Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1631: Stupid home

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Chapter 1631: The Stupid Fate

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

Tianji's eyes narrowed, and the killing in his eyes was wild.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, Mo Wentian has no idea how many times they have been beheaded by Tianji's eyes.


"Old miscellaneous, Ben's arrogance is the capital of arrogance!"

"How about a punch from Bendi?"

"Don't bear it if you get hurt?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be found, Mo Wentian's eyes skyrocketed, and the evil smile in the corner of his mouth became more intense.

"How do you know I'm injured, boy?"

"Huh ..."

After hearing that, the look of the heavenly machine changed dramatically.

He was indeed injured. Although it was only a physical injury, there was still a salty sweetness in his mouth.

With a moan, Tianji forcibly swallowed the salty sweetness that came up.

It's just that his face was pale for a while.

"How do you know you were hurt?"

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi not only knows this, but also knows that today's next year is your death date!"

Looking at the magical changes in the look, Mo Wentian's expression also froze, and the deep voice was extremely cold.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Tomorrow today is my death date?"

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the look of Tianji was extremely cold.

An extremely cold breath spread out from Tianji's body instantly, sweeping away towards Mowentian.

That breath seemed to be swept up by Mo Wentian, and then swallowed it up.

With that said, Tianji shot again, and punched again towards Mowen Tianhong.

In his heart, he doubted that his body was injured by Mo Wentian's punch.

You know, he is a powerful man in the early stage of Tianzun, and Mo Wentian is only the early state of the emperor. It is just a big difference between cultivation.

The disparity in strength is even greater.

However, in the collision with Mo Wentian, Mo Wutian was just a minor injury, and his injuries were more serious than Mo Wutian's, which puzzled Tianji's heart.

Once again, Tianji just wanted to try it out. Why not ask Tiantian's strength?

Don't ask how strong your body is!

"Boy, die!"

With a rage, Tianji's figure flickered, and a punch went directly to Mowen Tianbang.

"Old miscellaneous, it seems you don't see the coffin or cry!"

"You want to die so much, that emperor will fulfill you!"

Looking at Tianji punching towards him again, Mo Wentian's eyes suddenly froze coldly, and every moment of terrible killing intention rose.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian also greeted him with a punch.

With Mo Wentian making a fist shot, in the void, a peerless dragon appeared.

The light of this peerless divine dragon flickered endlessly, especially above the dragon's head, and it was shimmering, all strengths, even more violent.

"not good!"

"How could this boy be so powerful?"

Looking at the peerless **** dragon phantom in the void, Tianji's heart raised a bad hunch.

At this moment, he even wanted to step back, but the next moment, when he saw Mo Wentian's cultivation, his speed became faster and faster.

What's more, Tianji's heart even became confident.

Mo Wentian's cultivation is nothing but the emperor's early state, but he is a strong man in a half-step state of heaven. It is easy to kill Mo Wutian.

But would his abacus be as he wished?


A dead word sounded, and in the void, two figures collided together.


There was a loud crash.

The two figures flew upside down.


A spit of blood spurted out of Mo Wentian's mouth again, and the opposite machine was not much better, and a spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

The faces of the two turned pale instantly.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, the sky fox under the dreary day looked worried.

She struggled to break free from the **** of Tian Youding, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of it.

On the other hand, as she broke away that day, You Ding became more and more tight, and the space in which she was imprisoned was shrinking.

That strange power was attacking her body.

At this moment, Sky Fox suffered great pain, but Sky Fox didn't feel it at all, and she focused on Mo Wentian.

"Sky Fox!"

"Don't struggle, this tripod will attack you!"

"The Emperor is all right, rest assured, this old mess, I will definitely kill it!"

Feeling the change in the breath of Tianhu, Mo Wentian said quickly.

"Ask Brother Brother, I ..."

"I believe you!"

Tian Hu looked at Mo Wentian, and the rising crystal in his eyes dropped down, whispered.

Tian Fox knew very well that at this moment she couldn't break away from this day's quiet trip, she couldn't help Mo Wentian. If she worried Mo Wentian again, it would only make Mo Wentian distracted.

This is not good for Mo Wentian and Tianji battle!

Later, Mo Wentian gave up the struggle.


Mo Wentian nodded.

"Boy, you are so affectionate!"

"Unfortunately, today you will become the dead bone in this seat, and this beauty will be in my arms ..."

"Hahahaha ..."

At this moment, Tianji even wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, and laughed wildly.

The secret at this moment looks simply terrible.

"Old miscellaneous, you dare to talk about Ben's woman!"

"I want to give you another chance, but now I see that it is not necessary!"

With the words of Tianji coming out, don't ask Tian's look, it was extremely cold.

A terrible killing intention spread from Mo Wentian's body.

"Bite your sword!"

"Break the world!"

Immediately, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and he screamed angrily. Mo Wentian directly cast a sword to break the world and beheaded towards Tianji.

In the void, wherever the Devouring Sword passed, the void was smashed directly, and the endless void flowed out from nowhere. From a distance, it was terrible.

"Boy, do you think you have an artifact?"

"Tian Youding!"

Looking at Mo Wentian slashing towards himself, the look of Tianji suddenly changed.

A cold drink summoned Tianyou Ding directly.

At this moment, Tianji even forgot that Tianhu Ding still suppressed Tianhu.

As Tianyou Ding ascended into the void, the sky fox under Tianyou Ding felt only a breeze of mind and body.

The flash of the figure fled the **** of that power and restored freedom.

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