Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1954: Nowhere to run

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Chapter 1954: Nowhere To Run

The figure standing out is the master of the power heaven world.

The master of the celestial realm has cultivated the perfect state of heaven.

At this moment, the breath of this person soared rapidly.

An immense amount of gravity is invading towards Mo Wentian.

"Boss, the gravity of this man's outburst is terrible!"

Feeling the gravitational force, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light, deep voice.

"Fear not!"

A faint voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's expression was full of confidence.

"Boss ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's self-confident look, Xiaoyan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Boy, how dare you fight me?"

At this moment, looking at Mo Wentian, the lord of Li Tianjie, looked down with contempt.

Mo Wentian didn't stand up. From the perspective of the leader of Li Tianjie, Mo Wentian was afraid.

They thought that Mo Wentian was afraid of them and didn't even have the courage to stand up to fight.

In particular, the masters of the Force Heaven Realm did not look at Mo Wentian in the slightest.

"This kid didn't even dare to stand up. I saw this kid watching Li Tianjiejie Xiuwei, he was already afraid!"

"Yes, the master of the heavenly realm, Xiu Wei, has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master. This kid ’s Xiu Wei is the emperor ’s perfection. There is a big difference in his practice. strange!"

"This kid's mood is already pretty good. If he's in a worse mood, I'm afraid he's scared at this moment!"

"I don't dare to come out to fight this boy!"

"Whether this boy is facing today or not, he is dead today!"


Looking at Mo Wentian, before he stood up, the numerous disciples of Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie talked.

At this moment, they did not look at Mo Wentian at all.

They subconsciously determined that if this battle was not answered, the death must be no doubt.

As for the master of the power heaven world, it must be the final winner.

But what they don't know is that Mo Wentian's strength has never been measured by cultivation.

"How dare to fight you?"

"Why not dare?"

Mo Wentian stepped out one step, looking at the lord of Li Tianjie, said no question.

The master of the celestial realm, Xiu Wei, although he has reached the perfection of heaven and is still a martial art cultivator of gravity, but Mo Wentian is not afraid.

His physique, the sixth-level Kowloon holy body of the immortal body, has reached its peak, and it is not difficult to resist gravity.

The most powerful force in the heavenly realm is the suppression of this gravity. If the heavens can resist the gravity, or even ignore it, it is not difficult for him to win the heavenly realm.

"Boy, so brave!"

"Hope you have the same strength as your guts!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the master of Li Tianjie slightly hesitated, turning back to God, couldn't help but say a thumbs up towards Mo Wentian.

Looking at the figure in front of him, the Lord of the Realm of Realm raised a touch of admiration in his heart.

For no reason, Mo Wentian was in the state of perfection, but in Mo Wentian's body, he felt the coercion of a king.

The coercion made his heart tremble.

"This kid is nothing more than an emperor's successful warrior!"

Taking a deep breath, the Lord of the Realms of Heaven, said secretly in his heart.

"If you want to fight, fight!"

"There is so much more to do!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian's figure flashed, standing proudly in the void.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"This kid is so arrogant that he really meets it!"

"I really don't know where the courage came from, but dare to take the battle of the Lord of Heaven!"

"The master ’s cultivation of the Celestial Realm is that once he reaches the perfection of the Celestial Supreme, he can kill the strongest of the Celestial Perfection at the peak of the Celestial Supreme. Now his cultivation has reached the perfection of the Celestial Supreme. I'm afraid his strength has surpassed Tianzun! "

"The emperor's successful ants are also trying to fight against the successful strong man. This is simply trying to die!"

"Today is a good day for Litianjie and Bingtianjie. The masters of Litianjie have always been kind. The kid today will probably give him a lesson and will not kill him!"


Looking at the arrogant Mo Wutian, countless disciples of the power heaven world and the ice heaven world talked.

However, at this moment they are not optimistic about Mo Wentian. In their view, Mo Wentian cannot defeat the master of the power heaven world.

"Boy, this is what you want to fight!"

"If I abandon you, don't blame me!"

The chilling voice sounded, in the eyes of the Master of the Realm of Heaven, indifference.

"Booming ..."

The next moment, the lord of the power heaven world, without the slightest hesitation, terrible gravity, shrouded toward Mo Wentian.

"Blade of Heaven!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian coldly sang, and a divine sword appeared in his hands.

Above the Devouring Heavens Sword, Dao Dao Sword is extremely wanton.

"A broken sword, also want to block my gravity?"


Looking at Mo Wentian just took out the Devouring Sword, which looked bland on the surface, and the Master of the Realm of Heaven could not help sneering.

"Is this kid crazy? Why did he come up with such a broken sword and fight against our lord?"

"I'm afraid this broken sword is not even an imperial artifact. He wants to block the gravity of our master, stupid!"

"I think this boy is a poor donkey!"

"The guy who doesn't control himself has threatened to conquer both Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie. This kid has to pay today!"

"But don't say, this boy's courage is still commendable, at least he is a successful warrior of the emperor, dare to fight against the strongest of the heavenly respect!


Countless disciples laughed at the words of Li Tianjiejie.

But they couldn't tell why, looking at the figure in the void, their hearts couldn't help raising a touch of admiration.

"Strike hard!"

And at this moment, the Lord of the Celestial Realm gave a cold drink.

In the void, the innumerable gravity gathered into a huge fist, and the power on that fist rolled.

"Booming ..."

The fist went directly towards Mo Wentian.

That terrible power seemed to smash Mo Wentian into a smash.

"Boss ..."

"Boss ..."

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian have a look of worry in their eyes.

"No problem!"

"This strength, don't even try to hurt me!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin to his mouth, but he even raised a radian.

Looking at Mo Wentian's indifferent look, Xiaoyu and Xuantian, then he felt relieved.

"Shadow clone!"

"Ten Sword of the Sky: Breaking the Realm!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, a cold drink sounded.

Mo Wentian's figure flashed, and in the void, a hundred Mo Wutian's figures appeared in an instant. Each of these figures, no matter the appearance or the breath on his body, was exactly the same.

At this moment, even the Sky Fox who has close contact with Mo Wentian cannot tell which one is Mo Wentian's true body.

At this moment, each Mo Wentian was holding a Devouring Sword in his hands, and the Devouring Sword trembled slightly, as if he was about to shoot at the next moment.

"Crooked way!"

Looking at the hundred Mo Wentian figures appearing in the void, the master of the power heaven world flashed a faint light in his eyes, and his face was cold.

Li Tianjiejie said with ease, but in fact, at this moment, his heart has risen.

"Boy, you have nowhere to run without me!"

The chilling voice sounded, and the master of Li Tianjiejie blasted towards Mo Wentian.

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