Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1513: Beastmaster's Means

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Chapter 1513: Beast Master's Means

But within a few breaths, all the disciples of the Kingdom of Heaven and the disciples of the Orcs entered the wheel of time.

Only people such as Tianhu and Xiaozhang stood still.

"Sky Fox, enter the time roulette!"

Looking at the sky fox, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed, and she said quietly.

"Ask Brother Tian to fight here, I want to stay!"

Tianhu looked at the figure in the void, and his eyes flashed.

"Tianhu, my cultivation is better than you!"

"But the boss also let me enter the time roulette. We stay, and we can't help the boss at all!"

"And you can rest assured that the boss of the beast will not be the boss' opponent!"

Wen Yan said that Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a complex light, and her brows frowned slightly, which seemed to be a little embarrassing.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed, suppressing the voice.


Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Tianhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Immediately, staring at Mo Wentian for a while, the figure flashed, and some reluctantly entered the time wheel.

Watching Tianhu also entered the time roulette, and the figures of Xiaoyu and Huantian flashed into the time roulette.

For a moment, within the entire circle, except for Mo Wentian and the Beast Lord who were at war, they could no longer see anyone.

All of them have entered the time wheel.

And at the moment of the roulette of everyone's time today, that terrible sound wave was all attacking Mo Wentian.


In the void, Mo Wentian spit out blood.

Mo Wentian looked at the beast owner on the opposite side, his eyes were extremely shocked.

Originally, I didn't ask God that the beast owner had suffered a mild injury in the Tianji Mountains. With his own strength, it was not difficult to kill the beast owner in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the power of the beast owner has far exceeded his expectations.

If it weren't for Mo Wentian's terrible physique, the roar of the beast owner's Tian Shi just now would be enough to shatter Mo Wentian!

Looking at the figure in the void, Mo Wentian looked dignified.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Suddenly, the sky fox in the wheel of time rose with anxiety in his eyes.

For a while, she only felt her heart tight, and this feeling made her feel worse than death.

"Boss ..."

At the same time, looking at this scene, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian's exclaimed voices sounded instantly.

At this moment, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian in the wheel of time are full of worry.

"I'm fine!"

Listening to the sound of worries from the time roulette, Mo Wentian took a deep breath and said it indifferently.

"Unexpectedly, even if this old mess is injured, it still has such strength!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, a flash of astonishment flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.

I do n’t think Tian originally thought that the beast owner suffered a minor injury, and his strength and power would have to be reduced a lot, but I did not expect that the beast owner ’s strength was still so terrible!

This makes Mo Wentian's heart not shocked?

Mo Wentian's combat power is already comparable to the emperor's successful situation, but just now the beastmaster's roar could not be stopped.

Tiens roar, Mo Wentian is not unaware of its power. In the Tianji Mountains, this beastmaster also performed it once.

But Mo Wentian didn't expect that the roar of the Tianshi cast by the beast owner was so powerful.

"Boy, my Tien roar is only a little stronger, you can't bear it!"

"I thought, how great you are!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the beast owner shook his head, and there was even more irony in those eyes.

"Old miscellaneous, your strength has improved a lot!"

"But you are just the end of the crossbow!"

Suddenly, it seems that something was found. In the eyes of Mo Wentian, a very bright light rose.

"End of the crossbow?"

The look of the beast owner changed instantly.

The meaning of Mo Wentian's words was very clear to the beast owner. It was Mo Wentian saying that his power was almost exhausted.

Just now he used a self-destructive move. Although it can temporarily increase his strength, this consumption is also huge.

The reason why he used this trick was to kill Mo Wutian with one blow, but what he didn't expect was that Mo Wutian was just injured a little.

As for beheading Mo Wentian, this is far from enough.

"how about it?"

"Old miscellaneous, fight again!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Mantian's eyes flickered endlessly.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's power rose again.

The next moment, the Devouring Sword trembled in Mo Wentian's hands. It seemed to understand the words of Mo Wentian, as if the next moment, he was about to shoot.

"Fight again?"

"Ask Brother Tian to fight again?"

"The beast owner also has a lot of methods. Ask Brother Tian can still block it?"

With Mo Wentian's remarks, in the wheel of time, in the eyes of Tianhu, the color of worry became more intense.

"Tianhu, don't worry about this emperor!"

"Today's old miscellaneous, no doubt!"

Listening to Tianhu's worried voice, Mo Wentian grinned, and quickly whispered to Tianhu.


"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I believe you!"

I ca n’t tell why, just now Tianhu was very worried about Mo Wentian, but Mo Wutian's indifferent voice came, but Tianhu's heart seemed to be a heart-strength agent.

The expression of worry on that fair and beautiful face disappeared instantly.

What's more, at this moment, she seemed to have seen the scene where the beast owner was beheaded by Mo Wentian.

The corner of Tianhu's mouth even raised a beautiful arc.

"Boy, fight?"

"You're going to die, this seat is for you!"

"Tiens magic!"

With an angry drink, I saw the beast owner in the void, and in the blood eyes, the bloodthirsty light soared instantly.

The next moment, the beast owner's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

And with the disappearance of the Beast Owner's figure, in the void, a terrible blood flew wildly towards Mo Wentian.

That blood seemed to be covering Mo Wentian.

There was a strong **** smell in that blood, which made people want to gag.

"Old miscellaneous, your Tiens magical power, want to kill the emperor, but it is too bad!"

"Hmm ..."

Watching the beast master cast Tiens magical power again, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold coldness.

The next moment, Mo Wentian became ironic.

"Boy, you don't know how to die!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's ironic face, the beast owner was almost furious.

In those bloodthirsty eyes, the anger was burning at this moment, and the killing in the eyes was not concealed.

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