Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 308 Alien Spaceship!

"it's here!"

Lin Feng continued digging for a while, and the wreckage of the alien spacecraft appeared in front of him.

This alien spacecraft occupies an extremely large area, as big as three football fields. It is completely black and looks like a silver plate.

Lin Feng cleared away the surrounding obstacles and soon arrived near the hull of the alien spacecraft.

The height of this alien spacecraft was eighty or ninety meters, so Lin Feng could easily enter it by shrinking his neck.

"Go in and take a look!"

Lin Feng was about to enter the interior of the alien spacecraft to check.

At this moment, the smart assistant stopped him and said, "Master, don't enter yet!"

"Oh? Why is that?"

Lin Feng stopped and asked in surprise.

"This alien spacecraft is a sleeping Transformer!"

The smart assistant's words are amazing.

"Wha, what?"

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard this.

Such a huge alien spacecraft is actually a Transformer?

This size is too big!

Seeing Lin Feng's surprised expression, the smart assistant said: "The Transformers family comes in all kinds, including airplanes, submarines, and even some of them are actually a planet!"

"A planet is so big?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but take a step back.

The intelligent assistant immediately scanned the hull of the alien spacecraft.

Soon, it said: "This Transformer must have fled to Earth and crashed here!"

"Then is it still conscious?"

Lin Feng asked worriedly.

If he got into the body of this Transformer and it suddenly woke up, wouldn't it be like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

After all, the technology of the Transformers home planet is very powerful, and Lin Feng does not believe that they are incapable of dealing with him.

"Its consciousness fell into a deep sleep!"

The smart assistant said.

"That's not bad!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

So, he slowly walked inside along the entrance of the spacecraft.

The space inside the spaceship is very large, with various instruments and dusty statues inside.

To Lin Feng, the inside of the spacecraft felt like a temple.

"Master, this is a mausoleum!"

The smart assistant suddenly said.

"What? A mausoleum?"

Lin Feng was shocked.

"Yes! This entire spaceship is a mausoleum, and these statues are all tombkeepers!"

The smart assistant pointed to the dusty statues and said.

Lin Feng counted them carefully and found that there were 12 statues in total, standing in two rows, seemingly guarding a high platform in the middle.

Could it be that the coffin the smart assistant mentioned is inside the high platform in the middle?

What kind of person would use a spaceship as a mausoleum after his death?

Moreover, this alien spaceship is also a Transformer!

Lin Feng looked towards the top of the spacecraft. He found that there were many black vines hanging down from the top of the spacecraft, making the spacecraft look eerie!

"Master, be careful!"

The smart assistant suddenly said.


Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"These vines are somewhat like the void vines in the interstellar world!"

The smart assistant said with a solemn voice.

"Void Vine?"

Lin Feng asked in surprise.

It was a plant he had never heard of.

However, being able to appear in this spaceship must be extraordinary.

The intelligent assistant slowly said: "The Void Vine is a very terrifying cosmic creature. Its abilities are very similar to its master's!"

"Oh? Could it be that it can release gravitational beams?"

Lin Feng exclaimed.

"No! Its ability is to absorb the life energy of any object in the universe!"

The smart assistant said.

"It's really scary!"

Lin Feng nodded.

The intelligent assistant said: "I may have guessed what happened on the home planet of Transformers!"

"In the end what happened?"

Lin Feng asked immediately.

"The Transformers' home planet has been drained of energy by the Void Vine!"

The smart assistant said slowly.

"It is precisely because of this Void Vine that the owner of this spaceship fled the universe with a mechanical heart, and finally fell to the earth!"

"A planet drained of energy?"

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard this.

What a terrifying creature this is!

"Master, if I'm not wrong, the person sleeping in this coffin may be the leader of the Transformers home planet!"

The smart assistant said slowly.

“Just go and see and you’ll find out!”

Lin Feng immediately took action.

He slowly walked to the high platform in the middle.

This is a metal high platform. It looks like the high platform is about thirty meters long and five meters wide.

Lin Feng tapped the high platform with his tail and found that it was a very strong material.

"Master, just use the gravity beam!"

the smart assistant said excitedly.


Lin Feng took a step back.

He stretched his neck, and his wings and tail began to glow with golden light.

The next moment, three golden lightning bolts shot out from Lin Feng's mouth and eyes.


Golden light shone, and the high platform of unknown material was torn apart instantly!


The coffin board flew out directly, and the smoke and dust billowed!

Lin Feng stepped forward and found a dead Transformer lying inside the coffin.

Moreover, this is a Transformers that has run out of gas.

Seeing this scene, the intelligent assistant said regretfully: "It is dead! It has exhausted all its life energy, and even the mechanical heart cannot revive it!"

Lin Feng looked carefully and found that the Transformer had completely lost its metallic luster, and its surface looked like carbonized wood.

At this moment, the 12 statues around him suddenly trembled slowly.

A dull voice sounded: "Who disturbed Tianzun's sleep!"


Lin Feng glanced back at the dead Transformer in the coffin.

This dead Transformer had a higher status than he imagined!

Boom Kaka!

The first statue broke free of the dusty shackles on its body and came to life.

Its eyes were shining with blue light.

This statue was originally standing, with a long sword between its hands.

At this moment, this long sword seemed to be unsealed, shining with red light!


The long sword glowed like a laser sword!

"Be careful! This long sword is the same as the molten sword in the hands of the Transformers leader before!"

The smart assistant reminded.

Lin Feng immediately stepped back.


The unsealed Transformer slashed the place where Lin Feng had just stood with his sword, instantly cutting a crack into the bottom of the spacecraft!

Obviously, the power of this laser sword is very terrifying!

Boom Kaka!

Several other dusty statues have also begun to be unsealed.

The black material covering it began to fall off, revealing the metallic Transformers inside.

Lin Feng took a look and found that these Transformers seemed to be standard.

Their body shapes are very uniform, both 24 meters!

"Perhaps! This is the bodyguard of the Transformers who died in the coffin!"

Lin Feng thought so.

"Who is disturbing Tianzun's sleep!"

Every Transformer wakes up and lets out the same roar.

Then, they raised their swords and attacked Lin Feng!

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