Then forget about ever being able to live a normal life. THEY would never allow such an existence. Our plan's almost certainly align as your fate must be cursed. Cursed like my own."
Marss was planning on refusing. Trying to negotiate some better terms as he slowly crushed every bone in this guy's body.
However, something suddenly felt different. It was akin to when he spoke to that voice in his head. It was as if it told him to accept the offer, causing a slight mental battle to happen inside his head.
As the slight struggle continued for a second, he felt his will be overpowered and an unwilling answer escaped his mouth.
"I...I accept your c..conDiTionS!"
As these word came into existence, The white piece of paper shot out two burning collars towards both the figures.
Jenkins stood there with his smirk, not moving a single mucle.
Marss, however, slightly struggled against it but quickly gave up as it tightened around his bulky neck.
Inside of Marss's consciousness, two slightly similar humanoid figures were now connected by a cord of light. They both sat there, naked and cross legged. facing each other.
The one had a hair full of shiny gold hair and a set of golden eyes. The other one with head full of dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were almost identical in looks.
"Why did you accept with such horrible conditions? I thought you said you were going to help me...."
The golden eyes of the opposition shone brighter as he then spoke with a young, but very dominating tone of speech.
'This idiot won't belive me if I just say I felt trying to argue would lead to something bad...'
"Let me ask you something, Marss. Have you ever read any books before?"
"M..Mom and Dad had some back home, but I never opened them."
Michael's eyes sharpened as he looked at the boy shying away. His hair slowly became more babtized with the gold luster.
"Not only inexperienced, but also hopeless. Very well. Listen to this then."
"Back in my world, reading was one of my daily activities. Books are fragments of all collective minds who chose to pass on their wisdom. And in one of the ones I read, written by an incredible war general, I learnt 'The Art of War'. That man singlehandedly guarded his homeland using the founding principles he had about fighting."
Michael slowly closed his eyes. Reminiscing about his past collection of hoarded knowledge.
"The only thing's you need to know is that, Firstly, all warfare is based upon deception. Never just focus about what is gained when fighting, but secure all the best outcomes. This elf is the smartest individual I have met so far. And he is now handing his head to you. Do not waste it only for some fixable grudge.
"Secondly, when claiming a prize, you must always try to get the ENTIRE thing. Why all this struggle for only a dungeon core? Non of us know how to use it"
"The third and last advice I will give you is this. Strike where your enemy is most vulnerable. Never simply show off just to stroke your ego. Hide your strength when needed, and shatter them when they have grown arrogant enough."
Michael then open his radiant eyes once more. Looking at the cord attaching him to the previously innocent farm boy.
"Our fusion is almost done, yet incomplete. I will help you as you go on. However, as of noe, you are useless. Let me handle this, I will let you do some training after I'm done."
Marss did not resist. Fully trusting the one in front of him. He slowly closed his eyes, letting a warm stream of brown wind to flow from his body towards the confident man.
'He spaced out..? Well, this body can last for another year if I don't amass any 'dark essence', so I can wait'
Jenkins patiently waited for Marss to wake up, not worrying now that their contract had been signed.
Suddenly, the creature completly reversed it's transformation. Returning back to a golden haired boy with gold eyes.
Jenkins nodded his head. Very satisfied.
"Good stuff, good stuff."
he stretched the remaining towards him.
"Full name is Jenkins kra Bellioll, Should I just call you Marss, or...?"
The golden haired boy stretched out his hand, similarly smiling back at the pretty man. As they connected, the memories of a building sized head played in his mind. Planning on what the best course of action would be.
"An honor to be able to work with you, brother."
Jenkings's smile magnified, gripping the hand of the other indivudal. Feeling something connect their now bound togheter fate.
As he smiled at the boy, he was about to ask for the full name, but was interrupted.
"You can just call me Michael."
The feather and talons emerged once more and took the shape of the claws of a raptor and a peacock. The face changed into the previous mask while a growing silver moon began to cover his back. The primal and destructive grace would make every creature beneath the king layer fervently worship him.
'S***!! Again?! What the hell is this kid?'
Was the world really going against him? Who cares, it probably was. He chanted out loud while stretching his delicate hand.
"Dark Magic:Arrow Of The End!"
A dark, jagged arrow was shot out from his palm. But as it traveled past his fingers, the hand began to corrode itself under some black rash. the surrounding tissue turned to crumbs and disappeared.
