Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1560: Show off again

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Chapter 1560: Show More Power

"Little reptile, want to pump me?"

"It's just you, it's not enough!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and when I saw the beast owner in situ, his body exploded directly, turning into countless blood.

For a moment, the countless flesh gathered again in the void.

"Buzz ..."

The flesh gathered, and a Tianshi beast appeared in front of the Tian beast mountain range.

The pair of scarlet blood eyes of Tiens Beast raised a terrible sense of murder, staring straight at Xiao Yan.

If it can be said that the eyes can kill people, the beast owner at this moment, I am afraid that Xiaoyao has been beheaded countless times.

"Old miscellaneous, you look too ugly!"

"It's going to be disgusting to me, grandpa grandpa!"

The beast owner's round shape, Xiao Xiao had seen it last time, but once again, Xiao Yan's brow could not help but tightened, his face was full of disgusting look.

"Disgusting you?"

"You a little reptile, how dare you say I disgusted you?"

"You are just as abominable as Mo Wentian's kid!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, in the eyes of the beast owner, the rising intention of killing became even more terrible.

At the same time, the prestige on him has skyrocketed again.

With that said, the blood eyes of the beast owner raised an extremely bright light.

The next moment, a **** power burst into Mo Wentian.

"Xiao Xun, be careful, this old messy blood cannot be underestimated!"

Looking at this scene, in the eyes of Mo Wentian, a flash of cold mang flashed, reminding quickly.

"Okay, boss!"

"This old mess is not going to hurt me!"

Xiao Yan grinned towards Mo Wentian, his face was extremely confident.

Immediately, Xiao Yan's giant tail, hundreds of feet in size, greeted him directly toward the blood in the void.

"Old miscellaneous, good come!"

With a cold drink, Xiaolong's hundreds of feet of dragon tail fell directly toward the blood.

"Four little reptiles, your cultivation is just a breakthrough to the peak of the emperor, but I am a powerful emperor!"

"Do you think you will be my opponent?"

Looking at the hundreds of giant giant tails that were about to fall towards him in an instant, the beast owner's face looked bleak.

The next moment, the countless flesh turned into a phantom phantom, and blasted directly towards the hundreds of feet of Xiaolong.

"Xiaoyu, this Tianshi Beast is very powerful!"

"Avoid him!"

Watching the sudden tactical change of the beast owner, Mo Wentian's look changed suddenly, and he quickly transmitted a message to Xiao Yan.

"Boss, I just want to try, to what extent is my physique now!"

Listening to the words reminded by Mo Wentian, Xiao's figure was not dodging at all, but greeted directly to the beast owner.

"Little sister ..."

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.


A loud noise came.

The figure of a Tianshi Beast in the void and Xiaolong's hundreds of feet of dragon tail collided together.

"Huh ..."

With a moan, the fury surged in the eyes of Tianshi Beast.

The slightest blood spilled from the beast owner's mouth.

But Xiaoyu couldn't get any better. The body of thousands of feet also receded by hundreds of feet.

The corners of his mouth were also overflowing with blood.

"This old messy body is really good!"

Wiping the blood in the corner of his mouth, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

"Master Xiaoyan's strength is also terrible!"

"Master Xiaoyan's cultivation, but just broke through the peak of the emperor, but the beast owner is the emperor's successful strong, but this time the collision, the beast owner did not take any advantage!

"I don't see Beast Lord's opponent!"

"Yes, I think so, too, Master Xiaoyan is too powerful!"

"If the Beast Lord was beheaded and killed by Lord Xiaoxiong, then in the entire ancient relics, ask the Emperor is the only King!"


Looking at this scene in the void, countless warriors talked again.

At this moment, they looked at the little magpie in the void, and they even admired it.

You know, the beast owner ’s cultivation is much stronger than that of Xiaozhang, but this one has a very different strength.

However, Xiao Yao's strength is so different that she is not in the slightest advantage or even the upper hand. How can they not be surprised?

But at this moment, the beast owner stood up and looked at the little magpie on the opposite side, his eyes were hard to hide.

"The strength of this little reptile is not weaker than me at all, and it is even stronger!"

I can't say why, but at the moment the center of the hand is raising a bad hunch.

"How old?"

"How does your little grandfather's dragon-tail swing feel?"

And at this moment, Xiaoxiong looked at the Beast Owner and said with a mock face.

"How does it taste?"

"Four little reptiles, this one just made you. Do you think you will really be my opponent?"

The sound of ridicule came, the heart of the beast owner was almost furious.

But on his mouth, there was no resignation.

"Not your opponent?"

"Old miscellaneous, it seems that you are still living in your dreams and have not yet recovered!"

"Then grandpa me, let you face the reality!"

Looking at the Beast Owner, Xiao Yan's expression was cold.

In the collision just now, although Xiao Zhuan was also injured, it was only the dragon tail that did not transform successfully.

Xiao Yan had a strong hunch. If the collision just now used a dragon head, the beast owner in front of him would not be so easy.

"face the reality?"

"Quack quack ..."

"Four little reptiles, it's you who should face reality!"

In the void, the beast owner looked at Xiaozhang, and suddenly laughed evilly.

The next moment, I saw the breath on him, soaring instantly.

"Tiens magic!"

"Buzz ..."

The sound of angry drinking sounded, and in the void, a thousands of feet of Tiens phantom appeared on the top of Tiens Beast.

Immediately, Tiens Beast opened his mouth, and the aura in the void was swallowed up instantly.

"Xiaoyu, this old mess will devour the surrounding aura and want to strengthen his power!"

"Stop him!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian immediately discovered the anomaly of the beast owner, and quickly said.

"Swallowing Aura to increase strength?"

"This old mess is really beautiful!"

"Shenlong is howling!"

Heard that Xiao Xiao's expression was extremely cold.

Immediately, Xiao Yan shouted directly at the owner without any hesitation.

With Xiao Yan's roar, the terrible sound wave, centered on Xiao Yan, spread quickly towards the surroundings.

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