Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1335: News from the Beastmaster

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Chapter 1335: News From The Beast Master

"What did you say? It was destroyed?"

"How is this possible, and how could my Tetris be destroyed?"

"Just by that boy's strength, how could he possibly wipe out my Uranus!"

Listening to the words of the beast owner, Tian Niu Huang's eyes are full of incredible.

He didn't believe it, Mo Wentian could destroy his Tianniu tribe.

You must know that there are more than one million disciples in the Tianniu clan, not to mention that the elder is still there. With the strength of Mo Wentian and Devouring the Kingdom of Heaven, how could the Tianniu clan be destroyed.

"Tianniu old man, there is no half-truth in this seat!"

"The news was passed to me by my disciples. The Tianniu tribe was already taken by Mo Wentian when you entered the Tianji Mountains shortly after!"

The beast owner looked at the Emperor Cattle, his eyes flashed with light, his expression indifferent.

Although the Tianniu did not surrender to his beast, the disciples of the Tianniu surrendered to the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven. This is not a good thing for the beast owner of his orc.

The millions of disciples of the Niu tribe all surrendered to Mo Wentian's men this day, which proves that Mo Wutian's strength has increased, and the strength of the Kingdom of Devoured God has increased.

And the strength of the Devouring Kingdom of God has increased, which is a harmless thing for the orcs.

Thinking in this way, a deep complexion flashed in the eyes of the beast owner's eyes.

"It's Mo Wentian again!"

"My emperor swears, don't let me see this kid, let me see him, I must crush him to pieces!"

With this affirmative answer from the beast owner, Tian Niu Huang suddenly felt a terrible sense of murder.

At the same time, the breath of Tian Niu Huang suddenly rose sharply.

The billowing power is even greater.

"Yes, be sure to kill that kid!"

"Several elders and countless disciples who killed me Tianniu now dare to send their disciples to conquer our Tianniu while you are away!

"We must repay this hatred!"

And listening to the words of the Emperor Cattle, the elder Jiang Quan's eyes flashed a faint light, his expression changed instantly, and his face was angry.

"Tianniu Laoer, it is not easy for you at this moment to try to kill Mo Wentian!"

Watching Tian Niu Huang and Jiang Quan's full of murderous intentions, the beast owner's mouth raised a wicked smile.

"not easy?"

"The boy's cultivation is beyond the peak of the heavenly king. Even if there are two monsters with good cultivation around him, but with my strength, I want to kill them, but it is easy!

Hearing, Tian Niuhuang frowned slightly.

But the next moment, it seemed to remember something, a bright light rose instantly in his eyes, and his voice was even more confident.


"Tianniu Laoer, it seems that your news is really unintelligible!"

"Mo Wentian's current strength is no longer comparable to that when he first entered the Tianji Mountains!"

After hearing that, the beast owner shook his head with a smile.

However, he did not tell the Emperor Tian Niu, and now he does not ask what the strength of Tian is.

"Isn't it comparable when you first entered Tianji Mountain?"

"It's only been six days since the boy entered the Tianji Mountains. Could the boy still be able to break into several levels in six days?"

Listening to the Beast Lord's words, the Emperor Cattle was a little hesitated, and then came back to God, thinking of Mo Wentian, who was disdainful.

"Tianniu Laoer, although for tens of thousands of years, this seat has made you submit to you and not to submit to this seat!"

"But seeing that you and I have been in this ancient relic for many years, I would like to remind you carefully!"

"The heavenly mountains are divided into three domains, namely the outer domain, the middle domain, and the inner domain. Among these three domains, monsters are here to take care of each other. Do you know this?"

Looking at the Emperor Cattle, the beast owner's eyes flashed a cold mang, which lowered the voice.

The beast owner now told the news to the Emperor Cattle. In his mind, the customer secretly set up an abacus.

The emperor hesitant to submit to him this time has always been a knot in the heart of the beast owner. Although his orc has the strength to suppress the oxen forcibly, but if it is forcibly suppressed, this will make the beast's strength Great drop.

In this way, even if the Tianniu tribe is subdued, there are some gains and losses.

But now it is different. The Tianniu tribe has been exterminated by Mo Wentian. Among the entire Tianniu tribe, there are only the Tianniu emperor and the five elders Jiang Quan in front of them.

Coupled with the fact that Mo Wentian has now conquered the three beasts of the Tianji Mountains. The Emperor in front of him wants to find Mo Wentian to avenge himself, even if he does not agree to submit to him, he will agree to cooperate with him.

"Beast owner, of course I know this!"

"The three major beasts are the Leopard, the White Tiger, and the Xuan Snake!"

Hearing that the emperor's eyes flashed a light, expressionless expression.

"Tianniu Laoer, since you know these three orcs, presumably you also know their strength?"

Looking at the Emperor Cattle, the beast owner's eyes flashed a touch of cold, frowning.

"Among them, Xuan Snake Emperor Xiu Wei's strength is the most terrible, followed by the White Tiger Emperor, and the weakest is the Leopard Emperor of the Leopard!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and in the eyes of the Emperor Emperor, he was extremely confident.

It looked as if he knew this very well.


"The strongest among them is not the Emperor Xuan Snake, but the ancestor of the Xuan Snake family, a peerless little black snake. His strength, even if I fight with him, will definitely not take much the benefits of!"

Listening to the words of the Emperor Cattle, the beast owner said quickly.

He knew the strength of the little black snake. The strength of the little black snake, even if it was him, was a little dazed.

"The ancestor of the black snake family?"

"Even if you fight him, it won't help you?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and the expression of the Emperor Cattle instantly dignified.

The strength of the beast owner in front of him, but he has been taught a bit.

Although the cultivation between them is only a small realm difference, there is a certain gap in their strength.

"Beast owner, what do you say have anything to do with Mo Wentian?"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, and there was a flash of light in the eyes of the Emperor Cattle.

"Tianniu, it seems you really don't know anything!"

Looking at the suspicious look of Tian Niu Huang, the beast owner shook his head.

"Beast Master, speak straight when you have something!"

The Emperor Emperor was an acute child, watching the beast owner shake his head again and again, but said nothing and could not help but urged.

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