Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1744: Surrender of the Octopus

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Chapter 1744 Eight-armed Apes Surrender

For Mo Wentian's words, the octopus had no doubt at all.

After all, he still knew about Mo Wentian's strength. After several collisions with Mo Wentian, he already knew Mo Motian's strength.

He had a hunch that if he continued to stand, it would not be Mo Wentian who died, but him.

Mo Wentian seems to have endless power, but his power is exhausted!

The eight-armed ape also realized that he couldn't fight at all.

However, his cultivation is a real state of heaven in the later days. If he is a warrior who submits to the state of the emperor, this will let his face go.

Thinking like this, the heart of the octopus ape became more and more firm.

He, without surrendering, was a magnificent late-strength late-comer, and he would not surrender to a mid-emperor martial artist.

But the power of the soul came over him, and in the eyes of the octopus, there was a touch of despair.

But the next moment, thinking of his identity, the light flashed in his eyes, drinking coldly.

"who are you?"

"Bendi doesn't want to know who you are!"

"Bendi only knows that you will soon become Bendi's dog!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes grew colder.

"Becoming your dog?"

"Boy, you will regret it!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, in the eyes of the gibbons, it was extremely cold and drunk.


"The Emperor has never regretted it!"

"To regret today is you, you will regret not surrendering the Emperor earlier!"

"Hahahaha ..."

He heard that Mo Wentian even laughed wildly.

"Shin of God!"

But the next moment, Mo Wentian's expression was cold.

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly printed a secret formula.

Immediately, a slave character appeared in the void.

The slave character burst out and fell towards the brow of the octopus.

"Boy, what the **** is this?"


"Do not……"


A sigh of breath came over the slave character, and the gibbons screamed instantly.

"Monkey, Bendi can remind you not to struggle!"

"The more you struggle, the more pain you will have. Be honest and happy, and let this emperor leave a mark of soul and soul!"

Mo Wentian looked at the painful struggling octopus with an evil smile in his eyes.

The old man of the ancient books is right, his soul has reached a thousand feet, and suppressing the eight hundred feet of the eight-armed ape with the spirit is a simple matter.

"Boy, you ..."

"Why do you want me to surrender? Aren't you trying to kill me?"

At this moment, the octopus seemed to think of something. The light flashed in his eyes and the voice asked tremblingly.

At this moment, the heart of the octopus was very clear. He couldn't break the **** of the power of the gods. Since he couldn't get rid of it, the octopus didn't break away.

But there was a doubt in his mind. Originally, Mo asked Tian but he always said he was going to kill him. Before he was conquered by Mo Wentian, he wanted to know why Mo asked Tian why he wanted to conquer him.

"Because the strength of the Heavenly Devourer of the Emperor is not enough, you need to solve some things for the Emperor!"

Mo Wentian did not conceal it in the slightest, and said it directly.

From Mo Wentian's point of view, the eight-armed ape was about to surrender to him, even if it was told to him, it would not matter.

After all, even if the eight-armed ape knows many things, if he wants to survive, he won't tell the story.

"Bite of heaven?"

"In this heavenly realm, isn't there a bitten world?"

"Is this Devouring World a world only behind?"

Listening to the four words Devouring Heaven, the eyes of the octopus are full of magnificence.

He has never heard of the world of Devouring Heaven in the Celestial Realm.

"This god-eating world is the world founded by this emperor!"

Mo Wentian looked at the Octopus, his voice was extremely cold.

"The world you created?"

"But your cultivation is ..."

I heard that the look of the eight-armed ape changed instantly and stayed for a long time. When I looked back and looked at Mo Wentian, I still couldn't hide the magnificent words in my eyes.

"Some people in this world are not measured by cultivation!"

"That's genius!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.


Nana whispered in his mouth, and the Octopus nodded, seemingly incomprehensible.

"Monkey, you've asked enough!"

"What you want to know, this emperor has already told you, let's be honest, please submit to this emperor!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the eight-armed ape, his expression suddenly cooled down, and his voice was extremely cold.


"I let go!"

After groaning for a while, a complex gaze flickered in the eyes of the octopus, said in a deep voice.

Devouring the world of the gods, although the world's gibbons haven't felt it, they can't tell why. In the heart of the gibbons, there is a kind of hunch. He follows Mo Wentian in front of him, and it will not be worse.

Maybe, maybe it will bring him gains!

Thinking like this, the mind of the octopus was instantly released.

The slave character typed by Mo Wentian also seemed to find the entrance and went directly into the brow of the octopus.


"Do not……"


The screams again and again.

After a quarter of an hour.

"Buzz ..."

The figure of the octopus was transformed into a human figure at this moment, and the screaming stopped at this moment.

At this moment, the eight-armed ape is extremely wolverine, and his face is extremely pale.

"Li Yuan, meet your master!"

The next moment, the eight-armed ape stood up from the ground and came to Mo Wentian's side.

With a quick pass, he knelt beside Mo Wentian, watching Mo Wentian, the octopus looked respectfully.

The extremely respectful Octopus and the original arrogant Li Yuan were just two of them.

"Get up!"

Mo Wentian's faint voice sounded.


Hearing that the octopus quickly stood up.

"Li Yuan, this name is good!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, a cold voice.

"Thank you, master!"

As Mo Wentian said this, Li Yuan, the eight-armed ape, bowed to Mo Wutian again.

"Boss, you subdued the octopus!"

"Next, what shall we do?"

At this moment, two figures appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

These two figures are not others, but Xiaoyan and Xuantian.

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and his face was hard to hide.

"The purpose of our coming to this palace has not yet been achieved, so naturally we will complete the purpose first!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of cold mang rose.

"Boss, you mean magic fruit?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something, Xiaoyan's eyes rose up, and said quickly.

"Yes, it's a magic fruit!"

Mo Wentian nodded his head, looking firm.

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