Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1838: Haoran righteousness!

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Chapter 1838 Hao Ran Righteousness!

The next moment, Mo Wentian and Tianhu appeared again outside the hall where they resented heaven.

Outside the hall at this moment, all the disciples who complained about heaven were gathered outside the hall, as well as the five hundred disciples.

Watching Mo Wutian and Tianhu come out, one after another, kneeling down towards Mo Wentian, and even the five hundred people bowed down towards Mo Wutian.

"It's the Lord Lord coming out, meet the Lord Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"

"The breath on the Lord of the World seems to be stronger than before!"

"Is the Lord Lord practicing in the hall just now?"


Watching Mo Wentian come out, all of them hurriedly discussed.

At the same time, their faces were full of respect.

At this moment, Mo Wutian was already an admirable existence in their hearts. Even if Mo Wutian let them take the elixir that injected the power of the soul, ninety-nine percent of these disciples had completely surrendered.

"The lord of the world, the disciples who blame Tianjie, have all gathered here!"

Just then, Yu You stood out, looking at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Boss, this disciple in the heavens is here, are you going to start?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, a deep voice said.

"Xiao Xun, Magic Sky, Sky Fox, you all protect the law for me and the predecessors of ancient books!"

"While I am resentful in this resentful world, don't let anyone else approach!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the magical sky and the sky fox, with a very serious look.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"


The three agreed without hesitation.

"The Emperor summoned you to come and have something to tell you!"

"Originally, the emperor wanted to implement it directly, but think about it, after all, it matters to you. Since you have surrendered the emperor, that is the person of the emperor. This matter should be told to you!

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Master, what's the matter, you just order it!"

Mo Wentian said this, and resentment stood out, looking respectfully.

"Yeah, Lord, if you have something to tell you directly!"

"Master, we all listen to you!"

"As long as the Lord feels good, we all feel good!"

"We follow the Lord, everything is listening to the Lord!"

"Yes, everything is listened to by the Lord, as long as the Lord feels right, we do it!"


It's okay to resent Mingming's remarks. Once resentful remarks, one figure after another, quickly said.

Their eyes were full of firmness.

That look, as if at this moment, they all identified Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian's decision is that their decision is ordinary.


"You are all fine, but this matter, Bendi still wants to tell you!"

"You practice resentment. This practice resentment grows fast, but this resentment has its drawbacks!"

"You must cultivate your grievances, and you have a better understanding than the Emperor!"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless respectful figures in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

The next moment, it seemed that I remembered something, and asked Mo Tian's look, very serious.

"Master, you are right!"

"We who practice resentment martial arts are indeed ascending faster than other warriors in terms of cultivation!"

"But every time we cultivate for ascension, we have to suffer many times more pain than those who practice other martial arts!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, everyone was silent.

Suddenly, the entire hall of resentment to heaven was quiet.

After groaning for a long time, Yu Ming stood out.

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of resentment, there was a touch of complicated light, and she said in a deep voice.

"Presumably the emperor cultivated in the hall, and the atmosphere in the hall has changed, and you have all felt it!"

"The Emperor can turn resentment into aura!"

"You may be willing to abandon your grievances, and your cultivation is righteous!"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless figures and said with a cold face.

"Abandon resentment, practice Hao Ran righteousness?"

"Does the Lord really say this?" But we have always cultivated resentment, and our physiques are already suitable for resentment, how can we cultivate Hao Ran? "

"Yeah, and this is righteous, where are we going to cultivate, this righteousness, it doesn't exist at all!"

"The Lord is really for our good, but this is simply impossible!"

"I have heard a rumor, it is recorded in an ancient book. This breath is actually like a formation. As long as you master the method of changing the breath, the grievance can be transformed into a mighty righteousness!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, the whole world of resentment exploded.

Every figure looked at Mo Wutian at the moment.

"There are records in ancient books!"

"This breath can really change!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, and he stood proudly in the void and said coldly.

"Can it really change the breath?"

"The Lord of the Realm wants to change the breath of heaven for us?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Yu Ming stepped up again, looking at Mo Wentian, it was difficult to hide the magnificent words in his eyes.


"The Emperor just wants to change this breath!"

"Since you are already disciples of this emperor's enemies, naturally you can no longer cultivate this resentment!"

"The Emperor is not completely confident that he can change this breath. Would you like to change this breath?"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang and asked coldly.

"Master, we said that we all listen to the master, as long as the master feels good, we all listen to the master!"

"Everything is listened to by the owner!"

"The Lord of Jie is for our good. The Lord of Jie was in the hall just now, presumably also in preparation for us to change our breath. I have no reason to disagree!"

"The lord of the world is thinking for us. We are the lord of the world, and the lord of the world is the master!"

"The master of the world must be able to do this. We have cultivated enough for this resentment. It is good to be able to change nature!"


When Mo Wentian said this, countless disciples started talking.

There was no objection among them.

Cultivation of resentment, although the improvement of cultivation, is much faster than the training of other martial arts.

But this promotion is about to bear, and it is more than several times stronger than other warriors.

In retrospect at the moment, their bodies could not help shaking slightly.

Do n’t ask Tianneng to have the strength to change this atmosphere, and they are naturally willing.

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