'F***! This body is worse than i thought. Sadly, undead have socks for brains and I am all out of lesser balrogs.'
As Jenkins tried to find a solution, he ran towards the flashy wall on the end of the tunnel.
'Whatever, I'll find a new body and be back.'
But as he was only some steps from exiting, he stopped. Hearing an unfamiliar scream of pain make the dark, brick walls tremble
"I...I aM MicHAeL DaMmiT!! GeT OUt!!!!"
He looked back, instantly greeted by the sight of the silver beast now having a largebleeding hole through the left side of its chest. The surrounding feathers were darkening, eroded by the same rashes Jenkins's hand suffered from.
'A..Are you serious? He is that weak to magic!?"
'Why didn't I use offensive spells?! Agh, with this body I can only cast it a few more times!'
He didn't care about this new information, choosing to escape. Coming for revenge later on was doable, now that the creature's weakness was discovered.
As he was prepared to escape through the portal, a suction force caught his body. It was like an underwater current forcefully dragged his body along with it.
Behind him, Marss, or mabye Michael extended one of the giant talons towards the escaping Jenkins. Covering his wounded chest with the other.
[Passive Ability activated]
[air manipulation LvL 5(+1)]
(Can manipulate a limited amount of air surrounding the user. This does not consume energy as it's a passive skill)
The feathers turned dark blue, beginning to absorb in all the surrounding air like a vaccum.
'What a persistant guy. however...'
Jenkins aimed his now rotting hand towards the location where the beast stood.
"Dark Magic:Arrow Of The End!'
Another bolt of darkness was shot out from the crumbling palm. Turning all surrounding flesh and bone into dust, only slowing down as it neared the end of his thin forearm.
The dark bolt furthered accelerated when it rode on the suction force. Not giving Marss any chance to dodge.
Trying to instinctively lean to the side, the arrow, which was aimed at the center of his large chest, hit the shoulder joint.
As the darkness connected with his body. It only gave a soft 'boom' as It drilled deeper into it. Completely ignoring the once indestructible scales.
The feathers once more melted away under the rash.
Jenkins landed on the floor as he fell from down due to the disappearance of the current. Now starting to run towards the exit.
However, he was yet again found dragged backwards. Locking eyes with the beast who now had a pained expression plastered onto the voodoo masked face.
Marss was using his undamaged hand to create the vaccum. The first one he used was now barely attached. An ever growing hole was forming around the place where itconnected to his upper body.
'This kid is really persistent. However!"
Jenkings once more aimed his forearm stump towards Marss while chanting the same line.
"Dark Magic: Arrow Of The End!"
The black bolt fired away. This time, completely destroying his right arm.
The arrow flew faster on the air current, but Marss was expecting the same trick twice. Slicing the air vertically downwards with his dark blue talon. Sending one large razor of wind towards it.
The two projectiles did not crash into each other, but the vertical blade sendt the arrow off course. it plummeted into the ground.
As Jenkins watched one of his most powerful attacks swallow up a piece of brick floor, he widened the gorgeous blue eyes.
'What? Is his mind still intact? WAIT! I can use 'That' since he now has some common sense! HAHA, at least that murky fog gave me some sort of advanced payment.' Jenkings once more made a foolproof plan in his mind, not taking more than 0,34 seconds.
"Hey, freak!" He shouted at the fully focused bird.
As the shout echoed throughout the tunel, he summoned the familiar purple orb out once more. Preparing something.
"Try avoiding this!" As Jenkins then aimed it towards Marss's body.
A small silver needle was materialized and fired out. Flying towards his head blindingly fast.
Thanks to it's small size and speed, Marss was unable to properly react as it ignored the air shield he had formed while Jenkins screamed.
It jammed itself into his forehead, Removing all color from his predatory orange eyes. Turning them pure white.
When Jenkings saw his attack hit, he madly laughed at the now unconscious monster.
"HAHAHAHA SO LONG SUCKER! I bet you don't know what that is? Well, let this handsome and merciful lord explain! Since you will never see the outside again!"
The ecstatic smile which covered his face then moved again. Not hiding any arrogance.
"That's called a 'Soul Spike'. And as long as that thing is connected to your body, you can forget about ever using your brain again! Your body is not only an empty shell, but it is also MY new toy! HAHA! No, wait, not toy, that sounds weird... Ah! My new trophy! YES HAHA!"
