Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1651: Horrible synergy

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Chapter 1651: Horrible Heli

"Humans, it's not just you who is going to die today, those who follow you will die!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, and I saw that the huge strange snake beast was getting closer to Mo Wentian.

"Shenlong seal seal!"

"Stop me!"

Seeing this, Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed.

With a sigh of anger and a wave of his hand, the magnificent seal of the dragon of the gods greeted him.


The next moment, in the void, a fierce collision sound came.

A figure flew upside down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

Suddenly, Mo Wentian's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"This strange snake beast is indeed several times stronger than the strange snake beast king!"

"The strength of Tianzun's early stage was really strong!"

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Mo Wentian stood up.

Looking at the proud and magnificent strange snake beast in the void, the secret way in his heart.

But Mo Wentian's heart still had no fear at all.

The strange snake beast in front of him, although strong, but he also has the confidence to kill it!

He doesn't trust God, he just doesn't believe in fate, he doesn't believe that his generation of strong men will be killed by these alien snakes and ants!


"This human being is actually blocked!"

"The **** pattern on this artifact is so weird that I want to entangle it, but I can't even entangle it!"

At this moment, the different snake and beast looked at Mo Wentian, and recalled the collision with the Shenlong Seal Seal in the past. He wanted to entangle or even annex the Dragon Seal Seal.

But his body had not been entangled, and the mysterious patterns on the seal of the Dragon Seal turned on.

Had it not been for his urging force to stabilize his body just now, his body might be better than Mo Wentian, but he would just fly backwards.

"The chief manager is very powerful, this human cannot stop it!"

"Why didn't the Governor just swallow up this dragon seal seal? The dragon seal seal is just an imperial artifact. With our strength, refining is not impossible!"

"The managing director may be disdainful of annexation!"

"Yes, it would be boring to kill this human being so early!"

"Our power is limited, but we still have to make quick decisions!"


Watching this battle, the head of that strange snake beast had the upper hand, and the strange snake beasts were instantly excited.

Looking into Mo Wentian's eyes, it was more like looking at ants at the moment, without paying any attention to it.

"Xiao Yan, you are not the opponent of this emperor!"

"Bendi just used an artifact just now. Isn't that the result of your group of ants?"

Listening to the sound of that argument, Mo Wentian stepped forward, looking at the chief executive of the other snake beast, with a sarcastic expression.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?"

"Are you mocking us?"

Slightly hesitated, returning to God, the head of the other snake, looked at Mo Wentian, and shouted sternly.

"Xiao Xun, it's you that this God mocks!"

"By you, you don't even match the shoes to Bendi, you have to fight Bendi, Bendi is just letting you, otherwise, a move is enough to kill you!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Human, you ..."

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian, and Mo Wentian's remarks instantly angered the chief of the other snake beast.

But for a while, the chief of the strange snake beast was so speechless.

Just a flash of the figure, the huge body, entangled again towards Mo Wentian.

The boundless force swept away towards Mo Wentian.

"Shit, Bendi told you long ago that you are not Bendi's opponent!"

"It seems that you will not give up until the Yellow River. In this case, the emperor will complete you!"

Watching the strange snake beast twirling towards him again, Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became cold.

"Bite your sword!"

"Breaking the sword!"

With a rage, I do n’t know when the Devouring Sword appears again in Mo Wentian's hands.

Holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and he stabbed directly at the mannequin body in the void.

"Humans, this is another trick. Do you think you can kill me?"

Looking at Mo Wentian holding the Heavenly Devouring Sword and beheading it, the mighty monsters in the void are terrible in their eyes.

At the same time, the power of his body rose rapidly.

The speed of winding towards Mo Wentian was several times faster.

"Ask the Lord, be careful!"

Looking at this scene, Dan Yao not far away, exclaimed.

Dan Yao's eyes were full of worry.

But I can't say why, but Dan Yao had a hunch in his heart.

Although this strange snake beast is strong, Dan Yao felt that the final victory in this battle was Mo Wentian, not those strange snake beasts.

And just when Dan Yao was worried, outside the channel.

Those strong in the heavenly world are still in place. Although the bronze mirror is broken, from the broken lens, the scene in the channel can still be seen.

"This boy is indeed a descendant of that man, his talent is really terrible!"

"In the early days of the little emperor, the emperor who beheaded and killed the other snake beast, even dared to fight the entire other snake beast family alone. This requires not only strength, but also mood!

"I have to say, this kid's state of mind is probably better than you and me!"

"Yes, if I am a boy, I wouldn't dare to fight the other snake beasts alone, not to mention, these other snake beasts also form a snake team!"

"What kind of team is he, this kid will be the final winner!"


Those figures, eyes blinking at the battle in the channel, especially eyes were placed on the cold and proud figure.

Although they haven't really seen Mo Wentian, they have only seen Mo Wentian's several wars. In their hearts, they felt good about Mo Wentian.

The hearts of every strong man even secretly figured it out.

"Roar ..."


And just then, in the passage, the strange snake beast roared.

Countless **** death gas swept away towards Mo Wentian.

"not good!"

"This strange serpent blends the breath of death. I can't be entangled by him, otherwise, I want to escape his control, it is impossible!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian found an anomaly, his eyes narrowed, and a cold cold mang flashed in his eyes.

Then, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The Devouring Heaven Sword changed direction, beheading towards the snake tail of the other snake beast.

With the seven inches of beasts of the other snake beast, the seven inches of this alien beast is extremely vigilant.

Don't ask Tian if you want to pierce seven inches directly, there is no chance at all!

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