Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1679: How could he be injured?

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Chapter 1679: How Could He Be Injured?


"This kid is faster than me!"

Qi Tianzun lost a punch, and the anger in his heart skyrocketed.

Looking at Mo Wentian's figure appeared not far away again, in the eyes of Qi Tianzun, the killing intention was instantly terrible.

If it is said that his eyes can kill, Qi Tianzun must have killed Mo Wentian thousands of times with his eyes.

"Boy, you are fine!"

"Success has angered the deity, and today the deity still doesn't believe in evil. The power of the flame despise to show you, I will punch you into a slum!"

The next moment, Qi Tianzun looked at Mo Wentian with a cold face, and the killing in his eyes was wanton.

At the same time, Qi Tianzun's power has skyrocketed.

At this moment, Qi Tianzun's prestige has soared several times compared to before.

"One punch and one punch smashed the emperor into a slum?"

"Old miscellaneous, I'm afraid you can't even touch the emperor with one punch!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qi Tianzun with a murderous look on his face, and a wicked smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, you are crazy!"

"But you must die today!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, Qi Tianzun flickered, shot with one punch, and went towards Mo Wentian again.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

At this quarter of an hour, everyone saw two figures coming and going in the void, but Qi Tianzun really did not hit Mo Wentian with one punch as Mo Wentian said.


"It's abominable!"

Gasping in his mouth, Qi Tianzun's eyes were terrible and anger-killing.

At this quarter of an hour, he didn't even touch a finger of Mo Wentian, let alone kill Mo Wentian.

"Old dog, Bendi told you long ago that you can't hit Bendi!"

"How's it going?"

"Otherwise, Bendi will wait for you for a while, and you take a break first, and after you rest, how about continuing to smash Bendi?"

Looking at Qi Tianzun who was panting, mixed with murderous anger in his eyes, Mo Wentian said extremely ironically.

Do not ask Tian Tianzun and Qi Tianzun that collided punch, this is to want to test, what is Qi Tianzun's physique.

Unexpectedly, Qi Tianzun's physique was not much better than him.

For the Qi Tianzun to be killed, Mo Wentian raised a touch of self-confidence.

"Boy, you ..."

Suddenly, Qi Tianzun was asked by Mo Wentian to say nothing.

Just feel a burst of blood and heart attack.


The next moment, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Qi Tianzun's mouth.

His fist, clenched tightly at this moment, the nails were all caught in the flesh, and the killing in that eye rose sharply.

"Master Tianzun, what's the matter with Master Tianzun?"

"What the boy said is really abominable, Lord Tianzun, this is a moment of blood and blood!"

"Why is Lord Tianzhuang angry at this kid!"

"This boy, in this state of mind, I don't think he is an ordinary person!"

"It can break our desert enclave, and it can also block our Lord, how can he be mediocre!"


Watching Qi Tianzun's mouth spit out blood, the disciples of Qi Tianjie changed their look instantly.

At this moment, they have made some changes to Mo Wentian.

Moreover, at this moment, a hunch came up in their hearts, and there was no question in front of them, maybe he could really achieve what he said.

If so, then their Qitianjie is not dangerous!

But the next moment, they immediately abandoned this idea. Their Lord Tianzun was a mighty mid-day lord, how could he not defeat the little emperor mid-day warrior.

"Old dog, is this your mentality too bad?"

"Bendi hasn't hit you yet, you can't bear it!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth grinned slightly, and a wicked smile was raised, full of irony.

"Yes, old thing, how do you sit in this Qitianjie boss?"

Xiao Yan looked at the opposite Qi Tianzun, and also satirized.

Had it not been for Mo Wentian's refusal to let him go, he would have already shot towards Qi Tianzun.

"Boy, little reptile, you ... you ..."


It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi. Mo Wutian and Xiaoyi said this, a blood spit out again from Qi Tianzun's mouth.

"Little reptile, wait for me to kill you first, and then come to solve this boy with a sharp mouth!"

The next moment, Qi Tianzun adjusted his mood a little, looking at Xiaoyan with his eyes, his face cold.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, Qi Tianzun made a fist and blasted directly towards Xiao Yan.

That terrible boxing power is a little stronger than the boxing power that went towards Mo Wentian Hong before.

"not good!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's look changed slightly, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Yan's strength is already good, but in front of Qi Tianzun, it is not enough.

If Qi Tianzun's fist fell on Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan would not directly fall, the injury would definitely not be light.

"Old dog, your enemy is me, Bendi, but you can't move!"

The extremely cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian flickered, blocking directly in front of Xiao Yan.

Without the slightest hesitation, he made a fist and greeted Qi Tianzun.


The violent collision sounded again, and Mo Wentian's figure flew out again.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

Mo Wentian's complexion was pale and without any trace of blood.

"This old dog, I didn't expect to have some strength!"

Mo Wentian reached out and wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth, secretly in his heart.

After this collision, Mo Wentian also had a decision, and Qi Tianzun's strength should not be underestimated.

But even so, with the joint shots of him and Tianhu, it is not impossible to kill Qi Tianzun.

"Boy, you are not an opponent of the deity!"

"The deity will give you one last chance to give your beauty to the deity. The deity can spare you a life, and your deity will let them go!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Tianzun said proudly.

But the moment Qi Tianzun finished saying this, Qi Tianzun felt only a burst of blood in his body.

A savory and sweet taste poured from his throat.

"how can that be?"

"How could I be hurt by this kid?"

Qi Tianzun's heart was forced to force down that blood and blood, but he was extremely skeptical.

In the collision just now, it was clear that Mo Wentian was injured, but he did not step back even one step, but he suffered internal injuries, which made his heart not scared?

"Old miscellaneous, don't bear it if you get hurt!"

"Forcibly put blood and blood down, but that will aggravate your internal injuries!"

Mo Wentian's spirit unfolded, and the scenes in Qi Tianzun's body were presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

The radian of the corner of his mouth grew thicker, and his face taunted.

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