Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1836: The Crusade

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Chapter 1836: The Crusade of Northern Mo

"Both of you have gathered all the disciples who resent Heaven!"

"After an hour, the boss has something to tell you!"

"Remember, there are those five hundred people, let them gather outside the hall!"

Looking at resentment and resentment, Xuantian said coldly.

"Yes, Lord Mirage!"

"Yes, Lord Mirage!"

Listening to the words of Xuantian, Yu Ming and Yu You agreed quickly.

And just in the days of resentment, everything is in harmony.

Tianxianjie, the 200th place in the Great Hall of Heaven.

A figure fell to his knees with tears and snot.

Looking at the figure on which the Lord was sitting, the man's body was shaking.

"Aftershock days, speak well if you have something!"

The man sitting on the Lord flashed a cold, cold voice in his eyes.

"Yes, Master!"

After the cold voice came, Aftershock wiped the tears in his eyes and stood up.

"Master, there is a kid who killed Haoer in Tianminghai!"

"My Haoer, my only Haoer, was beheaded and killed by that boy, the boy's cultivation, but in the middle of the emperor!"

The next moment, Aftershock Tian knelt down again towards the old man sitting on the Lord, and said in tears.

That looks like how much he loves his father as a father.

At this moment, Aftershock Tian didn't even think about it, if it weren't for his departure, Yu Hao would not have been.

Simply put, Yu Hao's death can't be separated from his departure.

"what did you say?"

"Hao Er was beheaded by a warrior who was repaired to be only the middle emperor?"

Listening to Yu Zhentian's remarks, the man sitting on the Lord could not help but stand up, his anger was soaring, even his voice increased a lot at this moment.

The man who stood up was not someone else. It was Master Yu Zhentian who was also the master of the heavenly kingdom.

This person's cultivation has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master tens of thousands of years ago.

With the practice of aftershocks now, at this moment, it is impossible to detect the practice of leaning on heaven to rely on heaven.

Yu Hao's cultivation is known to Yitianlai. After all, Yu Hao's cultivation can break through the peak of Tianzun, and he can provide a lot of resources.

Although his disciples were not only one of Aftershock Tian, ​​the relationship between Aftershock Tian and him was not just the relationship between master and apprentice.

The relationship between Yu Hao and him is not an apprentice grandson, in fact, Yu Hao is this grandson who relies on heaven.

Yu Hao is the only son of Yu Zhentian and the only grandson of Yitianlai.

For Yu Hao, Yitian has always been spoiled, even compared to the aftershock in front of him.

Yu Hao was beheaded, which made his heart not angry.

"Master, Haoer was beheaded!"

"In the sky!"

Looking at Yitian, Yu Zhentian said again.

At this moment, Yu Zhentian's hands clenched into fists, and the killing in his eyes rose.

"Can you find out who this person is?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Yitian looked at Yu Zhentian and asked coldly.

"Master Hui, I have asked all the disciples in my circle to look for the whereabouts of this person, but after a few days, there is still no news at all!"

"I originally wanted to solve it by myself, but I haven't heard anything for so long ..."

Listening to Yi Tian's words, Yu Zhentian's eyes flashed a faint light, suppressing the voice.


"This has happened for several days?"

"Haor has been beheaded for several days. You came to tell me now?"

It was okay for Yu Zhentian not to say this. After the words from Yu Zhentian, Yitian became increasingly angry.

The immense coercion of courage spread out from him and shrouded in the direction of aftershocks.

"Huh ..."

That coercion was so terrible that even the perfect aftershock of Tianzun couldn't stop it.

A bite of blood sprayed out of Aftershock's mouth.

Only coercion had already wounded Aftershock Tian.

Relying on the sky in front of you, the cultivation is not the same as before.

"Master, it's my fault!"

"I didn't want to disturb Master, so I didn't come to tell Master!"

The next moment, Aftershock Tian sorted his emotions a little, and said quickly.

It was only aftershocks at this moment that he couldn't even raise his eyes, and his voice was quite low.


Yitianjie looked at Yu Zhentian and said with a drink.

"Master, I know it's wrong!"

"It just needs your help, Master!"

Aftershock looked at Yitian with a respectful look.

"Need my help?"

"Then you told the emperor what happened that day!"

Glancing at the aftershock coldly, Yitian said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

"I felt that Hao Er was in danger in Tian Ming Hai that day, and I went to Tian Ming Hai to save Hao Er!"

"When I arrived, Haoer couldn't fight the kid, and I was going to kill the kid!"

"With my strength, the kid wasn't my opponent at all, but at this time, someone appeared!"

In Yu Zhentian's eyes, a flash of memories rose.

Recalling the events of that day, Yu Zhentian's fists clenched tightly, his nails were stuck in the flesh, and even the slightest blood leaked out without feeling pain.

"A man appeared?"


Yi Tianlai narrowed his eyes and asked coldly.

"Mo Qingqing, the emperor of the North Mo heaven!"

When Yu Zhentian talked about Mo Qingqing, a terrible killing in his eyes rose instantly.

If it weren't for Mo Qingqing, who would ask Tian where would be his opponent, how could Yu Hao die!

Today is not the scene, but Mo Wentian was beheaded by him, and Yu Hao was fine.

It was because of Mo Qingqing that he fled and Yu Hao was beheaded.

"Mo Qingqing?"

"It turned out to be Mo Qingqing, the Mo family!"

Listening to the name Mo Qingqing, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a very vicious eyes.

"Master, this Mo Qingqing is really arrogant. If she hadn't blocked it, the kid would have been beheaded by me!"

"Hor, he won't die!"

Aftershock looked at Yitian and said again.

"Mo Qingqing, actually shot it and stopped it!"

"This Bei Mo Tian Jie has already lived after 500 people. She dare to offend you. I don't think this Bei Mo Tian Jie wants to exist!"

The chilling voice sounded, and the breath on Yitian's body quickly skyrocketed.

For Bei Mo Tianjie, Yitianlai has nothing to say.

The strength of Bei Mo Tianjie couldn't even match his reliance on Tianjie, and he naturally didn't take it seriously.

What's more, the relationship between the northern and southern celestial spheres, if he took the initiative to resolve this northern celestial sphere, he could also get closer to the southern celestial sphere.

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