Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1713: Shenzhu old man condenses the true body

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Chapter 1713: The Old Man With Divine Pearls Consolidates His True Body

"God Eater!"

Don't ask Tian Leng to sip, and immediately turn on the God of Devour.

With the operation of the Devourer of Heaven, countless auras in the Qitian Mountains quickly gathered towards Mowentian.

"Booming ..."

In front of the Qitian Mountains, three stars trembled in Mo Wentian's body.

Not only that, but the bright purple brilliance of the three stars also faded.

Countless powers have been absorbed madly, and Mo Wentian's breath has also declined rapidly.

"not good!"

Mo Wentian's eyes changed dramatically.

As the three stars trembled, Mo Wentian noticed that all the meridians in the body were convulsed.

The old man of God beads seems to have absorbed all the power in his body.

At the same time, a severe pain came from Mo Wentian's body, and Mo Wentian wanted to break the **** of the old man of God.

But Mo Wentian was also very clear in his heart. The same was true of the old God Pearl last time.

No matter how hard he tried, the old man of Shenzhu couldn't get rid of it.

"Buzz ...

"In the void, the phantom of the old God Pearl became clear.

The power of the old **** bead also increased.

"Boy, hold on!"

"It's time to start absorbing!"

The next moment, the voice of the old **** bead came.

I saw in the void, the phantom of the old God Pearl flickered, his hand waved, and an elixir floated on the void.

This elixir is Ziyou Dan!

With the emergence of Zi You Dan, a powerful force spread, Zi You Dan, all the bright purple brilliance, is extremely dazzling.

"Zi Youdan, refining!"

With an angry sigh, the old man of Shenzhu quickly smashed the seals on Zi Youdan.

As the Indian tactics were played out, Zi Youdan went up, and all the forces quickly gathered toward the old man of Shenzhu.

At the same time, the other hand of the old man of Shenzhu stretched out towards Mo Wentian.

With the help of Shenzhu's old hand, a powerful suction moved towards Mo Wentian, and the power in Mo Wentian disappeared quickly.

Mo Wentian just felt a sense of weakness coming.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's face turned pale.

"Boy, don't fight!"

"The more you resist, the more painful you are!"

Just then, a voice came.

"The more you resist, the more painful?"

"Senior Pearl, you have absorbed too much power this time, and I feel I can't hold it up!"

Listening to Shen Zhu's words, Mo Wentian returned to God in an instant, the cold words in his voice.

"Boy, go all out to work on your God of Devour, the breath in your body will not be exhausted!"

The voice of the old **** beast came again.

"God Eater!"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, bit his teeth, and used his full power to start to eat Tianshenjue.

"Booming ..."

With Mo Wentian's full power running to eat the **** of heaven, Mo Wentian, a terrible and boundless power, instantly rose.

The aura of the surrounding Qitian Mountains is madly gathered towards Mowentian.

"Buzz ..."

Countless auras entered Mo Wentian's body, but within a moment, they were quickly swallowed up.

Along with Mo Wentian's operation, he devoured Tianshen Jiu, and the vast aura was gathered above Mo Wentian's head.

The next moment, it even formed a vortex of hundreds of feet in size.


Mo Wentian sighed softly, Mo Wentian was slightly relieved.

With the full power of Tianshenjue, Mo Wentian felt that the pressure in his body was relieved a lot.

But the terrible suction from Shenzhu was not reduced in the slightest.

This time, the power of the old **** bead devoured, I don't know how much more than the previous two.

The old **** bead is right, he will come to the Qitian Mountains. If it is not in the Qitian mountains, even if he has the god-killing method, according to the speed of the old **** bead, his power is not enough .

In this way, he will really exhaust!

"Buzz ..."

Countless auras were quickly devoured by Mo Wutian, and the **** bead absorbed the power of Mo Wutian frantically.

But at this moment, the aura in the Qitian Mountains seems to be endless, without any reduction.

"There must be a terrible spirit vein in this Qitian Mountains, otherwise, according to the speed of absorbing the aura, the entire Qitian Mountains has long become a vacuum mountain!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes could not help looking at the Qitian Mountains.

At this moment, the aura of Qitian Mountains is rich and not thin at all.

"True body, unite!"

And at this moment, a loud drink sounded.

In the void, the suction on the old man of Shenzhu is getting stronger and stronger, and the speed of absorbing Mo Wentian's power has also increased.

And just when the old **** bead and Mo Wentian were devouring their power seriously, countless figures in the Qitian Mountains awakened.

"What a terrible suction!"

"Who the **** is this? Why is it so terrible!"

"This person's strength is certainly not bad, even dare to devour Reiki in our Qitian Mountains!"

"No, the breath on this figure is just in the middle of the emperor!"

"How is this possible? In the later days of Heavenly Supreme, the strongest peak of Heavenly Supreme did not dare to come. How could a brave warrior in the middle of the emperor come?


In the Qitian Mountains, countless figures opened their eyes and looked at the figure in front of the Qitian Mountains.

They talked, trying to get closer to Mo Wentian, but they seemed to be afraid of something, and didn't come forward.

I ca n’t say why. Although Mo Wentian couldn't see the surrounding scenes at the moment, Mo Wentian had a strong instinct.

A dangerous breath was coming at him.

"True body, give me unity!"

But at this moment, a sound of anger and drinking came again.

I saw in the void that the phantom of the old God Bead actually started to become real.

"Shenzhu's real body is about to condense!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of joy.

Although I do n’t know the identity of the old man of the **** bead, the old man of the **** bead has followed him for so long and has done everything for his sake!

The old man of the **** bead can gather his true body, he is naturally happy.

An hour of time passed quickly.

"to make!"

A cold drink sounded.

In the void, the phantom had disappeared and replaced by a real figure.

This figure is exactly the same as the original Phantom of the God Pearl, except that the breath on this figure is several times stronger than the previous phantom.

"Senior Pearl, your true body, really united successfully!"

Looking at the old **** bead condensed into the real body, Mo Wentian could not hide the joy on his face.

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