Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1632: Great shame

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Chapter 1632: Great Shame

"Ask Brother Tian!"

As soon as he was free, a figure flashed, and Tian Hu's figure appeared beside Mo Wentian.

But at this moment, the fox's breath is extremely weak.

"Sky Fox!"

"Take these elixir and restore it!"

Seeing this, Mo Wentian's mind moved, and a jade bottle appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

With a wave of his hand, the jade bottle fell towards Tianhu.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

After receiving the elixir, Tianhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Small sister-in-law, I didn't expect you to escape from the shackles of this seat!"

"You are also very good, but you will all die in the hands of this seat today!"

Tianji felt that Tianhu was out of his control, and the gleam in his eyes flashed endlessly.

Although his Tian Youding withdrew from the fox, he also set up the formation and the power left by the Tian Youding.

He thought that it was impossible to obtain freedom with the power of Sky Fox, but what he did not expect was that the strength of Sky Fox, like Mo Wentian, exceeded his expectations.

But the thought of Mo Wentian and Tianhu's cultivation made the confidence in Tianji's heart soar instantly.


The sound of a cold drink sounded, and Tianji's hands quickly made countless marks on Tianyou Ding.

With the release of these secrets, Tian You Ding, which was originally not a few feet, quickly rose.

But within a few breaths, Youding had skyrocketed to thousands of feet that day.

And above Tian Youding, all the strange dark powers veered wildly towards Mo Wentian.

The thousands of feet of Tianyouding are more like a mountain, repressing towards Mowentian.


"It's you!"

The look of Mo Wentian is extremely cold, and the deep voice is even more chillless.

At this moment, the Devouring Heavens Swords seemed to understand the words of Mo Wentian and shivered.

The next moment, the Sky Devouring Sword fell directly towards Heaven.


"Hmm ..."

A loud crash sounded.

I saw in the void that the Devouring Sword and Tian Youding collided together, arousing the sound of metal collision.

Then, two figures flew out again.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths.

For a while, Tianji's complexion was pale.

"Old miscellaneous, don't you look good?"

"Bendi is overestimating you!"

Mo Wentian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up, looked at the heavenly opportunity in front of him, and said with a smile on his face.

Regarding the Tianji, Mo Wentian has no fear, but he has a plan in his mind. It may not be so easy to solve it.

But after these several collisions, the strength of Tianji is not as strong as he imagined.

"This old miscellaneous, it is very easy to solve if you use the time roulette and the dragon seal seal!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Mo Wentian said secretly in his heart.

"Overestimated me?"

"Boy, don't be too happy, Bendi has not done his best yet!"

"The Jijia strongman in the realm of heavenly respect, can't kill me three or five times. Do you think you can kill me by virtue of your emperor's realm?

Listening to Mo Wantian's arrogant words, Tianji's eyes flashed a vicious eye.

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Tianji said fiercely.

That being said, at the moment the heart of the heavens is raising a dread.

Can't say why, Tianji had a hunch in his heart, and he would really plant it in Mo Wentian's hands.

But when he thought of Mo Wentian's cultivation, he wiped out the rising premonition in his heart, and instead raised a touch of self-confidence.

"Not yet at full strength?"

"Old miscellaneous, it seems that you will not give up until the Yellow River!"

His eyes narrowed, and Mo Wentian's expression froze, his voice was extremely cold.

With that said, Mo Wentian was holding the Devouring Sword of God, and shot again, beheading toward Tianji.

And at the moment Mo Motian shot, in the void outside the thousand feet, two figures were also fighting fiercely.

That's exactly Xiao Xiao and the Beast Master.

At this moment, the beast owner occupies the body of the military army, and the appearance on the surface is the appearance of the military army.

"The beast owner is old, it's you!"

"No wonder I feel familiar!"

Xiaoxiong looked at the beast owner opposite, and the killing in his eyes rose instantly.

Xiao Yan originally thought that the warrior on the opposite side had a very familiar atmosphere. It wasn't until the beast owner exhibited the roar of Tian Shi that Xiao Yan recognized the identity of the beast owner.

"Little reptile, what about it?"

"Do you think you can still kill this seat?"

"This seat is not the previous one. The strength of this seat is stronger than before, but it is not a little bit weaker. Fight with me. This will be your final regret decision!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of the beast owner, the eyes were extremely harsh.


"My lord never had it!"

"Old things, don't talk so much nonsense, my lord still has things to do!"

"Let's go!"

The icy voice sounded, Xiaolong's dragon body entangled directly towards the beast owner.

Thousands of feet of dragon body, like a large mountain, with a vast expanse of dragon power spread.

Just the coercion struck, the beast owner's heart couldn't help raising a fear.

But soon, he was suppressed by the beast owner.

"Little reptile, it's you!"

The next moment, the beast owner's figure flickered, directly transformed into a thousands of feet of Tianshi Beast, opened the abyss huge mouth, and headed towards Xiaoyan.

That looks like it's going to swallow the whole little cricket.

The opposite Xiaoyao, not to be outdone, fought against the Tianshi Beast in the void.

The battle is getting worse!

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The battle in the void continues.

Xiaozhang and the beast owner were entangled fiercely, and the dragon's scales on Xiaozhang's body fell down piece by piece.

And the beast owner is not much better. There have been numerous cracks on his body, and all of them are deeply visible with bones, shocking.

Blood gushed from the spring in the fissures, and there was a rain of blood in the void all of a sudden.

At the time of the fierce battle between Xiaozhang and the Beast Master, Mo Wentian and Tianji, thousands of feet away, were still at war.

"Huh ..."

With a moan, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Tianji's mouth.

His face was pale at the moment.

At the same time, the breath on the airframe also fluctuated.

"Old miscellaneous, don't hold on anymore, you are not the opponent of this emperor!"

"Do it yourself!"

In the arrogant void, Mo Wentian looked down at Tianji with a smile on his face.

"Solve it yourself?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and in the eyes of Tianji, the intention of killing suddenly skyrocketed.

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