Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1336: Joined forces

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Chapter 1336: Join Together

"The three monster races in Tianji Mountain have all been conquered by Mo Wentian!"

"Even the ancestors of the mysterious snake family are now surrendered to Mo Wentian's boy!"

Looking at the Emperor Cattle, in the eyes of the beast owner, the slightest rays of light passed by, suppressing the voice.

"The three major monster races have all been subdued. Even the ancestors of the Xuan snake family have been subdued by Mo Wentian?"

"This ... how is this possible? Isn't that boy's cultivation for the peak of the genius king? How could the three major monster races willingly surrender to him, and the ancestor of the mysterious snake family? But he has reached the peak of the emperor. How could he surrender to Mo Wentian? "

Listening to the words of the beast owner, Tian Niu Huang's eyes are full of incredible.

Subconscious questioning.

"The strength of the emperor seems a lot more terrible!"

At this moment, beside the Emperor Cattle, in the eyes of the five elders Jiang Quan, there was a look of joy flashing, and his heart was secretly amazed.

Surrendering in Mo Wentian's hands, he naturally hoped that Mo Wutian was good, and Mo Wentian's strength was enhanced, which was also a good thing for him.

"Teniu old man, I've told you something!"

"This kid has brought the old snake snake ancestor by his side now, and you want to kill him, I'm afraid it's not so easy!"

"But if you are willing to join forces with me, according to your strength, even if there is a mystic snake ancestor beside him, it is not difficult to kill the kid!"

Looking at the look of the Emperor Cattle, there was a flash of refined light and deep voice in the eyes of the beast owner.

The beast owner didn't come here to tell the Emperor Bull the news. His purpose was to take advantage of this situation and let the Emperor Bull to obey him.

"You and I join forces?"

"Old beast owner, do you mean that you are going to join hands to kill Mo Wentian?"

Looking at the beast owner, Emperor Emperor, the slightest rays of light flashed, a bit stunned.


"Tianniu old man, but this seat is inviting you personally, do you not want to join hands with this seat?"

"The strength of the ancestors of the Xuan snake family, but I told you, you want to kill Mo Wentian, you don't cooperate with this seat, do you think you can kill?"

The indifferent voice sounded, but the beast owner stepped forward, and approached the Emperor Catcher more and more.

In the eyes of the Emperor Cattle, a touch of coldness flashed away.

"Master Tianniu, our Tianniu clan is gone. At this time, the owner wants to let you cooperate with him!"

"This we can't promise, if you have promised to cooperate with the owner of the beast, then from now on, our Tianniu clan will never be there again!"

At this moment, in the eyes of the Emperor Emperor, a complex light flashed, suppressing the voice.

If the Emperor of the Ox and the Beast Master join forces, this will definitely be an unfavorable thing for Mo Wentian.

And what he can do now is to try his best to prevent the beast owner and Tianniu from joining forces.

"Five elders, you are right. If I agreed to cooperate with this beast owner, when will our Tianniu tribe be able to rebuild!"

"I can't let the Tianniu tribe ruin in my hands!"

Listening to Jiang Quan's words, the look of the Emperor Cattle suddenly changed, and his face became firmer.

"Five elders, I speak to your Emperor, where can you speak?"

Seeing the sudden change of the Emperor Cattle's look, the Beast Owner's eyes became cold.

The mind was moving slightly, and that terrible power spread out, sweeping towards Jiang Quan.

"Huh ..."

The strength of the beast owner, where Jiang Quan in the middle of the emperor can bear.

With a moan, a trace of blood spilled out of Jiang Quan's mouth.

His body, at this moment, could not help but tremble slightly, his face was even paler, it seemed that at this moment, he was suffering great pain.

"Five elders, you step down first!"

"The Emperor has his own decision on this matter!"

Looking at Jiang Quan's unbearable look, a glimmer of cold mang flashed in the eyes of Tian Niu Huang.

The next moment, his expression was bland, with a cough, indifferent way.

"Master Tianniu, this ..."

Hearing that, Jiang Quan took a distressed look at the Emperor Tian Niu, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he said nothing.

Immediately, he turned and retreated.

Although Jiang Quan looks very embarrassed on the surface, in fact, Jiang Quan's heart has already blossomed.

As long as he leaves here, he will have the opportunity to convey information to Mo Wentian.

The news of the cooperation between the beast owner and the Emperor Cattle, this is a very important relationship for Mo Wentian.

Although the Emperor Cattle did not agree to cooperate with the beast owner while he was here, according to Jiang Quan's understanding of the Emperor Cattle, he would definitely agree to cooperate with the beast owner.

For a moment, Jiang Quan's figure has reached tens of thousands of feet away from the Emperor and the Beast Master.

"Buzz ..."

As soon as the mind moved, a note was already in his hands.

Without any hesitation, the news that Jiang Quan will cooperate with the Emperor and the Beast Master, and the news of the mysterious snake ancestor, all passed into the note.

The next moment, the note was going in a certain direction instantly.

Just the moment Jiang Quan's note came out.

Within the domain.

"Buzz ..."

"Jiang Quan's note!"

Upon receiving the note, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold chill.

Although I have n’t opened the note to listen to the news from Jiang Quan, at this time, Jiang Quan has heard the news. This must be an emergency.

Thinking about it like this, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and crushed the note directly.

As soon as the note was crushed, Jiang Quan's voice sounded.

"Monarch, you have subdued the news of the three monster races in the Tianji Mountains and the ancestor of the mysterious snake. The Emperor and the Beast Lord already know that, and the news that you have destroyed the Celestials. Niuhuang! "

"At this moment, they are negotiating about cooperation, making them want to cooperate, and killing you ..."

Jiang Quan passed all the news he knew to Mo Wentian.

"This beast owner is a mess, the news is really well informed!"

"He knew all these things that the Emperor did so soon!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes were stunned, the cold mang flickered endlessly.

The speed at which the beast owner received the news was somewhat beyond Mo Wentian's expectations.

"Boss, we conquered the Elder Cows and killed the Elders of the Elder Cows. This Elder Emperor has all known!"

"He must not let us go. His strength has now reached the peak of the Emperor. We ..."

Recalling the news from Jiang Quan just now, Xiao Yan's expression was so dignified that he looked at Mo Wutian and said in a deep voice.

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