Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1194: Weird day of the bull symbol!

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Chapter 1194: The Weird Talisman!

"On the road?"

"Don't you say that as long as I surrender the Tianniu Seal, you will let me go?"

Hearing that Jiang Jinfeng's expression changed suddenly, and his eyes flashed wildly.

"When did Bendi promise to let you go?"

Don't ask Heaven to take a step forward. Looking at Jiang Jinfeng, the radian of the corner of his mouth is getting richer.

"Boy, you ..."

"You promised me that you shouldn't even talk. I've given you the ox seal and seal you want. You shouldn't let me go!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Jiang Jinfeng felt only a breath of death and shrouded towards himself.

Although Mo Wentian's face was smiling, Mo Wentian's body exuded a terrible chill.

"Old miscellaneous, you have to give this to yourself!"

"As for promises to let you go, Bendi never said it!"

"It seems you have lived long enough, even with bad memory, you **** it!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, stepped out, and approached Jiang Jinfeng's side more and more.

"Blade of Heaven!"

"come out!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, and sighed coldly, the Devouring Sword appeared in his hands.

Hanman flashed in his eyes, holding the Devouring Sword, a sword beheaded towards Jiang Jinfeng.

"Do not……"

"You can't kill me. I'm the four elders of the Tianniu tribe. You killed me. The Lord Tianniu will not let you go!"

Feeling the breath of death, getting closer, Jiang Jinfeng's heart couldn't help shaking.

At this moment, he seems to have forgotten that he is a half step emperor.

Mo Wentian approached him, his body just backed away blindly, and even the thought of shooting was gone.

"Yes, Lord Tianniu!"

But the next moment, he seemed to be thinking of something, and a dazzling light rose in his eyes.

"Buzz ..."

With a movement of his mind, a rune with a mysterious golden light appeared in his hands.

On that rune, the portrait of the ancient beetle is extremely clear.

This is not an ordinary rune. This is a Tianniu rune made by the Emperor Tianniu himself, and only elders of Tianniu clan will own it.

The function of this day's bull symbol is that as long as he crushes him, then this person will temporarily obtain 10% of the strength of the day bull emperor.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Jinfeng crushed the oxen moment.

With the crushing of that ox symbol, the breath on Jiang Jinfeng's body suddenly rose up.

It was originally repaired as Jiang Jinfeng in the middle of the emperor. At this moment, the breath on his body broke into the middle of the emperor directly.

And just when Jiang Jinfeng crushed the Tianniu amulet and repaired it into the middle of the Emperor, the Tianniu tribe in the distance was in a secret room in Tiancheng.


A spit of blood spurted from the mouth of a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is no one else.

The Tian Niu Fu was made by him, and Jiang Jinfeng used his strength of 10%, which made him on the breakout, and his power diminished sharply.

"who is it?"

"Who crushed the emperor's divine charm at this time?"

The sound of Li Li's incomparable sound sounded, Tian Niu Huang opened his eyes suddenly, the anger in his eyes was terrible.

His cultivation is about to break into a new realm. At this moment, he crushed the Tianniu Charm and used his strength of 10%, which made his breakthrough stop there.

This makes Tianniu Huang's heart not angry!

His body was full of mighty power.

"What's going on? Isn't Lord Tianniu practicing in retreat? Why is he so angry?"

"Master Tian Niu said before the retreat, but he must break through this time!"

"Why is Breakthrough Xiu so angry?"

"So terrible power!"


In the heavenly city of the Tianniu tribe, they felt the terrible might, and countless disciples immediately talked.


At this moment, some disciples who were close to the practice of the Emperor Bull, that terrible coercion struck, they couldn't bear it at all, and bowed down.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

The disciples who are more advanced have pale faces with no trace of blood.

"who is it?"

"Who the **** crushed the talisman at the critical moment of the Emperor's breakthrough?"

In the closet, the Emperor Emperor stood up, and his stern voice sounded again.


The next moment, his palm was clenched into a fist, without any hesitation, he punched and hit the door of the secret room.

The door of the secret room shattered instantly, and at the same time, the entire hall of the Tianniu tribe trembled.

"What crushed the oxen?"

"Isn't the Tianniufu only available to the elders? It was made by the Emperor Tianniu personally. It is rumored that as long as anyone crushed the Tianniufu, they would be able to gain 10% of his power in a short time? "

"Isn't Lord Tianniu on the occasion of breakthrough? No wonder it's so angry!"

"On the occasion of the breakthrough of the Emperor Tianniu, even the elders crushed the Tianniu amulet, which reduced his strength by 10%. Of course, the Emperor Tianniu was angry, but which elder shattered the Tianniu amulet at the crucial moment. What about? "

"Except for the four elders who took five hundred disciples to eat Tenjin, the other elders practiced in their own courtyard. Could it be that the four elders crushed the oxen?"


Listening to the words of the Emperor Cattle, countless disciples of the Cattle family exploded instantly.

As disciples of the Tianniu tribe, they are very clear about the Tianniufu, and they are also clear about the role of the Tianniufu.

Smashing the celestial amulet, this can only explain one problem, that is, the four elders are eating the kingdom of heaven, and they can't fight.

Otherwise, how could he smash the Tian Niu Fu and borrow the strength of the Tian Niu Emperor.

"Jing Jinfeng, good!"

"At this time, you crushed the Tianniu amulet, so that the Emperor Tianniu could not break through the cultivation. I see that even if you come back from the Kingdom of Devourer alive, the Emperor Tianniu will personally kill you!"

And at this moment, in a small courtyard of the Tianniu Tiancheng, an old man's eyes flashed a very vicious eyes.

If this person is Jiang Jinfeng here, it must be recognized that this person is not someone else, it is the three elders of the Tianniu Zuoli, and his opponent for many years!

"Jiang Jinfeng, you finally lost in my hands, rest assured, after you die, you are a force, I will certainly help you manage all of them!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, in Zuo Li's eyes, a bright light rose.

And Zuo Li's vicious touch, but the figure not far away, all caught his eyes.

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