Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1195: 10% of the strength of the emperor

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Chapter 1195: 10% Strength In The Middle Emperor

The figure that appeared was not someone else, it was the five elder Jiang Quan.

Jiang Quan saw this scene and quickly passed on Mo Wentian.

"Emperor, Tian Niu Fu was made by the Emperor Tian Niu himself. Crushing it will allow Jiang Jinfeng to temporarily obtain 10% of the power of the Tian Niu Emperor!"

"Monarch, be careful!"

After speaking, Jiang Quan didn't hesitate at all, and quickly crushed the note.

The moment Jiang Jiang shattered the note, in the far-flung heavenly kingdom, Jiang Quan's voice sounded instantly in Mo Wentian's mind.

"No wonder the breath on this old miscellaneous body suddenly skyrocketed, it turned out to be that Tian Niu Fu!"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, what do you say?"

While listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian looked at each other, his eyes full of suspicion, and he turned his head.

"This old miscellaneous crushed rune is the Tianniu Rune of the Tianniu tribe. This Tianniu Rune can temporarily borrow 10% of the strength from the Tianniu Emperor!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian did not conceal in the slightest, said coldly.


"The strength of Emperor Cattle?"

"Boss, Emperor Emperor is a mid-power Emperor. His strength is 10% ..."

Hearing Mo Wentian said this, thinking of the Emperor Tianiu's cultivation, Xiao Yan's expression instantly dignified.

"Don't worry, now my cultivation is breaking through to the late stage of the King of Heaven. Even if this old mess has the strength of the Emperor, it will not be my opponent."

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

It seems that Mo Wentian has full confidence in defeating Jiang Jinfeng.

"Not your opponent?"

"Boss, this old mess is not weak by itself!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's face with firmness, Xuantian looked as if she had thought of something. In the eyes of Xuantian, there was a faint light and deep voice.

"Magic sky, Xiaoyu, rest assured!"

"This old miscellaneous Emperor must not only defeat him, but also leave him here forever!"

Listening to the words of care from Xiaoyan and Huantian, Mo Wentian took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned, his face relaxed.

It seemed that he was going to kill Jiang Jinfeng, it was really easy.

"Boss, be careful!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian just looked at each other and said in a deep voice.

"Boy, I told you the words of begging for mercy, my Tianniu Seal was also handed over, and you didn't even let me go, no wonder I was a killer!"

At this moment, Jiang Jinfeng looked at Mo Wentian, scorning peerless.

The meaning of Jiang Jinfeng's words seems to be how compelled he is to crush the Tian Niufu.

In fact, this is not the case. He was frightened by Mo Wentian, and for a moment, he forgot about the Niufu.

At the moment, he crushed the celestial amulet because he suddenly remembered it. For the questioning sky in front of him, he not only took away his seal, but also suffered so much humiliation. He now owns a celestial beast. Emperor Yicheng's strength.

Coupled with the fact that he was a half-step emperor, how could he let it go?

"Old miscellaneous, don't say so, it seems that you are driven to extreme by this emperor, and you have to shoot!"

"Don't forget, but you brought your disciples of Tianniu tribe to come and destroy me to eat the kingdom of heaven and god, to come to catch the emperor alive!"

Listening to Jiang Jinfeng's words, Mo Wentian's mouth raised a radian of evil smile.

This Jiang Jinfeng is too shameless. It is clear that he brought five hundred kings to completion, and is about to come and destroy his Kingdom of Devourers!

But now he said that, he seemed to be so innocent.

He is not innocent, and his Tianniu tribe is even more innocent. He originally did not ask God, because the three brothers of the Jiang family still had a good opinion of the Tianniu tribe.

It was they who died by themselves, relying on Mo Wentian's kindness to them and making such a request to him.

It was them, who lived up to Mo Wentian's feelings about them!

All of this is the fault of the Tianniu people!

"Boy, no matter what the beginning is, the result is that you don't ask God, your god-eating kingdom has killed so many disciples of my Tianniu tribe!"

"My Tianniu, Master Tianniu, will never let you go, and I will not let you go by Jiang Jinfeng today!"

Wen Yan said that Jiang Jinfeng's eyes flashed wildly.

But the next moment, he seemed to be thinking of something, and a ray of light rose in his eyes, looking at Mo Wentian, drinking coldly.

"Old miscellaneous, do you think you can kill the emperor with the strength of the old guy of Tianniuhuang?"

Looking at Jiang Jinfeng's crazy look, Mo Wentian's radian rising from the corner of his mouth became richer.

Now his breakthrough has reached the late stage of the King of Heaven, and the immortal body has also broken through to the sixth-level Kowloon holy body.

Although Jiang Jinfeng at this moment, the breath on his body, has reached the mid-term state of the emperor, but no matter what the sky, there is no fear at all.

Just now he fought with Jiang Jinfeng, but he didn't do his best.

Now he is in a battle with Jiang Jinfeng in the middle of the emperor, to see what kind of realm he has reached.

"Boss, are you really going to fight this old mess?"

Just then, Xiao Yan's voice resounded in Mo Wentian's mind again.


"This old miscellaneous piece now has 10% of the strength of the Emperor, and my mood is much better. I want to see how terrible the strength of the Emperor is in the middle!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his breath quickly rose sharply.

"Boss, let me fight this old mess with me, right?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoyu groaned for a long time before slowly speaking.

"Xiaoyu, I know what you mean, rest assured, this emperor will certainly kill this old mess!"

"Remember, without Ben's order, none of you should take any action!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian with a cold look.

"Boss ..."

"Well, boss, be careful!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian opened their mouths, but closed them again, but only cared a word at the end.

"Boy, our Emperor Emperor, that is the true mid-mighty emperor, and 10% of the power of the mid-mighty emperor. It is enough to kill you, not to mention my own half-step emperor strength! "

"Today you must die!"

For a long time, Jiang Jinfeng came back to him, looked at Mo Wentian, and said with a dark face.

At this moment, Jiang Jinfeng's heart was full of self-confidence, and he could kill Mo Wentian.

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