Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1714: Shenzhu old man left

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Chapter 1714: The Old God Beads Leave

"Boy, does this body look like a real body?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's impressive face, the old man of Shenzhu gave a slight grin and raised a touch of arc.

Speaking, the old man of Shenzhu approached Mo Wentian, reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulder, lowering his voice.

"Senior Pearl, the breath on you?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian seemed to have found something, his eyes flashed, and Shen asked.

At this moment, the spirit of the old **** beast, the breath on his body is stronger than before. I don't know how many times.

Even if Mo Wentian started to develop the spirit and soul, he could not detect the cultivation of the old man of God Pearl.

In Mo Wentian's heart, there was a strong foreboding. The old man in front of the **** bead had cultivated himself beyond the realm of heaven and reached the terrible realm of heaven.

"Boy, your guess is correct, my cultivation is not yet reached the level of the emperor!"

And at this moment, the deep voice of the old God Pearl came.

The old man of Shenzhu seemed to be able to guess the general thoughts of Mo Wentian, watching Mo Wentian, and quickly said.

"Senior Pearl, what kind of state has your cultivation attained now?"

Listening to the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian couldn't help asking.

"Boy, my cultivation is, although he hasn't reached the emperor's realm, he is not far away from the emperor's realm!"

"Although they are not far behind, they are vastly different in strength!"

The thick voice sounded, and the look of the old God Bead dignified instantly.

It seems that Shenzhu Old Man is not satisfied with his cultivation.

"Not far from Heaven's Realm?"

"Predecessor Shenzhu, with your cultivation, wouldn't it be possible to rank among the top five hundred in the world of heaven!"

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian flashed a complex light in his eyes, lowering the voice.

"Top five hundred worlds?"

"That's just ants. Our task is a long way to go!"

The eyes of the old man of Shenzhu looked at the distance, and there was a touch of cold mang in his eyes.

"The first five hundred worlds, just ants?"

"Senior Pearl, our mission? What mission are you talking about?"

Listening to the words of the old man of Shenzhu, watching the change of the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian couldn't help asking.

"Boy, some things are not yet when you know!"

"But something, it's time to tell you!"

After groaning for a while, it seemed to be remembering something, and there was a flash of refined light in the eyes of the old man of Shenzhu.

"Senior Pearl, please tell me anything!"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of Shenzhu, his brows raised slightly.

"Boy, you and I are the same kind of people. I think the people of my **** family were second to none in the heavenly world. We are absolute kings ..."

Speaking of the splendor of the Protoss, the old man of the **** beads instantly flashed a brilliant light in his eyes.

"and then?"

Seeing the old man of God Pearl abruptly stopped, Mo asked the sky could not help.


"Boy, you will know what will happen after this!"

"Now you just need to know that improving your strength is the most important thing!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the old man of Shenzhu reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulders a few times, lowering his voice.

"Predecessor Shenzhu, it is important to improve my strength, but senior Shenzhu can tell me something about this protoss!"

Every time the old **** bead talks about the protoss, it is just a pass, and he will not explain it to Mo Wentian at all.

This made Mo Wutian's heart confused, and what's more, Mo Wutian wanted to solve the mystery.

"Boy, you only need to know the Protoss, you are a Protoss, and you are not a normal Protoss!"

"The power of blood in your body is not simple. If your kid's cultivation is broken into the realm of Heavenly Emperor, your power of blood will be awakened. By then, you will naturally understand what this seat is now!

There was a complex gleam of light in the old man's eyes.

"Cultivate to break through the realm of heaven, will the power of blood be awakened?"

"Predecessor Shenzhu, then you say that the power of the bloodline of the Sky Fox is the same as mine. Will the power of the bloodline be awakened until it is cultivated to break through a certain level?

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

Suddenly, thinking of the power of the blood of the Sky Fox has not yet awakened, and asked quickly.

"Boy, your blood power is not the same as Sky Fox!"

"The power of the blood of the Sky Fox requires not only the improvement of cultivation, but also the opportunity!"

The voice of the old **** bead sounded again.


"No matter what happens to the power of the Awakening Sky Fox?"

"Emperor must wake up for her!"

Mo Wentian's heart secretly made up his mind.

"Boy, the real body of this seat, now that it has condensed, this seat should also leave!"

"Remember the words of this seat, as well as the small magpies and magical sky around you, be sure to protect them, they will surprise you when necessary!"

The next moment, the old man of Shenzhu reached out and patted Mo Motian's shoulder again, and the corner of his mouth raised a curved path.

"Senior Pearl, what do you mean by that?"

"You want to leave?"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's expression changed instantly, a kind of reluctance to rise instantly.

You know, the old man of Shenzhu is not too short to follow Mo Wentian. In Mo Wentian's heart, Mo Wentian already regarded the old man of Shenzhu as his loved one.

If relatives want to leave, Mo Wentian will naturally feel a little bit reluctant.

"Yes, I'm leaving!"

"Boy, millions of years, there are still many things that need to be handled by this seat!"

The old eyes of the **** bead were narrowed for a moment, and there was a complex flash of light in their eyes.

"Senior Pearl ..."

Looking at the old man of Shenzhu, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Boy, although this seat is about to leave, if you need this seat to help!"

"This is a rune, you can summon it when you have to!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, a flash of light in his eyes, a movement of his mind, and a rune flashing with bright light appeared in the hands of the old **** bead.

With a wave of the old hand of Shenzhu, the rune fell towards the palm of Mo Wentian.

"Senior Pearl, this is ..."

Looking at the rune, Mo Wentian felt only a brief connection from his heart.

According to the truth, if Mo Wentian is unwilling, he will not establish a connection at all, and he will struggle to resist, but this rune even establishes a direct connection. , Slightly surprised.

"Boy, this is an avatar of this seat. This avatar is directly linked to the practice of this seat. My current practice is not far from the emperor's realm!"

"If my cultivation breaks through to the emperor's realm, my avatar strength will reach the same as my own!"

The old man of Shenzhu looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a touch of light in his eyes.

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