
Twelve long laser swords blazing with sword light struck at Lin Feng together, as if forming a prison of sword light, covering every part of his body!

"So strong!"

Lin Feng filled his body with telepathy and realized that these twelve long swords blocked all his escape routes.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feng put his mind into the crystal stone.


Lin Feng was instantly equipped with a black armor.

This is the Black Rhino Armor!


Twelve long swords thrust together, and this sharp lightsaber sealed all spaces.

Moreover, this sword light was very fast, as if it spanned space!


Lin Feng felt his eyes blurred as the lightsaber was pierced into his body!

In an instant, the black rhinoceros armor was cut open, revealing the golden scales inside.


The sword light struck the golden scales and continued to penetrate inside as if there was no resistance!

At this moment, Lin Feng felt cold all over, and a fatal crisis hit his heart!

However, at this moment, the twelve swords stopped suddenly.


Lin Feng's golden scales were pierced by the lightsaber, and the scorching laser burned the flesh and blood inside, causing him to feel excruciating pain.

Pain, a long-lost feeling!

At this time, the smart assistant's prompt sounded in his mind: "Master, be careful!"

Lin Feng looked at the twelve Transformers who stopped suddenly, and their eyes looked at somewhere on Lin Feng's body.

There is the place where the mechanical heart is hidden.


Twelve Transformers actually knelt down on one knee towards Lin Feng.

Their swords were also withdrawn and stuck in front of Lin Feng.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lin Feng was confused.

What happened just now happened too fast!

The intelligent assistant seemed to have just recovered from the fright. It said with lingering fear: "These twelve Transformers have the ability to jump in space!"

"Space jump?"

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but think of the scene where he had just been attacked by twelve Transformers.

Indeed, those twelve swords are so fast that they seem to be able to pierce space!

It was so fast that Lin Feng couldn't change his thoughts!

"Then why did they kneel down to me again now?"

Lin Feng frowned and looked at the twelve Transformers kneeling in front of him.

He was at a loss.

"Mechanical Heart! Perhaps they have already lost their original consciousness and are just attacking based on instinct. The reason why they stopped is because they sensed the breath of the Mechanical Heart!"

The smart assistant explained.

Just now, it was sweating.

If it weren't for this mechanical heart, perhaps Lin Feng would be dead!

Because these twelve Transformers are so powerful!

"is that so?"

With a thought, Lin Feng made the mechanical heart float in the void.

Sure enough, these twelve Transformers all looked at the mechanical heart in Lin Feng's hand with blue electronic eyes devoutly.

Perhaps, these twelve Transformers are the twelve oldest knights from the origin of this planet.

Their mission is to protect this mechanical heart!

After understanding this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, with this mechanical heart in hand, these twelve Transformers will no longer attack him!


On the surface of the Mechanical Heart, a blue arc appeared.

After a while, the twelve Transformers slowly walked back and stood in their original positions.

"What a pity! I currently cannot control the power of this mechanical heart. Otherwise, I could conquer these twelve powerful Transformers!"

Lin Feng looked at the Transformers who had returned to their original positions and felt very sorry.

These twelve Transformers are very powerful beings.

However, none of them will be mobilized by Lin Feng.

Seeing that the twelve guard-like Transformers stopped attacking him, Lin Feng slowly walked to the coffin of the Transformer codenamed Tianzun again.

He is looking for clues left by the most powerful Transformer.

After the battle just now, violent vibrations were caused, and the carbonized body of the Transformers ‘Tianzun’ in the coffin had been shaken to pieces!

Soon, Lin Feng discovered that there was a glowing silver metal ball between the eyebrows of this Transformer.

The smart assistant also noticed it and immediately said: "Master, pick up that silver metal ball!"


Lin Feng immediately released his telekinesis.

Then, he used his mind power to completely wrap the silver metal ball.


The silver metal ball flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng's forehead.

The smart assistant immediately said: "Master, wait a moment, this is a photo-taking technology, I will be able to crack it in a moment!"

Lin Feng waited quietly.

Not long after, the silver metal ball began to shine with white light.


A holographic projection suddenly appeared inside the spacecraft.

Lin Feng seemed to be in space.

This is inside a spaceship.

Lin Feng could tell that this spaceship was the one he was on at this time.

However, at this moment, the spacecraft is still sailing in space.

In the picture, there is a tall Transformer with a simple appearance.

Lin Feng recognized it as soon as he saw it. This was the Transformer codenamed Tianzun!

"My people! I am wandering in the interstellar world just to keep the last fire of Cybertron alive! I am looking for the Emperor of the Universe, who is the only being who can compete with the Shadow Supreme!"

‘Tianzun’ said with a desolate tone.

"I have found the clues left by the Emperor of the Universe and am sailing towards the galaxy where the Emperor of the Universe is located. However, the Shadow Supreme finally caught up with the spacecraft..."


Lin Feng asked in surprise.

The intelligent assistant said: "It is rumored that this is the supreme being of the universe!"

"Is it strong?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Of course it's powerful! That's the supreme life form in the universe! It's capable of spawning infinite galaxies!"

The smart assistant said affirmatively.

Lin Feng nodded, and he roughly understood that this might be a giant like heaven!

He was a little curious, who is this Emperor of the Universe?

Who is this Shadow Supreme?

Soon, a shadow flashed in the screen, and Lin Feng was horrified to discover that a huge figure appeared on the dark side of the universe.

She seems to be a female body, immeasurable, and the huge Transformers spaceship is just a speck of dust in front of it!

Is this the Shadow Supreme?

Lin Feng guessed.

Then, Lin Feng saw that in the picture, the Shadow Supreme opened his mouth and let out a scream, and countless meteorites were shattered by the roar.

Then, the Shadow Supreme's hair suddenly swelled up like countless vines, attacking towards the spaceship where the 'Tianzun' was!

"It turns out! The Void Vine is the hair of the Shadow Supreme!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was shocked.

However, in the picture, Transformers ‘Tianzun’ did not sit still and wait for death.

In its hand, it raised a scepter, and a beating metal heart appeared on its chest.


That metal heart emits bright blue light, illuminating half of the dark universe!

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