Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1680: Qi Tianzun angry

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Chapter 1680: Angry Qi Tianzun

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Qi Tianzun's expression changed suddenly.


A spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Boy, you are the most abominable person I have ever seen!"

"Today I will not kill you, Qi Tianzun, I swear I will not!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Tianzun's eyes were terrible.

The breath on my body is extremely violent.

"Master Qi Tianzun, is this really hurt?"

"Master Qi Tianzun's cultivation has reached the middle stage of Tianzun. How could Master Qi Tianzun be hurt by this boy?"

"This boy, it seems that he is really capable!"

"This little trick, what is it? In the presence of our master Qi Tianzun, it is just a little trick of carving insects. Today he thoroughly angered the master Qi Tianzun, and he will definitely die!"


Looking at Qi Tianzun's angry look, Qi Tianjie's disciples also raised a gloomy glare in his eyes.

If the eyes can hurt people, I'm afraid that Mo Wentian at this moment is already scarred.

"Old miscellaneous, you think so much!"

"You know, people who want to kill Bendi, not to mention millions, there are tens of thousands, but you know, how are these people who want to kill Bendi?"

Don't ask a step forward in the sky, the radian rising from the corner of the mouth has become richer, but the deep voice is extremely cold.

"What happened at the end?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Tianzun's eyes froze slightly, a little curious.

"Your results will be the same as them!"


A dead word fell, Mo Wentian's whole body, an extremely cold, suddenly burst out.

The coldness that emanated seemed to freeze people directly.


"Boy, it will be yours who die!"

The cold voice sounded, Qi Tianzun's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, Qi Tianzun's figure appeared not far from Mo Wentian.

A punch was shot again, towards Mo Wentian Hong.

Qi Tianzun at this moment, the power of this fist, has exceeded the state of Tianzun in the early stage, comparable to the state of Tianzun in the middle.

"What a strong punch!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with awe.

But the next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes flinched and he screamed angrily, and a punch greeted Qi Tianzun directly.

"Roar ..."

As soon as Shenlongquan shot, a peerless Shenlong stood proudly in the void, and the terrible dragon groaned even more.

On the opposite side, Qi Tianzun said in advance that he would not use the power of flames. He really didn't use the power of flames, but a punch of strength alone.

Do not ask Tian Shi's display of Shenlongquan, the power is really good, but compared to him, it is much worse.

Qi Tianzun is confident. Mo Wentian is under his fist. Even if he doesn't die, that's not far from death.


The next moment, in the void, a fierce collision sounded again.

Both figures flew upside down.

"This ... how can our Lord God be bombarded by this boy's power?"

"Who the **** is this guy? Where did he come from? Isn't his cultivation in the middle of the Emperor? How can his strength be so strong?"

"I thought I was going to kill this kid, but I'm enough, but now it seems that our Lord is not necessarily able to kill this kid!"

"Master Tianzun, it's just that we haven't exhibited all our strength. If we exerted our energy, how could we not be the kid's opponent!"

"Yes, this kid is not our Lord's opponent. Today, he will surely die in the hands of our Lord!"


Looking at the scene in the void, the disciples of Qi Tianjie immediately talked.

They looked at the figure in the void and could not say why, but a touch of admiration rose in their hearts.

That touch of admiration is better than how much they respect the respect of the Heavenly Lord!

At this moment, all of their eyes fell on Mo Wentian.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"How can this boy's punch make him equal to my fanfare?"

At this moment, Qi Tianzun flying backwards looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes were extremely impressive.

He thought that Mo Wentian was under his fist, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die. He never thought that Mo Wutian's punch would hurt him, and his injury was worse than Mo Wutian Not much better.

"This old dog is over-indulgent. The power exerted by this show is out of breath!"

And Mo Wentian at this moment, the light in his eyes flashed.

It is not unclear what happened to Qi Tianzun in the hall.

However, this old miscellaneous thing did that kind of thing in advance, which is a good thing for Mo Wentian.

It was not easy to ask Tian to think that Qi Tianzun should be killed, but now it seems that Qi Tianzun's strength is just that.

The cultivation of the realm of Tianzun in the middle period, the strength exhibited by this show is only a little stronger than the strength of the early state of Tianzun.

"Boy, you let me lose face in front of my disciples!"

"If I didn't kill you today, how could I calm down the anger in my heart and how can I convince the people in Qitianjie in the future!"

"Boy, you can't wonder how your deity is, you're all asking for it!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Qi Tianzun's eyes flashed a bitter glance, gritted teeth.

At the same time, Qi Tianzun worked secretly in his hands.

Among the two palms, I do n’t know when the two blue flame **** have been running secretly. The flame power on the flame ball is a few times more terrible than the original flame power of Qi Tianzun .

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​not good!"

"This old mess is going to attack you!"

At the moment Qi Tianzun was about to make a move, Tianhu noticed something strange and quickly reminded him.

Sky Fox's voice came, Mo Wentian returned to God instantly.

The figure flickered and disappeared directly into the void.

"You stinky! It's awful!"

"My dear can't kill that kid, I blame you!"

"If it wasn't for your reminder, the boy would have been burned to ashes by the flame of his deity!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Qi Tianzun's eyes fell on Tianhu's body.

At this moment, Qi Tianzun put all his anger on Tianhu.

If it wasn't for Tianhu's reminder, Mo Wentian hadn't really noticed, Qi Tianzun's flaming fireball that was running secretly.

At this moment, Qi Tianzun has a very pale face and looks terrible from a distance.

"Old miscellaneous, you as Qi Tianzun Qi Tianjie, you have not only lost Qi Tianjie's face, but also Tian Xianjie's face!"

Hearing the words, the face of Tianhu was instantly frosty, and he was not polite in his words.

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