Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1148: Then into the Qingfeng Mountains

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Chapter 1148 Entering Qingfeng Mountain Again

"Yes, yes, Lord Tianniu!"

Wen Yan said, Jiang Jinfeng said without hesitation.

The next moment, the figure flickered and disappeared directly.

As Jiang Jinfeng left, in the hall, the eyes of the three elders and five elders flashed with extremely cold coldness.

A moment later, when Jiang Jinfeng appeared again, he appeared in the fourth-ranked Mingcheng of the Tianniu clan.

"The four elders are here. Why are the four elders coming to Mingcheng for us?"

"The four elders have already done such things. I heard that Lord Tianniu summoned him to go, did he not punish him, and asked him to come to our city?

"The four elders are really ashamed this time!"


Watching Jiang Jinfeng's figure appeared, in Mingcheng, countless disciples, instantly discussed.

"I must find out who it is. Let me find out. I must cut you into pieces and pieces!"

Listening to this argument, Jiang Jinfeng's hands clenched into fists, and his eyes flashed with extremely cold eyes.

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Jiang Jinfeng walked directly in the direction of the city's main government.

The time of day passed quickly.

In the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven, Mo Wentian also awakened from his cultivation.

"Woohoo ..."

Breathing a stale gas, Mo Wentian stood up.

"My practice is that if I want to break through, if I want to rely on cultivation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and the expression of Mo Wentian dimmed.


At this moment, a figure came from the hall.

Looking at Mo Wentian, said respectfully.

"What is it?"

Mo Wentian looked at the red sky in front of him, and there was a cold coldness in his eyes.

"Going back to the Emperor, according to the news, the four elders of the cattle of this day have gone to the fourth-ranked city of the day of the cattle to check the news!"

"He seems to want to find out the person who impersonated him and went to those cities to collect resources. I heard that he also gave up his words, found out the impersonator, and killed him!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Chi Xiao looked at Mo Wentian and said quickly.

"Go find the person posing as him? Still slay that person?"

"He must have that ability too!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly lifted, and a wicked smile spread instantly.

"Has this ability?"

"Monarch, this ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Chixiao's eyes rose with a look of suspicion.

Chi Xiao has also followed Mo Wentian for a long time. Mo Wentian said this, and Chi Xiao quickly understood what was going on, but he was still unaware.

He knew that Mo Wentian's strength was terrible, but the four elders of the Tianniu tribe were the early strong emperors of the emperor, and Mo Wentian was just a warrior in the middle of the king.

Mo Wentian's cultivation is even worse than him.

For Xiaowen, posing as the four elders of the Tianniu tribe, to collect the resources of the nearly forty cities of the Tianniu tribe, Chixiao's heart was still unbelievable.

"You guessed right, all the resources brought by the Emperor were brought back from the cities of the Tianniu tribe!"

Mo Wentian looked at the drowsy appearance of Chixiao, and the arc of his mouth raised a little bit richer.

"Emperor, is that the person who pretends to be the four elders of the Tianniu clan, is it really you?"

Although Chi Xiao had already guessed it, Chi Xiao couldn't help asking.

"The resource was indeed brought back by the emperor, but the person posing as the four elders is not the emperor!"

Mo Wentian looked at Chixiao, and there was a touch of light in his eyes.

"Not the emperor?"

"These resources?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Chixiao's heart raised a touch of curiosity.

He thought that this person who was posing as the four elders was Mo Wentian, but Mo Wentian said that it was not his doing.

"Of course, these resources were also taken back by the emperor, but the person posing as the four elders is not the emperor, it is a magical sky!"

Mo Wentian did not conceal in the slightest, and said with indifference.

"Master Mirage?"

"Monarch, I see. Lord Illusion is an illusion. He wants to imitate the appearance of others. It is very simple!"

"But the practice of Lord Illusion is not the realm of the Emperor. Can he imitate the appearance of the four elders of the Emperor?"

When he heard that the person posing as the four elders was a magic sky, Chixiao's eyes instantly rose up.

The next moment, it seemed to think of something, Chi Xiao looked at Mo Wentian, with a doubt on his face.

"The warriors in the early days of the emperor are not difficult for Phantom!"

"Chixiao, continue to let the disciples inquire about the news. Any news about the four elders of the cattle tribe that day, I will immediately sue me!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold coldness.

"Yes, the lord!"

Wen Yan said, Chixiao said without hesitation.

The next moment, the figure of Chixiao disappeared into the hall.

In the middle of the night, only Mo Wentian was left in the hall.

"In the Qingfeng Mountains, there are many monsters in the middle of the emperor!"

"It's also time to go to the Qingfeng Mountains for experience!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly, Han Mang flickered endlessly.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and the figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, it was already in the backyard of the Kingdom of Devourers.

"Boss, are you going to enter Frozen Abyss?"

At this moment, the voice of the magic sky came from Wentiange.

"Go to the Qingfeng Mountains!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firm eyes.

"Qingfeng Mountains?"

"Boss, why did you go to the Qingfeng Mountains?"

When I heard that Mo Wentian was going to the Qingfeng Mountains, the magical sky's look instantly dignified.

I still know about the Qingfeng Mountains. I followed Mo Wentian to go in once. I know the dangers in the Qingfeng Mountains.

Just in the periphery, I have felt the breath of several dozen emperors in the early days, let alone entering the depths of the Qingfeng Mountains.

"My practice is still too low!"

"The four elders of the Niu tribe this day are already inquiring who is impersonating him to collect resources. I believe that it won't be long before he will find out what you and I did!

"A battle is unavoidable. My cultivation must be promoted!"

It seemed to be remembering something, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss ..."

Hearing that, Magic Sky opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

"No need to worry about Bendi!"

"You are asking Tiange to practice well!"

Although Xuantian didn't say anything, Mo Wentian knew clearly that Xuntian was worried about him.

Taking a deep breath, the indifferent way said.

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