Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1835: Redeem a promise

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Chapter 1835: Redeeming A Promise

At the moment in the hall, the breath of Mo Wentian has fallen to the extreme.

Had it not been for this steady stream of resentment, Mo Motian gathered together, and Mo Motian at this moment, I'm afraid it has already been sucked into the bones by the old man of ancient books.

"Booming ..."

The old man of ancient books is still absorbing the power of Mo Wentian.

At this moment, the breath of the old man of ancient books has grown a lot.

"Boss is absorbed by the old predecessors like this, will the old assembly be fine?"

Watching Mo Wentian's breath plummet, and he was replenished with that aura, Xiaoyan's eyes were a little worried and doubtful.

"The boss will be fine, we can rest assured!"

Xuantian looked at the figure in the hall, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

That being said, in fact, Xuantian's heart is also very worried.

After all, the power of Mo Wentian has been absorbed by the old man of ancient books, and the old man of ancient books is like a bottomless pit. How can Huantian not worry about the safety of Mo Wentian.

An hour passed.

"Buzz ..."

The old man of ancient books finally stopped absorbing the power of Mo Wentian.

Spit a sulky gas in his mouth, opened his eyes, and felt the change in his body's breath. The corner of the mouth of the old man could not help but raise a radian.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. The eyes of the old man of ancient books looked towards Mo Wentian. The moment he saw the figure of Mo Wentian, the old man's brows frowned.

"Boy, this is Hui Yuandan!"

"It can restore the strength in your body and stabilize your cultivation!"

When the old man of the ancient books moved his mind, an elixir appeared in his hands.

Immediately, with the waving of the old man's hand, the elixir fell directly in front of Mo Wentian.

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Looking at the elixir, Mo Wentian threw it into his mouth.

With the swallowing of the elixir, Mo Wentian's three faint stars, which were already extremely dim, started to light up at this moment.

"Boy, restore your strength!"

"After an hour, I help you!"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something. In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a complex light, a cold voice.

"Okay, seniors of ancient books!"

"Thank you!"

Listening to the words of the old man from the ancient books, Mo Wentian's eyes rose, and the words were filled with gratitude.


The old man of the ancient books didn't say much, but just quietly nodded.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, the old man of the ancient book flashed into Wentiange.

At this moment, among the halls that complained about Heaven Realm, there were only Mowen Tiantian Fox Xiaoyu and Huantian.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?"

At this moment, Tianhu's long-suppressed emotions could no longer be suppressed, and he flew towards Mo Wentian and flew directly into Mo Wentian's arms.

The crystal in that eye could not stop down at the moment.

"I'm fine!"

Looking at the appearance of Sky Fox, Mo Wentian felt only a little trembling in his heart, and reached out to catch Sky Fox.

Reaching out and stroking Tianhu's head gently, his eyes were full of love and compassion.

"Boss, I think we should avoid it first!"

"Don't forget what the predecessors of ancient books said, take a good rest!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"You ... you ..."

It ’s too late to say what Mo Wentian said, and the figures of a dragon and a monster have disappeared into the hall.

Suddenly, only Mo Wentian and Tianhu were left in the hall.

At this moment, Sky Fox also realized that he was in a state of disregard. On that pretty face, at the moment, he couldn't help being stained with a glow of red, which seemed to be extremely delicate.

"Sky Fox, the breath in my body must be restored!"

"There are more important things waiting for me!"

"You are here, protect me!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

Hearing that, Tianhu agreed without hesitation.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Mo Wentian quickly fell into cultivation.

The Sky Fox is on the side, vigilantly asking Mo Wen to protect the law.

"God Eater!"

Although Hui Yuandan, an old man of ancient books, was swallowed and his strength recovered, this was not enough.

He must use the god-killer method to restore all strength.

With the execution of Tianshenjue, countless resentments gathered again towards Mowentian.

The countless resentments turned into reiki when approaching Mowentian. Numerous reikis formed around Mowentian, forming a vortex of reiki, entering Mowentian's body.

At this moment, don't ask the strength in the sky, and slowly recover.

And at this moment, outside the hall.

"Master Xiaoyan and Lord Xuantian are out!"

"Master Xiaoyu, Lord Xuantian, is he all right?"

"The Lord of Lords just gathered all the resentments into the hall. Did the Lord of Lords cultivate their resentments?"

"It's impossible, the master is practicing Hao Ran righteousness!"

"Why can the Lord of that world gather resentment?"


Watching Xiaozhang and Xuantian, coming out of the hall, a figure greeted them quickly, could not help asking.

"We are not very clear about this!"

"I can only tell you that after an hour, the Lord of the World will surprise you!"

Xiaoyan groaned for a moment, seeming to think of something, a flash of light in his eyes, quickly said.

"Will the Lord surprise us?"

"Master Xiaoyou, do you know what surprises will be?"

At this moment, among the crowd, an enchanting figure stood out, and the voice was full of coquettish words.

"There are female disciples in this world of complaint?"

Looking at the figure that stood up, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

He didn't know that there was a female disciple in this resentment.

"Ahem ..."

"What surprises the old conference gave you, after an hour, you will know, why care about this half-time meeting!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's horrified look, the magic sky on the side, a quiet cough, said indifferently.

"That being the case, I'll wait for the surprise from the owner!"

Listening to Fantasy Sky's words, the look of the enchanting woman changed slightly, and her voice was not as pleasant as the original.

It seems that there is some dissatisfaction with Phantom's answer.

"Resentment, resentment!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. In the eyes of Xuantian, there was a cold, cold voice.

"Yes, Lord Mirage!"

"Yes, Lord Mirage!"

With the cry of Xuantian, two figures appeared in front of Xuantian in an instant.

Looking at Magic Sky, their faces were full of respect.

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