Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 319 The Flame Lion King!

Lin Feng was flying in the air, while Badru was walking through the woods.

Soon, a man and a beast came to a nearby wild mountain range.

Standing outside the mountains, a simple and thrilling atmosphere hits your face!

Lin Feng looked towards the mountains. The mountains here were very high, with ancient trees and strange birds flying in the sky.

One of them is very huge, like a flying passenger plane!

Below, Badru felt a strong palpitation just as he approached the Wilderness Mountains.

However, after looking at Lord Shenlong flying in the air, his eyes became firm again.

Then, Badru stepped into the wild forest.

This was still a fringe place with relatively few dangers, so he continued walking forward.

At this moment, a centipede more than three meters long rushed towards Badru!

This centipede is as thick as an adult's thigh. Its back is red and it looks extremely scary.


When it saw Badru, it first spit out a puff of green poisonous smoke.

Badru was already prepared, and a red flame spurted out from his palm.


The flames rose in the storm, and under Badru's control, they instantly sprayed on the red centipede's body.

Beep beep beep, the centipede was roasted by the flames, giving off bursts of the smell of burnt protein.

Badru covered his mouth and nose with his hands and rushed forward quickly.

Lin Feng, who was flying in the sky, nodded slightly.

This Badru is fearless in the face of danger and has some plasticity.

This was precisely the reason why Lin Feng did not go with him.

He deliberately polished Badru.

If Badru wants to become the leader of a force, he must have excellent strength.

This is Lin Feng's painstaking effort to hone Badru's strength.

Badru's next opponent is a bear more than five meters long.

When Badru passed by, the big bear jumped down from the big tree in an instant, and stood up with two front claws, trying to tear Badru apart with its sharp claws!


In an instant, Badru instantly transformed into a ten-meter-long elephant.


With one sweep of the elephant's giant tail, the bear flew away.

Then, Badru rushed forward and stabbed directly into the bear's body with his pointed teeth.


The bear screamed in pain.

After a while, he died spraying blood!

Here, just on the outskirts of the wild forest, there are already animals that are much larger than those on the ground.

Lin Feng became even more interested in the depths of the mountains.

After Badru took care of the bear, he returned to his human form.

He grabbed one of the bear's legs and tore it off violently!

Then, Badru sprayed water with his right hand to wash it, and then sprayed flames from his mouth, and started to barbecue in the woods!

After a while, the scent of bear paws wafted through the woods.

After a hearty meal, Badru continued on his way.

Soon after, he encountered fighting again.

The opponent was a huge white tiger that opened its bloody mouth and chased him.

This time, Badru had a more difficult time resolving the battle, but his strength had improved somewhat.

Lin Feng looked down from a high altitude. He made a rough calculation and found that this mountain was almost five thousand meters above sea level.

Halfway up the mountain, towering into the clouds, completely covered by clouds and mist!

What is very strange is that the clouds and mist are actually fiery red.

Lin Feng guessed that the top of this mountain was an active volcano, and perhaps there were giant creatures in the active volcano!

And there is also his main target!

Down below, Badru's battle becomes increasingly difficult.

Because, the further up the mountain you go, the stronger the opponents you encounter.

Finally, Badru was blocked by a big python.

This big python was more than 20 meters long, as thick as a bucket, with blue-black scales all over its body. It spit out red messages from its mouth and stared at Badlu with cold and ruthless eyes.


The big black snake hissed, raised its neck, and pounced towards Badru.


Badru breathed out flames and burned the big black snake.

However, this big black snake with rough skin and flaming flames rushed over and wrapped Badru around the waist.

Moreover, as it wrapped around him tighter and tighter, the big black snake opened its mouth and exhaled a fishy smell, which made Badru's head feel dizzy.


Badru clasped the big black snake's body tightly with both hands, the veins on his face popped out, and his eyes bulged.

He is dying!

The big snake strangled Badru until he almost suffocated to death!

Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this.

Badru still has too little practical experience!

So, Lin Feng immediately used his mind power to put into Badru's mind and began to give instructions.


Badru received Lin Feng's guidance and immediately withdrew the flames and replaced them with ice.

In an instant, click click!

The body of the big black snake is covered with ice.

When it was hot and cold, the body of this big black snake began to crack!


Badru was shocked when he saw this scene.

He never thought that he could fight like this.


Badru broke the big black snake and escaped from danger.

"You just train here!"

Lin Feng stopped Badru from continuing up the mountain.

Because, with his strength, this is the end!

"Yes! Lord Shenlong!"

Badru immediately stopped and responded respectfully.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, vibrated his wings and flew quickly towards the top of the mountain.

call! call!

Lin Feng went straight into the red fire cloud.

At the top of the mountain, he sensed an extremely powerful aura.

"Is this a fire lion?"

Lin Feng saw a huge fire lion climbing out of the crater of the volcano on the top of the mountain.

The size of this fire lion is very huge, more than eighty meters.

Its entire body was bathed in red flames.


The flame lion was bathed in red flames, its eyes like giant lanterns looking at Lin Feng in mid-air.

"Why did you offend this Lion King's territory?"

When the Flame Lion King saw Lin Feng, he sent out a terrifying thought.

"I'll lend you the lion's head!"

Lin Feng's golden eyes were indifferent and emotionless.

He came to find this flame lion king now, just to devour it.

In this underground world, the weak eat the strong!


The Flame Lion King was furious when he heard Lin Feng's words.

The sound spread very far, and the entire wild mountain range was shaken!

"Whatever means you have, use them! Otherwise, you will die in confusion in a short while!"

Lin Feng didn't take this flaming lion seriously at all.

"You must die!"

The Flame Lion King looked up to the sky and roared, and a flame lion shadow appeared in the sky!

Below, Badru heard the movement and looked towards the mountain.

I saw that half of the sky became brighter.

On the top of the mountain, there was a blazing flame.

"Is that the opponent of Lord Dragon God?"

Badru's blood boiled all over when he saw such a powerful beast.

He wanted to go up the mountain to watch the battle between the two.

However, Badru understood that at this moment, he was not even qualified to go up the mountain!

He couldn't help clenching his fists and roaring in his heart: "I must become stronger!"

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