Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1147: Give him a chance

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Chapter 1147: Give Him A Chance

"Four elders, I don't think you can tell me what you are doing!"

"Since you dare not speak, I will do it for you!"

Looking at Jiang Jinfeng's embarrassment, the elders' eyes saw a dazzling light, and the corners of their mouths raised a radian.

"Master Tianniu, the four elders not only collect resources in the city!"

"And let all the city owners in the city hand over their personal resources. As for the resources that were handed over, the four elders returned, but they did not turn in, but they were in their pockets."

The next moment, the three elders, without any hesitation, said a little to the Emperor Tianrui, and said quickly.

"Collect the resources of the city owner, but also in his own pocket?"

Hearing that Tian Niuhuang's eyes fell on the four elder Jiang Jinfeng.

At this moment, the vast coercion of Emperor Tianniu spread out instantly, sweeping towards Jiang Jinfeng.

"Huh ..."

The terrible coercion of the Emperor Emperor made Jiang Jinfeng snorted, and his face was paler without any trace of blood.

"Master Tianniu, I ..."

"I didn't want to put these resources into the bag, I wanted to hand them all together, but you are retreating, and I want to give them back after your permission!"

"You see, all these resources are here, and I'll give them to you now!"

The next moment, Jiang Jinfeng came back to his senses, and made a sound, kneeling at the feet of the Emperor.

With that said, every space ring appeared in Jiang Jinfeng's hands.

Without hesitation, he quickly gave the space ring.

"Four elders, do you want to surrender these resources now? Is it a bit late?"

Just then, the voices of the three elders resounded again.

Looking at Jiang Jinfeng in front of him, the three elders just felt very happy.

The three elders and Jiang Jinfeng have always been deadly opponents. The two have been in trouble because of their respective forces. However, the cultivation of the two is comparable.

This time, the four elders were ordered to collect resources, and the three elders also received news that the four elders had also collected their resources.

So as soon as the four elders returned, he immediately went to Tiancheng's general treasure house to investigate the situation of resources.

When he discovered that the four elders had not handed over the resources of those city leaders, the elders realized that his opportunity had finally come.

He can finally take advantage of this opportunity to severely suppress the four elders.

And when he learned that someone pretended to be the four elders and went to the cities to collect resources, at that moment, the elders of the three even thanked the person who impersonated the four elders.

"Three elders, you have to deal with others!"

The unpleasant voice came, Jiang Jinfeng looked at the three elders, and there was a cold coldness in his eyes.

"Master Tian Niu, all I said was true!"

"This time I know that I can't do it well, and I ask Master Tian Niu to give me a chance!"

The next moment, Jiang Jinfeng seemed to think of something, his eyes narrowed instantly, and his face was sincere.

"Give you a chance?"

"Give you a chance?"

Hearing words, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor Cattle.

"Master Tianniu, you can't give him this opportunity. The four elders have done these things throughout the entire Tianniu tribe!"

"If the Emperor Tian Niu does not deal with the clan rules, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop you!"

"The three elders are right, Lord Tianniu, you should deal with this matter strictly, otherwise it will damage your majesty!"


On hearing that, the Emperor Cattle seemed to give Jiang Jinfeng a chance. In the hall, two figures stood up instantly.

The two figures standing out are not others, but the three elders and the five elders.

As for why the five elders stood up at this time and stood with the three elders, it was because the five elders were already Mo Wentian's person, and he also received a message from Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian instructed him to help the three elders and remove them as far as possible.

"Five elders, you ..."

"You have come to slander me with the three elders!"

Listening to the words of the five elders, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were full of awesome looks.

In principle, he and the five elders are both of the Jiang family, and they are still brothers.

Jiang Jinfeng never thought that the five elders would come down at this time.

"Four elders, I didn't want to discredit you, I just said it realistically!"

Faced with Jiang Jinfeng's questioning, the five elders were indifferent.


"My Emperor hasn't come to tell you what to do with the matter!"

Suddenly, watching this scene, but the Emperor Cattle who has not spoken for a long time, said coldly.

"Master Tianniu is angry, we say this only for fairness!"

"Yes, Lord Tianniu, we are only to maintain the ethnic rules of our Tianniu!"


The cold voice came, and the three elders and the five elders fell to their knees instantly, and the thick voices were obviously lowered a lot.


"Clan rules?"

"Three elders, don't assume that the emperor doesn't know what you are moving. The emperor doesn't want to tear you apart and save you some face, but you also shut up on how the emperor handles this matter!"

Listening to the words of the three elders and the five elders, the Emperor Emperor's face grew colder and his voice became drunk.

"Master Tianniu, I ..."

Hearing that the three elders wanted to say something, opened their mouths, but said nothing.

"Four elders, the emperor can give you a chance, and there is only one chance!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Tian Niu Huang's eyes fell on Jiang Jinfeng's body.

"Thank you Lord Tianniu!"

"Thank you Lord Tianniu!"

When Jiang Jinfeng heard that the Emperor gave him a chance, his face instantly rose with joy, thanking him again and again.

"Four elders, don't thank him too soon!"

"My emperor gives you a chance to let you go and find all the lost resources. As for the person posing as you, get this emperor back!"

Looking at Jiang Jinfeng, the Emperor Emperor flickered in his eyes, and his voice was full of cold words.

"Yes, yes, Lord Tianniu, I will certainly recover the lost resources, and I will surely capture the person posing as me back and cut it into pieces!"

力 A powerful voice sounded, Jiang Jinfeng's eyes were full of firm eyes.

It seems that he is very confident in recovering the lost resources and catching the person posing as him.

"So what are you doing!"

"Go ahead!"

The Emperor Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, watching Jiang Jinfeng in front of him still stunned, and said swiftly.

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