Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1650: Hezhen Formation

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Chapter 1650: Snake Formation

If the eyes can kill people, then Mo Wentian, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I have died.

"Booming ..."

Mo Wentian's whole body, countless deaths, came frantically.

"You guys are angry?"

"What about the Emperor who killed your emperor?"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were terrible.

Mo Wentian's body was filled with a terrible evil spirit, and the violent and mighty power made people's minds tremble.

"Boy, the blood and courage of these strange snakes and beasts will help your boy break through, but it will be of great benefit!"

Suddenly, the voice of the **** Shenzhu sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"The snake guts and blood of these strange snakes and beasts are great for my breakthrough?"

"That being the case, that Emperor need not be polite!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

Looking at these strange snake beasts in front of him, Mo Wentian's eyes were hot.

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the strange snake beast in front of him is the power he has promoted to cultivate!

"This kid, I'm so suffocated!"

At the moment, in Wentiange, the frown that Mo Wentian exuded was felt, but his brows frowned slightly.

The warrior cultivates and kills a lot, and it is normal for him to have some radon, but it is too scary to ask the radon in heaven.

"Shenzhu Laoer, this guy is getting more and more flavorful of him!"

And at this moment, in the Asking Pavilion, the phantom of an old man appeared not far from the Old Man of God Pearl.

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, the old man of ancient books flashed a complex light.

"That's not bad for you!"

"But hope this boy, don't follow in his footsteps!"

Taking a deep breath, the old man on the face of Shenzhu looked dignified.

"This human is so arrogant that he killed our emperor, even dare to speak so arrogantly with us, and swallow him!"

"Be sure to kill this kid in order to resolve our hatred!"

"This human being is really terrible!"

"With our strength, we must kill this human!"

"The strength of this human being is not weak. Otherwise, how could our emperor not be his opponent!"


Listening to Mo Wantian's arrogant words, countless strange snakes and beasts, the killing intention in the eyes skyrocketed.

At the same time, the breath on them has also grown rapidly.

Hundreds of mysterious snakes quickly moved, but for a moment, these strange snakes and monsters formed a mysterious formation.

With the formation of this formation, a violent force boundlessly swept away towards Mo Wentian.

Looking at this scene, Dan Yao and others at Baizhang looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of worried eyes.

"Ask the Emperor, can he block so many alien beasts?"

Dan Yao murmured in his mouth, his brows clenched tightly.

At this moment, although he really wanted to help Mo Wentian, he didn't dare to go without Mo Wentian's order.

After all, his cultivation is that it is already the limit to fight a different snake beast, let alone hundreds of strange snake beasts.

When he went there, he couldn't help Mo Wentian at all, but he would help Mo Wentian!

"Dan Yao, can you say that he can defeat these reptiles?"

"They formed the most terrifying reptile formation of the reptilian beast family in the rumors. Once this formation is formed, the strength of the reptile beast in the center is the sum of all reptile beasts. His strength is infinitely terrible!"

"These beasts are the strongest at the peak of the emperor, while those who are at the highest are the perfection of the emperor. The sum of the strength of all the beasts is not compared to the initial state of the emperor. Come, it ’s not much worse? ”

"Master, it seems that this time is unstoppable!"

"Ah ... I was wrong right now. I thought it would be safe after I surrendered to him, but I didn't expect to die anyway!"


Looking at the snake formations formed in the void, those warriors who had just surrendered to Mo Tian's hidden forces talked.

Among them, there were two warriors, who even regretted it.

Regret that they surrendered at the foot of Mo Wentian just now!

They thought that if they surrendered to the sky, they could go out of this passage and enter the heavenly realm.

At this moment, their hearts are even more lost!


"The power is really good!"

"But you are still too weak!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian, listening to the sound of this discussion, his eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

These strange snakes and beasts, Mo Wentian, don't have the slightest favor.

In addition, the old God Pearl reminded that the snake guts and essence of these strange snakes and beasts may make his cultivation a breakthrough, which made Mo Wentian's heart soaring.

These strange snakes and beasts will die today!

As for the formation of the snake team, Mo Wentian's heart was still awesome.

But listening to the sounds of discussion, Mo Wentian's heart instantly had an idea.

Now that all the power is concentrated on the most important alien snake beast, as long as the alien snake beast is killed, wouldn't it be equivalent to solving all the alien snake beasts.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a wicked smile.

"too weak?"

"Human, die!"

Listening to Mo Wutian's arrogant voice, in the middle of the snake array, a huge strange snake beast, with his body rolling and **** power, swept towards Mo Wentian madly.

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of that strange snake beast, the killing intention was terrible.

Immediately, there was no hesitation. The strange snake beast flickered and entangled.

"What a terrible power!"

"I am afraid this is already the power of the full state of the Celestial Supreme!"

Looking at the strange snake entangled towards himself, Mo Wentian took a breath.

But the next moment, Mo Wentian looked cold.

"Shenlong seal seal!"

With a rage, Shenlong Seal Xi appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

Immediately, Mo Wentian swiftly printed a secret seal on the seal of the Dragon Seal.

Along with Mo Wentian's Dao Yinjue hit, but the palm-sized divine dragon seal seal quickly rose up.

However, within a few breaths, the Dragon Seal Xi has skyrocketed to the size of thousands of feet.

At the same time, after the seal of the dragon, a magnificent peerless dragon, standing proudly in the void.

"Roar ..."

With a roar, Long Wei emerged from the vastness and looked terrible from a distance.

"So terrible Long Wei!"

"This human being has such an artifact in hand!"

"What if there is an artifact in hand? He killed our emperor with this dragon seal seal, but he could not kill us!"

"Exercise our strongest power and kill this human directly!"


Watching the phantom of the dragon appearing in the void, the beasts of different snakes instantly exploded.

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