Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1536: The secret to unlock the demon soul seal?

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Chapter 1536: The Secret Wants to Unlock the Demon Soul Seal?

"Is the Fire Spirit Vein subdued by you?"

"Ask the Emperor, can this fire spirit be conquered?"

Hearing that, Ji Wujing took a moment's glance, returned to God, and blurted out subconsciously.

"Yeah, isn't Fire Spirit Pulse a Spirit Pulse?"

"How could it still be subdued?"

Ji Ming looked at Mo Wentian and asked with confusion.

"Fire spirit, come out!"

Seeing that they did not believe it, Mo Wentian shook his head slightly.

The next moment, summoned towards the fire spirit.

As Mo Wentian said this, a small figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Fire spirit has seen the master!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the fire spirit looked very respectful.

"This ... what is this?"

Looking at the little fire spirit in front of him, Ji Ming's eyes flashed with awe, and he couldn't help asking.

"This is the fire spirit of the fire spirit vein!"

"The pulse of fire is under his control!"

Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing and Ji Ming's impressive faces, his mouth slightly raised, and he quickly explained.

"So it is!"

"It's no wonder that the hot force in the vein of fire just came towards me. It turned out to be asking you, God!"

Hearing that, Ji Wujing understood instantly.

At the moment, Ji Wujing, looking into Mo Wentian's eyes, couldn't help raising a touch of thanks.

When he was performing the soul-killing method just now, he was indeed a little weak. If it were not for Mo Tiantian to pass in power to him in time, I am afraid that he would not have all the spirits in this monster's seal so quickly solved.

Ji Ming at this moment, listening to this, also understood.

An apology arose instantly in his heart. It turned out that he despised not asking God to fear death, but now, Ji Ming is ashamed and wants to find a hole to drill in.

Mo Wentian is not afraid of death at all, but to help Ji Wujing by his method.

For a long time, Ji Ming was only grateful for Mo Wentian.

"Ask the Emperor, I shouldn't say you that!"

"It's my gentleman's abdomen that I use to measure the abdomen of a gentleman. Excuse me, Lord, forgive me!"

The next moment, Ji Ming didn't hesitate, stepped forward, kneeled in front of Mo Wentian, and said sincerely.

"Get up!"

"Jiming, this emperor doesn't blame you, but in the future, don't draw conclusions too soon!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

Immediately, the words of the voice were lowered.

"Ji Ming should learn a lesson!"

"I won't let you ask the Emperor in the future!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Ji Ming's voice was full of power.

Mo Wentian's generous attitude caused Ji Ming's heart to rise with admiration.

In front of Mo Wentian, not only is his strength good, but even his mind is extremely powerful.

"Bang bang ..."

And at this moment, a series of violent explosions came from the deepest part of the inner area instantly.

That is the direction in which the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born, which is what the old **** bead said, where the demon soul seal is.

"not good!"

"The machine was old and broken that day, it must have been the seal!"

Listening to this blast, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and a moment of cold mang rose in his eyes instantly, and his voice was extremely cold.


"Hurry up and stop this chance!"

Ji Wujing's eyes flashed coldly, and he drank coldly, and the figure went directly in that direction.

Seeing this, Mo Wentian and Ji Ming followed without hesitation.

A moment later, when the three of them appeared again, they had already come to the valley where the seal of the demon soul was located.

"Booming ..."



Upon arriving at the entrance to the valley, a violent explosion sounded again.

Countless dusts stirred up, and all of them were more powerful.

"Sure enough, it's the old miscellaneous mess!"

Suddenly, it seems that something was found, a flash of coldness in his eyes, Mo asked Tian with a cold face.

"Ask the Emperor, the strength of this heavenly machine is very good!"

"Neither you nor Ji Ming are his opponents!"

"Go and look at the demon soul seal, wait for me to solve the secret, then come to solve the demon soul seal!"

Ji Wujing looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a cold, cold mang in his eyes.

"Okay, Master Ji, this magic soul seal is handed to us!"

"Although my seal technique is not as good as Ji Shaozhu's, but there is no problem in sealing these demons for a while and a half!"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and quickly agreed.

Despite the demon soul seal, even outside the valley, Mo Wentian felt that the demon soul seal in it was stronger than the two previous ones.

However, Mo Wentian has full confidence and can temporarily seal the demon soul.


"Go in together!"

The cold voice sounded, and Ji Wujing took the lead to step out and walked towards the valley.

As Ji Wujing stepped forward, Mo Wentian and Ji Ming quickly followed.

As soon as Mo Wentian and others entered the valley, there was an instant noise in the valley.

"Old man, hurry up, hurry up and open our seal!"

"No, someone is here!"

"It's from the Ji family. Here comes the Ji family. Old man, you have to quickly open the seal and let us go out. We all die here!"

"It's not just the Ji family, I seem to feel the breath of the Protoss!"

"Staying in this valley for millions of years, is it true that we are going to fail today?"


Feeling the three breaths approaching, in the seal of the demon soul, the countless demon souls once again urged the heaven.

But at this moment, the natural opportunity has exerted all its strength, punching and punching towards this seal, but no matter how he blasted, there was no reaction at all on this seal.

Not only that, there wasn't any movement of this demon soul seal, but he was already sweating.

What's more, the injury he just recovered seems to be ripped again because of his right to attack.

"People of Ji Family and Protoss?"

"It's them, are they here?"

Listening to these sounds, Tianji stopped for a moment. In his eyes, he couldn't help raising a look of fear.

Especially when he recalled the last battle between him and Ji Wujing, Ji Wujing's strength was really terrible.

When he was at the peak, he was not Ji Wujing's opponent, let alone now.

At this moment, there is nowhere else to release these demon souls. The only thing in his mind now is to leave here.

It is more important to survive than revenge!

As for those demon souls, it is not important at all in terms of his life.

Thinking about this, Tianji's eyes flashed a light.

The next moment, Tianji flashed without any hesitation, and headed directly out of the valley.

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