Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1601: Is it good or bad

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Chapter 1601: Is It Good Or Bad?

"Boss, your consciousness has not yet broken through!"

"Still improve your spirit and spirituality. As for the others, some have time to deal with!"

And at this moment, Phantom, who had not spoken anymore, stretched out her furry claws and scratched her head.


"My spirit is about to improve!"

When Magic Sky said so, Mo Wentian also instantly remembered and nodded again and again.

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, and sat down cross-legged.

"Boss, we protect the law for you!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian flashed on the left and right sides of Mo Wentian, looking extremely alert.

Soon, Mo Wentian fell into cultivation.

Mo Wentian's Devouring Heavens God tricks were performed, and countless auras around him quickly gathered towards him.

"Boy, just this aura is not enough to break your spirit!"

And just when Mo Wentian just entered the cultivation, the voice of the old man of the **** bead came to his mind.

"Aura is not enough to improve my spirit and spirit?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, with a tinge of doubt in Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Boy, soul crystal refining!"

"In addition to the artifacts you won in the Tianji Mountains, you refine some, and that power is enough to make you ascend!"

The voice of the old **** bead sounded again.

"Thank you for your guidance!"

Mo Wentian quickly thanked him.

The next moment, Mo Wentian's mind moved, a disc-sized soul crystal appeared in the void.

Several soul grasses of the early fifth grade appeared at the same time with this soul spar!

"God Eater!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian reached out and grabbed directly at the soul crystal and spirit grass in the void.

As Mo Wentian reached out and grabbed his hand, the soul crystal lighted up instantly, and countless forces spread into Mo Wentian's body.

At the same time, on the grass of the early fifth grade, forces also surged into Mo Wentian's body.

"Buzz ..."

As soon as a force entered the body, Mo Wen's three stars in the body began to spin.

Mo Wentian, who was only eight hundred feet long, began to expand.

The spirit of 70,000 meters also began to spread.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath began to strengthen.

"According to the trend of this boy's spread, I am afraid that this boy can break through a thousand feet in the emperor's realm!"

"According to the rules of martial arts, Xiuwei cannot reach a thousand feet without breaking through to the state of heaven!"

"This boy, is it against the rules of martial arts!"

I do not know when the figure of the old man of Shenzhu appeared not far from Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, I felt the changes in Mo Wentian's body, and the look of the old **** bead complicated.

In his heart, there was even a touch of worry.

It is indeed a good thing to ask Mo Tian's natural strength and evil power, and his spirit is terrible, and this is not a bad thing.

But Mo Wentian said that the spirit had reached a thousand feet without reaching the state of heaven, even though the old man of Shenzhu had never seen or even heard of it.

However, there is a hunch in the heart of the old man of Shenzhu. It is not necessarily a good thing to ask God to raise the spirit!


"Smile, break me!"

And just as the old man of God Pearl was worried, Mo Wentian in the middle of the hall opened his eyes suddenly and said angrily.

With the moaning of Mo Wentian, the suction in Mo Wentian's hands became more and more terrible.

The power on the soul spar and the power on the early fifth-level spirit grass poured into the spring on Mo Wentian.

"It seems that this kid is really going to break into the soul of thousands!"

"Boy, I don't understand you anymore!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's cold drink, the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu became more and more complicated, and his brows became tighter.

An hour of time passed quickly.

"Soul, Qianzhang!"

"Spiritual knowledge, 100,000 meters!"

Mo Wentian opened his eyes, exhaled softly, and stood up.

At this moment, Mo Wentian, the breath of the whole body is much stronger than before, but Xiu Wei did not break into the middle of the emperor.

Unable to say why, Mo Wentian had a hunch in his heart. His cultivation was to break into the middle of the emperor, but it was not so easy!

"Boss, are you so dizzy?"

"Spiritual knowledge has also been raised to 100,000 meters?"

Watching Mo Wentian stood up, Xiao Xiao's figure flashed, and he quickly appeared in front of Mo Wentian.


"My spirit and spirit have improved, but my cultivation is still in the early days of the emperor!"

Mo Wentian nodded.

But the next moment, thinking of his cultivation, Mo Wentian's expression was dim.

"Boss, although your cultivation is not breakthrough, your strength is invincible in the emperor's realm!"

Looking at Mo Wutian's instantly dimmed spirit, the magical figure flashed, falling on Mo Wentian's shoulder, said in a deep voice.


"The Emperor's Realm, the Emperor is not afraid!"

"Even if it is the emperor's successful strongman, it will not be difficult for the emperor to be killed!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Boy, don't say it's the emperor's realm!"

"With your spirit, even the strongest in the early days of Celestial Supreme, will not be your opponent!"

At this moment, the old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian and lowered his voice.

"Will all the warriors in the early days of Tianzun be my opponent?"

"Senior Pearl, are you talking about my soul?"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, don't ask Tian for a moment, then return to God, the subconscious way.


"Boy, your spirit is the weird spirit of the family I have seen!"

"Since ancient times, no warrior has broken into the sky when he has not cultivated to the level of heavenly respect!"

The look of the old **** bead suddenly dignified.

"Senior Pearl, do you mean that if you want to cultivate into the state of heaven, can the spirit be raised to a thousand feet?"

Xiao Yan looked at the old man of Shenzhu, his eyes were full of doubts.


"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing for your kid to break into the sky!"

Taking a deep breath, there was a complex light in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu.

"Senior Pearl, this practice is that you haven't reached the state of heaven, and the soul has broken into thousands. Do you not know if it is good or bad?"

Moaning for a moment, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the old man of Shenzhu and asked in a deep voice.

"Boy, I know that I will only tell you!"

"This thing has never happened before!"

"Boy, hope this is a good thing!"

The old man with a bead sighed.

"Boss ..."

With the words of the old Shenzhu, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian's eyes also fell on Mo Wentian's body.

Their faces were full of worry, and they opened their mouths, trying to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything.

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