Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1160: Ice lotus, refining!

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Chapter 1160 Ice Lotus, Refining!

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan's eyes, a moment of suspicious look rose.

"This ice tiger is not a real ice tiger, it is a ghost image!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Phantom of avatar?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, asking Tiange, the voice of Xuantian came again.

"Yes, this is an avatar!"

"It's ridiculous that a small mirage is trying to scare the emperor!"

Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly, and a cold cold mang flashed away.


"Break me!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian fisted out and greeted the ice tiger of several hundred feet in the void.


After a violent collision, I saw in the void, Mo Wentian's punch hit directly on the head of Binghu.

"Click ..."

The next moment, a crackling sound sounded, and in the void, the figure of a few hundred feet of ice tiger was instantly broken.

That piece of scum fell even more.

In the void, there is no more ice tiger.

"Boss, what's going on?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan seemed to think of something, looking at Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng asked.

"what happened?"

"It's just an illusion of an ice tiger, and he wants to scare us!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, and there was a cold cold mang in his eyes.

"Boss, then this ice tiger's avatar was smashed by you, then this real ice tiger?"

Suddenly, it seemed to remember something. The voice of Xuantian came from Wentiange again.

"The real ice tiger?"

"This real ice tiger should be out of this valley!"

Listening to Huan Tian's remarks, Mo Wentian's spirit and soul had searched for four weeks, but found nothing, and said coldly.

"Not in this valley?"

"Boss, since this ice tiger is not in this valley, I feel that the elixir is in this valley, shall we go in and see?"

When I heard Mo Wentian said that the ice tiger was not in the valley, Xiao Yan's eyes instantly rose up with a very bright light.

In fact, when he came to this valley, Xiao Yan clearly felt the existence of the elixir that could help him break through.

The reason why he did not say it was because he saw the existence of an ice tiger comparable to the middle emperor.

He was very clear. If he said, Mo Wentian would take it for him anyway, and he and Mo Wentian had been together for a long time. He had already regarded Mo Wentian as his loved one. He did not want to let Mo Wentian was hurt because of himself.

But now, that's because Mo Wentian said that the ice tiger was not here.

"Elixir is in this valley?"

"Go, look inside!"

Upon hearing Xiaoyu's remarks, Mo Wentian stepped forward without any hesitation and walked directly into the valley.

"Boss ..."

Looking at the figure Mo Motian walked in front of him, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a complex light.

After groaning for a while, the figure flashed and quickly followed.

For a moment, the figure of one person and one dragon appeared in the valley.

The scene in the valley is very different from the scene outside the valley.

In this valley, flowers are blooming, insects are calling, and a peaceful scene.

"Boss, there's so much aura in this valley!"

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"This place is not only rich in aura, but also a strong scent of elixir!"

"There must be a lot of elixir in it!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin to his mouth, and seemed to think of something indifferent.

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, stepped forward, and walked more and more towards the depths of the valley.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan followed quickly.

For a moment, one person and one dragon, had come to the depths of the valley.

"Boss, I feel the elixir that can help me break through!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan seems to have found something, a dazzling ray of light rose in his eyes, and it was difficult to hide a little joy in his voice.


Mo Wentian was almost a subconscious debut.

"That ice lotus is!"

Xiao Yan's eyes fell on the ice lotus shining with the blue light above the cliff opposite.

Above the ice lotus, a terrible cold air was wanton.

"That ice lotus?"

"Go, take it away!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, without any hesitation, he approached the cliff directly.

"This ice lotus is, at least, the elixir of the middle of the fifth grade!"

Looking at the icy lotus blooming in the light, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

"Elixir in the middle of fifth grade?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's eyes were extremely hot.

The elixir in the middle of the fifth grade. He had only heard of it before, but now he did not expect to see it with his own eyes.

It is rumored that the elixir in the early stage of the fifth grade is enough to make the powerful king's perfection break through to the early emperor.

The ice lotus in front of him is an elixir in the middle of the fifth grade. If he is refined, let alone his cultivation, he has broken through to the early emperor, and maybe he can break into the middle emperor.

"Soul, suppress me!"

When Mo Wentian came to Binglian, he didn't reach out to pick it directly, but started his soul first. He wanted to expel Binglian's spirit with his soul first.

With Mo Wentian's power spreading out, the ice lotus even trembled instantly.

But it just trembled for a moment and then stopped.

"Little sister, put it away and pick up the refinery!"

"I believe that after refining this ice lotus, your cultivation can reach the early state of the emperor!"

Seeing that Binglian no longer trembled, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at Xiaoyao, and the corner of his mouth was slightly grinned.

"Thank you, boss!"

Xiao Yan didn't hesitate, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, and said quickly.

After that, the figure flashed and disappeared.

When it appeared again, the figure had already appeared beside the ice lotus.

"Boss, thank you!"

"I will refining this ice lotus quickly!"

At the next moment, Xiao's figure flickered, and the snake-like body, wrapped in the ice lotus, went directly into Wentiange.

"Cultivate well!"

Mo Wentian looked at this scene, and the radian of the corner of his mouth became more intense.

"Okay, boss!"

Xiao Yan's happy voice came.

Immediately, at the Tiange, Xiaoyu quickly fell into cultivation.

"This little sister, it seems that I can't wait to break through and fix it!"

The scene in Wen Tiange was presented in Mo Wentian's mind. Mo Wentian shook his head and said indifferently.

"Boss, there is something, I want to talk to you!"

Suddenly, the figure of Magic Sky came out of Wentian Pavilion and looked at Mo Wentian. There was a complex light flashing in Magic Sky's eyes.

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