Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1561: Four iconic small reptiles?

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Chapter 1561 Four Dislike Little Reptiles?

"So terrible soundwave, rewind!"

"I feel like my heart is shattered by this terrible sound wave!"

"Master Xiaoyan's strength is really terrible!"

"I see this beastmaster is dead!"

"It would be great if the beast owner died, and it would be useless to keep the ruthless and righteous person!"


Terrible sound waves came, and countless warriors quickly retreated.

Some warriors who were lowered down, the sound wave hit, and the corners of their mouths, the slightest blood, spilled out instantly.

The warriors who are higher up have pale faces at the moment. It seems that at this moment they are under tremendous coercion.

"Retreat beyond the thousand feet!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded.

I saw Mo Wentian looking at the countless disciples with a cold face.

For the horror of Xiaolong's wrath, Mo Wentian is clear. If the group of demons who have just surrendered to him do not leave, they will probably be killed by Xiaoyan's sound waves.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"


Wen Yan, countless disciples, quickly retreated.

For a moment, the countless disciples had already retreated outside the thousand feet.

"Four little reptiles, you really have a lot of means!"

"But you still have to die in the hands of this seat today!"

And at this moment, in the void, the beast owner's face was cold.

"Dead in your hands?"

"But what do you think of your grandpa, you are all dead today!"

Listening to the words of the beast owner, Xiao Yan even laughed evilly.

"Little reptile, it seems that you will not give up until the Yellow River!"

"I'll show you what a real rage is!"

Xiao Yan's unwilling voice came, and in the eyes of the beast owner, the intention of killing rose again.

"Tiens roar ..."


The next moment, the beast owner did not hesitate.

With a sharp drink, the lion's body soared again several times that day, and the body of the figure was like a mountain.

Opening a large mouth of blood, a fierce roar, centering on the Tianshi Beast, spread wildly towards the surroundings.




As the beast owner screamed loudly, the screams rang out instantly.

I saw the disciples still hiding in the dark at the moment, and their bodies exploded.

They became a flesh in the void, and their spirits fell before they could escape.

And all this blood was quickly swallowed up by the Tiens in the void.

"This old miscellaneous strength seems to have increased a bit!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the cold mang in his eyes flashed instantly.

But Mo Wentian at the moment, but did not intend to take a shot.

Xiao Yan's cultivation and breakthrough have just broken through, and it is also when Xiao Yan wants to show his strength.

Although he was a little worried about Xiaoyu, how could he not go through the hardships if he wanted to reach the pinnacle of martial arts?

Mo Wentian just looked at the void with his eyes clenched.

"Buzz ..."

And with that countless blood being swallowed up by the Tianshi beast, the breath on the beast owner's body was strengthened again.

The murderous sound wave quickly attacked Xiao Xiao, seemingly to kill Xiao Xiao in it.

"not good!"

"This sonic wave is much stronger than my Divine Dragon howling!"

Feeling the terrible power coming, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

However, at this moment, even if he wanted to avoid it, it was too late.


The next moment, the countless sound waves shrouded Xiao Xiao.

In the void, blood spit out from Xiao's mouth.

Xiaoxiong looked at the beast owner on the opposite side, his eyes were extremely shocked.

Originally Xiaoyi thought that his physique and cultivation had strengthened. With his own strength now, it was not difficult to kill the beast owner in front of him.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't hurt the beast owner, and the beast owner's strength had already hurt him.

At this moment, Xiaoyan could not help recalling what Mo Wentian said. At any time, one should not look down upon anyone!

At this moment, Xiaoxun felt that Mo Wentian said this at the right time.

"Little sister!"

Looking at this scene, the voices of Mo Wentian and Xuan Tian sounded.

Immediately, as soon as the figure of the magic sky flashed, she wanted to go towards Xiaoyu.

"Magic sky, no!"

"This time, let Xiaozhen suffer, and let him know if it makes sense to know what the Emperor said!"

Looking at the magic sky to go out to help, Mo Wentian quickly opened up to stop.

Although Mo Wentian at this moment, he also really wanted to directly kill the beast owner, he also has this ability.

But Mo Wentian at the moment, but held back, for the sake of Xiao Yan, he held back.

The character of Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian is extremely clear, he is warlike, proud and underestimated, and on the martial arts road, this is the most taboo thing for martial arts.

This time, Mo Wentian just wanted to borrow this thing and tell Xiaoyi that!

"Boss ..."

Wen Yan looked at Mo Wentian, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"This old mess is really a little bit powerful!"

Xiao Yan looked at the beast owner not far away, secretly in his heart.

Had it not been for his terrible physique just now, the roar of the beast owner's Tien just now would be enough to shatter his body!

Looking at the figure in the void, Xiao Yan's expression was dignified.

And the countless warriors watching this scene, the look in their eyes, but it changed instantly.

"Xiao Yan's cultivation is still too low!"

"Cultivation is still important!"

"This is just the beginning, Master Xiao Yan heard that there are more terrible means!"

"Who is the final winner in this battle?"

"Master Xiao Yan can win!"


Countless warriors talked instantly.

At this moment, among those warriors, those who had been optimistic about Xiaoyan have changed their minds at this moment.

After all, the beast owner ’s cultivation is placed there, and the beast owner can become the king of the ancient relics for many years, which is not unreasonable!

But among these warriors, there are still some warriors who believe in Xiaoyan!

Moreover, there is another thought in their hearts, that is, if Xiaozhang cultivates for a period of time, the beast owner in front of her will definitely not be Xiaozhang's opponent.

"Four little reptiles, you can't bear the Tiens roar!"

"I thought you were quite capable, but I didn't expect you to be so bad!"

At this moment, looking at Xiaozhang, the beast owner shook his head, and his eyes were full of contempt.

The thick voice was even more disdainful.

At this moment, in the heart of the beast owner, faith multiplied.

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