Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1514: Please die, then you are fulfilled!

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Chapter 1514 Pray for Death, Then You Are Complete!

Immediately, the beast owner's body exploded directly, turned into countless blood, and shrouded toward Mo Wentian.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi said, you are too weak!"

"Can't you come up with something new?"

Watching the beast owner sweeping towards him again, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flashed away.

Although Mo Wentian said that the cloud was light and light, in fact, Mo Wentian secretly moved Jiulong's body.

Nine dragons, in Mo Wentian's body, joined end to end, forming a dark blue protective cover.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's Devouring Sword, the rolling sword Yuanli, was also wildly wanton.

"Boy, this beast-owner's miscellaneous Tiens magical power, you can't underestimate!"

"Body flesh, if you are hurt by this flesh, it will not be easy!"

And at this moment, the deep and profound voice of the old man of Shenzhu sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Senior Pearl!"

"This old miscellaneous blood is really so terrible?"

Do not ask the world subconsciously asked.

"Boy, never underestimate the enemy!"

"Maybe just because you take it lightly for a moment, your life is lost!"

The flash of light in the old man's eyes suppressed the way of the voice.

"Thank you for reminding Senior Pearl!"

"God understands!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and he quickly thanked the old man of Shenzhu.

The old **** bead, who can be described as a benefactor of Mo Wutian, always appears when Mo Wutian needs it most.

And every time the old man of Shenzhu mentions, he benefits for Mo Wentian.

"Boy, this old mess, I'm afraid you can't kill him today!"

Suddenly, the old man of Shenzhu seemed to have found something, the light flashed in his eyes, and the words were deep.

"Can't kill him?"

"Senior Pearl, why?"

Mo Wentian's eyes were puzzled.

"Boy, this beast owner can be transformed into flesh and blood, and each of his blood can make him alive. Can you kill every blood of his?

The voice of the old **** bead was extremely deep.

"Senior Pearl, what can be done for this?"

"This beast owner will not be chopped, and my heart will not calm down, nor will my Kingdom of Devouring Heaven be safe!"

"Especially after the passage of the big world opens, I go to the big world, and my kingdom of heavenly gods will be extremely dangerous!"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo asked the look of the sky, instantly dignified.

On that Jun face, Jianmei could not help but clenched into a ball, and her voice was full of worries.

"Ahem ..."

"Boy, as for this method, I haven't thought of it yet!"

"However, although you can't completely kill him this time, you can blow him into a serious wound. In this case, your kid has time to rectify the Kingdom of Heaven!

Asked by Mo Wentian, the old man of Shenzhu was a little embarrassed.

Cough a few times, a little awkward.

"That's all it can be!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed helplessness.

"Boy, die!"

And at this moment, a loud drinking sound came, and in the void, the blood flew directly towards Mo Wentian.

"Seal Dragon Seal, stop me!"

Angrily, Mo Wentian blocked the Dragon Seal Seal directly in front of himself.

"Quack quack ..."

"Boy, you want to block the blood of this seat with this dragon seal seal, you are really stupid!"

An evil laughter rang through the void instantly.

The next moment, the blood flew wildly towards Mo Wentian.

"is it?"

"Old miscellaneous, but what does Bendi think, you are a stupid person!"

Mo Wentian grinned, his eyes shrinking.

The next moment, the figure flickered and disappeared directly.

When it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure appeared behind the flesh.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Wentian's figure flashed again, and in the void, nine identical Mo Wentians appeared.

Immediately, the nine Mo Wentian figures flashed again, turning into eighty-one figures.

These eighty-one figures are all Mo Wentian. No matter from the breath, the spirit or the spiritual cultivation, you can't see which one is Mo Wutian's true body and which one is Mo Wutian's avatar.

"Bite your sword!"

"Break the world!"

Angrily, I saw eighty-one Mo Wentian, directly casting a sword breaking the world.

As the sword broke, a rift appeared in the void where the sword energy passed.

The cracks quickly became larger, but within a few breaths, the cracks had grown to several feet in size.

The endless void flows tumbling down.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"Boy, do you think you can kill me this way?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"Hahahaha ..."

Looking at this scene, the beast owner's eyes flickered and he burst into laughter.

But deep in his eyes, a solemn look rose.

"This kid, there are so many ways!"

In the heart of the beast owner, there is a secret way.

The 81 Momotian in front of him, no matter how he probed, he could not tell which one was Momotian's true body.

For a while, this caused the beast owner's brow to tighten tightly.

Unable to say why, looking at the eighty-one figures in the void, the beast owner's heart raised a bad hunch.

What's more, he wanted to escape from here.

But thinking of all the disciples of his orcs, Mo Wentian has been included in the time roulette.

This matter will soon spread throughout the ancient relics. If he left like this at this time, he would really not see anyone in the ancient relics.

Thinking in this way, a complex light flashed in the eyes of the beast owner.

The next moment, the blood in the void sky skyrocketed, but within a few breaths it had skyrocketed.

The countless bloods swept away towards the figure of eighty-one Mowentian in the void.

"Old miscellaneous, it seems you are desperate for death!"

Watching the change of the Beast Owner, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Angrily yelled, 81 Mo Wentian was holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword, and fell towards those blood.

"Buzz ..."

With the fall of the eighty-one sword by Mo Wentian, the flesh in the void instantly dissipated a lot.

"What kind of sword is this kid's sword?"

"It was able to cut my blood, if I let him continue to cut it, I'm afraid ..."

The beast owner looked at the eighty-one figures in the void, and a horrified light rose in his eyes.

At this moment, the bad premonition that rose in the heart of the beast owner became more intense.

"how about it?"

"Old miscellaneous pieces, shouldn't the taste of God's Devouring Sword be okay?"

And at this moment, eighty-one Mo Wentian, standing proudly in the void, looked at the flesh, and said with pride.

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