Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1159: Ice Tiger

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Chapter 1159 Ice Tiger

Around, a weird breath, madly swept towards Mo Wentian.

But nothing appeared in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Boss, I feel the elixir helps me break through!"

Suddenly, asked Tiange, Xiao Yan opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"An elixir that will help you break through?"


Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, a bright light rose.

In this hole, there is an elixir that can help Xiaoyao break through. You know, Xiaoyao's cultivation is only a step away from the emperor's realm.

If in this cave, there is really an elixir that can help Xiaoyu break through, Mo Wentian, but in any case, it must be seized.

"Boss, deep down in this cave!"

A firm voice sounded, and Xiao's figure flickered out of Wentiange.

Xiao Yan's body, at this moment, fluctuated endlessly, it seems that it is only half a step away from the breakthrough of the emperor.

In this period, encountering the elixir that can help Xiaoyao break through, this is simply a very good thing for Mo Wentian.

"Deep inside the cave?"

"Go, look inside!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, stepped forward, and walked towards the depths of the cave.

As we walked further into the cave, the scene in the cave became larger, and the strange breath from the cave became more intense.

"Boss, this breath is weird!"

"Let's be careful!"

Xiao Yan also felt an abnormality, and his expression instantly dimmed. He looked at Mo Wentian and said in a deep voice.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

For a moment, Mo Wentian and Xiaoxiong came to the deepest part of the cave.

The deepest part of the cave is no longer just a cave, but there is no world.

I saw that the surrounding area was extremely wide, but the cave that was not just a few feet long had reached the size of a thousand feet at this moment.

We have reached the end of the cave, but we have not found any elixir.

"Little sister, are you sure you want the elixir right here?"

Mo Wentian glanced around and found nothing. He looked back at Xiao Yan and asked coldly.

"Yes, boss, my gut tells me that the elixir is here!"

"But why are we here, but nothing is there, and my feeling seems to disappear!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's face was full of solemn look.

In his heart, he was even more horrified. He had clearly felt that the elixir that could help him break through was here, but why did he feel nothing here.


"You could feel that elixir is here, it must be here!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a very cold cold mang.

Mo Xiaotian was convinced of Xiao Yan's words, and Mo Wentian himself had an intuition that there must be a treasure in this cave.

"Must be here?"

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoyan's eyes were horrified.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Boss, there is illusion here!"

"This is not the deepest part of this cave!"

Suddenly, Phantom seemed to find something, and the voice of horror came in an instant.


Listening to the words of the magical sky, Mo Wentian's eyes instantly rose a bright light.


The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and punched directly, hitting the walls of the cave.


A violent explosion came, and I saw the barriers of the cave and disappeared instantly.

Presented in front of Mo Wentian, it is another scene.

"Buzz ..."

When Mo Wentian and others had not returned to God, a terrible suction came.

The next moment, Mo Wentian and other figures had arrived in front of an ice valley.

In the ice valley, the coldness of Sen Leng struck, and people's minds felt the coldness for a while.

If the ordinary King Warrior, or the early Emperor of the Emperor is here, I am afraid it will be instantly frozen into pieces.

But for Mo Wentian and Xiao Yan, this cold chill is harmless!

"Boss, you see ice flowers blooming here!"

Just at this moment, before Xiao Yan looked at the valley, the blossoming ice flowers bloomed in an instant.

I never saw the blooming cymbals, eyes widened, eyes full of shock.

"Click ..."

"Click ..."

As Xiaoyan said this, a crackling sound came in an instant.

I saw the blooming ice flower just now, but it instantly became shattered.

"Who dares break into the Emperor's territory?"

The next moment, an extremely cold voice came from deep in the valley.

Followed by a terrible ice force, even if compared to the ice force exhibited by the Tianhu in the early days of the emperor, it is a bit scary.

"Xiaoyu, be careful, this must be comparable to the existence of the middle emperor!"

Feeling the terrible power, Mo Wentian's eyes were cold, and he quickly conveyed the words to Xiao Yan.

"Existence in the middle of the emperor?"

"Boss, be careful!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light.

The voice came, but Lushan did not see the voice for a long time, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly.

"Get out of here!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's face was full of indifference.

"The ants in the middle of the king, even if you dare to speak to this seat, it is really a death!"

Mo Wentian said this, and suddenly, the whole valley shook.

Countless pieces of ice shattered instantly.

But in the next moment, those pieces of broken ice have gathered frantically.

However, between a few breaths, the broken ice turned out to be a peerless ice tiger. The eyes of the ice tiger were so huge that they stared at Mo Wentian, and the killing in his eyes was terrible.

Immediately, there was no hesitation. The ice tiger, hundreds of feet in size, opened his mouth and swallowed towards Mo Wentian.

"Ice tiger in the middle of the emperor!"

"not bad!"

Mo Wentian looked at the hundreds of feet-sized ice tigers in the void, his eyes narrowed, and he was full of cold words.

In the middle of the emperor's ice tiger, Mo Wentian didn't dare to say that he could kill it with one stroke, but Mo Wentian had an intuition. With him and Xiaoying, it was not difficult to kill this ice tiger.

"Human ants in the middle of Uranus!"

"You dare to say that this seat is good, it is arrogant!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Han Mang's eyes flickered endlessly.

"No, the breath on this ice tiger is wrong!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian looked at the ice tiger swallowing towards him, his eyes narrowed.

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