Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1537: A million years ago

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Chapter 1537 A Thousand Years Ago

As soon as the shadow of the sky was gone, there were sounds of wickedness in the whole valley.

"Old man, you dare to leave us and leave, you are even worse than the people of the Protoss and Ji Family!"

"This old boy simply wants to let us out and use us to kill the people of the Protoss and Ji family. He never thought about saving us!"

"Yes, this old man's abacus is also very good!"

"If you don't save us out, you still want to take advantage of us. If I can escape, the first thing I will swallow is the old boy!"

"That old boy should be swallowed!"


Every bitter voice sounded instantly across the valley.

In the seal of the demon soul, countless magic qi, at this moment, all condensed into a dark eye, watching the direction where the heavenly machine opened.

The killing in these eyes is terrible.

"not good!"

"This **** wants to escape!"

And listening to this extremely vicious voice, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed coldly.

"Master Ji, go ahead and chase this opportunity!"

"This person must be resolved this time, leaving this person must be a scourge!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Ask the Emperor, and the enchanted soul seal will be given to you!"

"Jiming, remember to protect and ask the safety of the Emperor!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Ji Wujing's eyes could not help looking at Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian's confident look, Ji Wujing reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulder, lowering his voice.

It seems that Ji Wujing is still a bit uneasy, but he still orders something to Ji Ming.

"Yes, Lord, I will take good care of the safety of the Emperor!"

Ji Ming didn't hesitate and agreed quickly.

Actually, without Ji Wujing saying, if Mo Wentian is in danger, Ji Ming will also help.

After all, Mo Wentian at this moment has completely changed in Ji Ming's mind.


Glancing at Ji Ming and Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing nodded.

Immediately, the figure flickered and disappeared in place, heading towards the breath of the day.

As Ji Wujing's figure left, there were only Mo Wentian and Ji Ming left.

"Ask the Emperor, after entering the location of the demon soul seal, also ask the Emperor you stand behind me!"

"If something happened to the demon seal, let me deal with it first!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Ji Ming looked at Mo Wentian and said with a serious face.

"Jiming, don't worry about this emperor!"

"It is not unreasonable for this emperor to become one of the most ancient relics!"

Listening to Ji Ming's words, Mo Wentian's mouth could not help raising a radian.

At this moment, looking at Ji Ming with a serious face, Mo Wentian even thought that Ji Ming in front of him was very cute.

"Ask the Emperor ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's swearing face, Ji Ming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"The demon soul seal has been bombed by Tianji for so long. Check to see if the demon soul seal has been cracked!"

"This demon soul seal can't do anything. Once the demon souls escape, the consequences are unthinkable!"


Suddenly, Mo Wentian thought about the seal of the demon soul, and his expression froze instantly.

With that said, Mo Wentian stepped forward without any hesitation and walked directly into the valley.

For a moment, Mo Wentian and Ji Ming came to the place where the Dragon Dragon Sky Map was born, which is where the demon soul seal was.

In the valley at this moment, it is completely different from the time when Mo Wentian came to compete for the Dragon Dragon Sky Map.

When I first entered it, I felt a strange sound.

A touch of mysterious light rose even more in the most central position.

"Ask the Emperor, the demon soul seal is here!"

Suddenly, Ji Ming seems to have found something, quickly said.

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian hurriedly looked at Ji Ming, and saw that Ji Ming had already come to the light.

Under that light is the seal of the demon soul.

This demon soul seal looks no different from the previous two devil soul seals.

"Well ... the kid of the Protoss, Ji family, what do you think you are? You didn't expect to be just two little ants!"

"I also thought that this Ji family had sent at least one Tianzun satisfactorily strong man. I did not expect that it was just an early ants of Tianzun!"

"Ha ha ha ha ... this protoss kid, the strength is unrecognizable, it is just the early emperor that I can kill in a breath!"

"We really overestimated Ji Family and Protoss!"

"It seems that millions of years have passed, and the Protoss and Ji Family have come to an end!"


And just as Mo Wentian and Ji Ming approached, countless demonic soul seals laughed strangely among the magic soul seals.

In their words, they were full of ridicule.

Especially those pair of dark eyes, in those eyes, although no specific expression can be seen, but how can the disdain be hidden.

"Devils, you dare to laugh at my Ji family?"

"I think you are tired!"

Listening to this ridiculous voice, Ji Ming was instantly angry.

At this moment, Ji Ming's fist couldn't help but clenched, and a terrible sense of murder was raised in his eyes.

If it weren't for Ji Ming's strength to kill these demons, Ji Ming had already started.

"Buzz ..."

But at the moment Ji Mingsheng sounded, I saw countless magical spirits spreading out in the seal of the demon soul.

I saw a huge ball of magic, appeared in the center.

Above that magical qi, the power is terrible, it seems that the power is more than a hundred times stronger than that of the surrounding magical qi.

Obviously, this group of magic qi must be the boss of this demon soul seal.

"Ji's dog stuff, how dare you mad before us?"

"I think it's you who are tired!"

The group of magical energy furiously moved a few times, and the extremely cold voice came instantly.

"I'm tired of it?"

"Old miscellaneous, you figure it out, but now we are outside, and you are sealed by our Ji family's strong and Protoss strong for millions of years!"

"You have been imprisoned in this demon soul seal for millions of years, yes, and you are a group of poor worms, a group of poor worms that have been beheaded and left only the demon soul!

It's okay not to say this group of magical qi, Ji Ming was completely angry.

Looking at the seal of the demon soul, Ji Ming suddenly opened.

I have to say, Ji Ming's words are really ugly.

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