Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 318 Badru awakens!


Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Because, like Skull Island, this Inner Earth Sea is an isolated place with low technology and no Internet.

In such a place, the smart assistant is like a blind man.

As for Lin Feng, his telekinesis can only detect a ten-kilometer radius around him. Beyond this range, it won't work.

To find information about the Sea Clan's artifact in such a completely unfamiliar place, Lin Feng could only rely on local creatures.

Therefore, he had a temporary idea and recruited Badru to become his disciple.

Then, with Badru as the core, Lin Feng developed into a force and searched for clues to the Sea Clan's artifacts in the Earth's Inner Sea!

Lin Feng began to use his telekinesis to explore Badru.

Just now, he had discovered that Badru was different from the humans on the ground.

In addition to being larger in size, perhaps because of being in the center of the earth, some mutations have occurred. There is some special energy in the body!

And these energies are also different, with fire and water being the main ones.

Could it be that the key to becoming a Druid is for Badru to understand the mystery?

Lin Feng did whatever he thought of.

However, beforehand, he warned Badru: "Badru, next, this god is going to perform an awakening ceremony on you. There may be some pain. You must endure it. If you cannot endure it, you will never be able to become a disciple." Druid!"

"Yes! Badru will definitely do it!"

Badru said with great desire.

Lin Feng nodded, he was also optimistic about Badru.

Because he has been bullied since he was a child. Just like the good-for-nothing protagonist in the novel, he has a heart that is eager to become stronger and his willpower is extremely firm.

Lin Feng also has a very unique understanding of fire and water power.

So, he simulated the power of water and fire in Badru's mind.

First, there is a picture of Badru standing alone on a bamboo raft, sailing in the sea.

At first, the sea was calm. Suddenly, waves arose on the sea surface, and the bamboo raft began to bump rapidly in the rapid current.

A rapid wave hit, and the bamboo raft instantly fell into pieces, and Badru also fell into the water instantly.


Badru stretched his neck and struggled violently in the water.

The temperature of the water is getting higher and higher, and gradually it starts to get hot.

Water vapor rose up, forming a thick fog on the water surface that could not be dissolved.


With a thought from Lin Feng, the originally boiling sea water instantly began to become cold again, gradually forming thick ice.

After a while, he demonstrated various changes in water to Badru.

The first test of the Druid is to let the person being tested drift alone and helplessly on the sea, in order to make the person being tested understand the mystery of water in a desperate situation.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was more specific.

In an instant, Badru understood the secret of water power.

Lin Feng began to guide his consciousness to contact and resonate with the energy of water in his body...

At a certain moment, water flow was born around Badru.

This water flow sometimes changes into various shapes, sometimes changing between liquid and gaseous states, and even between solid states.

Lin Feng did not remind Badru that he had become a great druid.

Instead, he continued to demonstrate the power of fire to him.

The steps at the beginning were exactly the same. Lin Feng first showed Badru the power of fire.

For example, destruction and regeneration.

Then, Lin Feng guided Badru to contact the fire energy in his body.

The whole process went very smoothly. At a certain moment, Badru successfully mastered the fire power.

However, Lin Feng did not stop.

Because, he discovered that there is a third group of energy attributes in Badru's body!

"Is this a wood attribute?"

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

This wood attribute is different from the wood attribute on Chen Lin's body, and it contains an extremely violent aura.

"It seems that what Badru may have mastered is not healing, but an attack ability!"

Lin Feng thought so.

So, he once again used his mind power to guide Badru to understand the properties of the wood in his body.

However, Lin Feng himself had no understanding of the wood attribute.

Therefore, these can only be understood by Badru himself.

Lin Feng discovered that as Badru came into contact with the violent wood attribute in his body.

His body began to undergo changes.

Badru's size is slowly increasing.

Moreover, it seems that some kind of magical mutation has occurred, and humans have actually transformed into other creatures!

"Is this an elephant?"

Soon, Badru appeared in front of Lin Feng and turned into an elephant more than ten meters long!

He has a long nose and pointed teeth!

"A human turned into an animal! Is this also the ability of a druid?"

Lin Feng was extremely surprised.


A long cry came from Badru's mouth.

The next moment, he started running quickly and hit a big tree in front of him.

Click! Click!

A big tree as thick as a hug was directly broken by the elephant Badru turned into!

"After transforming into the elephant form, Badru's internal attack and defense are increased tenfold!"

Lin Feng has been paying attention to Badru's various attributes with his mind.


After knocking down a big tree, Badru quickly shrank like a deflated ball and returned to his human appearance!

"I did it! I really did it!"

Badru still retained the memory of just now, and he said excitedly.

Then, he knelt down towards Lin Feng and kowtowed heavily.

All of this was given by the Lord Shenlong in front of me!

Lin Feng accepted Badru's bow very calmly.

Then, he asked: "Badru, how much do you know about this world?"

Badru shook his head in confusion: "Master Shenlong, the villain has just arrived here. I only know that there are extremely terrifying creatures in this forest!"

"Oh? Are there some large creatures?"

When Lin Feng heard this, his golden eyes lit up.

He came to the Earth's Core Sea not only to search for the Sea Clan's artifacts, but also to hunt some large creatures.

Because, after the ninth level, the life energy required for Lin Feng to advance has increased hundreds to thousands of times!

"Let's go! Let's go over and take a look!"

Lin Feng immediately walked towards the place indicated by Badru.

As he walked, Badru said: "One evening, I once heard the roar of a shocking beast. It was suspected that two mysterious giant beasts were fighting. The roar shook the sky and the movement was astonishing. A violent earthquake occurred in the entire forest, as if it caused an earthquake. The volcano erupted, and the animals in the forest began to run for their lives!"

"Okay! Okay! The bigger, the better!"

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

These were all within his expectations.

Because this is the center of the earth, and the closer to the center of the earth, the stronger the radioactivity.

In this way, it will be easier to give birth to terrifying creatures like Godzilla!

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