He laughed so hard that the shoulder lenght red hair flew from side to side. Raising the remaining, delicate arm to the side. If looking closer, you could also see the sharp also madly twitch.
He walked towards the unmoving brute, ending up with only one breath away from it.
"Wow, you really are ugly. Tsk. Tsk. Despite of your appearence, I need to find out how you are able to transform like that."
As he happily starred at the brute, his eyes shifted to the needle.
"What? is it shaking? That's never happened before.." Taking a closer look at it, he found a golden crack.
Was this a joke played on him? A weapon that not even an emperor layer could scratch was cracked?
"If you dare tell me that this won't work I will personally go and apologize to that b***."
As marss felt the needle ignore the air barrier he created, it stuck into his forehead with a pluck.
Nothing seemed to physicaly change, until the surrounding hall turned into a white void. It was smiliar to the feeling felt when closing the eyes.
'What happened? I can't move?!'
[Host's mind is sealed for ??? amount of time]
He was terrified once the system tried to explain what happened, but then...
[Title activated!]
[KINDLED:Immunity to mind control]
[Host's body is reawakening]
He didn't even have time to read all the warnings as the white background dissipated.
Marss was now starring down the red haired Jenkins who stood in front of him.
They both looked at each other, not moving.
Marss, however, raised his still functioning arm up in the air, curling it into a fist. He was planning to flatten the gorgeous man once and for all.
Jenkings watched as Marss raised his continuously bulging silver arm. Multiple small tornados could be seen forming around it. Like a bunch of rotating saws spinning at full speed.
His blue eyes sharpened. He had already run through over fifty new plans which would help solve this problem. But as he reviewed them each at the time, Jenkings finally decided what the best course of action was.
Every cell and fiber in his body focused themselves into the baleful eyes of the monster. Fully preparing himself for the next move.
His expression was dead serious, not even a hint of fear was visible.
Then, his soft and elegant mouth started to move. Making sure to speak loud enough for the monstrosity to hear, but silent enough to not make his voice echo.
"Do you want to see your mother once more?"
And just as Jenkins expected, the tornados around the clenched talon dispersed.
The two looked at each other silently.
"You understand what I'm saying, right kid?"
Marss looked at the unreadable redhead. Thinking over what was said.
"yOu bEtTEr sTaRT SPeAKiNg" The deep and broken voice was heard by Jenkins. It made him smile on the inside.
"How about we make a deal....Marss, right?" The invisible smile could be felt but not seen. Even Marss felt the confidence laying in each word leaking out. A confidence built on top of the newly earned victory.
He had lost. However, even a loss could become a victory if used correctly.
Jenkins let out a small chuckle. The red hair shook a little as he looked up at the big kitty.
"Easy, you see this purple ball? Well, it's called a dungeon core. As it contains QUITE the large amount of magic essence, and I being a great magician, creating a contract seal should't be too hard soo..." He stratched his sharp chin with the remaining hand. Pretending to be in deep thought.
"GhET tO THe poInt!" Marss impatiently barked lightly, yet still causing the hallway to shake a little. All while his body retracted some of it's feathers.
"Ok Ok! No need to get grumpy. Yes, A contract! Let's set some fair condition. Just a second..."
Jenkins placed his remaining arm on the orb. It switched color from purple to white. Shooting out a flaming white piece if paper.
"First, we will from now on, help each other out. Having a similar relationship as two good buddies. No unnecessary battles where both of us lose out."
"Second, we will share every 'Necessary secret' we are In store of. Like system status and such. No need to hide anything between good brothers, am I right?" The mellow voice passed through every rectracring piece of armor. Not totally agreeing, but not refusing anything yet.
"Lastly, we will help each other achieve both our goals. I will always help you when you are in trouble and vise versa!" Placing his hand on his hip, as if standing on the tip of a mountain as he looked down at the clouds.
"Yes, also, all actions have to be discussed properly. If one party is not swayed by the presented arguments, the plans in making may be seen as invalid. So we won't start anything difficult. You can refuse almost all requests I make! Sweet, right?
Jenkins smuggly smiled at the silent Marss. His alluring feminine features could entrance any easily fooled man. But for Marss, he seemed no different than an evil demoness as the man ended with his last sentence.
"How does this sound, kiddo?"
'If he refuses or tries to negotiate I'll just kill him.... But I can sense that mabye the other guy inside that bird might figure me out...'
