Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1745: Want to break through illusions?

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Chapter 1745: Illusion Breakthrough?

"Ahem ..."

"Li Yuan, this magic fruit, do you know where?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Li Yuan, looking at Li Yuan, Mo Wentian asked coldly.

"Back to the master, there is indeed a magic fruit in this palace!"

"But this phantom is a few days away!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Li Yuan said quickly.

Li Yuan's look was extremely respectful.

"How many days is it from maturity?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boss, this magic fruit is a few days away from maturity. What do we do in these days?"

Listening to Li Yuan's words, Xiao Yan's eyes raised a faint light and asked Shen.

"In addition to the magic fruit, we have important things to do in the Qitian Mountains!"

It seemed to remember something, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a dazzling light.

Mo Wentian's mouth, at this moment is raising a touch of radian.

They came to this palace, indeed for the sake of magic.

But in this palace, in addition to the magic fruit, there are many other elixir. If he came, would he not take these elixir away?

Moreover, when Mo Wentian came to this palace, he already felt countless monsters, not far away.

"Important things to do?"

"Boss, what do you mean?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, her eyebrows tightened, her eyes full of doubt.

"Boss, you mean the elixir in this palace?"

And at this moment, Phantom, who hadn't spoken yet, stretched out her furry claws, scratching the way of scratching her head.

"Yes, the elixir in this palace, let's leave it alone!"

"It won't be too late to take this elixir after the magic fruit is captured!"

"But the monsters in the Qitian Mountains, the monsters of these monsters, we must take them down. The cultivation of these monsters is not low. Their monsters are more precious than these elixir. many!"

"There is much more power in Yaodan!"

Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became serious, and the cold mang in his eyes flashed.

"Boss, you ..."

Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, his face was awesome.

Opening his mouth, he said nothing for a long time.

"Boss, you are here to slay the monsters in the Qitian Mountains and seize the monsters of those monsters!"

The shadow of the magic sky flashed on Mo Wentian's shoulder. Looking at Mo Wentian, his face rose with a happy expression.

"Boss, this monster in the Qitian Mountains is not low in cultivation!"

"I can't even feel the smell of some monsters. It's not easy to kill!"

Listening to the words of Xuan Tian, ​​Xiao Yan instantly understood.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan's expression suddenly dignified, looking at Mo Wentian, said in a deep voice.

Although Xiaoxiong knew that Mo Wentian's power was not measured by Xiu, but Mo Wentian was only in the middle of the Emperor after all!

But even the smell of the monsters that Xiao Yan felt was at least the mid-day existence of Tianzun.

Although Mo Wentian repressed Li Yuan, the eight-armed ape, but Mo Wentian repressed it, but it was by the spirit.

Unable to say why, Xiao Yan had a hunch. In this Qitian Mountains, there is a spirit that is more terrible than Mowentian.

"Master, this outside monster is so much better than me!"

"My spirit is low among all the monsters. Outside the palace, I am a monster similar to me. I am afraid that the spirit is more than the master!"

"Master, I think you still take this phantom fruit first, and then solve the monsters outside!"

At this moment, a figure kneeled in front of Mo Wentian, with a respectful expression.

"Take down the magic fruit first?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Master, you take this magic fruit first, and you can take all the elixir in this palace!"

"In this way, the master you refine some elixir to improve cultivation, and then go and kill the monster, this is good for you at that time!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Li Yuan's eyes flashed a light, respectful way.

"Benefits me?"


Listening to Li Yuan's words, Mo Wentian raised a radian.

"By the way, Li Yuan, you said that the phantom fruit would be taken down in order to take down the medicine in this palace?"

But the next moment, what seemed to come to mind, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light, and asked quickly.

"Return to master, this magic fruit is not a simple elixir!"

"It has formed the magic fruit spirit. He possesses the wisdom. The elixir in this entire palace is under his control!"

"If you don't limit him, you won't take these elixirs!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Li Yuan said respectfully.

"Can't take it?"

"Li Yuan, what grade is this magic fruit?"

The light flashed in his eyes, and Mo Wentian looked at Li Yuan and asked coldly.

"Master Hui, if this magic fruit is mature, it is the fifth-level peak!"

When Li Yuan talked about this phantom fruit, there was a hot glow in the eyes.

But it disappeared just for a moment.

"Fifth-level peak?"

"Well, not bad!"

Mo Wentian nodded.

"Boss, I feel that if I refine this magic fruit, my magic will have a big breakthrough!"

And at this moment, the magical figure flashed and fell in front of Mo Wentian, watching Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"Is there a big breakthrough in illusion?"

"Magic sky, rest assured, this magic fruit emperor must win it!"

Listening to the magical fruit can make a great breakthrough in the magic of magical sky, Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of bright light rises.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart is even more steadfast. He must win this magical fruit!

"Master, there are still a few days before the fruit matures. I don't know if the master noticed that there were countless monsters around this palace!"

"In addition to the monsters, there are people from other worlds who are coming towards the Qitian Mountains!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, Li Yuan's eyes flashed a complex light, and she said in a deep voice.

"Countless monsters gather?"

"Anyone else in the world?"

There was even so much in Mou Tian's eyes.

He never thought about it. After all, Qi Tianjie had set a ban. He wanted to break his ban. If he didn't reach a certain level, he could not break it.

"Master, every time there is a high-level elixir born in the Qitian Mountains, there will be powerful men from all over the world coming to compete!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Li Yuan said respectfully.

"Whoever comes, this emperor must win it!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

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