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Chapter 1146

At the moment, the Tianniu Tiancheng is in a small courtyard.

"Who on earth is it? How dare you impersonate this elder!"

The four elders stood in the middle of the courtyard, and their faces were extremely angry. He vowed that he must find this person.

Only this person, broken corpses, can solve his heart only hate!

"The four elders, Lord Emperor, please!"

Just then, a respectful voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Master Emperor?"

Nana whispered in his mouth, and a flash of cold mang flashed in the eyes of the four elders.

He was impersonated and collected the resources of the first forty cities except the three cities of Heaven and Earth and Xuansan, which has spread to the entire Tianniu tribe.

The Emperor Cattle practiced in retreat and was unaware of the matter.

Now, Emperor Tianniu was suddenly anxious for him to go to the hall. The four elders didn't need to think about it either. It must be that Emperor Tianniu knew this, and there would be no good thing to ask him to go there.

But the Emperor was calling, and he had to go again.

At this moment, the four elders gathered all their anger into the man posing as him.

"I do not care who you are?"

"Let me find out, I must let you die!"

The cold voice sounded, and the eyes of the four elders were terrible.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, thinking of the call of the Emperor Cattle, the four elders did not hesitate at all, stepped forward and walked directly towards the small courtyard.

"Four ... Four Elders!"

"Meet the four elders!"


As the four elders came out of the small courtyard, countless Tianniu disciples flashed awesome eyes.

It seemed very surprising that the four elders came out of the small courtyard.


"Are you surprised that Elder Ben came out?"

Looking at the countless figures in front of him, the four elders' eyes narrowed slightly.

Endless coercion emanated from him.

It seems that he is very displeased with these disciples here.

"No ... no!"

"Four elders, we just go here!"

"Elders, if you don't want to see us, we leave immediately!"


After hearing the words, the bodies of each figure shivered.

Talking, countless disciples fled madly in all directions.

It looked like the four elders who were very scared.

"Seeing Elder Ben flees into this appearance, Elder Ben sees that you are mocking Elder Ben for being impersonated!"


Unable to say why, watching these disciples fleeing wildly, the elders of the four erupted in an instant.

The hand that was clenched into a fist was shot directly with a punch, and banged on the wall of the courtyard.


With his fist, the whole courtyard was instantly turned into a ruin.

The disciples who fled everywhere stayed in the same place for an instant and did not dare to move at all.

It seemed afraid that if they continued to escape, they who waited for them would end up like this collapsed courtyard.

"Everything rolls for this elder!"

Seeing the disciples stunned for a moment, the four elders' eyes narrowed and they drank coldly.

"Hurry up, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave without leaving!"

"The anger on the elders is terrible!"

"If you want to blame it, you blame the people who are posing as the four elders because of him. Otherwise, how can the four elders do this!"


After hearing the words, every figure quickly disappeared outside the courtyard.

But within a few breaths, within a few miles of the courtyard, there were no more people except the four elders.

The news that the four elders were angry in their own courtyard was spread all over the city in an instant.

"Dare to impersonate this elder, I must kill you!"

"I must kill you!"

Li Li sounded loudly, and the next moment, the four elders walked towards the main hall of the Tianniu Tiancheng.

For a moment, the figures of the four elders already appeared in the main hall of Tiancheng.

"Meet Lord Tianniu!"

Looking at the Emperor Cattle on which the Lord was sitting, the four elders quickly bowed down and worshipped.

"Four elders, what the Emperor asked you to do, I heard you did a great job!"

The Lord sat up, Tian Niu Huang stood up and looked at the four elders Jiang Jinfeng in front of him, his face indifferent.

The face of the Emperor Cattle was indifferent, but the thick voice revealed the coldness of the forest.

"Master Tian Niu forgive me, Jiang Jinfeng knows wrong!"

"It wasn't done well, it was all my fault!"

Sen Leng's chill struck, the four elder Jiang Jinfeng felt only a terrible coercion and was suppressing towards him, making his body tremble a little.

Without hesitation, he quickly acknowledged the wrong way.

"your fault?"

"Why are you only wrong?"

Listening to the words of the four elders Jiang Jinfeng, the corner of Tian Niu Huang's mouth actually raised a touch of radian.

But the arc fell in Jiang Jinfeng's eyes, but it was extremely dazzling.

"Yes, the four elders, you obeyed Lord Tianniu's orders and went to collect the resources. Someone pretended to be you and took away all the resources in the city. No wonder you!

Suddenly, a sneer and ironic voice followed.

This speaker is not someone else, it is the elders of the four elders.

The elders looked at Jiang Jinfeng, and deep in his eyes, the slightest mockery flashed.

Hearing that Jiang Jinfeng was very helpless, he could only secretly cast an angry look at the three elders.

But the next moment, looking at the Emperor Cattle, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were very respectful.

"Master Tian Niu, it's all my fault!"

"I did not quickly collect all the resources in the city, so that the person posing as me had the opportunity to take advantage of the resources in other cities!"

The lowered voice sounded, and Jiang Jinfeng's face was full of sincerity.

"Of course it's your fault!"

"But not because you are slow, but because Lord Tianniu didn't let you do it, you did it all!"

When Jiang Jinfeng said this, before waiting for the Emperor Cattle to speak, a thick voice came again.

"What I didn't let him do, did he?"

"Say, what did you do on your back?"

Hearing words, in the eyes of the Emperor Cattle, a flash of cold mang flashed.

He is the celestial emperor of the celestial clan, the most supreme existence. The four elders did not listen to his orders and did what he did not command. This is to violate his orders and violate his rights.

This made the Emperor's heart anger.

"Master Tianniu, I ..."


Looking at the angry Emperor Emperor, Jiang Jinfeng's body shivered even more.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Jiang Jinfeng, as the four elders of the Tianniu clan, has followed the Tianniu emperor for a long time. He naturally understands the personality of the Tianniu emperor.

He knew very well that if the Emperor Cattle knew that he had collected the resources of the city owner privately, the Emperor Cattle would not spare him!

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