Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1975: Too Elder's Wrath

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Chapter 1975: The Elder's Wrath

"Old miscellaneous, you are good!"

"Let me leave with a few elders. You took my place. It seems that I believe you too!"

Yitianlai clenched his fists and felt that his nails were stuck in the flesh.

"Master, this elder elder takes your place. What are you going to do?"

Looking at Yitian, in the eyes of the second elder, a trace of doubt rose.


A killing word is extremely cold.

All the terrible breath came out of Yitian.

"The Lord ..."

Listening to Yitian's remarks, the elders' eyes flashed a complex light.

Opening his mouth, Ben still wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.


"Go to heaven!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Yitian came directly to Yitian without any hesitation.

And when leaning towards heaven, leaning towards heaven at this moment.

In the hall, there was a figure sitting on the seat of the Lord. The breath on him was extremely violent.

This figure, not others, is the New Territories Lord who relies on heaven.


"This man who relied on heaven to kill the man who relied on heaven left him!"

"Don't let me see him again, let me meet him again, I will kill him!"

The chilling voice sounded, and in the eyes of the elder too much, the killing was boundless.

He got the news from his disciples and followed him, but he didn't even see the shadow of Yi Tianlai.

He wanted to slay Yitian to kill him, so that he, the New Territories Lord who relied on heaven, could sit firmly, but he did not expect that he could not even see him.

As long as he will be slaughtered by relying on heaven, his lordship of relying on heaven will be settled, otherwise his heart will not be stable.

"Oblique the Lord, the big thing is not good!"

"The big deal is bad, Master!"

At this moment, a figure appeared in the hall with great confusion.

"What happened to make you so panic?"

In the eyes of the elder Tai Shang, there was a flash of coldness, and the voice was full of cold words.

"Oblique Lord, I was just following your order and went to the treasure house to get some resources to distribute to the disciples!"

"But I found nothing in the treasure house!"

The head of the heavenly kingdom who came to report, looked at the elder Tai, and said with a stern expression.

At this moment, in his eyes, he was still a little unbelievable.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it, and he would have emptied the treasure house of heaven.

At this moment, he seemed to be a little afraid, and his body was shaking.

"Nothing in the treasure house?"

"how can that be?"

"Yesterday, the Lord of the Realm went to check it out myself. I rely on the cultivation resources in the heavens, and if I distribute them to the disciples, I can maintain them for at least several years!"

"How is it possible that nothing is gone!"

Listening to the general manager's words, the eyes of the elder Tai Shang were unbelievable, and his body stood up from the Lord's seat.

When he became the master of the New Territories that relied on heaven, he went to the treasure house to investigate it. Not only that, he also classified the cultivation resources in the treasure house.

Only one day has passed, how could the cultivation resources in this treasure trove be completely gone.

How could he believe in his heart?

"Master, it's true, there's really nothing left!"

The voice of the manager was extremely deep.

"But you checked it out, really nothing?"

The voice of the general manager came again, and the elder Tai Shang returned from the shock, and his expression was instantly solemn and extremely loud.

"Return to the Lord of the Realm, I really found out, there is really nothing!"

The look of the general manager was extremely bleak.

"Did anyone enter the treasure house during this time?"

"How could the cultivation resources in this treasure house be missing?"

Looking at the director, the elder Tai Shang's eyes flashed a complex light, and his face was cold.

"Jie ... Jie Zhu ..."

"I have searched, and the disciples who guarded the treasure house said that no one has visited it except this time, except you have been to the treasure house!"

The general manager looked at the elder, and there was a complex light in his eyes, his voice was much lowered.

That looks like he doesn't believe in the elders in front of him.

In fact, before he came to report to the elders, the director had already explored the things in the treasure house.

The disciples who guarded the treasure house, but truthfully explained. Since the elder Taishang became the new master, after checking the cultivation resources in the treasures, only the elders had entered the treasures once.

But what he didn't know was that the elder who entered the treasure house was not the elder from the hall, but the elder from the heavens.

"No one has been there, except I have been to the treasure house once?"

"When have I been to the Treasury, and since I checked it once, I have never been to the Treasury!"

Listening to the general manager's remarks, the elder's heart was puzzled.

Since he became the New Territories Lord of the Heavenly Realm, he has never visited the treasure house of the Heavenly Realm except for the practice resources that he once counted.

The disciple who guarded the treasure house of heaven, even said that he had been to the treasure house of heaven, which made the Supreme Elder's heart unsure.

He simply jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it!

"Jie ... Jie Lord, but many disciples say that you have been to the treasure house!"

"Not only that, they also saw you out of the gate!"

The manager looked at the elder too, with doubts on his face.

He asked more than one disciple of Yitianjie. He asked dozens of them. The disciples said that he saw him enter the treasure house of Yitianjie.

Some disciples also saw him go out of the treasure house, and left through the gate that relied on heaven.

At this moment, the head of the heavenly kingdom didn't know who to believe.

"See me out of the gate?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and the elder's brow froze tightly.

Regarding the words of the manager, he was not skeptical, but in his heart, at this moment it was a bad feeling.

He relied on the treasure trove of heaven, but he never went there, but many disciples said that he had been there, and there must be something wrong with it.

What's more, all the cultivation resources in this treasure house are now gone, and everyone sees him coming out of the treasure house. Regarding the disappearance of the cultivation resources in this treasure house, he can't get rid of the relationship.

"Hurry up and let those disciples who have seen the Lord of the Realms go out, especially those who guard the treasure house!"

"The Lord has something to ask them!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, in the eyes of the elder Tai Shang, there was a faint light, cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

The general manager didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

The elder Tai Shang still has some fame in relying on heaven. Although the manager has some doubts about the elder Tai Shang, he did not hesitate to do as the elder Tai Shang said.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, the director flashed and disappeared into the hall.

With the disappearance of the general manager, only one elder was left in the hall.

The breath on the elder is too violent.

His fist clenched even more at this moment.

"Whoever you are?"

"Impersonating the lord of the realm to enter into the treasure trove of my heavenly realm, taking away my cultivation resources of the heavenly realm, and letting the lord of this world suffer this injustice, the lord of the realm must kill you!"

The chilling voice sounded, the breath on the elder was too terrible.

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