Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1953: Strength is the last word

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Chapter 1953 Strength Is The Last Word

"not good!"

"Boss, they found out that we are not Litianjie and Bingtianjie!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

At this moment, Xiaoxi's heart was a little flustered.

"We weren't originally Litianjie and Bingtianjie!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's remarks, Mo Wentian stood up instantly, and there was a radian in the corner of his mouth.

"What? You're not Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie?"

"The breath on them is not Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie. Where do they come from?"

"Are they watching our marriage between Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie, and being happy from the world of others?"

"None of these people seem to come to be happy!"

"Who the **** are they? This has to be figured out!"


They looked at each other and looked at Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi and others.

With the sound of this discussion, countless people's eyes were looking towards Mo Wentian and others.

Finally, even the man who sat on the Lord stood up.

Step out and walk towards Mo Wentian.

"Which world are you from?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, a flash of cold mans flashed in the eyes of the man, and there was a bit of impoliteness in his voice.

"Bite the heavens!"

A few words were spoken out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's expression was even more indifferent, the slightest emotion could not be seen.

"Bite of heaven?"

"Why haven't I heard that there is a world of Devouring Heaven in the Celestial Realm?"

On hearing that, the man's brows frowned slightly, and doubts rose in his eyes.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. If you have heard of it, where will the Emperor be with you!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Boy, what do you mean by that?"

"What world is this Devouring World?"

"You came to my ice heaven, don't make things clear, you don't want to leave my ice heaven!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the man's expression was gloomy.

At the same time, the breath on the man's body quickly rose.

"What world of Devouring Heaven world you will soon know!"

"Because from today, there will be no power heaven world and ice heaven world, you all belong to my heavenly **** world!"

Mo Wentian looked at the man, and said arrogantly.

Mo Wentian's body was cold and arrogant, as if he were the supreme king. A king-like coercion spread from Mo Wentian's body.

"From today on, both Li Tianjie and Bingtianjie belong to his Heaven Devouring World?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, you are really dreaming. Do you weigh your weight before you speak!"

"Your cultivation, but the emperor's consummation, the ants of the emperor's consummation, are also trying to conquer my ice heaven and power heaven?"

It was okay not to say this to Mo Wentian, and when the words came out of Mo Wentian, the man laughed wildly.

That looks like a funny joke.

As for Mo Wentian, he didn't even look at it.

After all, Mo Wentian ’s cultivation is complete, but the emperor is complete, but his cultivation is to reach the perfection of heaven.

"Hahahaha ..."

"This kid is really arrogant, even dare to say this in my ice world!"

"Just relying on his cultivation, I can punch with a punch, and even arrogantly said that he would conquer our ice and realm, I really don't know where he came from!"

"I think this kid is dead and disturbed the good interest of our masters!"

"Why do I feel this kid is not easy?"


As the man laughed wildly, countless disciples of Bingtianjie and Litianjie laughed wildly.

They looked at Mo Wentian as if they were looking at funny jokes.

In their hearts, they only regarded Mo Wentian's words as a joke.

As for Mo Wentian saying that they would conquer their Bingtianjie and Litianjie, they did not believe it at all.

"Is it crazy?"

"is it?"

"Old miscellaneous, if this Emperor guessed correctly today, it should be a good day for your daughter?"

"I don't want to make you bad!"

Mo Wentian looked at the man with a slight grin on the corner of his mouth, and raised a radian path.

"Boss, what nonsense with them, do it without surrendering!"

And at this moment, a little tadpole not far away, there was a faint light in his eyes, a deep voice.

Originally Xiao Xiao hadn't caught everyone's attention. At the moment, Xiao Xiao's figure flashed, and in the arrogant void, everyone's eyes could not help looking at Xiao Xiao.

"Tianzun's consummation? This monster has reached Tianzun's consummation?"

"This monster looks like a dragon, and he seems to have horns on his head!"

"The cultivation of this monster has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master, and then he began to grow horns. How do I feel this monster is not easy!"

"No wonder this kid dares to be so arrogant, it turns out that this kid is behind him, and this monster is there!"

"The cultivation of this monster has reached the level of perfection of the Supreme Master, and he is almost the same as our master. This boy's arrogance is also a bit of strength!"


When they saw Xiao Xi's cultivation, countless warriors began to discuss.

In their eyes, a touch of astonishment rose.

At this moment, they did not underestimate Mo Wentian, their eyes fell on Xiaoyao's body at this moment.

Unable to say why, looking at Xiaozhang, their hearts raised a touch of awe, and their bodies could not help but take a few steps back.

"Boy, I didn't expect that there are still such monsters around you!"

Suddenly, the man approached Mo Wentian, his eyes looked at Xiao Yan, and there was a complex light in his eyes.

"I don't want to disturb your Yaxing!"

"Give you a chance to surrender to the Emperor!"

"The Emperor not only made you a marriage between Litianjie and Bingtianjie, but also made this marriage bigger!"

Mo Wentian looked at the man with a cold face.

Mo Wentian didn't have any bad feelings about Litianjie and Bingtianjie, but he wanted to conquer Litianjie and Bingtianjie and become his world.

He didn't want to kill the people in Litianjie and Bingtianjie. If these people knew each other, he would really say what he said and give them a grander event.

Not only that, as the leader of their realm, he would naturally give a heavy gift.

"Submit? Am I right? This kid actually made us obey both Heaven and Ice Heaven?"

"This kid is so arrogant. How can we force Tianjie and Bingtianjie to resist the emperor's successful ants!"

"If you want to conquer the world of Litianjie and Bingtianjie, at least you must surpass our strength!"

"Yes, strength is the last word!"

"In the world of force, we always respect strength. If he can defeat our Lord, we will not be able to surrender!"


With Mo Wentian's words, countless disciples of Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie talked.

At this moment, the breath of each of them exploded rapidly.

"Boss, will they surrender?"

Looking at this scene, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a faint light.

"Will you surrender?"

"They will surely submit!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Boy, the people in Litianjie always talk with strength!"

"Don't you say that you want to subdue our Litianjie and Bingtianjie?"

"I will come and fight with you. If you can defeat me, how will I surrender to you?"

At this moment, a huge figure stood out.

Looking at Mo Wentian, this man was like a rainbow.

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