Marss heard and registered everything. Feeling like this was some really good swindle.
His body grew smaller. Most of it restored itself back to something more humanoid, looking like half-man/half-harpy.
"first, you HavE to tEll mE yOuR goal."
"Ah, yes....that...Well, you see... Due to some certain circumstances, I plan on turning like let's say...ten precent of this universe into something resembling a burnt chicken nugget. Now, Now, I know this may sound bad, but it's for a good cause."
As he spoke, another, identical voice was playing in his mind.
'Being able to break the 'Soul Spike' told me everything. You possess an immunity towards brainwashing, right? Then forget about ever being able to live a normal life. THEY would never allow such an existence. Our plan's almost certainly align as your fate must be cursed. Cursed like my own."
Marss was planning on refusing. Trying to negotiate some better terms as he slowly crushed every bone in this guy's body.
However, something suddenly felt different. It was akin to when he spoke to that voice in his head. It was as if it told him to accept the offer, causing a slight mental battle to happen inside his head.
As the slight struggle continued for a second, he felt his will be overpowered and an unwilling answer escaped his mouth.
"I...I accept your c..conDiTionS!"
As these word came into existence, The white piece of paper shot out two burning collars towards both the figures.
Jenkins stood there with his smirk, not moving a single mucle.
Marss, however, slightly struggled against it but quickly gave up as it tightened around his bulky neck.
Inside of Marss's consciousness, two slightly similar humanoid figures were now connected by a cord of light. They both sat there, naked and cross legged. facing each other.
The one had a hair full of shiny gold hair and a set of golden eyes. The other one with head full of dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were almost identical in looks.
"Why did you accept with such horrible conditions? I thought you said you were going to help me...."
The golden eyes of the opposition shone brighter as he then spoke with a young, but very dominating tone of speech.
'This idiot won't belive me if I just say I felt trying to argue would lead to something bad...'
"Let me ask you something, Marss. Have you ever read any books before?"
"M..Mom and Dad had some back home, but I never opened them."
Michael's eyes sharpened as he looked at the boy shying away. His hair slowly became more babtized with the gold luster.
"Not only inexperienced, but also hopeless. Very well. Listen to this then."
"Back in my world, reading was one of my daily activities. Books are fragments of all collective minds who chose to pass on their wisdom. And in one of the ones I read, written by an incredible war general, I learnt 'The Art of War'. That man singlehandedly guarded his homeland using the founding principles he had about fighting."
Michael slowly closed his eyes. Reminiscing about his past collection of hoarded knowledge.
"The only thing's you need to know is that, Firstly, all warfare is based upon deception. Never just focus about what is gained when fighting, but secure all the best outcomes. This elf is the smartest individual I have met so far. And he is now handing his head to you. Do not waste it only for some fixable grudge.
"Secondly, when claiming a prize, you must always try to get the ENTIRE thing. Why all this struggle for only a dungeon core? Non of us know how to use it"
"The third and last advice I will give you is this. Strike where your enemy is most vulnerable. Never simply show off just to stroke your ego. Hide your strength when needed, and shatter them when they have grown arrogant enough."
Michael then open his radiant eyes once more. Looking at the cord attaching him to the previously innocent farm boy.
"Our fusion is almost done, yet incomplete. I will help you as you go on. However, as of noe, you are useless. Let me handle this, I will let you do some training after I'm done."
Marss did not resist. Fully trusting the one in front of him. He slowly closed his eyes, letting a warm stream of brown wind to flow from his body towards the confident man.
'He spaced out..? Well, this body can last for another year if I don't amass any 'dark essence', so I can wait'
Jenkins patiently waited for Marss to wake up, not worrying now that their contract had been signed.
Suddenly, the creature completly reversed it's transformation. Returning back to a golden haired boy with gold eyes.
Jenkins nodded his head. Very satisfied.
"Good stuff, good stuff."
he stretched the remaining towards him.
"Full name is Jenkins kra Bellioll, Should I just call you Marss, or...?"
The golden haired boy stretched out his hand, similarly smiling back at the pretty man. As they connected, the memories of a building sized head played in his mind. Planning on what the best course of action would be.
"An honor to be able to work with you, brother."
Jenkings's smile magnified, gripping the hand of the other indivudal. Feeling something connect their now bound togheter fate.
As he smiled at the boy, he was about to ask for the full name, but was interrupted.
"You can just call me Michael."
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