Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1839: Renamed Devourer

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Chapter 1839: Renamed Assassination

"Since you are all willing, then the emperor has begun!"

Listening to the sound of the discussion, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Resentment, resentment!"

"Come on, the disciples are all caught up in cultivation, this emperor is not just going to change the breath of resentment of heaven for you!"

"Your Emperor will also change your physique!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, master!"

Resentment and resentment, without any hesitation, quickly agreed.

Immediately, resentment and resentment were quickly ordered.

Immediately, countless figures were caught in cultivation.

It is just that there are five hundred figures in this crowd, and they have not yet fallen into cultivation. Their eyes are looking at Mo Wutian at this moment, as if they are waiting for Mo Wutian's order.

"Boss, these people are not in cultivation yet!"

And at this moment, Xiao Yan's figure flashed, not far from Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng said.

"They weren't the ones who resented heaven, nor were they the ones who cultivated resentment!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian looked towards the crowd.

Looking at the five hundred figures, they are not the people in this world of resentment at all.

"You all back to the gate!"

"Keep the gate for Bendi, don't let anyone in!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at these five hundred people and said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


When Mo Wentian said this, the five hundred people didn't hesitate and agreed quickly.

Immediately, their figure flickered and went directly towards the gate.

"Boss, the efficiency of these people is still good!"

Seeing five hundred people had disappeared with a flash of glance, Xiaoxiong took a moment's glance, returned to God, and said with a stern expression on his face.

"work efficiency?"

"These 500 people are not easy!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a complex light in his eyes.

Although the practice of these five hundred people is not very strong, Mo Wentian always has a hunch, these five hundred people are not easy!

"Isn't this five hundred people easy?"

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaoxi's heart became more and more confused.

I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but when I reached the mouth, I swallowed it.

"Old Books Seniors!"

"let us start!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo asked Tian coldly.

With Mo Wentian's remarks, the figure of the old man of ancient books appeared in the void instantly.

"Boy, do you remember Yin Jue?"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian and asked coldly.

"All remember!"

Mo Wentian's face was full of firmness.


"let's start!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a touch of light.

Immediately, the old man of the ancient book flashed, and his hands quickly made countless seals towards the void.

Seeing this, Mo Wentian was not willing to be outdone, and quickly made countless seals towards the void.

With the innumerable seals coming out, the breath of resentment against heaven quickly changed.

And just at the moment when the resentment changed, the countless disciples of resentment in heaven who practiced cultivation frowned.

On the forehead, drops of sweat were seeping out, and it looked like they were suffering at the moment.

"Ancient books, these disciples, what do they seem to be bearing. Will we hurt them by changing our breath?"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless disciples, and a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes, he couldn't help asking.

"What seems to be suffering?"

"Boy, don't worry, they won't have anything to do. Their physical fitness, since they can cultivate resentment, and cultivate arrogant righteousness, will only make them do more with less."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the corner of the mouth of the old man of the ancient books turned up a radian.

"So it is!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian was relieved.

Do not ask God to change the breath and change the cultivation of these disciples, it is for their good. If this hurts them, it is counterproductive.

"Bang bang ..."

The next moment, the old man of the ancient books and Mo Wentian, again toward the void, made countless seals.

"Buzz ..."

With the innumerable seals coming out, the innumerable breath has changed.

The terrible resentment slowly dissipated, replaced by a mighty righteousness.

With the emergence of Hao Ran's righteousness, the countless frowning disciples, their brows have stretched out, and the breath on them has grown rapidly at this moment.


"This breath has really changed!"

And at this moment, Xiao Xiao, not far away, felt the change of breath and said with a happy face.

"The breath has changed, which has improved a lot for our strength to eat the gods!"

Compared to Xiaoyan, Xuantian is calmer, but the corner of his mouth also rises.

An hour of time passed quickly.

"Resentment has all turned into Hao Ran's righteousness!"

Mo Wentian opened his eyes and felt the breath of the whole body. The corner of his mouth was slightly grinned, and a radian path was raised.

"Since it's all turned into awe-inspiring righteousness, I promised you, too!"

"I should rest!"

Just then, the voice of the old man from the ancient books came.

After that, the figure of the old man of ancient books has disappeared into the void.

When it reappeared, the figure of the old man of ancient books had already appeared in Wentiange.

At this moment, the old man's breath has dropped a lot compared with before, and the old man's look seems to be a little tired.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the old man of ancient books flashed into the ancient books and fell asleep.

"Thank you, seniors of ancient books!"

The breath of the old man of ancient books can be sensed naturally.

Feeling that the breath of the old man of ancient books has dropped a lot, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light of eyes, the secret way in his heart.

Although the old man of the ancient books said that it was light and windy, but I asked Tiantian that it was clear that the old man of the ancient books was too expensive and needed rest.

For the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian was very grateful.

"Boss, it's really changed. This resentment is no longer covered by resentment!"

"Now this resentment of heaven shouldn't be called resentment of heaven, should it be called Haoran Zhengqijie!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, unable to help.

"Bite the heavens!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, and said lightly.

"Yes, it should be called Devouring Heaven!"

"The disciples who have complained against the heavens have already surrendered to us to eat the heavenly world, naturally they should be called the heavenly world!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan seemed to understand something, a bright light rose in his eyes, and his face was full of joy.

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