Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1600: Leave after fifteen days

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Chapter 1600: Leaving After Fifteen Days

And this ghost furnace, Mo Wentian simply did not intend to leave it to himself.

It was intended to leave the ghost furnace to Chixiao, and after he left the kingdom of heaven-eating God, Chixiao was the ruler of the kingdom of heaven-eating God.

Chixiao has this ghost furnace in his hand, and Mo Wentian can be assured.

"Master, please drop blood to let my master's order obey in the future!"

The next moment, the little black figure looked at Mo Wentian and said again.

"The emperor is only your master temporarily!"

"As for your real master, wait until then, and you will be the master!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, master!"

"The furnace spirit is at the command of the master!"

Lu Ling looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look.


"Go back and eat the kingdom of heaven!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, his face cold.

After speaking, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared into the ghost valley.

An hour of time passed quickly.

The figure of Mo Wentian, when it appeared again, already appeared in the hall of the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.



With Mo Wentian's cold drink, a figure appeared in the hall instantly.

This figure is exactly Chixiao.

It seems that Chixiao has been waiting for Mo Wutian's summons outside the gate of the hall all the time, and Mo Motian once called, he immediately appeared.

"Chixiao, Bendi has something for you!"

"Ghost furnace, come out!"

The cold voice sounded.

I saw in the void a dark furnace like black ink.

Immediately afterwards, a very dark little figure appeared.

This little figure is the hearth of the ghost furnace.

"Monarch, is this ... this is a ghost furnace?"

Watching the ghost furnace appear in the void, Chi Xiao's eyes were full of magnificence.

"Yes, this is the ghost furnace!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"But emperor, isn't the ghost furnace red?"

"Why does it become lacquered black, and the atmosphere on this ghost furnace seems to be stronger than before, I don't know how many times!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Chixiao's expression became even more shocked, and even his eyes could not help widening.

"The current ghost furnace is already an artifact of the early imperial ranks. The former ghost furnace is naturally not comparable to the current ghost furnace!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a faint light, which lowered the voice.

"An artifact of the early imperial rank?"

"Emperor, is this ... has this promotion succeeded?"

"Became an artifact of the early imperial rank?"

For a while, Chixiao came back to God, which was almost a subconscious way.


"The promotion was successful and it became an early artifact of the imperial rank!"

"Bleed the blood and recognize the Lord, this ghost furnace will be yours in the future!"

Mo Wentian looked at Chixiao with a cold look.

"Dream of blood?"

"Monarch, this ghost furnace is now an artifact of the early imperial rank. This is too valuable. I can't ask for it!"

Wen Yan said, Chi Xiao's body could not help but a bit, quickly said.

"This ghost furnace is not for you, Xiaoxiao, but for you to hold this ghost furnace to protect the emperor's Devouring Kingdom!"

"Bendi and Xiaozhang will both go to that martial arts shrine!"

"I will take care of you after eating the Kingdom of Heaven!"

Looking at Chi Xiao's repeated rejection, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold and incomparable cold mang, with a voice of anger in the deep voice.

"Emperor ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Chixiao opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything.

Just looking at Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex eye light rose.

Chixiao's heart was even more moved at this moment.

Mo Wentian gave him the artifact and ghost furnace in the early days of the imperial rank, which is also for his safety!

"Chixiao, the boss will give it to you!"

"Break the kingdom of heaven, you have to take good care of it until we come back from the heaven world!"

Watching Chixiao hesitate to step forward, Xiao Yan's figure flashed, and said quickly.

"Emperor, Lord Xiaoyou!"

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yan's voice came, and Chi Xiao quickly returned to God.

After thinking for a while, I really didn't know what to say, and sincerely thanked him.


Seeing Chi Xiao promise to come down, Mo Wentian nodded.

"Lu Ling, this will be your master in the future!"

"Enter the ghost furnace to recognize the Lord!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Lu Ling's body, saying coldly.

With Mo Wentian's words, the spirit of the furnace flashed, and quickly entered the ghost furnace.


"let's start!"

Watching the furnace spirit enter the ghost furnace, Mo asked the cold voice.

"Yes, the lord!"

Chixiao quickly agreed.

Immediately, he stepped forward, and when his mind moved, a sword appeared in the hands of Chixiao.


A light stroke of the sword over the fingers, a drop of blood burst out instantly.

The figure of Chixiao followed the flash and appeared in the void.

Fingers pointed at the dark, ghostly furnace in the void, and drops of blood fell.

"Buzz ..."

I saw a mysterious pattern on the ghost furnace that instantly lit up.

After a quarter of an hour.

A figure appeared in front of Chixiao.

This figure is furnace spirit.

"Furnace, see the master!"

Lu Ling's face looked very respectful.

Obviously, Hearth Spirit at this moment has already acknowledged the Lord.

This ghost furnace has also become the artifact of Chixiao.

"Chixiao, although this ghost furnace has already recognized you as the master, you still have to be familiar with him!"

"You go down first!"

Seeing that the ghost furnace has recognized Chixiao as the main, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light of the Tao.

"Yes, the lord!"

Chixiao gave a slight gift to Mo Wentian, then turned around and retreated.

As Chixiao left, in the hall, there were only three people: Mo Wentian and Xiao Yan.

"Boss, this ghost furnace is an artifact of the early emperor, why do you give this artifact to Chixiao!"

"The practice of Chixiao is worse than the practice of many disciples in the Kingdom of Devourer. Can the ghost furnace really play a great role for him?"

Seems to be thinking of something, Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian and said with a dignified face.

"Chixiao, not as weak as you think!"

"His strength is indeed inferior, but if he succeeds in washing the pulp once, he has unlimited talents!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian frowned slightly.

"Pill washing?"

"Boss, are you going to wash Chixiao?"

Upon hearing the words washing the marrow, Xiao Yan's eyes instantly flashed a ray of light, and his subconscious blurted out and made his debut.

"You don't need the emperor to wash the pulp!"

"The fire spirit fluid in the fire spirit vein can naturally wash his pulp successfully!"

Take a breath and don't ask Heaven's indifferent way.

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